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8C reading

Task 2


a. 2
b. 3
c. 5
d. 1
e. 4


Positive aspects: developing higher levels of technological developments, all technologies

reduces costs and improve choices for consumers, copyright of patents.

Negative aspects: creating market dominance, not being for the good of society, make more
profit for itself, spending more and more on investment, large monopoly enterprises, creation of
monopoly positions, capitalism would be destructive- old companies, products and processes
would be declined and replaced by new ones, barrier to entry into an industry, abusing of
monopoly powers, protect its position through aggressive marketing.


Advantages of nanotechnologies: providing renewable energy, supplying clean water globally,

improving health and helping people live longer, healing and preserving the environment,
making information technology available to all, enabling space development, production of
light, reducing energy.

Disadvantages: not known exactly its complete results in human’s body.

Task 3

1. Do not state whose views are being expressed: 1, 4, 5.


Passive and active forms helped me understanding these sentences

Because authors keep the focus on an object, action, idea, it s objective without any personal

Task 4


1. Have protected
2. Have been accused
3. Benefits to society
4. Have been spent
5. Marxists argued that
6. All businesses were constantly forced


Because, they want to keep the focus on the object, action or idea and they want to be objective
and don’t express their own ideas

Task 5

Five references to external sources : www., www.,, Karl Marx, Joseph Schumpter.


www., www., a

Karl Marx, Joseph Schumpter- b


B, c


They use Schumpter to support Marx’s srance

5. Marx and Schumpter clarify, that capitalism will be dominant by monopoly companies and

Task 6


Some would argue that competition is largely for the good of the consumer-topic sentence

Competition can both drive down prices and increase choices-explanation

According to Marx and Schumpter (cited in Westerly and Otter, 2011).- reference to a source

However competition is actually likely to lead to a decrease in choice as one firm comes to
dominate the market- paraphrase of the information in the source

So in the long term competition may neither drive down prices nor increase the product range,
but in actual fact have the opposite effect-evaluation


1 paragraph
Even a company with a monopoly faces the risk of competition from potential competitors,

this means that all businesses are constantly forced to spend more and more on investment and
yet face falling profits.

Marx argued that strongest would survive and capitalism would become dominated.

Companies will be dominated by its monopoly of enterprises.

So it may be an answer of the success of capitalism and its strategy in competition.

2 paragraph

Companies aims for monopoly, or at least a controlling position, in order to protect themselves
from competition

They would face the prospect of another businesses developing alternative which enabled them
to provide new products or cut costs.

Developing new products can involve very expensive research and development (Joseph

One way of doing this is to protect themselves through intellectual property in forms of
copyright or patents

If dominant market position can be established then it can be very difficult for new entrants.


According to Wetherly and Otter 2011, even dominant market needs to protect themselves from
potential risks

As wetherly and Otter point out, companies use their preference in products for competition

Wetherly and Otter state that dominant companies need to protect their products by harsh

Paragraph 1 concluding sentence: to sum up companies use their complete effort to be domint
on free market and defeat another businesses

Paragraph 2: at last powerful businesses try very hard to maintain their dominant position by
their competing strategies.


Paragraph 1

Even a company with a monopoly faces the risk of competition from potential competitors,

this means that all businesses are constantly forced to spend more and more on investment and
yet face falling profits. Marx argued that strongest would survive and capitalism would become
dominated. Companies will be dominated by its monopoly of enterprises. So it may be an
answer of the success of capitalism and its strategy in competition.

2 paragraph

Companies aims for monopoly, or at least a controlling position, in order to protect themselves
from competition. That means that They would face the prospect of another businesses
developing alternative which enabled them to provide new products or cut costs.

Developing new products can involve very expensive research and development (Wetherly and
Otter 2011). One way of doing this is to protect themselves through intellectual property in
forms of copyright or patents

If dominant market position can be established then it can be very difficult for new entrants.
Unit 8E cohesive language pp.118

Task 1


Time sequencing: firstly, in general

Comparison: similarly

Contrast: however, although

Additional info: also, likewise, furthermore,

Examples: specially

Cause and effect:, as a result

Concluding ideas: in conclusion, lastly, thus


1. Similarly
2. Has thus
3. So
4. Therefore
5. Although
6. Firstly
7. In conclusion

Task 2


1. Firstly, secondly
2. As a result, for example
3. Furthermore
4. thus
Oxford Grammar for EAP-Passive Voice


1. a new device was launched

2. most of the sp are parts are made
3. some new urban roads are built
4. four laptops were stolen
5. copies could be obtained
6. the new brochures are printed and packed


1. twelve new species were identified

2. Guernica was painted, it was exhibited
3. New jobs have been created
4. The menier factory was converted
5. A number of award wining productions have been staged


1. Is being restructured
2. Was being planned
3. Will be occupied
4. Had been released
5. Will be carried out
6. Was observed

1. The hostages were being transported

2. Six of the clinics are going to be demolished
3. Is characterized
4. Were named
5. Are being discovered
6. Have been used

9.4 a

1. Must
2. Met
3. Could be
4. Be taught
5. Publishing, to be
6. Of

1. Could be made
2. To be consulted
3. Could be prevented
4. was being questioned, by official
5. will be allowed
6. should be checked, by someone


1. it will be estimated
2. oil companies are being
3. is believed
4. was expected to die
5. it was claimed
6. passengers are thought to

1. in
2. by
3. to
4. by
5. by
6. by
7. on
8. by


1. have been hunted

2. was joined
3. were generated
4. was imposed
5. is justified
6. are consumed

1. are diagnosed as
2. are associated with
3. are classified as
4. composed of
5. to be located at
6. are entitled to
7. to be located

1. a
2. e
3. i
4. j
5. h
6. b
7. f
8. c
9. g
10. d

1. correct
2. could be
3. might be defined
6. are being expected
9. is known
1. 1
2. 4
3. 3
4. 5
5. 2

1. Is caused by the state

2. Was extracted
3. Was abandoned by the poor
4. Are perceived to avoid paying
5. Were bailed out
6. Are being continued to feel
7. Was beared
8. Were targeted by mining

1. Been

4 is

7 been

9 been

3 Are

5 are

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