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Doctrine is from the Latin word doctrina. It means teaching. It is a body or system of teaching
related or peculiar to a particular subject and people or sect.

Biblical Doctrine will mean the teaching of the bible or scriptural positions on various subjects.
In this course we are going to look at some of the basic teaching of the bible. They however form
the neclus of our faith or the summary of the Christian belief and teaching.


REFERENCE SCRIPTURES: Deut. 6: 4, Mark 12: 29, Gen. 1: 1, 26, John 1: 1-2, 14, John 4:
28, Eph. 2: 18, Ex. 3: 13-15, Num. 23: 19-20, Ps. 139: 7-11, Matt. 28: 19.
The doctrine of God teaches that there is only one God who is eternal, self-existing, ever
existing, unchangeable, infinite, unsearchable, invisible, incomparable, omnipotent,
omnipresent, omniscient, immutable, great, irresistible, perfect, holy, glorious, just,
compassionate and jealous. He is the Creator and Sustainer, Dispenser and Disposer,
Redeemer and King, and a Spirit. He is One Being but makes Himself manifest in three distinct
persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, otherwise known as the Godhead. The
distinction between the three is that of office and relationship in respect to one another, the
church and the world.
This self-existent one true God manifests as three personality or persons in His relationship with
man – Father, Son, Holy Spirit (The Godhead).
That the Son was manifested in the flesh through virgin birth and lived among men as both
the Son of God and the Son of man. He took the name of man, Jesus, and died on the cross as
man’s Messiah, Redeemer and Saviour. He resurrected bodily and ascended into heaven, His
original abode. He is both Christ and Lord. He lived a sinless life in a sinful world, and by His
substitutionary death, man is reconciled with God and is made righteous when he believes on
References Scriptures: John 1: 14, John 3: 16, Matt. 1:23, Isaiah 7: 14, Luke 1: 33-37, Matt. 3:
16-17, Heb. 2: 15, Heb. 5: 5-9.
That the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead who fills us with the nature and life of
God when we are born again according to the scripture. He not only work in us to become
Godlike, He also empowers us to think and live right, and do great exploits here on earth even
as Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father. He, the Holy Spirit, causes us to do miracles
and heal the sick supernaturally. He reveals salvation plan of God to sinners; and enforces the
judgment of God against the prince of this world.
References Scripture: Matt. 28: 19, John 3: 6-8, John 16: 7-13, Rom. 8: 9-11, 15.
(See the note on Theology & the Fatherhood of God)


Man is a spirit created in the image and likeness of God. See Genesis 1:26 -28.

Man was made a human being designed to live and operate upon the earth as the head of all
God’s natural creation. Read Genesis 1:28, 2:7, 15. Psalm 8:3-8.
Man is a triune or 3 fold being – Spirit, Soul and Body. See 1 Thess. 5:23, Hebrews 4:12.
Man was created sinless but capable of sin or transgression of law. Read Genesis 2:17, Romans
Man’s Soul and Spirit are eternal and they leave his body at death and continue to live in the
Spirit world. See James 2:26, Philippians 1:21-24.
Mans Soul can be dead while his body is alive. See Matthew 8:22, Ephesians 2:1-9.
By voluntary transgression, the man that was created good, upright, and sinless, fell and
became spiritually dead, which is separation from God. See Genesis 3:6, Romans 5:12.
(See the note on Biblical Anthropology for more)


REFERENCED SCRIPTURES: Romans 3:23, 5:17-21, 6:23, 1 Corinthians 15:21-22, Ezekiel 18:4,
Mark 9:43-48, Isaiah 59:1-2, John 4:24,10:10, Romans 6:12, 16, 20, 1 John 5:9, Luke 4:5-7,
Matthew 1:21, 8:17
Sin is transgression of Gods commandment or disobedience to God’s eternal word. It was brought
into the earth by satan through the serpent. He got the first man to sin through craftiness. See
Genesis 2:17, 3:1-7.
Sin is breaking of God’s law, ordinance or command.
Sin is transgressing, going beyond the limit set by God.
Sin is all unrighteousness, any kinds of ungodliness.
Sin is unbelief, whatever is not of faith is sin. See Romans 14:23.
Sin is leprosy of the heart, killer diseases, and a slow master weapon of afflictions in devil’s
Man’s travail is that he sinned in Adam.
His tragedy is that he was cursed and condemned with Adam. The penalty for sin is death, and
man was condemned to die.
Christ gave His life to solve the problems of sin. He is the only solution God has given to sin. He
was manifested to take away sin.
We have three kinds of death:
Physical: It is for all men. Only by the rapture will any of us escape this.
Spiritual: Those without Christ and His eternal life are dead already, though physically alive.
Eternal: This is meant for all who remain spiritually dead until they taste physical death, or
are without Christ at His second coming.


STUDY PASSAGES: Isaiah 53:5-6, 61:1-3, Acts 10:38, 1 Peter 2:24, Hebrews 1:3, 1 John 3:5-8,
1:2-3, John 10:10, Ephesians 4:24
Salvation may be defined as deliverance from the power and penalty of sin, from Satan, eternal
damnation by the grace of Jesus Christ, through faith in Christ. See Ephesians 2:8-10. It is also
called Redemption.
That through faith in Christ’s atonement, the fallen man is redeemed from sin, satan, death and
all forms of afflictions.
That by God’s divine grace, man is redeemed through Christ atoning sacrifice. (Isaiah 53:1-end)
That the fallen man, through spiritual birth (i.e. regeneration, new birth: being born again by God
or born of spirit and water) is brought back into fellowship with God. See John 3:1-21.

Redemption, therefore, is God’s total salvation or deliverance to the total man. Its packages include:
Saving the spirit man from sin, guilt of sin and power of sin.
Healing man’s soul of damages, brokenness and torment.
Healing man’s body of sickness, diseases, and all manners of bodily afflictions
Delivering man from demonic afflictions, captivity and yokes of curse and strange covenants.
Freedom from financial/economic poverty.
Delivering man from hell and Hades.
All these indicate the blessings of the gospel of Christ Jesus. We must first accept them by faith and
then give them to others who dare to believe.


The condition of man after the fall was so fatal that he needed restoration to his original state.
He was filled with satanic life (discuss)
He became spiritually dead, Rom. 8:6-8
His mind became blinded, 1 Cor. 4:3-4
He lost the glory of God, Gen. 3:8-11
He became a slave of sin and satan, Rom 6:16
Divine nature in man gave way for human nature, Gen. 6:3
He lost immortality to motility, Ezek. 18:4; 5:12
He became self-centered, godless in all his ways, Galatians. 5:19-21, 24.
He can no more approach God, Gen. 3:8-9
He became filled with demonic and sensual wisdom, crafts, manipulations, dominations and
intimidations, James 3:14-16.

Man’s restoration, which is his redemption, has to take some fundamental process. Because his
condition after his fall was legal, hence his redemption must follow a legal process. Thus,
In the beginning of the world, God sacrificed His son, His word, for man’s redemption, Rev. 5:6-10,
13: 8
The manifestation in the physical world took a systematic spiritual process.
After the fall of man, God set the process in motion by prophecy, Gen. 3:15
All through the Old Testament, God was prophesying and releasing His word, which is the
foundation. He sowed His word as a seed because you shall reap whatever you sow, Galatians 6:7.
See also Isaiah 60:19-20; Ezek. 16:25-26; Isaiah 28:16
Because God’s word is incorruptible, it brought forth and it became flesh, John 1:1-5, 14-18.
The word, which became flesh was given a name, Jesus. See Matt. 1:21, Luke 2:21.

Jesus Christ, the Word that became flesh took some steps to Restore man and reconciled him to
He dealt with sin, the barrier between God and man, Isaiah 59:1-2;
To deal with sin:
He took the place of man by becoming a sinner, 2 Cor. 5:21
He handed himself over to be taken instead of man, Rom. 4:25, Tit. 2:14.
He died on behalf of man’s sin, 1 Cor. 15:3-5.
He was bruised tormented and tortured for man’s transgression, Is. 53:5-6, 1 Peter 2:23-
24. Because of this man became free from satan and sin, Rom. 6:11, 18, 22.
He removed the death penalty upon man as a result of sin, Ezek. 18:4;
He destroyed the death sentence upon man by:
Substitutionary death: He lost this life so that we might gain life, Heb. 9:12-22, 29.
He went to hell in our place, Ps. 16:10, Act. 2:26-28.
He collected the keys of hell and death, Rev. 1:18. He gave back to man the keys of hell
and death. Divine nature is once more restored to man, 1 John 5:13
He also removed God’s anger upon man, Ps. 9:11.
He turned away God’s anger by shedding His blood, Rom. 3:35, 1 John 2:22. Because of
this, God’s favor rests upon man; and man can come boldly into God’s throne as His
beloved, Heb. 10:17; 4:16; Eph. 1:6.


Adam the first man handed over the entire creation to satan through disobedience to God’s
commandment, Gen. 3:1-7. He became a subject of satan; and because he had not any child before
the fall, all the humanity became satan’s subject.
The person that must redeem man must not be a person of the same natural origin, Rom. 3:23.
Jesus Christ was not the seed of man, but of woman, Gen. 3:15, Luke 1:37.
He is God made man through the power of the Holy Ghost, John 1:1-4, 14-15.
He does not possess spiritual death in His spirit because He knew no sin, 2 Cor. 5:21.
He was not of the natural generation of man that carries the distorted image, Romans 3:23;
Matthew: 16-17; Luke 1:30-38
He was not a subject of Satan and did not possess within his Spirit nature, Spiritual death. However,
Jesus was in form of a man but He did not carry the nature of the fallen man, John 14:30.
He stood before God as the first Adam stood in righteousness, possessing dominion and authority, 1
Corinthians 15:45-47, Isaiah 9:6-7’ Luke 1:31-33.
He lived on the earth as a perfect man pleasing God, the Father. See John 8:45-46; Matthew 27:19,
24, Luke 23:46-48.
He meet satan in temptation as the first Adam, but did not yield to him. See Matthew 4:1-11.
He was man’s substitute by taking up man’s spiritual death, suffering and the judgment of satan,
Romans 5:6-10; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 4:21-25.
He met the demand of justice by going to hell, Acts 2:22-32. He remained in hell until God justifies
everyone who takes him as Saviour and trusted on his blood covenant, Hebrew 2:8-10.
He is greater than satan. He conquered him after paying for the penalty of man’s sin, and taking over
his lordship and dominion over man, Colossians 2:13-15, Philippians 2:5-11.
He conquered death to bring life and immortality to the broken, ravaged and bondage humanity,
Revelation 1:18; Hebrews 2:14-18.
His blood is used to cleanse and justify man so that he can obtain God’s favor and fain access into
His presence, Romans 5:9; 1 John 1:7; Hebrews 10:10-20; Colossians 1:13-14, 20.


In spite of the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ Has all the work of redemption, man still have to
appropriate it or take some personal steps before he can part take of it. He has to do this by:
Consciously acknowledge his trespasses and sin. He has to own up personally his transgressions
and his need for the restoration of the lost self-image and identity.
He must consciously repent of these sins, every act of unrighteousness, deviation from God and His
He must eternally forsake sin and turn to God.
He must confess these sins to God, and believe in his heart that Jesus Christ had paid the ultimate
price for his liberty.
He must confess Jesus Christ openly as his savior and Lord.
Finally, he must receive Him personally into his heart. This is the climax of his restoration, and entry
into the ark of recovery.
As he consciously does this, he has identified with Jesus Christ, and His identity becomes his. He
no longer possesses the distorted image and identity. It has been nailed to the cross because he is
now crucified with Him, Romans 6:6.
Besides, by this identification, he died with Him, Romans 6:8. The sinful nature in him is
dead, and he is buried with Christ, Romans 6:4. He is made alive with Him, raised with Him and
are sitting with Him in the heavenly places, above all principalities and powers, and dominion
and every name in this world and in that which is to come. Read Colossians 2:13, Ephesians
1:20-21, and Eph. 2:6.


The doctrine of the new birth holds that except a man be born again, he shall not enter into the
kingdom of God. John 3: 3-7.
New birth is the translation of man’s spirit from the realm of death unto life in Christ Jesus
through the word of God and His Spirit, Colossians 1:13, 1 Peter 1:23. John 3:5, 6, Jas 1:1. It is
becoming a new creation, 2 Corinthians 5:10, the washing and regeneration of man’s spirit that
is dead in trespasses and sin, 1 Peter 1:18-20, Titus 3:5, Colossians 2:13-5, Eph. 1: 1-7. It is a
conscious divorce of satan to enter into a union with Jesus Christ, Romans 7:4-6. It is the
receiving of a new heart, a heart of flesh that seeks after God in truth and in spirit, Ezekiel 36:26-

New birth is not a change in physical appearance, or being a member of a church, but it is the
receiving of Jesus Christ into one’s heart, which manifests into a change of character.

It is not self–pity, but a conscious conversion of the heart. Self-pity is being sorry for a wrong
done without actually having a change of heart and attitude as in Matthew 27:3-5. Judas Iscariot
was filled with self-pity not the conviction that leads to true conversion. Conversion of the heart is
the state of deep acknowledgement of ones sin before God, and being resolute never to go back
to them. Read Luke 18:13. See Zachaeus example in Luke 19:1-10
He recognized his sinful state, and desired change.
He sought for help, a savior, Jesus Christ
He responded to the savior’s divine call, Matthew 11:2-8
He received Him into his house, remember our body is a spiritual house, 1 Corinthians 3:16
He made confession and restitution.
Jesus gave him salvation.

New Birth is the only condition God has set to translate man from his state of sin and trespasses
into His Kingdom, the realm of life and freedom from sin, and eternal death. See John 3:3, 5,
Romans 6:23. After the fall of Adam, the entire human race became a subject of satan, and
spiritual death kicked in. But, through New Birth man is redeemed and made God’s
righteousness just as he was made sin by Adam’s transgression. Read Romans 5: 12-21, 1
John 3:4, 1 Corinthians 15:21-22.

New Birth is a sure means to restore to man what Adam lost to satan. He lost his dominion over
God’s creations and his place in the Garden of Eden. Read Genesis 1:28, 3:22-24.

By New Birth, you cease to be a man but a child and then a son, John 1:12-13, Matthew 11:25-
27, 1 John 3:2.

Jesus Christ is the cardinal personality to meet in New Birth. He is qualified for this position
His mission is to save man even as his name is. Read Matthew 20:28, Acts 5:30-31, 1
Timothy 1:15.
He is God in human form to reconcile man back to Himself. See John 1:1, 4; Hebrews 21:14;
2 Corinthians 5:18.
At His coming, He declared that He is the only WAY to man’s freedom. Refer John 14:6.
He is the only door to Noah’s Ark of safety and recovery, Genesis 6:16.
The only entrance gate to the tabernacle of Moses and the only door to the sheepfold, John
He shed His blood for man’s salvation to fulfill the truth that He is the Lamb that was slain
from the beginning for the sin of man, and to make him a new creation. Read Romans 5:9;
Hebrews 9:22; 1 Peter 1:18-19; Revelation 5:5-10; John 1:29.
There is no other name in heaven, on earth and beneath the earth for man’s redemption and
translation except the name of Jesus Christ. See Acts 4:10-12; 10:43; Luke 24:47.
Jesus Christ is eternal life and the gift of God to man for eternal salvation, Romans 6:23; 1
John 5:11-13.
New birth is a personal affair. No one can stand in for anybody, just as no one can die for
anybody. Nonetheless, we can pay price for someone’s conversion, intercession and
evangelism. John 3:3, 5 say, “…except a man be born again”. As a result of this, it takes a man
to be born again. But, it takes a son to have the revelation of the Father, Matthew 11:27, and as
a matter of truth it takes a baby to become a son, Matthews 18:3.
A. Scriptural Evidence:
The scripture says that when you are born again,
Your faith in Jesus Christ justifies you now, Acts 13:39; 1 Corinthians 6:11.
You are born of God, John 1:12-13.
You are now saved by calling on the name of Jesus by faith in Him, Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13; 5:18.
You are saved through His blood, Hebrews 9:14; 1 Peter 1:18-19, and as a result, His blood speaks
on your behalf, Hebrews 12:24. His blood cries mercy, forgiveness, cleansed, justified, redeemed,
peace and washed, Romans 5:9, Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:20; 1 John 1:7; Revelation 1:5-22. So
by His blood, you are God’s property and have eternal salvation, Hebrews 13:12, 20-21.
Jesus said when you believe in Him you are born again, Mark 16:16; John 3:14-16, 36.

B. Pragmatic Evidence:
Indescribable Inward Peace, Romans 5:1, Ephesians 2:14-18, Isaiah 32:17.
Joy beyond description, Romans 21:15, Romans 14:17; Isaiah 51:11.
Indescribable Love of God, Rom. 5:5; 1 John 2:5.
The Holy Spirit bears witness to your spirit, or you will experience the inward witness of the spirit
that you are a child of God, Romans 8:15-16; Ephesians 1:13-14; Galatians 4:5-7.
Transformed life, Romans 8:1-11; 14:17; Philippians 3:3-9. That means to say you will begin to
experience a change of attitude to life.


STUDY PASSAGES: Romans 3:20-30, 4:1-5, 5: 1-2, II Corinthians 5:21, Ephesians 2:13-18, 3:12,
Colossians 1:20, Isaiah 32:17, John 16:33, Hebrew 10:19
When a man responds positively by faith to the call to salvation, the benefits of justification becomes
his heritage.
The Doctrine Justification teaches that the new believer occupies a new position before God. It is
that of righteousness, having been made right with God. God now sees and deals with him as one
that has never sin.
The fourfold benefits of justification are:
Having peace with God,
Access to God,
Standing in grace before Him, and
Rejoicing in the hope of his glory


STUDY PASSAGES: Rom. 8:14-15, John 1:12, 16:13, I Peter 2:2, Eph. 1:5, Gal. 3:26.

The Doctrine of Adoption holds that when we are born again, we received the power to become
God’s sons; the Spirit of adoption comes into us to adopt us into God’s family, inwardly witnessing
our sonship position, and leading us in the will of God.

BENEFITS OF ADOPTION: Read Romans 8:15-17, Galatians 3:29, 1 Peter 1:3-4, John 15:8,
Galatians 5:22, Luke 12:27-30, Hebrew 12:4-11.
We come into the privileges, right and duties of being included in God’s family.
We now have God as Father and can freely address him as ‘‘Abba father’’
We became joints heir with Christ Jesus.
We enter into God`s inheritance.
God fatherly cares and fruit bearing become our lots.
We become subject of God`s fatherly discipline.

EVIDENCES OF THE ADOPTION: Read Romans 8:15-16, II Corinthians 6:17-18, Ephesians 1:4,
John 8:42, 17:23, 13:34-35, Matthew 5:9.
Evidences of the adoption include:
Demonstrating true love for Christ and for the brethren,
Purity of heart to God, and
Living as peacemaker in this world.


The believer’s adoption into God’s family however is to be completed at the last resurrection,
when he is glorified at the final gathering. This is God’s ultimate plan for our adoption. Read I
John 3:2, Luke 20:35-36, Romans 8:19-23, John 14:23.
It is also important to note that adoption is by faith in Christ Jesus. Read Galatians 3:26,
Ephesians 1:5.


STUDY PASSAGES: Ezek. 36:25-26, Jer. 17:9, I Thess. 4:3-6, 5:23-24, Isaiah 35:8, I Peter 1:
5, 16, I Cor. 6:9-11, John 15:18-19, 17:4-17, I Cor. 6:14-18, 7: 1, I John 2:15-17, 4:4, II Tim.
2:21, Matt. 12: 33, Heb. 12: 14, 13: 12, Phil. 2: 12-13, I Tim. 2: 4, Rom. 6: 1-13, 22, Rom. 12: 1-
2, Rom. 8: 1-2, Gal. 2: 20, 2 Cor. 3: 18, 1 Cor. 1: 30.
The doctrine of sanctification is biblical and means the separation of the saints from that which
is evil: sin, satan and the world unto God. It means being set apart for God and His holy use and
being separated from sin, Satan and world. By our identification with Christ in His death and
resurrection, we are sanctified. But, this is realized by faith reckoning daily upon the dominion of
the Holy Spirit.
It is a spiritual surgery on the heart of the believer to be carried out by the joint agencies of the
blood of Jesus, the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, which helps a believer to be truly separated
from evil, lustful thoughts, carnal imaginations, immoral lusts, worldly systems, unbelieving gangs,
from any other sins and satan.
Indeed, sanctification is God’s will for the saints; and it’s important because:
It helps the sustenance of pure heart and conscience
It empowers holy living, enables you to do without sin.
It is vital to fruitful Christian service and ministry.
It is fundamental to being distinguished as Christ’s favorites
It Helps intimacy and fellowship with the Spirit of God.
Offers honor and dignity to the sanctified
Guarantees our heavenly inheritance.
Sanctification is spoken of in two ways:
The state of being separated from the world, sin and every uncleanness and impurity by the Holy
Spirit who separates a believer at the point of new birth from the world where he had belonged
by giving him a new life in Christ Jesus, the divine nature. Here, his spirit is completely
sanctified, separated from the world and its uncleanness, and possesses the nature of God. But,
his mind is yet to be renewed. See John 3: 15, 1 Peter 1: 2, 2 Peter 1: 4.
The second aspect of sanctification is more pragmatic because it involves the conscious effort of
a believer to ensure that his mind is regenerated with the word of God in order not to conform to
this world and its principles but to be governed by the word of God. Through this process, he
conforms to the image of our Lord Jesus Christ, the first fruit of the new creation. At this level of
conformity, his spirit assumes the control of his body. This is why sanctification at this level is a
conscious effort of separating from the world unto God through conformity to His word. Read
Hebrews 12: 10, 1 Peter 1: 15-16, 2 Cor. 3: 18.


STUDY PASSAGES: Exodus 22:3, Luke 19:2-10, Leviticus 16:1-7, Pro. 28:13, Acts 24:16.
The doctrine of Restitution is the restoration of what we have taken away from people by either
open robbery or secret robbery. By extension, it means bringing to light all secret acts, which we did,
and another person(s) is suffering for it. It also depicts or paying for some harm, wrong or damages
somebody has suffered.
Restitution is a part of repentance process, and meant to be done to give the believer a
conscience and good testimony before God and man.
However, wisdom, divine direction and caution may be needed in some grave cases.


STUDY PASSAGES: Heb. 6:1.2, I Corinthians 12:13, 27-28, Romans 6:1-4, 13:13-14, Galatians
3:26-27, Colossians 3:1-3
The doctrine of baptisms, not baptism, emphasizes the necessity of these three types of baptism
as fundamental to the Christian faith.
BAPTISM INTO CHRIST AND HIS BODY: Rom. 6:3-7; 1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:27; Col. 2:12. This is
the most important of all the baptisms because it is the only one, which makes you a new
creation, a kingdom citizen. It follows the acknowledgement of your sins, confession, repentance
and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior through faith in His blood.
Without this baptism, you are lost and cannot inherit eternal life no matter your good works here
on earth. By nature, it is Spiritual. The Holy Ghost baptizes the saved into Christ, making him
thus a member of Christ body.
Note: There are three factors involved in any baptism, viz the candidates, the baptizer and the
element. In this case the Candidate is the newly saved person, and the Baptizer is the Holy Spirit
and the Element is Jesus Christ.

BAPTISM IN WATER: Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:18; Acts 2:38; 8:12-16; 36-38; 9:18; 1 Cor. 3:13-17.
This is the baptism commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ for all believers, the New Creation. It is
in fact a New Testament commandment not a suggestion as many think today. Failure to
undertake of it is disobedience to heavenly commandment, which without doubt opens the door
for satanic manipulation and oppression.
The Grand Knowledge You Need About Water Baptism
By Definition: Water baptism is a public declaration of one’s new found faith in Christ. Acts 8:36-39
What you stand to gain: a warm embrace into the fellowship of the brethren
By Analogy: It symbolizes Christ burial and resurrection
By Implication: It is the burial of believer’s old man and the resurrection of the new man in him. See
Romans 6: 3-10.
By Value: It is a ceremonial ordinance that celebrates the new believer’s entrance in Christ’s fold or
In Practice: Biblical practice shows that it is by total immersion of the believer into flowing water.
See Mark 1: 10, John 3: 32, Acts 8: 38.
Salvation, which is New Birth, must come before water baptism. Therefore, it means that the person
must first hear the gospel, and believed, before this baptism. In view of this infants or babies are not
qualifies for baptism in water. Read Acts 8: 36-38.
It is done as soon as one repents and is born again through faith in Christ atoning sacrifice. No
baptismal class or beginner’s class required. See Acts 2: 41, 8: 12, 36-38, 10: 47-48, 16: 31-34.
It is conducted in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit as commanded by Jesus;
or in the Lord name of Jesus Christ as practiced by the Apostles in the book of Acts. See Matt. 28:
19, Acts 2: 38, 8: 16, 10: 48, 19: 5.
BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT: Matt. 3:11; Luke 3:16; Acts 1:5-8; 10:43 44; 19:2-6. This is the
type of baptism, which endues us with the supernatural power of God for service and exploit in
the Kingdom. This baptism in effect releases the effectual working ability of God into a believer in
fullness, not in measure, John 1: 16; 3:34.


REFERENCE PASSAGES: Matt 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:17-20, John 6:53-58, 1 Cor 16-
17, 11:23-30, Acts 2:46 20:7.
The Lord’s Supper is a solemn ordinance of the Christian Church. It is a sacrament instituted by our
Lord Jesus Christ which he command us to do always in remembrance of Him and our eternal
covenant with the Father in his blood. It is also known by some Christian denominations as Blessed
Sacrament, Holy Sacrament, Holy Communion and Eucharist. The early church calls it breaking of

THE LORD’S SUPPER IN TYPE: Read Exodus 12: 22-25.

It typifies the Jewish Passover feast in the Old Testament, and conveys the following fundamental
That Part takers are supernaturally protected from doom, destruction, and death. See Exodus 12: 5-
13, 23, 29, 30.
That Part takers are exempted from terrible divine judgment against the enemy. Read Ex. 12: 29, 30,
That Part takers are receive deliverance, emancipation from the powers and kingdom of bondage
and affliction. See Ex. 12: 30-38, 51.

THE LORD’S SUPPER IN REALITY: Mark 4: 22-25, Matt. 26: 26-28, 1 Cor. 10: 24-26.
Before our Lord Jesus Christ went to the Cross; He instituted it and commanded us to be doing it
In remembrance of Him, 1 Cor 11:24-25
In revealing His death, 1 Cor 11:26
In remembrance of the new covenant in His blood, Matt 26:27-28, 1 Cor 11:25
For the impartation of His life and grace in His body, John 6:53-57 15:1-7


All believers in Christ Jesus are qualified for this sacrament. That is everyone who has accepted
that Jesus Christ is His Lord and Personal Savior.
Everyone who would come to the communion table of our Lord must examine himself whether
he is in faith to avoid eating and drinking unworthily, and damnation. See 1 Cor. 11:27-30 and 2
Cor. 13: 5.
It is advisable that everyone be given the privilege of examining himself, and makes amend
where necessary before part taking in the Lord’s Supper to the believers.


REFERENCE SCRIPTURES: 2 Cor. 4: 18, 5: 7, Habk. 2:4, Rom. 1: 17, Heb. 10:38, Heb. 11, Matt.
17:20, Mark 9: 23, 11: 22-24, John 3: 15-18, 14: 13-14, Rom. 4: 16-22.
The doctrine of faith teaches:
Supernatural manifestation is impossible without faith.
That, a believer walks and lives by faith and not by sight.
That, in the kingdom, we look not at the things we see, because the things, which see, are
temporal but the things, which we do not see, are eternal.
That, we call those things that be not as though they were.
That, without faith, it is impossible to please God but anyone who will come to God must believe
that He is and that He rewards those who seek Him diligently.
That, all things are only possible to those who believe.
That, we can only become the sons of God by faith in Jesus Christ, the word of God and only
begotten of the Father.
That, faith comes via the word of God.
Faith is the evidence of the reality of something that is naturally absent, Heb. 11:1. Faith is the
demonstration of our inward confidence in God and His word to the extent that we say it and act on it. It is
a spiritual force, which provokes the intervention of the supernatural on the natural.


REFERENCE SCRIPTURES: Exodus 15: 26, 23: 25, Deut. 7: 15, Psalm 103: 3, Psalm 107: 17-20,
Isaiah 53: 4-5, 1 Peter 2: 24, Matt. 8: 17, 15: 22-28, 3 John 1: 2.
The doctrine of divine health and healing teaches that it is possible to live through this earth as a
believer without sickness and diseases even as Jesus lived because the will of God us is that we be
in health even as our soul prospers.
It also teaches that although it is not the will of God for us to be sick or afflicted, that healing is
part of the divine package of our redemption, hence it is the children’s bread.
So, our sound health is His concern. He is not the one that brings sickness and can never be.
Sickness and diseases are of the devil. It is God’s desire that we be in health always, 3 John 1:2. He
said in Jeremiah 30:17 thus, “For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith
the LORD...”
Because of this, He designed in the Bible a well-trusted package for our sure health and healing
in case we by any means afflicted by the afflicter, satan.
Scriptural methods by which Divine Healing is administered are:
The Word of God: Ps. 107: 20, Matt. 8: 16.
Laying on of hands: Mark 6: 41; 6: 5; 16: 18, Acts 28: 8.
Anointing oil: Mark 6: 13, James 5: 14.
Prayer: Acts 28: 8, James 5: 14-15.
Faith: Matt. 8: 13
Anointed clothes: Acts 19: 11-12


REFERENCE SCRIPTURES: Matt. 18: 5, Mark 6: 5, 16: 18, Acts 5: 12, 8: 14-17, 9: 17-18, 13:
2-3, 19: 1, 6, 2 Tim. 1: 6, Gen. 48: 14, Num. 27: 18, 23, Acts 6: 1-6, Matt. 19: 14, Deut. 34: 9, 1
Tim. 4: 14.
The doctrine of laying on of hands teaches that the lesser is blessed by the greater and that through
the laying on of hands some spiritual virtues are passed on to the receiver, the lesser. This practice
has been very visible throughout the scripture, both the Old and the New Testaments.
Fundamentally, hands are laid to:
Transfer spiritual and patriarchal blessings
Minister Healings
Minister the Holy Spirit Baptism
Impart believers with ministry and spiritual gifts
Ordain believers as gospel ministers and commission them for the work of the ministry.
It is important to note that hands should not be laid indiscriminately on people especially non-
believers. See Apostle Paul’s admonition on this: 1 Tim. 5: 22.


REFERENCE SCRIPTURES: Gen. 14: 18-20, Prov. 22: 28, Isaiah 51: 2, Mal. 3: 10, Gal. 3: 29,
Heb. 7: 8-9.
Tithing is a scriptural commandment in the kingdom, and means the first one-tenth or 10%, of
all our increase. It is not an old testament law that was abolished by Christ in the new covenant,
rather a covenant principle instituted several years before the law of Moses to demonstrate
obedience, faith and absolute submission to God’s will. Also as Abraham’s children or seed, we
must not remove the ancient landmark to victory, success and prosperity, which God has shown
him. Tithing is a kingdom responsibility conferred upon all the saints.
It is used for ministers’ welfare, and all vineyard workers, taking care of widows, orphans and
the destitute in the kingdom.
To prove our devotion to Him
To approve of His ownership of our lives
To be free from curses and devourers
To position us for His blessing and prosperity
We do not pay tithe rather we bring our tithes into God’s storehouse, which is His Body. Al.
3: 10.
It is brought to the servant of God that shall be in the place where God has chosen to put His name.
See Deut. 26: 1-15.
You have to worship God with your tithes because it is God’s covenant way of worshipping Him. See
Deut. 26: 1-15.

Offerings are different from tithing. It is a voluntary giving commanded in the kingdom. It is among
our covenant responsibilities as kingdom citizens.
There are various kinds of offerings, which we are to bring or give in the kingdom to position us
for God’s abundant blessings and increase on every side. These are,
Offerings in the House of God (Fellowship Offering): See Ex. 25:2, 23:15, Mark 12: 41-43. Each
time we come together in fellowship with God and with one another, we should not neglect to
bring our offering before God because it is part of our worship. There is great profit in giving
offerings to God. Apart from increase, there is a book of remembrance in heaven concerning
your offerings. See Pro 30: 1-3 and Mal. 3: 16-17.
Missionary / Kingdom Expansion offerings: See Phil 4: 15-19, 2 Cor. 8: 2-4. I’d like you to know
that whatever you give for the kingdom sake always returns in hundred folds. See Matt 19: 29,
Mark 10: 29-30. This kind of giving is what provokes the kingdom 419 (Phil 4:19) concept. This is
the dimension of God supplying all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. It is the
dimension of God meeting your needs before they arise. Note, when giving is consistent and
sacrificial rewards are inevitable.
Offerings to God’s Prophets or Ministers: See 1 Cor. 9:11, Rom. 15: 27. When we invest
materially or give offerings to the servants of God who have blessed or imparted us spiritually, or
whom God specifically directed us to bless materially, they release or prophesy us to the
blessings of God for our lives. Prosperity is the scriptural reward of sowing into the life of a
servant of God. See 2 Chron. 20: 20. “Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants
of Jerusalem; Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye
prosper”. When you sow into their lives, it is a sign that you believe in their ministry and the
unction they carry. God says in Matthew 10: 41-42 that you will not lose your reward, which is
Offering to the Poor: Pro. 19: 17, 22: 9, 28: 29, conf. Deut. 15: 7 and Gal 6: 10. The poor includes
the widow, the fatherless and the wretch and anyone you are in any way better off than he; that
is anyone you have advantage over.


REFERENCED SCRIPTURES: Matt. 14:23; Luke 11:1; 18:1; Acts 2:42; 3:1, 1 Thess. 5: 17.
The Doctrine of Prayer teaches that men always ought to pray and not to faint. In other words,
believers are to pray without ceasing.
Prayer to a Believer is communication with God. It is a spiritual communication by which a saint,
(a fallen man who has been saved by grace and restored to his original position), communes with his
Father in heaven through Jesus Christ, the infallible word of God, under the divine enablement of the
Holy Spirit. As a communication activity, it involves the coming together of various natural and
supernatural actions to generate result.
Prayer is indispensable in our spiritual growth. It is a strong force for our quick
transformation. It is a sure way by which we reach the Father. Through prayer, we wield or
exercise our authority and power as new creations. Prayer should be the breath of every new
creation. It is a strong force at our disposal when approached scripturally. It is one of God’s set
tools for the realization of our destiny.
It transfigures us. (Matt. 17:1-5; 2 Cor. 3:18)
It breaks us from our past, separates us from the world, and consecrates us, (Zech. 3:1-4).
It builds our faith, (Jude 2).
By it we secure help from above, (Heb. 4:16; 2 Chron. 6:1, 5,7)
To secure God’s mercy, (Heb. 4:16; Mark 10:46-52)
By it we receive angelic intervention, (Acts 12:5-11; Matt. 26:59)
It brings deliverance from allocations, (James 5:13, Ex. 3:7-8)
It enforces prophecies, (1 Tim. 1:18, Jer. 29:11-13)
We secure direction through prayer, (Ps. 16:11; 2 Sam. 5:18-25; Jer. 33:5). Etc.


REFERENCED SCRIPTURES: Ex. 24:18; 34:28, Esther 4: 15-16, 1 Sam. 7:6, 2 Chr. 20:3, Jer.
36:6-10, Neh. 9:1, Judg. 20:26, 2 Sam. 1:12, 1 Sam. 31:13, 1 Kings 21:9-12, Ezra 8:21-23, Jonah
3:5-9, 1 Sam. 1:7: 20:34; 2 Sam. 3:35; 12:16; 1 Kings 21:27; Ezra 10:6; Neh. 1:4; Dan. 10:2,3,), 1
Kings 19:8, Matt. 4:2, Isa. 58:4; Jer. 14:12; Zech. 7:5, Matt. 6:16, 17: 21, Acts 13:3; 14:23; 2 Cor.
The doctrine of fasting teaches believers to fast because even our Lord Jesus Christ fasted when He
was on His earthly mission. It has been a component of worship of God from Old Testament until
Fasting could be seen as the abstinence from natural things to do the supernatural things. It is a
deliberate act of self-denial from food, sometimes water, for spiritual purposes. It also includes
withdrawal from such things that hinders free flow communication with God. Such things could be
what you see, hear, think or desire. There are many things we listen to, see and ponder on, which
break our focus on God and reduce spiritual stamina. Fasting therefore is withdrawal from all natural
disturbances and foods for a period to enable us reach God effectively for qualitative result.
Concisely, it is the denial of the physical needs for the edification of the inward man. Unequivocally,
fasting is a scriptural means by which we attend God’s standards for a guaranteed transformation
into His nature.


Fasting is a commandment of the scripture, Joel 2: 12-13.
It is a strong force in the spirit world, Matt. 17: 21
Jesus fasted during and in-between major event in His life: after baptism, Matt. 4: 1-2.
It is used to affect God’s decision in crises period, 2 Sam. 12: 16-17
It is a strong force in changing satanic decrees, and a vital strategy for obtaining favor,
acceptance and influence especially with those in leadership position, Esther 4:15-16.
It is a potent instrument with which to train our body to follow our spirit, Ps. 35: 13, 69:
The Old Testament heroes fasted: Moses Ex. 24: 12-18; Joshua Jos. 7: 6-10; Daniel
Dan. 9: 1-3; Nehemiah Neh. 1: 4. Others include Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, Zechariah
Anna fasted habitually to effect the manifestation of the supernatural in the natural, Luke
2: 37.
Apostle Paul lived a fasted life, 2 Cor. 6: 4-5
The early Church fasted, Acts 13: 1-3.

We should fast primarily:
To lose the bands of wickedness and release us into God’s nature, Is. 58: 6, Jer. 17: 9, Gen. 6: 6
To undo heavy burdens, which impede spiritual growth. They include worldly allurements,
selfishness, inordinate ambitions, family ties, covenants, curses, initiations, and sins, Is. 58: 6
To let the oppressed go free: that is liberation for the captives and breaking every yoke of bondage,
Is. 58: 6, Matt. 17: 21
To command our light to shine even in obscurity, Is. 58: 8,10
To guarantee our good and sound health, Is. 58: 8
To ensure our righteous walk by subduing the cravings of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of
life, which are the characters of the Godless world, 1 John 2: 16-17, Is. 58: 8
To guarantee God’s glory, His Presence and anointing in our lives, Is. 58: 8
To secure unobstructed communication access with God, Is. 58: 9
To secure God’s guidance, Is. 58: 11
To secure abundance even in time of drought, and make our bones fat, Is. 56: 11
To secure the refreshing of our spirit, soul and body, Is. 58: 11
To ride on the high places of the earth, Is. 58: 14
To restore and build wasted places lives, the case of Nehemiah, Neh. 1: 1-2
To maintain unbroken focus in God and His word; this sharpens our spiritual antenna for
high-level impact.


Key Scripture: Acts 26:8, 1 Corinthians 15: 12-58
The doctrine of immortality is common to almost all cultures and religions. The resurrection of
the body, however, is peculiar to Christianity. The New Testament teaches the immortality of
human nature as well as the immortality of the soul.
The doctrine of resurrection teaches that the dead in Christ shall rise again to reign with Him
in the millennial reign; and shall live to die no more. But the dead in wickedness, those who
rejected Christ shall be cast into the lake of fire.
Facts About The Resurrection:
The dead shall live again (Isa. 26: 19, 25: 8; Ps. 49:15; Jn. 5: 25; Job 14: 1,2,14; Heb. 9: 27)
Both the righteous and the sinner shall be resurrected (Dan. 12:2; Jn. 5:28-29)
Jesus is the power of resurrection and life (Jn. 6: 40, 11: 25-26; Rom. 8: 9-11)
Resurrection is the hope of all true believers (Acts 24: 15-16; 23: 6; 1 Cor. 15: 19,20; Rom.
8: 24,25; 12: 12; Col. 1: 27)
Resurrection of the Dead is in Stages
Christ is first, He is the first fruit of them that slept. (1 Cor. 15: 20,23)
The Old testament saints (after Christ preached the gospel to them in the grave) Matt. 27:52-53;
1 Pet. 3:19; 4:6)
The resurrection of the just, the dead in Christ, 1 Thess. 4: 13-18; Philippians 3: 10-11; Heb. 11:
35; Rev. 20: 4-6)
The resurrection of the wicked (after the millennium), Daniel 12: 2; John 5: 29; Rev. 20: 4-5, 11-
The resurrected sinners will be judged and sentenced to the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 13-15; 21: 8)
The true believers soul will be clothed with a glorious body after resurrection and transferred
from Paradise to the eternal Kingdom of God (1 Cor. 15: 49-54; 2 Cor. 5: 1-10; Phil. 3: 20,21;
Rev. 6: 9).
The doctrine of the Second Advent is a biblical teaching on the second coming of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ. It was not only prophesied in the Old Testament but the most important
teaching of the New Testament. It is mentioned more than 300 times in the New Testament
Bible. It is the Blessed Hope for the believer in this troubled world.
In His last message to his disciple, the night in which He was betrayed, He said, “Let not your
heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me in my father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I
would have told you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I WILL COME AGAIN, and receive you unto myself, that
were I am there ye may be also. “John. 14: 3
Promises of His Second Coming
The Son of man shall come in glory with His angels (Matt. 16:27; 25:31; 24:27-31)
As Jesus was taken up into heaven, in like manner He will return (Acts 1:11)
His coming will be sudden and quick as lightening (Matt. 24:17;1 Cor. 15: 50-52)
Every eye shall see Him ( Revelation 1:7; Heb. 9:28; 1 John 3:2,)
The Lord shall descend from heaven with a shout (1 Thess. 4:16-18)
Be patient for the coming of the Lord draws near (James 5:7-9)
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise (2 Peter 3:9)
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass
away with a great noise (2 Peter 3:10).


Rapture Or The Catching Up Of The Believers: Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
The coming of Christ for His own (Heb. 9:28; Jas. 5:7-9)
At the sound of the last trumpet (1 Thess. 4:16; 1 Cor. 15:50-58)
The dead in Christ shall rise first (1 Cor. 15:52; Matt. 24:31; Rev. 14 :13, John 5:28)
We, believers, who are still alive shall be changed (Phil. 3:20-21; 1 Cor. 15:51)
As lightening in a twinkling of an eye (Matt. 24:27; 1 Cor. 15:52).
Believers in Heaven:
Believers judgment in Heaven (2 Cor. 5:10; 2 Tim. 4:1; Rom. 14:10)
The judgment is not of sin but of believers works (Rom. 14:10, 1 Cor. 3: 13-15)
There will be reward of works with crowns (1 Cor. 19: 7-9; John 3: 29; Eph. 5: 27; Luke 12:
The marriage supper of the Lamb will be held (Rev. 19: 7-9; Jn. 3: 29; Eph. 5: 27; Luke 12:
There will Holy communion service in Heaven (Matt. 26: 29; Luke 14: 14-15; 21: 35-40)
War in Heaven:
Angel Michael leads the battle (Rev. 12: 7-12; Daniel 12: 1)
The satanic headquarters in the Air will be destroyed (Eph. 6: 12; 2: 2; 2 Cor. 12: 13)
Satan will be cast down from above (see Rev. 12: 9,10)
He comes down with wrath knowing that his time is short (Rev. 12:12)
The Great Tribulation on Earth:
Great trouble on earth (Matt. 24: 21: Rev. 6: 4,15-17; Luke 23: 30; Jer. 30: 7)
The reign of the ant-christ (Rev. 13: 1-18; Thess. 2:3; Dan. 8: 23-26)
The ten world kingdom under one king (Rev. 17:10-14)
The mark of the beast (666) (Rev. 13:16-18)
The demand to worship the beast like God (Dan. 11: 36-39; Rev. 13; Matt. 24: 15)
5. The Battle of Armageddon:
All nations against Israel (Zech. 14: 1-4; Rev. 16: 16; 17: 12-14)
The place of the battle is Valley of Megiddo (Rev. 16:16; Zeph. 3: 8-9)
6. Then Christ Comes in Glory:
Christ comes to end the world controversy (Matt. 24: 22; Zech. 14: 4; Acts 1: 11; Rev. 1: 7)
He comes with great power (Matt. 24: 30; 26: 24; Jude 14: 15)
The Ancient of Days of the book of Daniel 7: 22-28
Christ comes to overthrow the Government of this world and to enthrone His Kingdom upon
the earth (Rev. 19: 11-21; Dan. 2: 34,44,45)
At this time, Satan will be chained and imprisoned for 1,000 years (Rev. 21: 1-6)
The Christians will reign with Christ (Rev. 20: 4,6; 2 Tim. 2:12; Matthew 19: 28; 25: 14-23


The doctrine of eternal Judgment teaches that there is a day in God’s agenda called the Day of
Judgment. A day in which both the quick and the dead shall be judged based on their works on
This is the last and most terrible of all divine judgment (Rev 20: 11-15). It is called “the day
of judgment” (Matt 10: 15), and “the great day” (Acts 2: 20) and is described by Peter and Jude
in vivid terms. See 2 Peter 2: 3, 4, 7; Jude 1: 6.
The basis of this dreadful judgment can be simply stated. The justice of God makes it
necessary. It is at this judgment that will ratify his condemnation of the unrepentant wicked
(Luke 17:26; 2 Thess. 1: 6.7)
This great event proves that man is a creature and must face his creator. Such a
relationship involves punishment for disobedience. God gave his creature laws to live by and
they are to be held accountable for the breach of the same (Rome 14: 12). Many scriptures
predict this fearful judgment and because the word of God is true, it must take place as
described by John. See Matt. 25, Rom 14: 10, 11; 2 Thess. 1: 7-10, Jude1: 14, 15). The
resurrection of Christ is also a certain proof of this last judgment (Acts 17: 31; Rom 14: 9).
All the wicked of all ages and the host of demons will be arraigned before God, the Creator
to receive their final sentences (See Eccl. 12: 14, Jude 1: 6, Rev 20: 11). The books are to be
opened. What books? The Scripture reminds us of them:
The book of remembrance (Mal 3: 16)
The book of conscience (Rom 1: 19)
The book of providence (Rom 11: 14, 15)
The book of God ( the law and the gospel, Romans 2: 12-16)
The book of life, (Revelation 3: 5, 20: 12-15; Luke 10: 20)
We should know that fire, expressive of divine holiness and divine hatred of sin, is
connected with this judgment for all those who live and die in their sin, the verdict of the
judgment at the last judgment will be eternal remorse in the Lake of fire.


Millennium is from “mille” meaning thousand and “annum” signifying year, (see Revelation 20: 2-
This doctrine teaches that Jesus Christ at His second coming will set up the government of
the kingdom of Heaven on earth for a period of one thousand years.
The fact of the millennium permeates the bible. It is spoken of as a time of peace and of
unmistakable blessing. Read Psalm 72: 7-11; Isaiah 2: 2-4; 11: 10; 65; 66. Those who reject the
millennium as a specific period argue that, as the language of the revelation is symbolic its
numerals must be treated as such also. They said that “one thousand years” should not be
taken literally but figuratively. But, the six-fold repetition proves that the writer was describing an
exact and literal denomination of time. The millennium then is a designation related to the period
of our Lord’s reign, public and personal with these saints, as we gather from Revelation 19.
Fausset speaks of this era as “the period of Christ’s coming to reign with His saints over the
earth delivered from Satan’s possession. As Satan and his kingdom sinks, Christ and His
glorious kingdom rise”

Significant Event Associated with the Millennial (1,000 Year) Reign of Christ:
The setting of heaven’s government on the earth
Satan will be chained and imprisoned for 1,000 years (Rev. 21: 1-6)
Christ’s Glorious Kingdom will be established on earth (Rev. 21 and 22; Isaiah 2:1-4)
There will be judgment of Nations. (Matthew 25: 31-46)
The Christians will reign with Christ (Rev. 20: 4,6; 2 Tim. 2:12; Matthew 19: 28; 25: 14-23
The kingdom will now be restored (Acts 1:6; Matt. 6:10 18:1; Gen. 1:10

The millennium is equivalent to the stone kingdom of Daniel 2, and is the converging point of


The doctrine of Heaven and Hell teaches that Heaven is the seat of God, and the final abode of
all those redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God and regenerated by the Holy
Spirit. Whereas Hell is the seat of Satan, headquarter of satanic operations, and the temporary
place meant for those who reject Christ or died without Him. An honest study of scripture
reveals as much proof for heaven as for hell. Some people do not go to heaven because they
lived good lives, nor do others go to hell because they were bad in character. Relationship with
Jesus determines ones eternal destiny and abode. Thus, He says “No one cometh unto the
father but by me” John 14:6.


The Jewish of old recognized three heavens:
The aerial or atmospheric heaven, where the birds fly, the winds blow, and the showers,
mists, vapors and clouds are formed (Acts 1: 11)
The firmament, or the region of the sun, moon, starry host (Gen. 1: 1; Ps. 19: 1; Job 38: 31-
The heaven of the heavens. This is where God dwells, and is the region spoken of as the
immediate presence of God, the region of divine glory, also the dwelling place of angels and
the saints (1 Kings 8: 30; Psalm 11: 4; 15: 1, Matt 6: 9). This is the third heaven to which
Paul was caught up. (2 Cor. 12: 2)

In Heaven there is,

“no sickness nor pain”
“no hunger nor thirst”
“No sorrow nor crying, nor tears”. All curse for this forever removed. Rev 21
“No sea” (Eccl. 1: 7). The emblem of unrest and dissatisfaction. Rev. 21: 1
“No death” (Hosea 13: 14; 1 Cor. 15: 26; Rev 20: 14).
“No Night”. All weariness is to vanish Rev 21: 25
“No-Sin” (Rev. 7: 16; 16: 1, 4, 25, 27; 22: 3, 5)

While human language cannot depict heavenly glory, there are seven positive descriptions of
heaven to feast upon (Isaiah 64: 4; 2 Cor. 12: 4)
“ fullness of joy-pleasure forevermore” (Psalm 16: 11; 21: 6; 36: 8; Matt 25: 21, 23)
“rest from weary labor” (Heb. 4: 9; Rev 14: 13)
“unceasing service” (Rev 7: 15; 22: 3)
“perfect knowledge” (1 Cor. 13: 9-12)
“perfect beauty and safety” (Rev 21: 19-21)
“happy reunion with loved ones” (2 Sam 12: 13, 1 Thess. 4: 13-18)
“the bliss of being with, and begin like Jesus” (Ps. 17: 15; John 12: 26; 14: 3; 17: 24; 1 Thess. 4:
17; 5: 10; John 3: 2; Rev 22: 4)

Sin has shame as its companion in life and hell as its wages thereafter.
The soul of man neither dies nor falls into unconsciousness when the body dies. Sinners do
not cease to be, and saints do not go to sleep until the resurrection of the just. Personality is
indestructible. Conscious survival after death is already taught in scripture (Luke 16: 19-31;
2 Cor. 5: .8; Phil. 1: 23; Heb. 12: 22, 23; Rev 6: 9, 10)
All who die without of Christ go to hell. The Old Testament word for hell is Sheol, and is
used in two senses. It also represents the grave to which the bodies of both the righteous
and the wicked go. See Gen. 37: 35; Kings 3: 6, 9; Psalms 9: 17; 55: 15; 116: 3; Proverb 7:
27; Isaiah 28: 15-18.
The New Testament word for hell is Hades and corresponds to sheol. (Luke 16: 23-25, Rev
1: 18; 6: 8; 20: 13-15; 1 Cor. 15: 55)
These and other designations describe the dreadfulness of hell, what plurality of torment is
the portion of the lost! If only there could be heard by then, the groans and shrikes of the
damned for one hour, how they would flee to Christ for mercy!
Hell is described as being “beneath” (Proverbs 15: 24). “Hell is as far under the earth as heaven
is above it”. Luke tells us that the devils besought Christ to command them to go into the deep
(Luke 8.31). Hell, then, is in the deep.

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