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Copyright © 2020 by Mihai Ionescu
English translation copyright © 2021
Translated by Federica Dochinoiu

Originally published as
“Remediu homeopat – Paharul cu apă” in Romanian
in Jan. 2020 by Mihai Ionescu

Online edition in English - March 2021

ISBN 978-973-0-33830-0

This book was printed at the author’s expenses


PREFACE ……………………………………………… 7

INTRODUCTION ……………………………………... 11

CONDITIONS …………………………………………. 31

Homeopathic remedy – A Glass of Water ...…………… 41

Materializing a request towards
“The Universe” using the glass of water ……….……… 57

Psoriasis and the glass of water ...……………………… 107

Homeopathic remedies activated by verbal
call and the use of the palms’ energy …………………... 121

Homeopathic principles and rules ……………………… 139

ARGUMENTS …………………………………………. 173


The information and recommendations presented in this

book are based on the author’s personal experience. This
book’s author does not give medical advice, nor does he
prescribe the use or interruption of a medicine as a form of
treatment without asking for the direct or indirect
consultation of a physician. He wants to offer information
and not medical advice. The aim of the author is just to offer
general information, that might help you on the road of
seeking good health. The application of information and
recommendations offered in this book, means to take over
an individual responsibility.
All advice and procedures included in this book are not a
guarantee of the author or publisher. The author and
publisher do not assume any responsibility concerning the
use of the information presented in this book.

“I do not recommend that you should avoid

physicians, or the treatments indicated by them, or to
interrupt those treatments.”
Mihai Ionescu


Just as the universe does not exist without the two

sides of existence, just as there is no Yang without Yin,
so are in our life positive things and negative ones.
Otherwise, …how could we be able to say about a thing
that it is good if we do not know what its negative
variant looks like?
So is man’s suffering an integral part of our
existence which, to a certain extent, proves beneficial by
helping us to further evolve. Obviously, if suffering
proves to be too much as to its intensity, there is nothing
else left for us but to seek other ways of overcoming the
deadlock and balance the two forces. There are several
therapies in the world for eliminating suffering from our
body, the only problem is to discover that variant which
best fits our person.

In this way, only a major suffering, taking one to a

maximum value of pain, may change these programs that
were inflicted upon our mind along dozens of years of
indoctrination, being capable of making us see the world
from a different perspective, appreciate our health,
exactly as it has happened in my case, making me write
this book.
Socrates said: “He who wants to move the world
should first move himself”.

This study’s author wants to suggest a new variant of
a possible therapy which, however simple it seems at
first sight, the more difficult it is to be applied.
Simple, as it takes only 10 seconds of our time (as
long as it takes to write down 5 words on a piece of
paper) but difficult because of our laziness, which
hinders us to overcome certain habits and comforts that
are deeply rooted in our subconscious.

The method described in this book shows the

importance of the words we use daily and how they may
influence our way in life, according to their connotations
– positive or negative.

This book should be read particularly when we are at

the best of our health and we can correctly weigh the
received information. If you think that the moment you
are suffering you will be able to read it and correctly
asses it, you are deeply mistaken in your illusions.

Having a vision about a certain scientific truth, this

book makes the universal nature seem ridiculous,
completely ignoring logical thinking so elementary for
the human being, with its laws of decency, which say
that you cannot create anything… out of nothing.
Nevertheless, I can only hope that by reading this book
there will be enough arguments in its favor.

Having in view that no less than 150 years ago, our
modern technologies could have seemed unconceivable,
it is naive to think that we have already learned all the
lessons about the Universe. Our epoch’s paradox is that,
in a society of information, man is ever more
disinformed. Though we have access to a lot of
information, we nevertheless do not know what is really
happening around us.
The official scientific world clings to the old
paradigms according to which the existence of our world
may be fully explained through the mechanistic model of
the Universe.

“Do you remember how people used to laugh about

electrical currents (and now they are used by the whole
world). Getting to know the human being is only at the
beginning” Albert Einstein

I want this book to make people learn primarily about the fact
that there is a medical alternative called HOMEOPATHY,
oriented towards the cause which produces suffering to the
Do not overlook chapter 5 which is a synthesis of various
texts of homeopathic medicine and the works written by
various homeopathic physicians.


This empiric study appeared as a consequence of my

need to solve certain medical issues through other ways,
different from allopathic medicine, which in my case
was unable to do anything.
My interaction with allopathic medicine left me with
a bitter taste. I could only find its incapacity in the case
of problems which did not fit into standard illnesses.

“The experience I accumulated while working in this

community for 15 years, make me believe that any
disease which an average doctor did not come across
with, at the university courses, does not exist for them.”
SHIRLEY TRICKETT: How do we treat candida
(Cum tratăm candida, Ed. Antet, 2005, pg. 15)

Here, we obviously cannot speak about only one

cause, but about several, which put together show its
impotence: the great volume of work due to the big
number of patients, few physicians, limited time granted
to the sick men for making a correct diagnosis, the lack
of research.
Personally, I think that each branch of medicine has
its own place in our life, but the big mistake of people is
their impotence to integrate all these branches into a
universal medicine and people prefer for each person to

try various “precise” therapies based more often than
not, on healing just one organ instead of treating man as
a whole.
That is why, in a world in which classical medicine
fails more and more often, homeopathy seems to be a
much more viable solution with lasting effects.
That is how I came to have contacts with this branch
of alternative medicine, which is Homeopathy and I was
surprised to find the lack of information that exists in
this field, especially that from my point of view
homeopathy treats almost all diseases.

The only condition is to begin the use of

homeopathic remedies as early as possible, particularly
because homeopathy can be practiced even from the first
signs that something is wrong with our body.

Treat imbalances in your body with homeopathic

remedies from the very first symptoms and you will be
protected from the possible escalations in the
degradation of your body which might endanger your
very life.

My experience with homeopathic medicine in

Romania was, from the very beginning, not exactly
beneficial, when I found out its completely wrong
application by some homeopathic physicians towards the
old norms of homeopathy.

Thus, forced by circumstances, I personally came to
study this field of alternative medicine, like homeopathy,
as I did not find a homeopathic doctor who was
practicing classical homeopathy. And after I studied it, I
came to consider it the most viable therapy having the
greatest chances of success.

Classical homeopathy is that therapy as part of

which you are given a unique remedy and it is allowed to
acts enough time for its effect to be maximum. A
physician who practices classical homeopathy has to
recommend one, or at most two remedies, after which
the patient must go back to the doctor for another check-

Homeopathic remedies work no matter what the

religious or spiritual orientation people have and they
work even for those who do not believe in them,
including for babies, children or animals.

The method, having close ties with homeopathy, will

refer to the basic principle of homeopathy and to the
manner in which homeopathic remedies are made.
A homeopathic remedy is obtained by taking a
substance which, by progressive dilution into an
alcoholic solution and by intensification/amplification
(stirring the vessel), acquires therapeutic qualities of
different powers according to the dilution level. This

process called intensification makes the substances from
which we started out to acquire new therapeutic
properties. In this way, while it is swallowed, the
homeopathic remedy commands the body to generate a
certain frequency specific for the respective remedy. If it
finds in our body another frequency of a reversed phase
(specific to a certain disease), the both frequencies are
mutually cancelled.

It is known from physics that when two identical

waves, but of opposed phases, are being superposed,
they annihilate each other, disappearing. From the
therapy discovered by Dr. Rife at the beginning of the
1920’s, and from the long-lasting experiments with bio-
resonance, it has been long ago proved that each
pathogenic element as well as each disease, shows a
certain typical oscillation. If we superimpose an identical
oscillation as to its frequency, but of a reverse phase
with that of the disease or of the pathogenetic element
present in the patient, the respective disease will be
“wiped out” and shortly the symptoms of the disease will
The art of healing by using the homeopathic doctor
method therefore lies in finding exactly the necessary
substance and the proper dilution which, once it is
swallowed, should find the exact frequency (of inverted
phase) necessary in stopping the disease. For more
details related to homeopathy, read chapter 5.

Since most people are not initiated in this field of
homeopathy and understand certain terms more difficult,
in this study we will use just the term of “power” when
we will refer to the potential/dilution of a homeopathic

In the wake of profoundly studying the field of

homeopathy, in my search, I learned about the existence
of a method by which homeopathic remedies can be
achieved very simply, by using just a little piece of
paper, a pencil (ballpoint pen), a glass and a bit of water.
Thus, I was curious to see if this method works.
Mention should be made of the fact that this method
is not mine. I did only get to know it and by using it, to
convince myself of its truthfulness and efficiency and to
discover all its functional variants.
It is possible that very many of those who read about
this possibility to “prepare” homeopathic remedies using
just a glass of water, to wonder if there was any reason
to further read this book, as they were unable to conceive
that there is such a simple method.
This method is difficult to assimilate by people just
because of its simplicity. Human nature has this
tendency to complicate things and that is why, in a first
stage, they vehemently reject the possibility of such a
method to exist, which really works, entering into a real
kind of “intellectual withdrawal” which blocks them,
automatically leading to the impossibility of analyzing

this new idea. In this case, the mental automatism has its

Albert Einstein said: “There are things we know,

that are impossible to achieve, until there is someone
who comes and does not know this and accomplishes

Why this quotation?

Even if everybody learned at school that a certain
thing could not be done, I want that those who read this
book, before labeling it in a negative way, would try to
be open-minded and personally study this method, even
if, for many it might seem to be some hallucinations or
inventions of the mind (particularly because for
verifying this method, you need just 10 seconds a day).
I hope that it will be not hundreds of years until man
will learn that the earth is not a square.

How does this method work, by which a

homeopathic remedy materializes itself in a glass of
water? Nobody knows. It is only certain that it works
and was developed due to the remarks made in the wake
of putting it into practice.

It might have a connection with:

• the high level of electromagnetic radiations in the
atmosphere (particularly in towns);

• the oscillations of the Schumann Resonance,
which show that something is going on at a
global level and millions of people experiment
this thing;
• the morphic resonance theory which says that
once an impossible thing becomes by chance
possible, it becomes permanent from that
moment on, thus no longer being an impossible
• the memory of water –which shows that water
receives and registers any outer influence,
remembering everything that happens in the
space surrounding it (any substance that comes in
contact with water leaves its mark on its
• the present position of the Earth in the Universe –
it is known that our solar system is constantly
moving and that at present it is passing through a
photonic belt;
• etc.
Nobody knows. But it is sure, that the water prepared
in this way, after it is swallowed, has the same effect as
the homeopathic remedies which we find under the form
of granules in homeopathic drugstores.

Why does this method work?

It is not that hard to understand, because it was
scientifically proved by the Japanese Masaru Emoto that

water takes over the vibrations of a word and if that
word consists of the name of a homeopathic remedy,
then the water is programmed with the same vibration as
the one of the homeopathic remedy. The paper is just a
copy of the homeopathic remedy and has the same
vibration which informs the water, impregnating it with
the vibration of the remedy written on paper.
The Japanese researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto, who
studied and photographed the formation of frozen water
crystals, came to the conclusion that the crystalline
structure of frozen water changes due to exposure to
external factors: words, music and even prayers. These
photographs were made with the help of a microscope
placed in a room at -50 degrees C. These amazing results
were presented in his book “The Hidden Messages in
Water”, which outlines the effect of human conscience
on water. In this book he showed that, by spoken or
written words or by music to which the same sample of
distilled water had been exposed, it changed its structure
according to the received energy.
In his book, Dr. Emoto presents concrete arguments
which demonstrate that the energy of thoughts, that is
spread by words and music, all this influences the
molecular structure of water, the same water which
makes up 70% of a mature person’s body and which, at
the same percentage covers our planet.
The general conclusion was undeniable: water easily
takes over the vibrations and energies of the surrounding

environment. The outstanding discoveries of Dr. Masaru
Emoto are an incontestable proof which can transform
the perception on ourselves and on the world we live in.
We now have the proof and explanation of the fact that
water can cure and transform our life for the better,
through the thoughts we choose to keep in our mentality
and through the ways in which we apply these thoughts.

It is our recommendation for you to read this book by

the Japanese Masaru Emoto, which will be much more
than a captivating reading and which will show us the
concrete manner in which he came to these discoveries
that impose reassessing all scales of value we already
have about our world.
The reading of the book “The Hidden Messages in
Water” may help you to more easily accept the method
described in this book as it brings indisputable proofs
about the changes in the structure of water after the use
of words like love or gratitude. It clearly shows the fact
that those words bear a vibration which is transferred
into the water’s structure.

“We next thought about what would happen if we

wrote words or phrases like “Thank you” and “Fool” on
pieces of paper, and wrapped the paper around the
bottles of water with the words facing in. It didn’t seem
logical for water to “read” the writing, understand the
meaning and change its form accordingly. But I knew

from the experiment with music that strange things
could happen. We felt as if we were explorers setting
out on a journey through an unmapped jungle.
The results of the experiments didn’t disappoint us.
Water exposed to “Thank you” formed beautiful
hexagonal crystals, but water exposed to the word
“Fool” produced crystals similar to the water exposed to
the heavy-metal music, malformed and fragmented.”
Masaru Emoto: The Hidden Messages in Water,
September 2005 by Beyond Words Publishing

It is on these changes, which appear in the structure

of water, when certain words are uttered, that the “Glass
of water” method described in this book, is based. Thus,
we notice that: “Man is just a small energetic particle in
an ocean of energy.”

Those who do not believe in the method of this

study, might, if they have the possibility, make
photographs of the ice crystals as Masaru Emoto did it,
before and after influencing the water by using a paper
on which the name of a remedy had been written.
Obviously, one could notice changes in the ice crystals. I
myself am convinced that this will happen.

Subsequently, Masaru Emoto wrote, on the same

subject of water research, the books “Messages from
Water”, “The Secret Life of Water”, ”The True Power

of Water”, which are more than recommended reading
for those who want to fully understand the way in which
water can change according to external factors that act
upon it.

But for most people, this method is hard to believe

and the theory behind it is even harder to comprehend.
For some, it is hard to believe that it works, even after
they noticed that it worked when they used it for their
pets (with various medical problems), which shows that
it had no connection with the placebo effect.
I can only convey my thanks to the “Universe” that I
heard about this method at the most “timely” moment of
my life, which, if I had not heard about it, might have

Maybe you wonde how this study was made

possible, the findings that the remedies have materialized
as well as the various reactions of the body depending on
certain remedies?
Why was I able to do this and not someone else?
The answer is quite simple and it refers to a
disturbance of my hearing, that I had “acquired” some
time ago.
This kind of derailing refers to the fact that a few
years ago, my ears started buzzing all the time. For those
who do not know what this disease means, its medical
terminology is tinnitus. This noise which appears in

one’s ears, is nothing else but an alarm signal for a
problem that appeared in our body, and it might have an
unlimited number of medical reasons. That is why it is
extremely hard to treat this disease, as it is not related
exclusively to the hearing apparatus.
No matter what I might have done to solve this
problem, I had no success whatsoever, I had only
failures and remained with this permanent kind of
whistling in my ears, with which I had to get used to.
Later, when I started using homeopathy, I noticed
that the tingle in my ears changed its tonality and
amplitude, always when I took homeopathic remedies,
no matter what their type was, there was a change that
appeared almost instantly. When these acoustic changes
were not instantaneous, it took no more than two or three
minutes before they appeared. There was no case in
which I took a homeopathic remedy that this acoustic
change should not appear, and this before the respective
remedy should start working effectively and its effects
on my body should really appear.
This was my trump which proved to be a real help in
discovering various functional variants of the glass of
water. This quality gave me the possibility, when I tried
the variant by which homeopathic remedies can be made
with the glass of water, to immediately know, if they
materialized and transmitted their information to the
body, thus proving that the method is real and not just
mere words.

A contribution to this study was the fact that I am an
analytical person and very attentive with details, which
is quite important when you are to make a study, and not
at last the “professional shortcoming” which I developed
while I was in office.
This “professional shortcoming” refers to the
capacity of logical analyses, developed at my old
working place and which was of a real help in the
moment I started studying the glass of water method. I
can say that the 12 years I spent at that company made
their presence fully aware in the most difficult moments
of my life, when they helped me cross that negative
period. When I was in a very bad status with my health,
being in a status of deep degradation, part of my mental
capacities was so much affected that I even had to give
up driving my car, my logic was the only thing that
remained unaffected. The fact that the logical part of my
brain remained unaffected, allowed me to realize that, if
I had continued with the allopathic medicine (which
according to analyses said I was perfectly healthy), I
would have remained with no more time.

Yes, even time is just as important as the therapy

It is very simple for anyone who has medical
problems to realize how he relates to his time. It is
enough to use the graphic representation in mathematics,
labelling one axis as being the time, and the other axis

will be the level of wellness of the body (state of health).
In this chart we write how we felt yesterday, the day
before yesterday, last week, last month etc. We draw a
line uniting all these points. Thus, we notice if nothing
intervenes to improve the situation, what the future holds
in store for us and how we will feel tomorrow, the day
after tomorrow, next month etc. If this line of the graphic
tends to cross the time axes at point 0, it means that it is
time for a change. It doesn’t take any more than five
minutes a day to do this.
Of what help can this mathematic analysis be?
Everybody knows that a positive state of confidence
in the future helps a lot when a person has medical
The Dalai Lama even said: “If the problem can be
solved, you should not worry. If the problem cannot be
solved, there is no point to worry.”

Notice how, no matter what the situation is, we must

have as much a positive attitude as possible.
But without these 5 minutes a day, in which an
analysis of the health problems and the various therapies
made until that moment, are made, it is possible not to
pay attention to the existing situation, which might be
much more serious than it seems at first sight. Thus, in
case that the human therapies yield no result, we will
know that it was high time to try other alternative

I must tell you that unfortunately this also happened
to my mother, who, being seriously ill of a disease which
began affecting most people in the last few years,
because of this permanently positive attitude, people do
not realize what the future has in store for them, not even
three days before having a coma and then die. One can
see that extremes are not good, not even in this case and
how, a permanently positive attitude might be like a fog
which wraps up our sight and thinking. All my attempts
to draw her attention on the situation in which she was,
fell against the wall she had raised with her maternal
vanity which finds it hard to accept the fact that she
might receive advice from her child, who in the
meantime became a grownup. I regret that I could not
help my mother, this study having been made a few
years after this sad occurrence.
To come back to what I was saying earlier and
finding that I was running out of time, I began studying
various alternative therapies, that might get me out of the
trouble I was in.
This was the beginning of my search and the result
was this book in which I described “the glass of water”
method and its functional variants.
That is how this empirical study of the “glass of
water” has appeared, which might be a help for the
people who do not find a solution in classical
(allopathic) medicine and who want to try alternative
medicine and homeopathy.

All that is written in this empirical study refers to the
personal interaction noticed while I used the “glass of
water” method, to the practical experience of the method
and to the effects noticed during the time when this
therapy was used.
As I wanted this book to arouse interest from the
start, I chose to begin with the direct presentation of the
stages that have to be followed as part of this method,
and also to speak about homeopathy, all the more so as
the present method is based on homeopathic rules that
should be strictly observed in order to have maximum
benefits from this therapeutic variant .
I considered that it is better to begin the direct
presentation of the glass of water method and the stages
of its application, and then to bring details in a quite
simple form for being understood by all readers of this
It is my request for, however impatient you might be
to begin using the method described in this book, not to
undertake anything before having read the whole book
and to have understood it. As it is a free therapy, you
might be tempted by it, but just like any new thing,
before using it, all details should be known about how it

I am not a doctor, I am just licensed in marketing,

but maybe this contributed to getting me out of trouble,
helping me to find an alternative variant of treatment that

should work and be rather cheap. In this case even free
of charge.
In this book you will discover the principles on
which homeopathy is based, how homeopathic remedies
are being taken, when they are taken, at what intervals,
what is being treated first, what dilution (power) is
recommended according to the moment when the illness
appeared etc.
Only after having completely understood the way in
which homeopathy works, you will be able to benefit
from the help this method could bring you.

Homeopathy and allopathy (the classical medicine)

are not excluding each other. It is advisable to know both
variants and use one or another, according to the given

This book was printed with personal expenses and

offered as a gift to friends, the author thus wanting to
show his gratitude to the “UNIVERSE” for the given
It was written with the hope that it might help other
people in their quest for a better health and will make the
suffering I experienced to be the best thing that
happened to me in life, next to the family I was blessed
with by the “Universe” and which I love with all my

It is possible for the “UNIVERSE” to have its own
contribution to achieving it, many of the ideas I
presented in this book have come to me in the morning
when, being in a half awakened state, I started putting
down in a copybook – permanently held near my bed –
line after line, idea after idea. Many times, I found it
quite difficult to understand what I had written, since I
kept just one eye open, not being used with daylight or,
if it was still dark with the light I put on.

Thus, with every passing day, ever more lines and

ideas added up, which in the end became what you are
reading now.
My thanks to the “UNIVERSE” for its help.

Ever since I wrote this book, I found an interesting

thing: no one around me is complaining that he or she
has medical problems.
How wonderful is this energetic SILENCE!
It is so marvelous not to be obliged to listen to the
complaints of people who do not want a real settlement
of their problems and not to get filled with negative
energy (All those who know about this book, but do not
want to read it, will avoid starting discussions about
medical topics).

I am sure that the sicker people will be, all the more
so will they refuse to read this book, even if it is offered

to them for free. This shows their mental blockage and
their incapacity to assimilate new information,

“Nobody is able to overcome a health problem

if he uses the same thinking cliché
which started the disease.”
Thomas Edison

In order to have a better image of the text used in the requests
toward "Universe", the author chose to keep also their original
variant, the one in Romanian language, which will be framed
in brackets (…).
If you lack the impulse to continue reading this book, I
recommend that you pass directly to the last part of it, where
more arguments are brought, and after that you should
properly read the chapters.


Before effectively describing the method by which a

homeopathic remedy can be materialized in a glass of
water, I would like to inform you about two of the most
important (homeopathic) rules which must be strictly
observed throughout the period when the remedies are
used and not just then: without COFFEE and MINT
(camphor, eucalyptus).

It is quite possible that after the assertion (condition)

mentioned above, half of the persons reading this study,
might have given up continuing to read it. But because
these two substances act like an antidote for
homeopathic remedies, a fact demonstrated by
homeopathic practice, they must be mentioned from the
very beginning.
In case you drink a cup of coffee, this antidoting
appears quite fast, in about two minutes (an effect
personally experienced)

If we refer to mint, it is quite simple, we just have to

change our toothpaste. We can still find toothpaste
which does not contain mint and usually it is mentioned
on its box “for homeopathic treatment”. The interdiction
comes from Hahnemann himself, who quotes the mint in
his work “Treaty about chronic diseases” of 1832.

However, in the case of coffee, it is more
complicated. Several factors make it difficult to give up
coffee, the most important being the withdrawal
symptom which appears in case we give up drinking it,
and it is all the more powerful when we give it up
One variant for coffee, which does not interact with
homeopathic remedies, is to drink INKA (coffee
surrogate from chicory root powder, barley and rye).
One can start by trying one or two days coffee and the
third day, INKA, following that the coffee dosage to be
decreased slowly, switching in this way to INKA only.

Some people argue that they cannot do without

coffee, because they have no energy all day long and feel
how they are invigorated by it immediately after
drinking it.
If you feel you have no energy when you wake up,
and you do not recover with a bit of moving around, that
means that your body does not function in a normal way
and there are deficiencies in assimilating certain
nutrients which are necessary for the optimum
functioning of the body and that there already exists an
imbalance in the body.
The imbalance, small at the beginning but, if the
symptoms are hidden by using coffee intensively, may
become bigger and with unpredictable effects for one’s

Other people (as myself) say they have low blood
pressure and that is why they drink coffee.
I can say from my own experience that this is not
true. The moment I gave up coffee (suddenly), after two
days of having horrible headaches, my blood pressure
started to get normal and, about a week later, it regulated
itself in the sense that it was no longer low in the
morning as in the period when I was drinking coffee.
Thus, I found that the low blood pressure was because of
my organism, that had got used to this “drug” which I
was drinking each morning, and it’s absence activated
the “withdrawal”.

If we refer to the positive or negative effects of

coffee, I can add another negative effect which is not
taken into consideration by people. If we relate to the
principle of manufacturing homeopathic remedies which
says that a substance acquires a certain “power” by
successive dilution, that “power” is nothing else but an
amplified frequency. This means that the respective
substance already has an initial energetic frequency.

In other words, CH 0 is not equal to 0.

From the homeopathic point of view, CH 0 is equal to
the Initial Energetic Frequency of that substance.
(CH 0 = The basic substance – named: tinctura mater
in Latin, and mother tincture in English).

All scientists agree that all that surrounds us, the
whole matter we see, is nothing else but condensed
Hence, we infer that undiluted substances (CH 0 or
mother tinctures) have a small energy frequency, but
they do. Thus, we notice that the substances, besides
being chemical elements, also have a homeopathic

What does it help us to know this? It helps people

who want to be treated using natural products and who,
when they drink coffee, cannot benefit from this initial
energetic frequency which also has an effect as a
homeopathic remedy. Indeed, the initial “power” of a
remedy is very small, but its existence cannot be denied.

Thus, the persons who drink coffee daily will no

longer be able to benefit from a possible homeopathic
benefit of that natural product and, though they chose
natural therapies, will benefit from the substances of that
particular product only at the chemical level, not at the
energetic one.
Drinking coffee will cancel any possibility for self-
healing of our body, no matter what therapeutic
variant we choose by neutralizing any energy which
might trigger off the healing process (a rule which is also
valid in the case of mint and the products containing this

This rule is (from my point of view) also valid for
persons going to the spas for treatment. We can safely
say the water we find in those spas, being a water full of
minerals and substances which are beneficial for the
human body, is also a HOMEOPATHIC WATER. Thus,
the recommendation related to the use of coffee and mint
is also valid in this case, at least for the period of making
balneary treatment.

The scientific explanation for coffee is the following:

The caffeine in coffee (chocolate, cacao) stimulates
the cortico-suprarenal gland to produce adrenalin and
cortisone in excess which tells us that there is a deadly
peril, so that the brain is rapidly preparing the body for
such an event. For fighting or running away.
When a lion is running after you in the jungle (or if
any event appears that puts your life in danger), the
adrenalin reaches high levels. The blood is re-oriented
towards the muscles, “stolen” from certain internal
organs (stomach, bowels etc.), which will not participate
directly to the fight.
At the brain level, the blood is re-directed from the
pre-frontal cortex, which deals with the rational, logical
analysis of the situation, towards the occipital cortex
responsible for the instincts in charge of rapid,
instinctive reactions (if you think how you might avoid a
dangerous situation, you will probably die before making
any move). That is why, coffee should be drunk when

we go to war, or when we are to fight a “battle” in the
coming 30 minutes.
Likewise, the brain places in a state of rest any other
resource consuming mechanism until the adrenalin
comes back to normal levels. Such a mechanism is also
the immunity system (the body does not need the
immune system until it gets rid of the danger command).
In most cases, if we have certain influenza
symptoms, headaches or tiredness, they disappear
quickly after a cup of coffee because of the adrenaline.
It is not by chance, that more and more often we see
medical recipes with adrenaline aerosols and/or cortisone
aerosols for ordinary symptoms – because the two
substances tell the brain to temporarily stop the
respective symptoms because of an alleged danger of
We can mention the skin eruptions treated with
cortisone, which are rapidly disappearing for a few days,
to then reappear exactly with the initial forms, or the
cold and influenza products which contain additional
Thus, the person who uses to drink coffee daily
(sometimes the whole day long) keeps his immune
system at rest. The healing mechanisms takes a break, as
if there was not enough adrenaline from the daily stress.
The studies made with the help of magnetic
resonance shows that a cup of coffee reduces the blood
flux to the brain up to 50%. And, moreover, it blocks the

receivers for adenosine, a neurotransmitter generating in
a natural manner the feeling of tiredness and the need for
sleep. It blocks only the receptors, not the producers of
Consequently, 4 to 6 hours after having drunk the
coffee, the unlocked receivers will be flooded by a larger
quantity of adenosine and the coffee drinker will
suddenly be devoid of vitality, tired and irritable. In that
moment he will feel the need to drink one more coffee.
In time, the regular coffee drinker contributes to
raising in his brain the number of the adenosine
receptors (tiredness) so that the morning coffee, though
generating a plus of energy, will not be able to generate a
state of wellbeing that will be smaller than that of a non-
coffee drinker. The result is a bodily exhaustion and an
increase in health problems.
For those who will still want to drink coffee, it would
be ideal to do it if they are completely healthy and quite
seldom. Anyway not daily.

If someone thinks that he will be able to treat any

medical problem, having the immune system stopped
because of drinking coffee is completely wrong.

This would be one of the explanations for the fact

that the doctors, no matter what therapy they choose,
have less and less success (that is, people curing for
good from certain diseases).

There is also the variant in which coffee cannot
antidote permanently the homeopathic remedies, but
only for a while. If the homeopathic remedy was well
chosen and matches perfectly the disease, it is possible
not to be canceled, but just temporarily stopped from its
action. Thus, this antidoting, even if it is not permanent,
can have an action during the day in which it was drunk
(approximately 12 hours).

Obviously, it is not advisable to drink coffee, even if

the remedy is well chosen and can no longer be
antidoted, as it is possible that it happens just like in the
case of a treatment with antibiotics which, if it is
“temporarily” stopped half ways, may not have any
effect even if the treatment is continued, because time
was given to the disease to get used to that remedy.
Though coffee is praised, even by physicians for
some of its benefits, those same physicians say that
coffee should not be drunk in case of anesthesia. We
should make a note of how, in the case of some allopath
therapies, coffee behaves also like an antidote.

Other specialists do not recommend coffee as it

increases acidity in our body, which is not at all
recommended. Not to be mistaken for the acidity in our
Dr. Robert Young, a microbiologist and nutritionist
in the United States, studied for years blood acidity,

considering it, with other specialists in this realm, the
major cause of diseases in the modern age.

He upholds:
“The pH level of our internal fluids every cell in our
bodies. The entire metabolic process depends on an
alkaline environment. Chronic averacidity corrodes body
tissue, and if left unchecked will interrupt all cellular
activities and functions, from the beating of your heart
to the neural firing of your brain. In other words,
overacidity interferes with life itself.”
“The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health”
2019 by Grand Central Publishing/Hachette Book Group

Among the specialists who studied the human body

(ACIDOSIS), we must mention Dr. Robert Morse, who
“The pH balance—the balance of alkalies to acids—
within the body is vital, and should be approximately 80
percent alkaline to 20 percent acidic. If we become too
acidic from diet and lifestyle, we create too much of an
anionic condition in the body, causing stone formation
and inflammation. To reverse this is to alkalize, which is
cationic and anti-inflammatory. This will break apart
and liquefy calcium deposits, cellulite and lipid stones.
These deposits can form or accumulate anywhere in the
body, especially in the liver, gallbladder and kidneys.

This alkalization and neutralization of acids requires the
alkaline electrolytes. If you’re not eating a diet rich in
raw fruits and vegetables, you’re not getting enough of
these vital electrolytes. This compounds the over-acid
condition within the body and creates dehydration.”
Robert Morse, N.D.: The Detox Miracle Sourcebook


Would it not be better to avoid drinking coffee? …

particularly at the moment when our body needs
“mending”. The choice is yours!



I repeat once more that this method is not mine. My

contribution refers only to studying and developing this
initial method, about which I heard by chance at the
most (negative) important moment of my life.
Further on I mention some of the links where I found
this information (2017):

I will begin by describing directly the procedure

which has to be followed as part of “manufacturing” a
homeopathic remedy using the “glass of water” method
– as it was initially described, namely:

➢ You take a small piece of unused white paper, of the
size of a visiting card (from an A4 or Letter Size);

➢ You write beautifully and with capital letters, using

a pencil (or a ball point pen), the full name of the
remedy and its dilution (for instance: “ARNICA
writing should be close in order to fit completely
under the glass, and if need be, it can be written in
two or three lines;

➢ The paper should be placed under a glass which we

filled halfway with plain water from the tap (the
quantity does not matter) in such a way that the
writing is placed in the middle;

➢ The paper should be placed under a glass which we

filled halfway with plain water from the tap (no
matter what the quantity) in such a way that the
writing is placed in the middle;

➢ You leave the glass with water standing on this paper

for at least 3 minutes for the remedy written by us on
the piece of paper to become active (if the glass
stands for more time on the paper, there is no

➢ You have to drink 3 mouthfuls from this water, each
of them being held in the mouth to be absorbed by
the mucous, the energetic transfer taking place only
in the mouth. It was scientifically demonstrated that
this water, if it is directly introduced in the stomach
through a hose, the homeopathic remedy is no longer

➢ Before and after taking the remedy, it is advisable

not to eat, drink and brush your teeth for at least 30

➢ This is all!

Sight from above

of the glass of water
under which a piece
of paper was placed
with our request:

The quantity of the swallowed water does not count,

even if the whole glass is drunk, the effect is the same.

In case the dose was just one only, the rest of the
water is disposed of and the glass has to be washed
thoroughly with hot water (over 40 degrees) so that no
traces of the remedy should be left in the glass and no
one else should drink from it afterwards (a drop of that
water has effect).

There is a resemblance between the described

method which is presented in this book and that of José
Silva with the difference that he recommends for a
thought to be written on that piece of paper.
For instance: “I am a charming person; I radiate
charm; I radiate love; I am a bright person; I attract
people; I am healthy and so on.”

I consider that José Silva’s method is much too

general and useful only in therapies of prevention, when
our body does not show visible signs of degradation.

We find that this method has no connection

whatsoever with the quantity of water, as some people
might think, but also, equally important is the quantity of
water used to hydrate ourselves.
One of the mistakes that a person might make is that
of not hydrating himself correctly and at the right time.

“If we wait until we are thirsty, under the condition

in which the fluids of the body become viscous before

inducing the sensation of thirst, then the properties
generating the energy of water as part of the
dehydrated cells in our body, are lost. This is one of the
major motives for which we should rather prevent
dehydration instead of correcting it.”
F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.: WATER – A miraculous cure
(APA – Un leac miraculos, Ed. Deceneu, 2013 pg.34)

Dr. F. Batmanghelidj said in his first book “Your

Book of Crying over Water” in 1992, that:
“a dry mouth is not a reliable indicator of
dehydration. The body signals the lack of water causing
pain. Dehydration produces pain and many
degenerative diseases, including asthma, arthritis, high
blood pressure, angina, diabetes in adults, lupus and
multiple sclerosis.”

The message of dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj for the

world is: “You are not ill, you are thirsty. Do not treat
thirst with medicine.” According to his say, the moment
the feeling of thirst appears, frequently mistaken for
that of hunger, the body is already dehydrated.

The conclusion (from the book by F. Batmanghelidj):

“It is sufficient for people to be careful with their
body, offering it as much water as possible for a correct
hydration and the moment this cannot be achieved, no
matter how much water we use, it is recommended to

have a little salt in it to favour the osmosis, primarily in
the periods between the meals when the stomach is
empty (3 gr.of unrefined salt in 2.5 liters of water –
about half a tablespoon of salt for 10 glasses of water.
Also recommended are two glasses of water before
eating exactly half an hour before that: “Water, no
juices, coffee or tea, which do nothing else but to
hydrate the body.”
F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.: WATER – A miraculous cure
(APA – Un leac miraculos, Ed. Deceneu, 2013)

Referring to the tendencies of the present society to

use medicines excessively and more often than not
unjustified, he says:

“The problem is that most diseases cannot be

treated with pharmaceutical and chemical products.
Moreover, the long-term use of these products can be
dangerous. What they are doing is to hide and silence
the visible manifestations of the problem.
No matter how scientific, sophisticated or attractive
the justifications for the use of these chemical products,
they often do not eliminate the medical problem – with
the exception of using antibiotics in case of infections.
The persons suffering from high blood pressure who
start the treatment with diuretics and other chemical
products are not cured.
They are told that they have to continue the

treatment for the rest of their lives.”
F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.: WATER – A miraculous cure
(APA – Un leac miraculos, Ed. Deceneu, 2013, pg. 24)

One can notice how the word treatment is

excessively and unjustifiably used, mostly to hide the
impotence of the doctors to treat a disease.
How can a physician say that a therapy which you
should take all your life is a treatment?
It would be much better if those pills which a sick
person has to take for the rest of his life, to be considered
just a help (chemical), that is something that helps you to
live one more day, and another day and so on.
Thus, they are misled that, taking the daily
“treatment”, at a certain moment, in the future, they
will be cured, thus blocking any initiative of their own
through the complete confidence which that
“treatment” has given them.

For instance:
- You have high blood pressure, you take (all your life)
a pill which regulates the blood pressure;
- You suffer from diabetes, you take insulin (all your
life) to regulate the sugar in your blood;
- You have a faulty blood circulation, you take (all your
life) pills to fluidize it;
- … etc.

We come back to our method:
It is very important that the glass should be without
any writing on it. I personally recommend that of
whisky, as the model on the cover, which is larger at its
base and everything we write fits under the glass.
As for myself, when writing the note, I use just
capital letters. The only condition is to write correctly,
legibly and without blots. If there are mistakes on the
note it is better to rewrite it.
In case the dose has to be repeated, the water is kept
in the glass 1 or 2 days at most, because the water that
stays there can spoil. That is why, if we have to further
take the same homeopathic remedy, after two days we
put fresh water and we program it again (the old water is
thrown away, the glass is to be washed and you put fresh
Even if the remedy that was in the glass works
several days in a row, it is however recommended that
after 3 days the water in the glass should be changed,
programming it by writing a new note or using the same
note on paper just like before (we thus avoid the water to
become stagnant).

While using this method, I noticed that we can use

the same paper, as it continued to have effect. But this
does not mean that one could not write another paper
every time when we change the water, the remedy is
activating itself no matter what variant is chosen.

The method has the great advantage that everyone
can make in just a few minutes any homeopathic remedy
just with a paper and a glass of water, no matter where
he is.
Some people might be tempted to say that it is a
placebo effect, which is completely wrong, because the
method functions both with babies, with children as well
as with pets, who did not know that they take remedies.
Many more attentive people will notice an odd taste
for water prepared in this way: either metallic, or stale
etc. But the taste does not change every time, it depends
on the remedy and on the dilution.

This manufacturing method puts at the disposal of

any person a pharmacy which provides homeopathic
remedies for free.

The thus prepared remedy works identically with that

made by dissolving a real homeopathic granule bought
from the drugstore, but: the treatment with homeopathic
remedies on your own account is not advisable
(especially for the dilutions CH 15, CH 30, and higher).

You might find it strange that, after having told you

about the possibility of making the homeopathic
remedies yourself, I still do not recommend you to use
this (initial) method to make the remedies alone
without consulting a homeopathic doctor.

Why so?
Because, the homeopathic remedies taken at random
may give adverse reactions. Even if some people do not
think that they have an effect, they may give various
reactions of the body, which, sometimes might be even
negative and only a homeopathic doctor knows how
these negative effects of the body can be counteracted
with other homeopathic remedies (reactions which are,
more often than not, normal).

Nevertheless, there are doctors who do not hesitate to

recommend self-medication in homeopathy.
Dr. Gerard Pacaud is one of them and he does it in
the book “Homeopathy for everyone” (Homeopatia
pentru toți, Ed. Teora) and shows the importance of
using homeopathic remedies since the beginning stages
of a disease.

At present we reached the moment when

symptoms like a little headache, a cholecystic pain, the
sluggish digestion of some food etc. to be considered
something normal (which is quickly solved with a pill).
For people, these symptoms no longer represent
disturbances of the body and, though they have them,
they consider themselves to be “healthy.”

This doctor wants to say that it is much better to start

a homeopathic therapy since the very beginning, when

you have just a slight “pain”, such as the increase of
stomach acidity which can be easily solved at this
moment, thus interrupting the degradation towards
which our organism has started.
Notice what the problem with homeopathic therapy
is and why people, using homoeopathic remedies and
rebalancing the body by increasing immunity, thus
stopping the negative trend on which the body had
started out, is not aware of the benefits they had due to it.
More exactly, if a person does not stop the negative
trend in the degradation of the body with homeopathic
medicine, such as this “minor” increase of stomach
acidity, it finally reaches, after years or tens of years, to
have various diseases in final phases.
At present one can notice that the trend in which
modern medicine advances, with all its recent
discoveries, is not the correct one, because the number of
sick people who end up in hospitals is on the increase.
That is why, I recommend that people should no longer
denigrate homeopathy. Instead of orienting themselves
towards it when they are 50 and learn that they have just
2 months more to live, they should orient themselves
towards homeopathic therapies even since they are 20,
when the body has just small disturbances in its
Thus, by strengthening the immune system, one
might be able to reach real old age without big medical

Even Dr. Gerard Pacaud refers in his book to the
theory of “the memory of water” set forth by Jacques
Benveniste, who shows the narrow views of the modern
scientific community which, instead of encouraging
these studies to clarify things, rejects them from the start.

My experience with homeopathy was a negative one

until I met dr. Adrian Dumitrescu.
I have met doctors who gave me remedies in heaps
and without any breaks between the remedies, which are
so necessary for them to work, which did nothing else
but to worsen things, to reach a point when I felt that my
future was quite uncertain.
These “homeopathic doctors”, seeing in me a rather
special case, preferred to give up treating me, literally
throwing me out of their cabinet, leaving me to find my
way out alone. What did that comfort me that they did
not charge me for the consultation, but they “left me in
the will of fate”, without being able to see a solution, as
I had tried most of them (allopathic, acupuncture,

I might say that my meeting with this wonderful

man, homeopathic physician Adrian Dumitrescu, was a
turning point in my life and made it possible to continue
my existence. That is why I thank him from the bottom
of my heart for the self-sacrifice with which he practices
his trade as a homeopathic doctor and that he does not

give up in face of the difficulties (of the patients) who,
because of their disease, might have a not exactly
coherent behavior, as their psychic side might be
affected. He was the only doctor who did not give up
treating me and did not oust me from his cabinet, no
matter how difficult my case appeared to him.
Even from the very first homeopathic remedy
recommended by him, the positive effects were not far
from appearing, thus giving me a “moment of respite” in
my suffering, making it possible to continue my
individual study of homeopathy and, implicitly, of the
present method and of the different methods of using it.

Some good thing however happened in that period

while I was “wandering” from one doctor to another.
Through this event, we can see the multitude of diseases
that can be treated by homeopathy, diseases of which the
classical medicine is just dreaming that it might cure.
I was one of those persons who were sensitive to the
electromagnetic radiations generated by mobile phones.
More exactly, certain models of mobile phones (not all
of them) caused me very serious headaches and if I did
not go away from the respective phone at least 10
meters, after a few dozens of minutes I felt a nausea
which, when the radiation persisted, was implicitly
leading to my throwing up. I have had this problem for
25 years, and it appeared when the mobile phone system
was developed.

How did I solve this problem which, with every
passing year became ever more acute? You will be
surprised about it, as I was.
In the wake of a recommendation given by a
homeopathic doctor, at the time when the doctors stuffed
me with homeopathic remedies; among the many
remedies I was supposed to take at very short periods of
time, there also was the remedy “CINA CH 30”. Related
to the disease for which I had been given this remedy I
can say that it had no effect whatsoever but, a few hours
after taking the first dose of 5 granules I determined that,
after a slight headache and sore eyes, the sensitivity at
the mobile phone radiation had disappeared!

This is how I solved in just a few hours, but purely

incidentally, with the help of homeopathy, a disease
which had bothered me for 25 years and which was
affecting my life.
Obviously, this was also related to the luck of having
used a remedy that, even though it had not helped me to
cure my disease, was successful in eliminating my
sensibility at radiations from mobile phones.
Why luck? Because it is certain that if you go to a
homeopathic doctor and tell him that you have a
sensibility with electro-magnetic radiations, he will not
know what remedy he should recommend and this if
supposedly he would believe you.
It is quite true that this remedy, having in view that,

at 10 people with the same disease, one can prescribe 10
different remedies, cannot function for other persons
even if they have the same sensitivity at the radiation
coming from mobile phones as I had. That is why this
remedy cannot be recommended in all cases of
sensibility at electromagnetic radiation.
If I were to think it over, maybe I should thank even
those homeopathic doctors, who, through their
“superficial” attitude, made it for me to remain together
with the “Universe”, to manage alone, making it possible
to publish this empiric study of what is a method
already, but very little analyzed.

Finding myself in this situation, I questioned myself:

”if everybody speaks (even scientists) about the energy
of the “universe”, how big and endless it is and how it
envelops us from everywhere, could it not transmit to
me a little bit of that energy?”

Of course, there is a problem. How can you request

such a thing?
This is how the idea came to me to adapt the “glass
of water” method by which homeopathic remedies can
be made, requesting directly from the “Universe”, whom
I asked in this way, to be my personal doctor.

And what do you think!

This really worked. It is in this way that I found a
“DOCTOR” who did not cut and run when he meets

This is how my “collaboration” with the “Universe”
You notice how, in my case and that of others, only a
very great pain can change man’s character and his way
in life.
This was the decisive moment in my way which
determined me to study the realm of homeopathic
medicine, making it possible for this study to appear
about how requests can be made for a healthy recovery,
to the “Universe”.
In case of using this method, it is necessary to study
homeopathy in order to get to know the way in which the
remedies are to be taken, when and how they are to be
swallowed, but by using it we at least get rid of the stress
of guessing what remedy should be taken, leaving that to
the universal doctor which is the “Universe” and who
knows what remedy we need for treating various pains,
as we transmit through the piece of paper.

The present method by which homeopathic remedies can
be made using the glass of water also works in the case of the
Bach floral remedies – you write “Bach Remedy” and you add
the name of the remedy.
By using the glass of water method, one can “prepare”
floral remedies with much higher potencies (dilutions) then
those usually used (CH3).
The CH denomination is explained in detail in chapter 5.



The homeopathic medicine, not being immutable,

because of the doctors who do not always guess the
remedies which fit us best, I was obliged to think of what
alternative I have, and at the moment when my disease
became worse, I had the following idea:
“If instead of the remedy’s name I wrote that I wanted
a remedy which is not to be found in the homeopathic

Asking myself this question and coming to the

conclusion that a certain remedy would do me good, I
asked the “Universe” for it, using the glass of water
Consequently, I took a piece of paper and wrote on it
the requested remedy: “INTESTINAL FLORA CH 9” (FLORĂ
INTESTINALĂ CH 9) which I placed under a glass of water.
After 3 minutes I drank three mouthfuls of that water and
I was surprised by the fact that this remedy which I
wanted for myself, materialized in the glass of water,
and the effects were not late in showing.

The acoustic changes related to my sensitivity versus
homeopathic remedies were not late in showing, a clear
proof of the fact that it materialized and activated itself
the moment I drank that water. The effects that were to
show me that it was what I needed, appeared after a few
tens of minutes, being very similar to those that appeared
when I was taking the probiotics (from the drugstore).
Only this time I did not have to buy them from the
Thus, forced by not exactly good circumstances, I
discovered that this variant, by which homeopathic
remedies can be made with the glass of water, was
working even when we want something that does not
appear in the homeopathic remedy list.
In order to see the importance of empiric studies, we
may draw a parallel between the probiotics and the way
in which they are recommended by the allopathic
As is known, these probiotics are recommended in
various medical instances to protect the intestinal flora,
but never in the wake of a specific analysis. At present,
at least in Romania, there is no laboratory analysis which
should show the need of using a certain probiotic.
In other words, without this analysis, we do not
know exactly what deficiency we have in the intestinal
flora, so that the deficiency might be rectified. The
doctor’s recommendation is always made according to
the treated illness and particularly to their personal

experience gathered in time, which is also part of the
category of the empiric studies based on medical
I drew this parallel because it is possible that certain
persons might be against these empiric studies, even if
they are used, as I said, in allopathic medicine.

This was my first experience with this new variant

by which I asked the “Universe” for a homeopathic
remedy for one of my problems, as it was not found in
the homeopathic remedy list. It was the moment when I
realized that this method was somewhat more complex,
which gives us the possibility to ask the “Universe”
surrounding us for any remedy we want, on condition
that what we want should fit our medical reality.
Obviously, until I came to the examples presented in
this book, there were many more attempts. If there is
someone who might be interested to hear all these
variants I tried out and has the time to do so, I am any
time ready to have talks on this topic.
To simplify this study, I chose to write only about
the most important models (texts) which worked.

In that period, I felt powerless and very tired. If I

made a more intensive effort for five minutes, I had to sit
down, because I started to feel dizzy and it took me half
an hour to come back to my senses. This can be
translated as an acute lack of energy.

While I was in that condition, I was thinking how
would it be if I wrote on a piece of paper the word
“VITAMINES” (VITAMINE) and place it under a glass of
Maybe you do not believe me, but from that day on I
was no longer tired and I had the energy to do what I
wanted. I took this remedy just for two days, but its
effect was permanent from that day on. In the case of
this remedy, the water had a strong taste of medicine. It
seemed as if someone had put a pill of vitamins in that

If someone tries the remedy “VITAMINES” (VITAMINE)
but has no visible lack of energy in his body, it is quite
possible that he does not realize if it materialized (in water),
the surplus of vitamins being the only finding in this case.

One thing is rather odd, if we are to speak about

vitamins. Namely the fact that there is a remedy which
was not activated no matter how often we tried to create
We can bring the argument that maybe my body did
not need it and that is why it was not activated. It is
possible but I felt very well when the body was
administered in the allopathic variant.
I mean vitamin C.

It is curious, because I used the glass of water
method to make, under the form of homeopathic
remedies, certain singular or complex vitamins, and they
always materialized themselves. Remedies such as
(MULTIVITAMINE) have functioned perfectly.

But the remedy “VITAMINE C” (VITAMINA C) did not

work. I am really curious, if among the persons who will
read this book there will be someone who needs it and
has the curiosity to make this remedy and if he

To continue this story, we can speak about the period

when I could hardly stand upright because of the lack of
my muscle control.
This lack of control was solved after having read
many books in that period and among them was the one
entitled: Cure yourself alone with the salts of life,
written by Gerhild Balosan (Vindecă-te singur cu sărurile
vieții, Ed. Dharana, 2013 - book written only in Romanian
language), which I warmly recommend to be read and its
teachings applied particularly for prevention, when our
body shows just a slight deficiency that can be easily re-
established by using homeopathic remedies.
From that book I learned about the salts of life (the
Schüssler Salts), which are in fact low dilutions of some

After having studied also other information of a
medical nature, I came to the conclusion, not just a
logical one but also by studying some personal
symptoms in certain conditions, that the problem I had
was the lack of calcium in my body.
It is known that the muscles are controlled by nerves
using, among other things, calcium. If it starts being
scarce in the body, there will be certain problems among
which the lack of control over the muscles, in my case of
the foot muscles.
I tried to explain this to the homeopathic doctor to
whom I was still going at that time with the hope that he
would recommend me something in this sense, but he
sent me to make analyses for calcium, as if he did not
know, that if the body needed calcium and did not find
it, it would start drawing it out of the bones and this
deficit would have appeared in the analyses when it
would have been too late and it would start being much
to scarce in the bones. That is much too late, after the
osteoporosis had already been installed.
Thus, as I did not want to wait for it to be absent
from my bones, reading about it in the book written by
Gerhild Balosan, analyzing all information in the book, I
came to the conclusion that a good variant to be tested
would be “Calcarea phosphorica D12”. But my option
was for remedies with CH dilutions, as in that period I
still hesitated between the glass of water method and the
homeopathic pills.

As the CH dilutions are half of the D dilutions (the D
12 dilution is equal with the CH 6 dilution). I opted for
the homeopathic remedy “Calcarea phosphorica CH

I admit that the decision to take this remedy was

mine alone and, though it is not recommended to resort
to self-medicationnot even in homeopathy, having no
other variants, I opted to try it.
Thus, I took this remedy for five days, each time five
granules. The fact that it is efficient, I felt it from the
very first day, when I no longer had problems with the
control of my foot muscles. And with this remedy, the
effects persisted, and after those five days, it was no
longer necessary to resume taking them.
This is how I came to the conclusion that it was not
necessary to take homeopathic remedies with high
dilutions for their effect to be long lasting, such as for
instance those with CH 200 which, it is said have an
effect for 6 months.

Another example from the book written by Gerhild

Balosan, which perfectly fitted my person (in keeping
with the description in the book) was the homeopathic
remedy “Calcarea fluorica CH 5”. The first beneficial
symptom was after two days when I noticed the
sensitivity of my teeth, which I had when eating acid
fruits, was considerably reduced.

These are a few examples about how I could, with
this alternative branch of medicine, homeopathy, to
gradually get better.

After these personal experiences with the remedies

made by using the glass of water method, which have
been of a real help, I started thinking also of other
possible variants for the functioning of this method.
Thus, I asked myself the question:
“If instead of the name of the homeopathic remedy
I write that I would like to have a remedy for a pain in
my body?”

This new variant through which I asked the

“Universe” for a “homeopathic” remedy for a certain
pain in my body, without mentioning what remedy it was
and would be necessary for me, has functioned perfectly.
It was the moment when I realized that this method can
help our body to repair itself, just as it happens in the
case of the homeopathic remedies, but this time using the
“Universe” as a personal doctor, who had been requested
by means of words written on a little piece of paper.
Who else knows better than the “Universe” what
remedy is necessary to our body for it to starting
mending by itself?
Thus, by practicing this method and studying
various reactions of the body, accordingto the
“UNIVERSE”, I came to be convinced that this change

of the initial method is viable, real and functioning
without being necessary to consult a homeopathic
doctor, thus eliminating the possibility that he might give
by mistake the wrong remedy. Who else, except for the
“Universe”, might know without risking to be mistaken,
what remedy perfectly matches our disease?...

This new variant of therapy is the method which

I currently use, as it derives from the initial method by
which homeopathic remedies are manufactured, as it
derives from the initial method by which homeopathic
remedies are manufactured using a glass of water,
“Instead of writing the name of the homeopathic
remedy, which we do not always know, let us write
that we want a remedy for an organ or a pain of a part
of our body.”

This variant is perfectly functional, offering the

benefit of a necessary remedy for our health but
especially as it excludes the possibility of being wrong,
just as it may happen in the case when it is
recommended by a homeopathic doctor.
Just as there is no perfect person, so can a
homeopathic doctor also be not a perfect physician, and
it is possible that because of the human nature, he might
not be very inspired when he recommends certain
remedies. By this method the very possibility of taking a

wrong remedy is avoided.
To exemplify this possibility, one can further observe
the form of the text written on the little piece of paper
which will be put under the glass of water: “REMEDY
The first two words remain always unchanged,
followed by the area or organ where we feel pain.

Having in view that very many people have periods

of headache, this request is maybe the simplest variant
by which we can test, rapidly and easy, if the present
method is working.

We should not be frightened by the fact that what we

want to be materialized in the glass of water needs for us
to write a longer text. It can be written even on two or
more lines. As long as a logic is being kept in our
request, the remedy will materialize.

I personally consider that our requests made to the

“Universe”, the moment they are materializing in the
glass of water, are nothing else but also homeopathic
remedies, particularly if we take into consideration that
the rules for their use are found in homeopathy. The
remedy, thus created, is part of the homeopathic
remedies class and is based also on the characteristics of
our body to generate a certain frequency when

How does a certain remedy materialize in the glass
of water and who transmits it to us? It is not exactly
known. But it is a certainty that the method is functional,
this being proved by the practice of its use. I personally
think that it is part of the universal energy which always
is around us.
I shall use the term of “Universe” when I shall refer
to the energy which makes possible this materialization
of a certain homeopathic element in one simple glass of
water, an energy which we do not know exactly what it
is, where it comes from, what generates it, but which we
know that it envelops us and, in the present case, we can
use it to our benefit. I avoided using terms such as:
Creator, Almighty, Divinity etc., since this method is
effective no matter what the religion of the respective
person is.

I will further show you how any of you may become

a small therapist for his own person, using the
“Universe” as his own personal doctor.
You should understand that I do not recommend you
or anybody to avoid seeing a doctor, particularly because
this therapy can be done in parallel with allopathic
medicine. In the case of having medical urgencies, my
advice is to urgently go to the doctor, who will be able to
put you “back on track” and only afterwards (even in
parallel with the allopath medication) you can also start
this therapy.

Practicing allopathic and homeopathic medicine may
be beneficial and lead to a rapid cure. Your body alone
will tell you when it will be no longer necessary to take
certain medicine.

My recommendation referring to medicine is the

following: “If you never had a certain disease, do not
take medicine for preventing something that you do not
have”. You may come across this recommendation with
some doctors whose concern is man’s health and not just
for getting a profit. I completely agree with this
recommendation, while noticing how at present, people
make abuse of medicine.

Another rule which was found during this study is that:

“In the text written on the note you can not ask
for remedies concerning a medical diagnosis.”

All variants in which this was tried, writing on a

paper note a medical diagnosis, did not work.
For instance, if we have headaches, we might be tempted
to write on that note “REMEDY FOR MIGRAINE”
From the experience gathered in the wake of using
this method, I found that this variant did not work. In
exchange, we can write on that piece of paper: ”REMEDY
This is a general rule, but it does not exclude the

possibility that, for certain affections, this method would
work even if we write its official name (from the
allopath classified list).

Thus, if we have a cold, our nose is running and we

are coughing, it is not advisable to write on that paper:
RĂCEALĂ). But we may write: “REMEDY FOR NASAL
you should take every morning for 5 days (if need be
also in the evening).
It would be even better if we gave this remedy a
“power” by writing: ”REMEDY FOR NASAL SECRETION
notation is explained in detail in chapter 5.

We may thus notice how the remedy requested by us

is for an effect of the cold and not for a cause by itself,
but we do not have to worry. The “Universe” knows that
for us to no longer have a running nose, it has to transmit
to us a remedy for a cold, which implicitly leads also to
improving that nose secretion. He is a “Universal
Doctor” who knows this.
Notice how in the text a new notation has appeared, a
“CH” followed by a number. This notation is used in
homeopathy and refers to the “power” of the remedy.
The remedy materialized in the wake of our request
to the “Universe”, also being a homeopathic remedy, we

have the possibility to give it certain “powers”, exactly
as in homeopathy, according to our needs.
The choice of the “power” (dilution) of a remedy
was and still is a big controversy in homeopathy. But we
can take into account a few general rules in choosing its
value, such as for example:
• In recent, acute affections we use homeopathic
remedies with “low powers”, such as CH 5, CH 7,
CH 9.
• In chronic diseases we use homeopathic
remedies with “high powers”, such as CH 15, CH
30 (or greater).

The rule above can be totally changed when:
• With recent, acute ailments, the intensity of the
disease is high. In this case we should use
homeopathic remedies with “high powers”, CH
15 or CH 30.
• For chronic diseases, when the vital force of the
body is low, we should use homeopathic
remedies with “low powers”, such as CH 5, CH 7
or CH 9. If you give a high dilution to a chronically
ill person, that may cause health problems or
have no effect whatsoever, because the body has
not the necessary energy to answer to high

For instance, if we have a disease that appeared
recently (days) we should use CH 5 or CH 7. If these
remedies have no effect you may pass on to CH 9. For
diseases who are already several months old or even
more, we use CH 15. In case we speak about chronic
diseases, with a long span of time (years), we should use
CH 30 or more (CH 200).
In homeopathy, because a remedy has an even better
effect when it is diluted and its potency much enhanced,
the reactions of that remedy can be greater and more
profound, while even unwanted reactions might appear
which should be fought back with other remedies.
Thus, for the homeopathic remedies with “powers”
(dilution) higher than CH 30 (CH 200, 1M etc.), we need
a deeper knowledge of the homeopathic domain and is
indicated, in the lack of this knowledge, to use them only
with the recommendation of a homeopathic doctor,
because of the longer periods in which they may have an
As a general rule, the periods in which a remedy can
have an action is related to “its power”.
For example:
- CH 5 is active for a few hours,
- CH 7 is active for a day,
- CH 9 is active for a few days,
- CH 15 is active for two weeks,
- CH 30 is active for 30 days,
- CH 200 is active for a few months.

This is a general, not a universal rule. That is why,
many times it is hard to guess the best necessary potency
(CH) for each remedy. Even a “power” such as CH 5,
taken in only one dose, may possibly have a longer
action, exactly like a homeopathic remedy with CH 200.
Nobody can always know how our body reacts at
certain remedies. Each person being unique may react
from one case to another, different from the general rule,
according to his or her affections. Choosing the “power”
of a remedy is an art which needs experience and

The factors we should have to take into account and

which determine the choice of a certain dilution (power)
• The person’s vitality: a good vitality bears high
dilutions, a low vitality requests lower dilutions;
• The age;
• The level of intending: the organic affections hint
towards lower potentials, the physiological ones
towards medium potencies, the psychic ones towards
higher dilutions;
• The level of attempted profoundness: the more you
want a profound and lasting in time, the more you
climb on the ladder of “powers”;
• The period in which the symptoms appear: acute
diseases (days) low potencies (CH 5, CH 7, CH 9),
chronic diseases (CH 5, CH 7, CH 9), chronic

diseases (months or years) higher potencies (CH 15,
CH 30).

From my own experience, by using the method

presented in this book, I found that:
“The moment in which we do not write a “power”
(CH) at the end of our request to the “Universe”, the
respective remedy which materializes in the water of
our glasses implicitly has the approximate value of CH

This rule emerged in the wake of the different

variants, personally tested, and of the reactions I had
following the use of these materialized “remedies”.

Very important:
• When someone thinks of starting to use homeopathy,
even in the variant in which options go to approach a
homeopathic doctor, it is advisable to use a notebook
in which one should write all newly appeared
symptoms after taking a homeopathic remedy. This
is a really useful thing when the doctor or even we
have to analyze the benefits of a homeopathic
remedy to avoid overlooking them. On this occasion,
we shall develop the spirit of observing our body.
From my personal experience, I can say that so many

people are not attentive with the various changes that
appear in their body, especially when they are small.

• For the accuracy of our action, there has to be a

break of at least one day between these remedies
(achieved by using the glass of water), when we shall
have to be attentive at the possible effects on our
body that might appear, and in this way, we can
realize if a remedy has an effect or not. If they do not
appear however, it is possible that the remedy did not
materialize because we did not formulate correctly
our request and it is advisable to make a new attempt
next day, seeking another variant of the text to be

• I recommend that the periods between the action of a

remedy and the break between them should be of at
least 7 days with a 7- day break, because the fact that
the remedy works, is not always visible. That is why
we have to follow the idea that it works. If it does not
work, we do not miss anything, but wasted our time.
But if it works and we do not realize it, we give it
time to work.

Besides choosing the remedy and the suitable

“power”, an important role is played by the period when
we have to take the respective remedy and the interval
between the given doses. We may choose among a

multitude of variants, which will not make this choice
easier, and is not at all simple. Here too there are rules,
but also many exceptions.
In general, I use one of the schemes of treatment by
homeopath Doctor Adrian Dumitrescu, which best fits
the various homeopathic therapies, being successful even
in my case. I use this scheme preferably because it is
As part of this treatment scheme, you take a remedy
for 7 to 10 days, after which you make a break for 7 to
10 days. Obviously, this scheme is not universally valid,
it may be different from one case to another.
For instance, another equally good variant is that by
Doctor Arthur Lutze, who was prescribing a dose at an
interval of at least 3 months and then let it the time make
its effect.
Another variant is that in which one takes the same
remedy once a week, so many weeks as are necessary for
no longer to feel any of its effects when it is
administered, following that for a week or two to take a
brake before administering another remedy.
These are just a few more important examples of
therapeutic schemes. There are many more numerous
ones and they may differ from one another, from one
person to another.
It is very important that the moment in which your
option goes for homeopathic medicine, one should know
the general way of how the remedies work.

Hering’s law says that diseases are cured:
❖ from the inside to the outside;
❖ from upwards to downwards;
❖ they disappear in reverse order in which they
manifested themselves.

The study of homeopathy becomes a must

particularly in the case of using the glass of water

The moment in which they find an imbalance in the

body and start working on it, the homeopathic remedies
do nothing else but to take to the surface all the suffering
which exists inside us. The sense is from inside out.
That is why, the moment when that happens, it is
possible for certain stains, pimples or eruptions to appear
on the skin, accompanied by intense itching.
In this case, homeopathy entirely forbids the use of
ointments which contain cortisone, that do nothing else
but to revert this sense and introduce the disease back in
our body.
Any homeopathic doctor will tell you that the
appearance of these visible symptoms on our skin is not
just a normal thing, but it is even desirable and it does
not mean anything else but the fact that the body starts to
clean itself deeply. This can be noticed with certain
persons who preferred this therapeutic variant. Even I
was not exempt from this reaction of my body, which

appeared while I was using the method described in this
My recommendation is that the moment when this
thing happens, that is small pimples, or eruptions
doubled by intense itching, to use ointments which do
not have cortisone, such as SUDOCREM or CUTADEN,
both being recommended by Dr. Adrian Dumitrescu the
moment my wife faced such reactions of the skin. They
are not the only ointments that can be used, but take
great care when choosing them. It would be better, if
these eruptions were not too disturbing, not to use any

In my case, this reaction appeared the moment when

I used a note on which I wrote “REMEDY FOR
This remedy, which I took for 14 days, caused a
similar reaction as that described earlier. A few days
after I had taken this remedy, the skin above my ankles
started itching very badly at the same time with an acute
pain in the nail of the big toe at the left foot. In the
beginning, I thought I might have an ingrowing nail, but
that did not fit very well, as that kind of pain became
severe when I touched that nail on its middle and pushed
down. Subsequently, after another few days, a group of
blisters appeared above my ankles just like those that
appear when someone has hives, concurrently with the

nail (on the inner side) becoming ash-colored.
A logical explanation could be worded in this case
that, at the moment when the body received the order to
eliminate its heavy metals, it did not find another place
where it could make this elimination, but my nail of the
foot and automatically, finding an obstacle, my
discomfort was greater.
In the case of this remedy, I chose the CH 7 variant,
as it is known that when heavy metals are starting to
move in order to be eliminated, they create some
unpleasant reactions for the body and implicitly for the
respective person (creating symptoms as in cases of
intoxication) and I wanted them to be as easy as possible
to bear.
Notice how we must be very aware of all symptoms
that might appear, during or after using a remedy, that
might indicate if that remedy was activated/working and
ordered our body to start its healing.

I can say that any pain which until that moment was
never felt, may be attributed to the remedy taken.

Examples of symptoms that might appear after

taking the remedy:
❖ changes in appetite,
❖ changes in the urine volume or its color,
❖ changes in bowel movement, in its consistency,
❖ changes of sleep,

❖ changes in weight,
❖ changes in behavior,
❖ various pains, transient or with extended effect,
❖ etc.

There might be countless changes. All there is to it,

is that we have to be aware, thus having the possibility to
get to know that the remedy we took has been activated
in our body or not. Very few people are paying attention
to these details. That is why even for the homeopathic
doctors it is sometimes difficult to take the right decision
when they do not have these helping elements.
Most times, even if the body sends various signs that
something is wrong with it, people do not consider them
important. That is why it happens that many of them go
to the doctor too late, when, most of the times, nothing
can be done.
Why did I take the remedy presented on the former
Right now, almost everybody might be intoxicated
with heavy metals which may have their origin in water,
air, in the products used for food, in the way in which
they are produced and especially from ocean fish.
This disintoxication from heavy metals should be
done once a year, no matter what method you choose,
according to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt and Dr. Patricia
Kane. In a conference held in Zürich in 2001, they
recommend the elimination of these heavy metals,

particularly mercury, by using a therapy based on the
Chlorella seaweed.
When they are present in our body, the heavy metals
play a major role in starting chronic diseases and
favoring chronic infections caused by fungi, bacteria or
viruses. The symptoms shown by the patient are often
provoked by infections, and the fundamental mistake of
the allopath doctors is that they treat the infection,
without examining the factors that favor it and implicitly
without making a detoxification of the body from heavy
It is a scientifically proven fact that we all have a
“collection” of neurotoxins in our bodies, and all of them
together have a synergetic effect. Through synergy 1+1
is not 2. The correct answer is 100. This principle is
extremely important, because it shows us that if two
substances are cumulating, their effects are not added but
they multiply very much.

At present there is practically no meat which doens't

contain mercury and other damaging substances. This
assertion is valid for the entire meat producing industry,
where pesticides, herbicides and other similar
substances, found in the food of these animals, play an
important role. Not even the exclusively vegetal food is
an absolutely safe solution, because plants too take over
toxins from the environment with which they are in an
osmotic relationship. That is why the best thing to do is a

permanent (periodical) detoxification of our organism.
The heavy metals are neurotoxins, poison for our
nervous system.
If mercury is present in our body, it causes that any
therapy we would choose would be doomed to failure.
Until it is not eliminated from our body, the organism
will be unable to recover, no matter what variant is
Consequently, if there are suspicions about the
possible intoxication with mercury or other heavy
metals, the first stage must always be a therapy by which
they should be eliminated:



Mercury from where?… I asked myself.

The answer was quite simple.
From the dental amalgam (metal fillings), which
comprises 50% of mercury and which slowly transforms
itself and then is taken over by the brain. In this case, the
fillings must be pre-eminently removed. This fact is
admitted and today it is no longer a controversial topic
within specialty circles.
This is how I learned that it is recommended for the
body to be pre-eminently prepared, before and after
eliminating these fillings by the dentist, by replacing
them with other new ones, which have no mercury.

Thus, I found the answer by myself to why, for a few
years, my health has been permanently degrading no
matter what therapeutic method I was using.
The answer was simple after I made the connection
between the beginning of this degradation and the
moment when I replaced all these metal fillings.
The coincidence is too great not to have a connection
with the mercury of those fillings. Thus, due to the lack
of information I had at that moment, I made the mistake
not to have prepared myself before their elimination, as
it is recommended to be done.
I also used the therapeutic variant based on Chlorella
and I can say that it is efficient and all happens how
these doctors say. The fact that the moment when the
heavy metals in the body are put into motion, the human
body acts just as in the case of an acute intoxication.
In the process of detoxification and elimination of
heavy metals, the infections in the body start to
“awaken”. It is maybe the most dangerous and most
difficult moment. During a detoxification cure from
heavy metals the chronic infections (which most of us
have) are starting to be visible. The problems with our
kidneys, bacteria, fungi should be, at this phase, taken
into account in the therapeutic actions. Since there is no
detoxification of heavy metals without the manifestation
of infections, they can manifest themselves through: the
sight becomes foggy, headaches, pain of kidneys,
diarrhea, chronic tiredness, muscle pain, generalized

pain, the existing suffering can worsen suddenly. The
good side of these symptoms is that they confirm the fact
that we eliminate the heavy metals from our body, the
next step being the treatment of these infections.
This is simple, because when the heavy metals are
missing, the infections answer positively to the
therapeutic methods.
These infections, without eliminating the heavy
metals, cannot be efficiently fought back!
That is why, you should not panic and continue the
therapy, the negative reactions will be attenuated to the
extent to which the heavy metals are eliminated from the
body. Obviously great care will have to be about when
and how this detoxification is being done, because the
reactions can be sometimes very dangerous.
In the case of the remedy obtained, using the glass of
water, I chose a small value of the remedy’s “power”
just because I did not want to upset my organism and for
the elimination to be done gradually.
Personally, I intended that, if this detoxification is
being recommended it should be done once a year in the
coming years, at the request I will make to the
“Universe” to enhance the “power” of the remedy
gradually each year, It is up to the value of CH 30 (CH
9, CH 15 and CH 30).
Coming back to the glass of water method, I enjoyed
once more it's existence when it helped my grandmother
(from my mother’s side) to recover faster after having

broken her ribs.
This occurrence demonstrates once again that the
glass of water method is of a real use, and it happened
this way:
Because of her age and her lack of attention, my
grandmother, after a fall, broke her ribs, adding yet
another problem to the other diseases she was suffering
from, inherent diseases for her age (78 years). The
recommendation she received from her doctor was that
of total rest and limited movement until the bones had
joined, mentioning that at her age it would take three or
four months of waiting. The problem was that from that
moment on, the suffering of my grandmother was of an
increasing trend, so that after a month she could no
longer get up from her bed, she was breathing with great
difficulty, reaching the stage when she thought that her
death is not far off.
Telling her about a method by which you can ask the
“Universe” for various remedies for the diseases which
bother you, she was glad she could do something to no
longer suffer.

The requests in her case were:

– each morning for 7 days, with 7 days break before
the next remedy;

– each morning for 7 days, with 7 days recess before
the next remedy;


– each morning for 7 days.

The effects were much beyond expectations. After

two weeks, my grandmother was walking in the house
without any help, and after a month, she had forgotten
that she had broken ribs. Not even she, who had been
quite mistrustful in the beginning, could no longer
contest the effects of the method, all the more so as they
were so visible, knowing that at her age broken ribs
would heal in a much longer span of time.

After my grandmother had recovered from the pain

caused by the broken ribs, something quite funny
happened. It was exactly like in the case when, if you
have a pain, you can make it “go away” if in the
meantime another greater one appears. Only that in her
case it was vice versa. Since the pain caused by the
fractured ribs was gone, she remembered that her back
was aching.
Of course, I recommended her to make a remedy
using the glass of water for that pain, the text on the

piece of paper being: “REMEDY FOR BACK PAIN CH 15”
each morning, for 10 days.
In this case too, the requested “remedy” was
effective, and it happened just like before. After the
aching back had stopped, she remembered that she had
pain in the knees. After a recess of one week the remedy
each morning for 7 days.
I must admit that the pain did not disappear
completely, I mean those of the back, even if they were
less, they still persisted.
When I told her about the remedy I took when I had
problems with the calcium in my body, she was quite
delighted by the idea. Thus, she started taking each
morning the remedy “CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA
CH 5”. The effects were not late in appearing. After
about a week, her ache in the back were very much
reduced, becoming almost non-existing.
At present, my grandmother is delighted with this
method which she uses all the time.
I cannot demonstrate what I wrote about earlier, it
rests only with you to verify their correctness by using
this method in the case in which you are in the same
situation as my grandmother. You only drink three
mouthfuls of water every morning, from a glass under
which you have put a note with the text mentioned

above. I presume you drink water in the morning, don’t

As is known, homeopathy works with animals too.

Implicitly, this method too, which is also related to
homeopathy, is effective with animals. I had the
opportunity to notice this thing by myself and I can tell
you about two happenings when the glass of water
method worked.
The first time happened while I was walking in a
park, I met a former colleague (now retired) who was
walking in the park with his dog. While we were talking,
I noticed how his dog was coughing and I asked him
what was happening with the dog. I learned that the dog
has been coughing for two weeks and the cough did not
go away, though he had received a treatment from a
veterinary doctor. Then I advised him to make a remedy
with the glass of water. The text on the note was
was the dog’s name).
When I met the same person again after some time, I
learned that he had applied the method on the very
evening we had met and that, starting the second day, the
dog did no longer cough.
The second time was, when visiting a neighbor, he
told me that he had a parrot that had problems with his
equilibrium and was falling from his stick. I

recommended him to put in his water vessel a remedy
made with the present method. In the case of this parrot,
A week after this conversation, I learned that the
parrot has had a very powerful reaction after giving him
the remedy but that subsequently he recovered and that
the equilibrium problems he had, had been greatly

These were two of the happenings which show that

the remedies work even in the case of animals and it is
difficult, knowing this, to think that this method is
related to the placebo effect.
We may remind, also having the example with the
parrot that, if our request was correctly worded and a
remedy was materialized in the glass of water, it is quite
possible that in the first phase some symptoms of the
existing disease might worsen.
This may also happen in the case of people, being
something quite normal in homeopathy and it should not
frighten us. This only means that our organism has
started fighting against the respective disease and after a
few days these reactions, enhanced by the fight between
our suffering and the remedy, to considerably decrease.
Most often, after taking homeopathic remedies, the
moment when the diseases worsen, people start to be

afraid and think that this is not something favorable and
they are tempted to give up the homeopathic therapy.
We should have in view that in the case of
homeopathic therapies, the negative effects that appear
after taking the remedies show us the fact that it was
well chosen and we have to give it time to react. In this
case it is possible that we might feel much worse for one
or two days.
This is the sensitive point in homeopathy. The fact
that the homeopathic treatments are made individually
by the homeopathic doctors without cooperating with
There is no one who might advise the patients in case
these symptoms of curing are powerful and surpass the
power of concentration of the respective person, to thus
offer the possibility of easier passing over this period of
making the illness more acute.
When I say this, I mean the non-existence of a
specialized psychologist in the field of homeopathy
who might offer help to a person who is undergoing a
homeopathic treatment.
I personally encountered this problem and can say:
“How well it would have been in that period to have
such a psychologist who could have explained to me that
my situation, even if it was difficult, was due to the
homeopathic remedies that had started healing me and I
have to fight in order to overcome my body’s reactions
that had appeared in the wake of taking this medicine.”

There is also a variant in which these negative effects
are not decreasing and another homeopathic remedy
would be necessary to struggle against these reactions
and continue the way of restoring health.

It is here that the major difficulty exists which

appears in using this glass of water method. If we were
to go to a homeopathic doctor, he would know what
remedy he would further recommend, but at the present
stage what were we to do.
In this case, we might use a rule of this method, what
was observed it while it was used, namely:
“If we had a recess between two remedies, the
moment in which for the second remedy we write the
same text, the remedy which is being materialized may
be different from the first one.”

In other words, if we write the same text that was

used for calling the first remedy also for the second
remedy, after we had a recess between the two remedies,
the remedy which will materialize in the glass of water
might be different from the first and implicitly, the
reactions of the body being quite different from the first
This is possible because it seems that the “Universe”
knows what remedy we need at a certain moment, if it
made its effect and if it was necessary to materialize

another one, because the first one finished its work.

For instance:
The remedy materialized for the first time with the
PENTRU DUREREA DE CAP CH 30) after a recess of several
days, the moment we rewrite it, might be different from
the remedy materialized the second time even if we use
the same text: “REMEDY FOR HEADACHES CH 30”

In order to see the importance of even just one word,

we may take for an example the homeopathic granules
“HELICOBACTER CH 30”, that are used in the therapy of
infections with the Helicobacter Pylori bacteria.
Thus, if we use the method put forward in this study,
what will be materialized in the glass of water, by using
the text above, will be identical with the granules we
find in the homeopathic drugstore.
However, if in the text written on the piece of paper,
also using the words “REMEDY FOR”, what will be
materialized in the glass of water might be different from
the case in which we just write “HELICOBACTER CH 30”.
The explanation is quite simple.
In the case of the remedy “HELICOBACTER CH 30”
that materializes in the glass of water, it is the same
energy again found in the homeopathic granules sold in

the drugstore and which were manufactured through the
dilution and intensification of a solution containing
Helicobacter Bacterias extracted from a person who
suffers from the same disease.
But in the case of using the text “REMEDY FOR
CH 30), which will materialize in the glass of water, may
as well be both an energy of a solution containing both
Helicobacter bacteria and any other homeopathic remedy
which the “Universe” considers we need.
That is why it will be much better if our request will

This offers us two possibilities:

1. In case we are not sure that we suffer from that
disease, it gives us the possibility not to take a
homeopathic remedy, which might do us more harm
than good. There is this possibility that in case we do
not have the disease for which we take the remedy, it
might have negative effects on our body. This
happens particularly in the case of the remedies made
of various infectious cultures which, even if they are
taken by making them using the present method, they
may create, even if you do not have the respective
disease, identical symptoms
2. In case we use the same text several times, we are
given the possibility for the remedy to be each time a

different one, when we do this, because the
“Universe” knows what remedy should be
materialized within each request we are making. As I
already said, the remedy can be different if we use
the same text, after the compulsory break between
them, that we have to take.
In this way, we benefit from a much larger range of
homeopathic remedies for the same disease, also taking
into consideration that man is a unique personality, and
obviously needs a unique remedy.

A possible scheme could be:

➢ “HELICOBACTER CH 30” – Each morning for 15 days
with 7 days recess until the next remedy;


PENTRU HELICOBACTER CH 15) – Each morning for 15
days, with 7 days recess until the next remedy;


PENTRU HELICOBACTER CH 30) – Each morning for 15

The text of our request towards the “Universe” may

have various forms according to what bothers us most.
Obviously, for the first time we have to orient ourselves
towards those problems which bother us most, causing
the greatest pains and sufferance, and afterwards we are

to take all the other problems into consideration.
We must have in view that the homeopathic remedies
do nothing else, but turn us away from the decaying
trend of our health towards an upright road.
In other words, with each remedy we will take, our
health problems will start to disappear one after another,
in the reverse chronological order.
That is why, as a general rule, it is recommended that
we should be oriented towards solving our recent health
problems and afterwards the older (chronic) ones.

You may have noticed that earlier, in the text used

for the remedies destined to pet animals I used twice the
word “for” as part of the same request.
This is necessary when we want a remedy for
someone else than ourselves, because our name is our
identity in the universe.
If we were not to use this textual variant, the remedy
that will materialize in the glass of water would be for
our person, and that in case we would suffer from
something that would match this request.
That is why it is necessary to specify this by using
the word “for”, the text being continued with the name
of the being for whom we want that remedy. Thus, the
remedy that will materialize, will perfectly match the
person for whom it was made.

To give a concrete example, if my wife were to ask

me to write the little note, because she found it difficult,
the correct text is as follows: “HEADACHE REMEDY FOR

View from above of

The glass of water

If we want a more profound action of the respective

remedy, we have the possibility to add a “power” to it,
so the used text will have the following form:

Having in view that a lot of people suffer from

headaches which are repeated at certain intervals, I can
recommend a tentative variant of using this method,

PENTRU DUREREA DE CAP CH 15) – every morning for
10 days, with 7 days recess until the nextremedy.


PENTRU DUREREA DE CAP CH 30) – every morning for
7 days, with 10 days recess until the next remedy.

If the remedies mentioned before are not enough,

noticing just fewer headaches and less frequent episodes,
we may continue after the 10 days break, with:
PENTRU DUREREA DE CAP CH 30) – every morning for
10 days. If need be, one could also use higher values:
CH 60, CH 100 or CH 200.

This is a provisional example, but it may be possible

that it works for certain persons.
Among the therapeutic variants tested while I wrote
this study, there is also a remedy recommended in case
the immunity system weakens.
This therapy is based on a substance which is found
in the eggs laid by hens immunized with microorganisms
which are pathogenic for humans. There is a Romanian
company which even sells such eggs (called
hyperimmune eggs) but, in order not to make publicity,
we shall avoid using its name.

What I can tell you is that, by using this therapeutic
variant, I was surprised by the beneficial results of the
respective substance “IMMUNOGLOBULINE Y”,
which has to be taken every morning for 3 weeks.
The respective producer says that a cure may be
extended up to a month and a half and can be resumed
after a period of recess.

The most important principle one gets from studying

this method is:

The name of the allopathic substances (medicine),
having an action for about 12 hours, are not
recommended, having in view that nobody studied their
effects when they are given in an energetic form.
It is neither recommended nor practical.
If someone has a cold, why should he or she write on
the small piece of paper “ASPIRIN” or
“PARACETAMOL”?… when he could use the text
which will take action directly on the cause, eliminating
the source of the problem.
How did I find this out? Quite simply.
I had the curiosity to write on the little piece of paper
the word “FUROSEMID”. The results were not late in
appearing, about an hour after I drank the respective
water, which consisted of an increase in urinating.
I had to stay home all that day because of this cause.
That is how I found out that their effect lasts about 12
hours. Take into account that in this case too, if you want
to interrupt their effect, you may drink a cup of coffee as
an antidote.

This period of about 12 hours appeared also from

another practical application confirmed by a finding
referring to the homeopathic remedies, namely that the
homeopathic remedies have two phases in their action:

• The first stage takes place along about 12 hours after

swallowing the homeopathic remedy, when the body
enters a sort of “maximum acuteness” of the senses,
an interval in which most of the transformations are
taking place. Within this interval, various reactions
of the body might appear, such as anxiety,
restlessness, excessive sensibility to the surrounding
environment a.s.o. That is why it is recommended, in
most cases, for the homeopathic remedies to be taken
in the morning. If you take them in the evening, you
might be surprised that you cannot fall asleep
because of symptoms mentioned earlier. At this

stage, it is of no importance what dilution/power
(CH) the respective remedy has. In order to benefit
from this characteristic feature, the homeopathic
doctors recommend (in certain cases) for the
remedies to be taken twice a day (in the morning and
in the evening at 12 hours distance).

• The second stage refers to the period after the 12

hours since the homeopathic remedy was taken and it
is related to the dilution/potency of the respective
remedy. In other words, this second period of action
of the homeopathic remedy might span over one, two
or more days and is given by the chosen “power”

From my personal practice, I found that we can

make combinations of only two homeopathic
remedies, but on condition that they have the same
potency (the same CH). The combination of three or
more remedies is not to be recommended. From my
personal practice I noticed that the sensitivity of the
body may grow very much and there is the possibility for
unwanted effects to appear which might continue for a
lengthier period of time.

To bring this chapter to an end, I would like to

highlight a few of the various texts that might be used as
part of our request to the “Universe” which, in my case,

had the effect of materializing a remedy in the glass of































case of shivering”;

9), probiotic effect;


of soft or even watery bowel movement, twice a day
x 3-5 days (until regulating intestinal transit);


CH 5), in case of hemorrhoids;


taken in case of a wasp sting 3 times a day for x 3


sunburns on the beach, twice a day for 4 days;


THROAT CH 9”, in case of cold;


case of colds;

ON THE CHEST CH 9”, remedy written for and
used by the little ones (15 years) for solar allergies
(after being on the beach), twice a day x 5 days;


FICAT), worked very well in cases of intoxication
with “vapors” from a water based paint during
painting activities, taken twice a day – useful for
people who are sensitive to chemically potential


VERTEBRALE CH 9), taken twice a day for 14 days –
worked in the case of a painful spot in the middle


CH 9);






➢ “OZON”, taken twice a day for 21 days.

If the medical analyses have normal values but you

have one of the following symptoms, without a certain
cause (medically proven), massive weight reducing in a
short time, permanent tiredness (having the same daily
activities), unexplainable urinary problems, water
retention problems with putting on weight, pain in the
right shoulder blade, diffuse (unexplainable) pain in the
central part of the body (trunk), the bubbling of the
bowels without being sick (normal bowel movement),
exaggerated restlessness generating negative thoughts,
permanent headaches that have suddenly appeared
recently (days, weeks) you may try the following:


AND HEAD CH 30” – taken twice a day, in the
morning and in the evening (at 12 hours difference)
for at least 15 days (21 days). For this remedy there
is no scientific explanation – just a logical one. Don’t
worry about negative reactions or the existing ones
becoming acute, they do nothing else but show that the
remedy has materialized and takes action. For instance:
in the case of urinary problems it is quite possible for an
even bigger quantity of urine to be reduced, and for a
feeling of shivers and dizziness to appear for about two or
three days.

- this therapy can be helped by continuing with the
taken twice a day.

Notice the many variants (indicative ones) that can

be used as part of these requests to the “Universe”. It is
just a matter of everyone’s inspiration and of the
correctness of the used text. A certain knowledge about
the medical field and particularly about homeopathy,
can only be helpful.

The exact way of preparing and the concurrent
administration of two remedies using the present method is to
be found at the end of chapter 5.



This chapter appeared in the wake of a happy

incident. By wanting to share this with others, I decided
to transmit through this book, the most successful
achievement of the glass-of-water method.
You will find it difficult to conceive how such a
serious disease like psoriasis, for which no treatment has
yet been discovered, could be fought back in about 5
months using the method described in this book.
This happened while I was writing this study when,
telling a very good friend of mine about this method with
which you can ask the “Universe” for a remedy for the
disease that bothers you and noticing that he is quite
interested in this “therapeutic” variant, we started talking
about it.
He told me that, having this medical problem (for
about 4 years) he had chosen from the start the
homeopathic variant, having been to a homeopath
physician, but he had no results, his illness continuing to
worsen. After having had it only on his palms in a first
stage, it had extended in the last year also to his legs.
Thus, I learned that one of the remedies that were
given to him by that homeopathic doctor, was Aurum

metallicum (a remedy recommended in depressions).
I do not know why, at that moment, I started telling
him about a book that I had read, written by Radu
Cinamar, in which he said that there also was another
variant of gold, namely that of monoatomic gold. We
shall not discus now if the story in that book was true
and it really has no significance. Personally, that’s all I
kept in mind from that book, the fact that there is that
variant of gold, a thing that seemed interesting and it was
good to keep it in mind.
Telling my friend about this book, I mentioned that I
tried to verify the information from that book and if that
substance really existed.
Knowing the fact that, if that element really existed,
it would surely materialize using the method described in
this book, I wrote on a small note “MONOATOMIC
GOLD” (AUR MONOATOMIC) and I put it under a glass of
water. I drank three mouthfuls and what do you think…
The remedy has immediately started to make its action
visible, and thus I came to the conclusion that it really
The fact that it was present in the glass of water and
that something had started working in my body, as I said
before, about the sensitivity of my hearing, which made
my ears tingle as soon as I took the homeopathic
remedies, no matter what remedy it was. This small
“deficiency” of mine helped me in this case as well, to
know if a remedy materialized or not in the glass of

water, before the effects of the remedy on my body
became visible.
This was the talk I had with this friend.

And now comes the beautiful part of the story.

The fact that after some time after this discussion,
having again met this friend, I was surprised that he no
longer had any sign of psoriasis on his hands, but only
some on his legs.
As I am a curious person, I asked him what he had
done, as I knew that this disease never disappears
completely. Then he told me that, in the wake of our
talk, he had been curious to try this variant of gold,
especially because the homeopathic doctor had also
recommended him gold in homeopathic form for his
disease. The difference was that he did not use a simple
term for it. He gave it the power of a homeopathic
remedy, adding to the name of the element a value of the
CH, writing on the piece of paper “MONOATOMIC
He told me that he did not feel anything when he
took this remedy but he had the ambition to take it each
morning, several days in a row. His subsequent findings
were that, after in the first phase his disease worsened,
subsequently it started gradually reducing itself, reaching
the point, after 3 weeks, when he had nothing on the skin
of his hands (only on his feet).
He took this remedy for 45 days to be sure that it had

fully made its effect. Other effects he had found were
that he could control himself better from the emotional
point of view, that he no longer had nervous outbreaks
so often as before and the skin on his fingers got a bit
reddish when he took a bath.
I was very glad when I learned how successful my
friend had been and I asked him what he would do with
the other half of his problem, that on his feet.
His answer was quite interesting.
Thus, he told me that after noticing the beneficial
effects of this “remedy” achieved with the glass of water
method, he started looking for information on the
internet about monoatomic gold.
This is how he learned that in Romania there was a
person who was selling a liquid (ORMUS) – a
suspension which contains not just monoatomic gold, but
also a triad of monoatomic elements but, from the
homeopathic point of view, this liquid has a small

This triad of monoatomic elements has very good

effects on the nervous system and of the diseases
started by its disfunction according. (Dragoş Iliescu)

The other two elements of this “syrup” being

friend said that he was determined to also try the variant:

CH 15).

Why CH 15?
He used one of the homeopathic rules saying that if
you want to reduce the pauses between remedies, it is
good to change its potency giving it another “power”
(another CH).
It is known that in homeopathy, the pauses between
remedies are as important as the periods in which they
are taken, particularly in the case of some affections of
the nervous system, just as the disturbance of the body
called psoriasis.
I could only wish him luck and tell him that the
choice was his and that theoretically, in keeping with the
opinion of some homeopathic physicians, there is
nothing that would hurt him because if the respective
remedy does not find any disease which it could match
with, it will not be activated. Of course, this is just a
general rule, though it is not valid 100%, but he said he
was determined to try this monoatomic element he will
take, after an interruption of two weeks between the two
remedies, every morning for 30 days.
One afternoon he phoned me to tell me that he was
not feeling well and that he thinks it was because of the
CH 15) that he had started taking that morning. He tells
me that his fingers of the right hand are aching as if he

had been hit with a hammer, the pain being very great. I
found this reaction of his quite unexpected, being from a
materialized “remedy” by using the glass of water, but
not impossible, knowing from my own experience that
there is no difference between the remedies under the
form of granules to be found in homeopathic drugstores
and those activated with the method described in this
Thinking about the many homeopathic rules, I told
him that it might be better to apply one of these rules
which says that you may take a remedy just once,
letting time for it to take action, especially because in
his case, it was a matter of his nervous system being
affected, which takes time to be restored.
It is known that in homeopathy TIME is as important
a factor as the remedy itself.
So, I advised him to take that “remedy” just once a
week to not force the healing, knowing also from my
own experience that, if the reaction of the organism is
very powerful from the very first dose the
administration of the remedy in the coming days may
lead to a blocking of the body which is forced to do
more than it can.

So, he started taking the second “remedy”, taking my

opinion into account, just once a week.
Not too much time has past and I again found out
that this “remedy” had likewise an equally unexpected

effect when, while visiting him, I saw how the illness
had almost disappeared from his feet and this after just
four weeks since the first dose of the second “remedy”.
He did nothing else but wrote on a piece of paper
CH 15) and placed it under a glass of water that he had
drunk once every 7-th day after the pause, for 6 weeks.
The findings after using these two “remedies” were
that: while he was having a bath, the reddish color on his
fingers no longer appeared, but the skin on his legs
turned a little red.
As he still showed on his feet weak traces of his
disease, after a week of recess he grew the” power” of
the remedy, this time writing: ”MONOATOMIC IRIDIUM
CH 30” (IRIDIU MONOATOMIC CH 30). This was the third
remedy, which he took every morning for 14 days.
This is what happened to my friend, who succeeded,
using the glass of water method, to get rid of a disease
which might have created him many problems in the
future if it had advanced.
The major contribution is not mine. It is totally his. I
did nothing else but to help him with a small piece of
advice with the second remedy, when I recommended
him to enhance the breaks between the doses of the same
remedy. Notice how, being a method used for the first
time for this disease, the therapeutic scheme had to be
adjusted “on the go”, according to the reactions that
appeared while the “remedies” were used.

The fact that he was a person open to novelties,
helped my friend very much, who, being not restricted to
all kinds of “intellectual borders”, was able to think what
other therapeutic variants he might have, knowing that
his disease is quite serious.
Many have the tendency to say that it was a purely
aesthetic problem, but they do not know that.
ALL those who have psoriasis finally come to have
problems with their bones which begin to show signs of
decalcification. Being an internal disease, this
decalcification of the bones which appears much later
than the start of psoriasis, is being noticed with difficulty
and many tend to believe that it is related to the age and
not at all to the disease of the skin they suffer from. Even
the doctors avoid informing the patients with psoriasis
about the inherent decalcification of their bones.

I do not understand why the doctors send them to

dermatology?… though they themselves recognize that
this illness is of the nervous system. My logic cannot
understand this.
If the doctors would compulsory study homeopathy
as well, which to me seems necessary, they would find
alone the mistake they make by treating psoriasis from a
dermatological point of view.
It would be enough to know the basic principles of
homeopathy and the way of action of the remedies
which, through their action, do nothing else but take the

suffering out of our body. Thus, the moment when it
happens that various stains, pimples or eruptions appear
on our skin, accompanied by intense itching,
homeopathy completely forbids the use of ointments
containing cortisone, which do nothing but to
reintroduce the affection in the body.
This explains why for people with psoriasis, who go
to a dermatologist and use ointments with cortisone,
even if their skin is cured for one, two or three months
according to everyone’s reaction, the ailment returns
This is not a therapy. Of course, those affected by
this problem have no other solution and choose a
dermatological treatment, all the more so as the doctors
do not offer other variants out of which people might

We remind you that for those who chose homeopathy

and in the wake of taking such remedies there appear
those manifestations (normal in homeopathy), such as
pimples or eruptions accompanied by intense itching, in
case they are quite annoying, there is a variant of using
some ointments without cortisone such as: SUDOCREM
or CUTADEN (recommended by dr. Adrian Dumitrescu
– see chapter II).

I decided to speak about the existence of this

successful cure with the hope that other people would

also be interested to know this.
Nobody can guarantee that this is a treatment variant
that will function for everybody.
It is known that in homeopathy, 10 different
remedies can be given for the same illness, according to
each person. What counts in homeopathy is the human as
a unique being and, therefore, a certain remedy may have
an effect only for a certain person and for others it might
What I can say is that, if there is at least one person
who made the signs of psoriasis disappear using the
glass of water method, this is no longer impossible, but
only hard to achieve because of the rules that have to be
fulfilled to be able to use this method. When I say this, I
mean the most important rule that must be observed,
namely, not to drink coffee.

When they hear that they should no longer drink

coffee to benefit from the possible effects of this method,
people start rejecting the idea only for this reason. I have
met people (and they were not few) who even did not
want to hear that they should give up drinking coffee,
even if that meant that they would further continue to
suffer because of medical problems.
Caffeine stimulates the adrenaline and cortisone in
the super-renal glands, which for the organism means a
danger sign which makes the immune system stop

Until the level of these substances does not drop, the
immune system is on hold.
As long as coffee is being drunk, the immune system
is on hold.

For a better understanding of the therapeutical

scheme that was used, we further present this model
under the form of a list:


CH 30) – each morning, for 45 days, then 2 weeks
MONOATOMIC CH 15) – once a week, for 6 weeks,
then 1 week break;
MONOATOMIC CH 30) – each morning, for 14 days,
then 2 weeks break;
MONOATOMIC CH 30) – every morning, for 10 days.

- The treatment with monoatomic elements for
psoriasis, being a therapy for the nervous system,
it is possible that in the case of other illnesses, that
have the same cause, to be equally beneficial (pre-
eminently “MONOATOMIC GOLD CH 30” (AUR

- In the case of the second remedy: ”MONOATOMIC
there are not too many reactions (as was the case of
the person presented in this chapter), instead of once
a week, for 6 weeks, you may take it daily, for 4
weeks – and then one week pause;
- If, after the therapy presented above, the state of
nervousness continues, you may end this therapy
with the remedy “MONOATOMIC GOLD CH 30”,
every morning for 30 days (AUR MONOATOMIC CH

I heard from people who have used “MONOATOMIC

GOLD CH 30” (AUR MONOATOMIC CH 30) that they were
much calmer after this remedy and that it has beneficial
effects from the psychic point of view.

We can say about the monoatomic elements that:

“Monoatomic gold, together with monoatomic
rhodium and monoatomic iridium are unique in their
form and function.
David Hudson theorized that the extended nucleus
(2:1 length/width ratio) of the elements of monoatomic
elements, together with the electrons that become
“conjugated” transforms them into bio-superconductors.
These elements can facilitate the flow of energy
through the whole body with very small resistance or
none; this is continuing to flow even without an

additional external potential.

The monoatomic gold, together with monoatomic

rhodium and monoatomic iridium, can eliminate this
resistance, allowing a continuous flow of light which, in
the last resort washes definitely and cures the entire
space up to the subatomic level.”
Dragos Iliescu: “ORMUS”,
„Sfântul Ierarh Nicolae” Publishing House, 2010, pg.48,49.

Among the elements identified as also having a

monoatomic condition we can mention: Copper, Silver,
Nickel, Palladium and Platinum.

“Copper plays a very important role in the

functioning and development of the brain.
Consequently, the copper deficiency was correlated with
diseases which hinder these roles of the brain, including
the memory and the learning capacity.
It is estimated that approximately 70% of the
patients with dementia (Alzheimer) have lower copper
levels than persons without this disease.

Therefore, if we take into account that this element
plays an important role in neuronal health, the use of the
MONOATOMIC CH 30) seems an interesting idea, all the
more so in the case when the remedies mentioned above
are not sufficient or in the case in which the person has
problems of “processing/administrating” reality.




Those who already use the glass of water method, by

which they ask for a certain remedy from the “Universe”
and who wants to go on this way, are herewith informed
about the existence of an alternative to this method,
which I currently use. This alternative of the method
described in this book refers to the possibility of
activating a homeopathic remedy by verbal calling with
the use of our palms’ energy.
The method described in this chapter is connected to
bioenergy, which is a quality of live beings and which
manifests by emissions of energy fluids. The whole
world knows about bioenergy, is acquainted with it and
many people use it in the quest of a good state of one’s
Bioenergy is a reality which no-one can deny
anymore. Each human has a certain quantity of
bioenergy, some have more, others less. Those who have
more of it, become therapists and dedicate themselves to
a certain lifestyle.

Obviously this energy, even if it is not too much at
the beginning, can be amplified with the help of certain
exercises. These exercises are described in several books
written by various authors. It depends only on ourselves
to choose one of these variants, which we think is best
fitting ourselves. Or, likewise we might try them one
after another until we find the one which fits us best.
I have used the method described in the book : "THE
RECONNECTION – Heal Others, Heal Yourself" by Eric
Pearl, Hay House Inc.

Reading this book, I learned that there is a possibility

to activate the energy of your palms using certain
movements of the hands.
Later on, I learned that there is even a Romanian
therapist who uses these energies of the palms for
different energetic therapies of the human body, his
name being Doru Cica. He wrote about this therapy in his
I did not practice the movements described by Doru
Cica in his book, because, in the moment I learned about
its existence, I had already activated the energy of my
palms using Eric Pearl’s method described in the book

How did I know that the energy of the palms was

In my case, the answer came after about three weeks

of exercise with my palms when, the moment I used
them, I found that I was starting to yawn quite often and
all along the period when I was making those exercises.
I do not quite know if with other persons, there is this
rule, but in my case it is. Always when I use the energy
of my palms, I start yawning quite a lot.
I tried to use their energy on my body, as it is shown
how to proceed in Eric Pearl’s book, but I was not
satisfied with the results.
He mentions that this technique is used to benefit
from a certain energy coming from the “Universe”.
Taking this into account, I asked myself why I should let
the “Universe” send me a certain accidental energy
(remedy)… when I could ask for a certain energy, as it
happens in the case of the glass of water method.

This is how I came to combine this: method of the

hands’ energy by calling a certain, wished for remedy
with a loud voice.
I know it might seem unreal, but I found out that the
remedies can be activated in our body even if we call
them using our voice combined with the energy of our

As part of this method, the use of the palms’ energy

is likewise important as is the use of our voice.
This variant of verbal calling of the homeopathic
remedies has an “advantage” over the glass of water

method, as it gives us the possibility to materialize an
instant homeopathic remedy, wherever we might be.
This method also has a small “trump”. Why the word
“trump” in inverted comas?
Because I do not know if it is a good idea to use it.
This “trump” refers to the fact that if we do not make a
good choice or we do not like the remedy that
materialized, it can easily have an antidote for this
In the variant in which we request a homeopathic
remedy using the energy of the palms, this remedy
always has as antidote a cup of coffee.

Everybody knows that a cup of coffee is antidoting

homeopathic remedies, but this rule is universally valid
only in the case of their verbal activation.
In the variant of homeopathic granules or even of the
glass of water, if the homeopathic remedy has been well
selected and perfectly matches our disease, there is a
possibility that it might no longer be an antidote, no
matter how much coffee we drink. In this case, there is
just a pause of the remedy’s action over the period of the
day in which we drank coffee.
Obviously, it is not recommended to drink coffee,
even if the remedy is well chosen and can no longer be
antidoted, because it is possible that it happens just like
in the case of a treatment with antibiotics which, if it is
“temporarily” stopped on half its way, might no longer

have the effect even if the therapy is continued, because
time was given to the disease to get used to that remedy.
That is why I do not recommend you to use this
“trump-card” of the methods described in this chapter,
that of antidoting the remedies, even if it exists, and even
if it always works in the variant of verbal calls.

In the case of verbal calls of the remedies I found

that the homeopathic remedy has not the same time of
action as in the case of using the glass of water method
when its action is given, mainly, by the used dilution.
As a follow up of studying this method the outcome
was that the action of the remedy takes place over a
period of about 3 days. Thus, the verbal call of the
remedy has to be done with a pause of maximum two
days, otherwise the remedy ceases its action. This is the
general rule of that variant of calling the homeopathic
remedies. There might be situations in which the action
of the remedy is done over a longer period of time, but to
be safe it is much better to follow the general rule.

This method of combining the energies of the

palms with verbal calls of a certain remedy is
achieved as follows:
➢ We hold the hands upright and with palms oriented
towards that part of the body in which the remedy
should materialize (the hands should be held as if we
held a basket in our hands with the palms oriented

towards the body, without touching one another) or
we can orient them towards the head, and while we
verbally call the remedy, we move them very slowly
along the body;

➢ Holding the hands in this position, we repeat rarely,

profoundly and loud the name of the remedy for
about 10 – 15 minutes. For instance: “LEDUM CH 9”.
We can equally request a “REMEDY FOR THE
IRITAȚIA DIN GÂT) or use a simple command such as
Any of the three variants works perfectly;

➢ Once in a while, we stop from the verbal call of the

remedy, we shake our palms and at the same time we
say the sentence “SO BE IT”. For instance, I do it after
each yawning.
There is no certain period of time how long this call
has to last. This is valid from one case to another, from
one person to another.
It is not very important with what speed we repeat
the name of the remedy or how we say it, much more
important is the profoundness with which we repeat it.
Many times, the fact that the desired remedy has
already materialized and started working may be felt
even during our action of calling. In my case, it is simple
as I begin to yawn quite often already from the

beginning of the call, and the moment I begin to yawn
very seldom or not at all, this means that the remedy has
already materialized and I can stop.
If you do this method by lying in bed, in most cases
the time to stop it takes place inevitably, because at the
moment of activating the called remedy, a state of well-
being and interior quietness appears, which implicitly
leads to sleep. In other words, it might happen that the
respective person falls asleep before realizing that the
remedy has been activated in his body.

“We notice that the healing affirmations are in fact

positive lies, but repeatedly said, become truths for the
Timisoara: Mirton Publishing House, 2018, pg.222.

The text of our calling may also have the ending CH,
to which we give a certain value, exactly as in the case of
homeopathic remedies.
Thus, if we use the ending CH 15, that remedy will
function as if we took a homeopathic remedy with
dilution/potency CH 15. If we say verbally just the name
of the homeopathic remedy, without adding any “power”
(CH) to the respective remedy, it will have a small

As I said earlier, I estimated this “power” at the

(approximate) power of CH 5, this being an estimation

made as a result of the experience gathered as part of this
Before passing on to the use of this method, I would
like to draw your attention on the fact that it is possible
to necessarily activate the palms and their energies as
Eric Pearl shows us in his book “Reconnection”. The
exercises through which this reactivation is being made,
are very easy to be achieved.

"Focusing Attention
Hold your hands in normal anatomic position, palm-
facing-palm in the manner we described earlier, with a
foot or so of space between them. Now gently feel the
energy in either palm, or in both. Wait for it and allow it
to arrive. If you're feeling energy in only one of your two
palms, then slightly open your hands so that both palms
are in view. Look into the palm where you're able to feel
the energy. Take note of what that energy feels like, and
now look into the other palm. Simply wait for that
sensation to arrive there.
It will usually do so within a matter of 10 to 15
seconds. Once it arrives, bring your eyes back into your
other hand and wait for the sen-sation to return. Repeat
the process slowly, and then at varying speeds. For some
of you, the sensation will be moving back and forth
from hand to hand as you do this. For others, the

sensation will remain in both hands and continue to
grow in intensity.

The Ping-Pong Ball

Now that you've mastered this process through your
attention, we're going to give some shape and
substance to the sensation. Visualize and feel the
energies in the shape of a Ping-Pong ball. Imagine this
ball in one of your hands, then gently give it a little
"flip". As you do so, visualize the trajectory or path that
the ball would follow as it arcs to the other hand. Place
your attention in the receiving hand, and again wait for
the feeling of the ball landing there. Once it lands, give it
a little flip and wait for it to arrive again in the opposite
hand. Sometimes in the beginning, it takes the ball a
little longer to travel and arrive from hand to hand. It's
simply a matter of your getting comfortable with the
process and becoming familiar with the sensation."
"THE RECONNECTION - Heal Others, Heal Yourself"
by Dr. Eric Pearl, Hay House Inc. (Page 176)

I reproduced to you just a fragment from Eric Pearl’s

book “Reconnection”, but reading it would bring you
more arguments in favor of the method described in this

The big problem with this method is that it can be

antidoted even without our will by exposing it to various
electromagnetic radiations coming from some TV-sets,
mobile phones or wi-fi etc. I personally found out this
antidoting and it takes place in a few minutes since the
exposure. It depends very much on the respective person
and his or her sensibility to certain electromagnetic
radiations, which do not always produce visible effects,
that would highlight this sensibility (headaches, sickness
In other words, even if a person does not feel
anything when he or she is exposed to certain
electromagnetic radiations, the body can feel them and,
in this case, antidote the remedy called upon by verbal
At present, when there is almost no place
electromagnetically nonpolluted, it is very difficult to
achieve and apply this variant of “calling” a remedy by
means of the voice (and implicitly of the thought). That
is why it is possible for many persons to be disappointed
that by using this method, no results can be seen (at the
beginning) and to say that this new variant of activating
homeopathic remedies is an utopia.

Nevertheless, from my own experience, I can tell you

that, if this calling of the remedies, achieved by means of
our thoughts, is exercised more often, in the end it comes
to no longer be affected, almost not at all, by the
radiations around us.

For those who are not believing in the power of our
thoughts, I can recommend them an exercise, very easy
to make, which consists of just saying one single word in
our thought.
Thus, those who are not believing that the method
described in this chapter, which is based on the power of
our thought, will work, can realize by themselves if this
is something real or not. The only inconvenience of this
exercise is that it is long-lasting, but with certain results.

What do we have to do in a concrete manner?

Nothing else but to say a mere word in our thought,
the moment we are shaving.
If we do so, it will help us use the shaving device
(with blade) for two or even three years. All we have to
do is, that while we are shaving (depilating for women)
with a razor with blades, we have to say in our thought
the word “sharpen, sharpen, sharpen…”, all along the
shaving (depilating) time. You will be surprised how a
shaving machine, for which we do not change the razor
blade, works for so long only by using the power of
The make/brand of the razor does not matter. The
only condition is that the razor should be new when we
begin this exercise. Now when I started writing this
book, it is 15 years since I have been using this method
of sharpening a razor blade. I can say I have a certain
length of service since I have started using it.

This idea came to me at a moment of irritation
caused by the fact that the razors are not quite cheap.
Thus, being disappointed, I came to think about the razor
blade, telling it in my thought “sharpen”. I do not know
why I did this each time I shaved, but I did it.
Afterwards, I noticed, with time passing, that the blade
was still all right, though I had been using it for a long
time. Thus, I came to have a razor who has lasted for 4
years. It had already started to get rusty when I replaced
Afterwards, I went to a shop where I bought the
cheapest and most unknown set of razors, which also had
reserve blades (10). After 10 years I am still at the 4-th
You too may try this.
Use this method of “sharpening” the blades by the
power of the thoughts and you will be surprised, the
moment you will use the last reserve, that you have
forgotten when you bought them.

The example above, minor at first sight, shows how:

Man can influence the Matter through a thought!

“The fundamental discoveries of physics in the 20th

century have completely changed what we thought about
the universe and the human being. We know, today, that
what we considered to be solid matter, observing
Newton’s law of classical mechanics, is not at all what it

seems to be. The atoms which matter is made of,
including the human body and the brain, are not solid,
are not some particles, but are rather some
individualizations of some forms of vibratory energy.”
Dumitru Constantin Dulcan, July 2nd, 2019

Professor Dumitru Constantin Dulcan, a reputed

neurologist and psychiatrist, wrote numerous books in
which he explained the importance of our thoughts, the
most important one being “THE INTELIGENCE OF
MATTER”, which brings arguments in favor of this idea.

It is possible that my long practice, in which I trained

my mind to sharpen the razor blade, should have had
importance when I wanted to request these
(homeopathic) remedies by means of the glass of water
That is why, if you do not succeed from the first
moment, you just have to exercise.
Not even I can tell you after how much time the
action of sharpening the razor blade had started working.
I did nothing else but EXERCISED each time, until the
effects were visible.
If we are talking about energies, I can also tell you an
interesting thing that happened after activating the
energy of the palms. The fact that certain (small power)
batteries are recharged when I hold them in my palms.

For instance, after activating the palms, I no longer
changed the battery of the car’s remote-control device, or
I forgot when I last changed the batteries for the TV
remote control. And not just them. I can also mention the
bulb of the night light with remote control that I have.
Before that, I changed the battery very often, being a
very small one just as that for the wristwatch. But since
the discovery of the palms energy, I forgot when I last
changed it. It is true that it has moments when it no
longer works, but I take it and hit it just once among the
palms and then it works again for 2 or 3 months.
I can find but a similarity with the way of preparing
homeopathic remedies for which, besides the dilution,
one has to powerfully agitate the solution or hit the
vessel against the palm of the hand.
Obviously, it has no effect with all batteries, but only
with small power ones and which have a small
consumption. Do not believe that I can charge batteries
like that of the mobile phone in this way.

I conclude this chapter with an analysis I made about

a gesture that religious people were practicing (in the
past) always when they sat down at the table (before
eating), that of blessing the food with the sign of the
It seems that this simple gesture, which is being done
today only in the church, by the servants of God or when
food is offered in the name of those who left us, has a

much greater importance and effect than we think.
I am not a practicing person but I was curious to
verify this “religious protocol” in the wake of a talk with
a religious person about the food of nowadays which is
no longer “clean”, but full of all kinds of chemicals. In
this context, he told me that if we bless the food or water
and make the cross sign over it at the same time, they are
automatically cleaned through the Divine Power (of the
Being an inquisitive person, I wanted to verify this
personally. Thus, I started making the cross over the
food saying at the same time “OH, LORD, BLESS THIS

I do not know how much the food was cleared of

chemicals (as I did not have the means to verify this), but
I found that it acquired the power of homeopathic
remedy. The same thing happened with the water or
juice. Of course, that in the case of water, the wording to

I did this several times along a whole year, noticing

in this way that the reaction of my body at this
“homeopathic power” materialized in food or water after
this simple gesture was always that of reducing the
gastric acidity.
If you wonder how I could come to this conclusion
by myself, not being a doctor, I can bring as an argument

the many years of personal suffering inflicted by my
digestive system, which were not few, thus having had
enough time to learn something about the reactions of
my body in certain moments.
The digestive problems started, as with everybody,
with gastric hyperacidity, then followed, because of the
long-lasting use of anti-acid pills, by gastric hypoacidity,
which climaxed with great difficulties in the digestion of
For those who want to know how I solved this gastric
hypoacidity, without medicine, that was very easy. I ate
for a whole month kefir made of crystals from Tibetan
milk mushroom.
I mention that these digestive problems took place a
long time before the suffering that led to my writing this

That is why I know when my gastric acidity

decreases, because in this case, after eating, I become so
sleepy that I can hardly get out of bed and I sleep several
hours as if I had worked all night.

Thus, taking into account all these things I can say, at

least in my case, that:
“the homeopathic remedy” materialized in food or
water after this gesture (of BLESSING) was always the
same, approximated as “homeopathic power” at the
value of CH 5.

I chose to write about these things in this chapter
since the presented test was made after activating the
energy of the palms.
That is why I don’t know if the energy of the palms
has any connection, or not, with the materialization of
this “homeopathic power”, in food or water, the moment
when someone Blesses them.
If there is no connection, it means that this happens
always, which shows us that in the past, people knew
much better than us how they should behave in order to
be as healthy as possible.
It can be noticed how, no matter what orientation we
have, either if we speak about religious denominations,
healing therapies or oriental teachings (etc.), all of them
show us one single thing, how to connect to: THE

It depends on each of us to discover with which of

these variants we have the best resonance.

It is not recommended to concurrently use (on the same
day) the two methods presented in this book - of the glass of
water and of calling the remedies through the energy of the
palms – because the human body has only one generator of
healing energy (with the exception of the case when the
remedies coincide/are identical).



In a world in which classical medicine backfire ever

more often, homeopathy seems to be a much more viable
solution with lasting effects. It is my opinion that this is
the only therapy oriented towards treating people, with
lasting effects or even permanent ones in most cases.
Having studied this domain of alternative medicine
which includes homeopathy, I was quite surprised by the
lack of information. Obviously, there is the internet, but
there is so much information, that it is very difficult for
an uninformed person to form a correct opinion.
This is how this chapter appeared, being an
informative synthesis of the various texts of
homeopathic medicine and of the works written by
various homeopathic doctors, who want to be of help to
the people that wish to orientate towards the alternative
medicine and homeopathy.
As part of this chapter we shall learn about the
principles on which homeopathy is based, things which
everybody should know before he or she would go to a
homeopathic doctor. I introduced this synthesis of the
texts from the specialty literature with the hope that you
will get easier familiarized with the homeopathic domain

or it might be helpful in your steps to look for a good
homeopathic doctor. The fact that you will have
knowledge about the basics of homeopathy can be of
real help in order to make a distinction between the
various homeopathic doctors with inherent talent or
without and to consequently make your choice.

The basic principles of homeopathy, formulate since

the time of Hippocrates, as they were enunciated by
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) and as they were
handed down until today, contradict an important part of
elements of the “classical”, non-homeopathic medicine,
as well as of science, a reason for which homeopathy,
though more and more liked by the public at large,
remains at the level of scientific communities a
controversial issue.
Homeopathy, as a science, is based on well-defined
principles, conceived by Hahnemann and his followers.
The similarity principle asserts that “a substance
which produces a set of symptoms when it is given to a
healthy person, can cure similar symptoms for a sick
person, when it is used in very small doses.”
In Hahnemann’s conception, the homeopathic
products (called remedies) have no action in a physical,
material manner on the body, but through an immaterial
action, which influences the vital force, counteracting
the work of its disturbing agents. The vital force is an
immaterial force which guarantees the life of the

organism and is receptive to the action of the diluted
remedy and dynamized according to homeopathic laws,
which thus confers an energy similar to the vital force.
The homeopathic perspective is a holistic one, of
healing the person as a material and spiritual whole,
healing supposes to remove the symptoms together with
the removal of the changes in the “vital force.”
To the objection that homeopathy still has no theory
to explain it, A. Jacobs answered: “this is not a reason in
itself, to deny homeopathy as being useless, because
the history of science is full of discoveries that went
against the current of thinking at that moment, as was
the idea that the Earth is not flat.”

The homeopathic remedies are healing by presenting

the body an energetic model that is mimicking the
energetic model of the disease. This is certainly
launching the correct reaction of healing. The remedy
does not bring chemicals into the body. It rather holds
information about how it should be healing (the remedy
gives the body instructions about healing).

Homeopathy treats the sick person, not the disease.

Two patients with the same diagnosis will receive
different remedies according to each of the person’s
symptoms. The treatment is done with one single
remedy, that one which best suits the present
pathological state.

The experiments made on volunteers were done with
each remedy apart, never with more remedies at the
same time and this rule is also used during the treatment.

Homeopathy does not treat physical, psycho–

emotional or mental problems separately, but all of them
together, the patient being looked upon as a unitary
whole (entity). Thus, homeopathy is a holistic therapy.
In order to find the suitable remedy, the homeopath must
learn not just the exact character of the symptoms, but
also the way in which the patient inter-acts with the
environment and the people around.

The homeopathic remedy acts on the vitality of the

patient stimulating the defense mechanisms of the
organism. If the disease is looked upon as an imbalance
appeared at a certain level of the body, the remedy tries
to re-establish this lost equilibrium.

The healing takes place from the inside towards the

outside, from the more important organs towards the less
important ones. Thus, in the case of bronchial asthma
and eczema, the asthma will be first improved, and
during this time the eczema persists or even gets worse.
If the eruption disappears from the skin (by using for
instance a cream with cortisone) and the asthma persists
or gets worse, this means we have a suppression. The
skin disease was pushed inside the body, but not healed.

The state of health on the whole is less good, the asthma
being a more serious disease.
Approaching the case of the patient as a whole, the
homeopathic doctor does not treat the problems he has to
deal with, separately but as a unitary whole.

The principle of similarity – “similia similibus

curentur” says that:
“A substance which in ponderal dose causes
disorders with a healthy person, in infinitesimal dose,
may heal the same disorders with a sick man.”

S. Hahnemann – Organon, par.22:

„The therapeutic properties of medicine reside
exclusively in their power of provoking pathological
symptoms with the healthy man and of making them
disappear with the sick man”

S. Hahnemann – Organon, par.26:

“Experience teaches us that all drugs heal, with no
exception, the diseases whose symptoms are closest to
their own.”

Hahnemann insists on the fact that homeopathic

interactions does not involve any kind of material
particle and reproaches to the possible contesters of this
idea their materialistic conceptions. The invisible
specific medical force of these highly potentiated
remedies does not depend on their material atoms or on

their physical properties. On the contrary, what is found
in the tiny impregnated corpuscles or in solutions is just
the invisible energy of the raw substance freed and
amplified at the most.
The remedies are being given in infinitesimal doses.
Thus, the substances out of which the remedies are
prepared, lose their possible toxicity and the potential to
produce adverse reactions. Moreover, by the specific
process of dilution and dynamization, the remedies
acquire new curative properties which were present only
in a latent form in the crude substance.

Along the years, three homeopathic therapeutic

orientations have been formed:
1. Unicism – the administration of only one single
remedy in a given case.
Samuel Hahnemann – Organon par.273:
“There is no treatment in which it would be
necessary, consequently it is inadmissible to do it, to use
more than one simple medicinal substance for a single
patient. In the unique and true medicine, the only
medicine in conformity with nature, homeopathy, it is
forbidden to give the patient two medical substances at
the same time.”
As part of this school we can differentiate:
- rigorous unicists – Kent and his pupils – ask for
the similimum remedy to be looked for with an

attentive observance, a hierarchization and
repertorization of the symptoms, and this remedy
to be left to act without other interventions.
- eclectic unicists – those who give a single remedy,
maybe in increasing dilutions as Hahnemann
himself recommends. In case of failure the remedy
should be changed until you obtain the wanted

2. pluralism – administrating several remedies in a

certain order.

The sick persons are less capable of analyzing

exactly, they do not notice the ways of the symptoms,
give contradictory information from one consultation to
the other. The solution is either to wait for the outlining
of a precise symptomatic picture to give the remedy if
the patient has the necessary patience or to prescribe
several remedies, which should cover the disturbances
claimed by the patient.

3. complexism – the administration of mixtures of

remedies which can be prescribed for a given
disease, in a considered nosological framework,
with the hope that the remedy is one of those
present in the cocktail and that the other will not
cause new disturbances.

The recommended and most efficient variant is the
classical homeopathy (unicism).
It is my recommendation to avoid the other variants
used by some homeopathic doctors. I hope that this
book, which explains the way in which the homeopathic
remedies work, will show you why the unicist (classical)
homeopathy is the best variant (in which a unique
remedy is given and which is left to take sufficient action
for its effect to be utmost).
A doctor who is practicing classical homeopathy
should recommend one, maximum two remedies, after
which the pacient has to return to the doctor for a new

My advice: If you go to a homeopathic doctor and

he recommends you more than two homeopathic
remedies, you'd better get up and leave.

The use of multiple remedies or of complexness,

even if for a short period of time, may bring benefits, for
a longer period, various problems might appear because
of the interaction of the various remedies taken at the
same time. That is why it is recommended to avoid their

From my personal practice, and only in certain

circumstances, you can make combinations of only
two homeopathic remedies but on condition that they

have the same potency (the same CH). The combination
of three or more will make it that in the first 12 hours
since swallowing them (the first phase of homeopathic
remedies – see chapter II), the sensibility of the
respective person to increase very much, having the
possibility for the appearance of unwanted effects which
might continue even after the first stage ended.

The exact way of preparing and the concurrent
administration of two remedies using the present method
is to be found at the end of chapter 5.

The homeopathic remedy is that substance capable of

creating for the healthy person a suffering (pathos)
similar to (homeo).
The homeopathic remedies are prepared by starting
from natural substances, mostly plants, but minerals too
or products of animal origins (even some venoms used in
other therapies).
By dilution and progressive dynamization (agitation)
in an alcoholic solution, various potentials of a remedy
can be obtained. This procedure called intensification or
strengthening, make the crude substances from which we
started out, to acquire new therapeutic properties. That is
why the remedies are more efficient than, for instance,
the teas made from the same plants. The dilutions are
made by successively diluting the respective substance,

and the intensification is made before each dilution by
agitating the receptacle (hitting it against the palm or a
book 10 times), this being the moment when an energetic
transfer between all water molecules is taking place, so
that every molecule will contain the information of the
respective substance.
Hahnemann could not explain the principle of
intensification, he only found that it existed. Not even
today is it easy to accept, though the new discoveries in
quantum physics, biology, genetics and chemistry are
facilitating the understanding of these phenomena quite a

Any disease, acute or chronic, can be approached

homeopathically. The remedies can be used even in
cases in which administrating medicine must be avoided:
pregnancy, breast feeding, allergies to medicines etc.
Homeopathy can be used no matter of age, from
babies to elderlies. The improvement or complete
healing depends on many factors: vitality, age, lifestyle,
food, used medicines, length of disease etc.
When an improvement of symptoms occurs, that
does not mean that the healing is complete, but that it has
just begun.
The homeopathic recipes are made on clinical
indications, symptoms; it is holistic (it adresses the sick
persons as a whole, not by segments, such as for instance
the: head, eyes, stomach etc.) strictly individualized. The

homeopathic remedy acts at the energetic level,
rebalancing the disturbed energies in our body; it is a
piece of information, a quality, not a quantity.
Homeopathy and allopathy are not excluding one
another. It is a good thing for both methods to be known
and used, one or the other, according to the respective

In order to find the most suitable remedy for the

patient, the doctor has to find out as much as possible
about the patient. As to the problems he or she has, the
doctor is interested to get a maximum of details: for
instance, the exact place of the pain, the type of pain, the
moment when it appeared, its extension, the
accompanying symptoms, the cause, the situations when
you are better or worse (a thing valid for all symptoms)
the personal and family medical history, the appetite,
food preferences and aversions, thirst, reactions to
temperature, sleep, the general level of the patient’s
energy, the psycho-emotional and behavioral aspects,
characteristic for the patient being also important.

In the weeks of treatment that follow, it is quite

possible for certain changes to be perceived: a better
energy, quiet sleep, optimism, improvement of physical
problems. Sometimes certain symptoms might worsen
for a short period of time, after you take the remedy.
Some other times, the organism resorts to a method of

“cleansing” manifested through a secretion (nasal,
vaginal etc.), diarrhea, sweating, skin eruption etc.
Sometimes, previous symptoms may reappear. All this
shows that the remedy works.
Such a reaction must not be fought back using other
medicine. Take advice from your doctor. The acute
situations that appeared during the treatment, apparently
without any connection with the basic affection, have to
be told to the doctor. No medicine will be taken without
talking to the homeopathic doctor. With children the
reaction to a homeopathic remedy just as the healing are
more rapid. The same thing can be seen with the people
who eat simple things and do not smoke, do not drink,
do not use coffee and do not have sexual excesses. The
older a patient is or lives more unnaturally, the slower
are the healing processes and the effects of the remedy.

In general, when a remedy has been well chosen,

some of the symptoms are worsening for 1 to at most 3-4
days. With some diseases, this worsening of the
symptoms may last more time. After that time, generally
speaking, a major improvement should appear.
Sometimes this appears even after a few minutes or

This worsening of the symptoms shows that the

remedy was well chosen and that it has the desired
effect. In case the dilution is low, the worsening of the

symptoms is bigger, with higher dilutions it is almost
unnoticeable. If no improvement of the state of health
takes place after that time, then the remedy has not been
chosen correctly and you have to try another. For
instance, a patient who has pains in his joints will feel
greater pain in the first 24 hours after the administration
of an adequate remedy, after which the pains will stop or
gradually disappear. In case the remedy does not fit the
patient, he will not feel a worsening but neither will he
feel an improvement.
In case the symptoms are getting worse for a longer
period of time after taking a homeopathic remedy, you
have again to consult the homeopathic doctor.
The homeopathic remedies can have an effect from a
few seconds to a few months, but it must appear in
maximum 30 days.

In principle, the following rule is valid: the more

acute a disease is, the more rapid is the reaction. In acute
situations – birth, accident – the reaction should appear
in seconds or minutes.
In chronic cases, with older or weaker patients (with
weak vital force), the reaction to the remedy will be
slower and hence, recommended are low dilutions (CH
5, CH 7, CH 9). With children the reaction is the

In principle, the homeopathic remedies do not have

side effects. But they may be used in a wrong manner
and then they can have negative effects. The
homeopathic doctor is capable of making a difference
between the temporary worsening of the symptoms as a
consequence of an adequate remedy and the negative
effects of an inadequate one. This cannot be done by a
patient who treats himself. That is why I recommend you
to be seen by an experienced homeopathic doctor.
Homeopathy does not interfere with other medicines.
However, it is influenced by certain medicines in the
sense that it might slow down its action or even stop its
The chemical medicines can however contribute to
the fact that the influence of the homeopathic remedy
should be annihilated by the coarse and powerful
frequencies they contain (such as the Cortisone which
annihilates the effects of the homeopathic remedies).
Many chemical medicines contain so powerful inhibiting
substances that the effect of the homeopathic medicine
can no longer be guaranteed.
That is why the association of homeopathic remedies
with other powerful medicines, such as antibiotics, the
medicines with cortisones, the hormones, neuroleptic
sedatives etc., significantly diminish the action of
homeopathic remedies and should be avoided as much as
possible. There are situations when they have to be given
in parallel and, if possible, the homeopathic remedy has
to be repeated more often, until the dose of allopathic

medicines can be reduced.
In many cases it is impossible to give up vital
medicines, as long as the organism is weakened. In case
the disease and the symptoms are improving, the doctor
has to be again consulted for possibly stopping the
chemical medicines, if they really are no longer needed.
A collaboration between the homeopathic and the
allopath doctors would only bring benefits for the sick.
Because of habits and particularly of the patient’s
and the doctor’s fear to be held responsible, generally
speaking, the patients go on taking chemical medicines,
though they would no longer be necessary, after the
disease was cured or at least improved.

The homeopathic dilution represents a diluted form

of a substance obtained from chemical, mineral
substances, plants or animals. In homeopathy there are
several types of dilutions. The decimal dilution 1/10
marked by the letter D, centesimal 1/100 marked by the
letter C (in Romania noted with CH – the Hahnemann
centesimal) or even 1/50000, noted with Q or LM.

The way of preparing the dilutions is quite simple.

For instance, in the case of centesimal dilutions (CH)
which also are the most frequently used, is done like
- you take one part (one drop) from a basic substance
which is added to 99 parts (drops) of solvent, after

which you powerfully shake the obtained mixture (a
process called “dynamization”). Thus, we obtained
the first centesimal (Hahnemann) dilution - CH 1;

- Part of this CH 1 solution is mixed in another bottle

with 99 parts of solvent and then dynamized, by
powerfully shaking the bottle this time too, and the
result is dilution CH 2;

- The process continues likewise until you reach the

wanted dilution.
Achieving homeopatic dilutions

Without the dynamization process (powerful shaking)

of the homeopathic remedies, they are not having any
effect. In homeopathy a remedy has all the more so a
greater effect, the more it was diluted and more
“shaken”, therefore more amplified.

Thus, the result is that dilution in itself, taken by
itself, has no effect on the body, but only the
combination of the dilution of the original substance and
the manual “stirring” of the substance creates the effect
of intensifying the remedy.
In Hahnemann’s time there was no dilution D, but
just dilution C. The CH dilutions have a more powerful
effect and create fewer initial symptoms than the D ones
(the initial worsening of the symptoms is a sign showing
that the remedy was well chosen, but the dilution is too
From the material point of view, dilution D
corresponds to half of dilution CH. For instance CH 6 is
equivalent to D 12, though dilution CH 6 has a slightly
different effect than D12, because solution D 12 is
dynamized 12 times, while CH 6 just 6 times.

The choice of the dilution was and still is a great

controversy in homeopathy. Some use dilutions up to D
6, others use medium dilutions, while others use just
high dilutions, from D 30 upwards.
Dr. Arthur Lutze for instance, used only dilution D
30. In his book “Characteristic Symptoms in
Homeopathic Therapy” you may find many examples
and many cases of downright miraculous healings.

Samuel Hahnemann himself, the one who founded

modern homeopathy, used initially low dilutions but,

later he passed on to higher dilutions, beginning with C
Choosing the dilution depends on the case and
patient, each homeopathic physician makes the choice
according to his own experience and preference.
For the choice of the dilution, you may use the
following rule: “you may choose the dilution which,
without creating damages in your body, has clearly a
visible influence on a sick body.”
There are certain rules for the choice of the fitting
dilution which might be studied, but the choice of the
fitting dilution is an art mastered only by a talented
master in the art of homeopathic cure. Besides the choice
of the fitting dilution, a role is played by the age and
personality of the patient, his food, the climate etc.

The factors determining the choice of a certain

dilution (potency) are:
➢ The vitality of the patient; a good vitality bears high
dilutions; diminished vitality requests lower
➢ The degree of damage; the organic diseases guide us
towards lower potencies, the physiological ones
towards medium potencies, the psychical ones
towards higher dilutions.
➢ The degree of similarity; the bigger the similarity
between the patient’s symptoms and the remedy is, a
more powerful potency is allowed.

➢ The level of profoundness referred to by the
treatment: the more profound and more lasting action
in time is desired, the higher you climb on the scale
of potencies.

We shall also have to take into consideration the

Arndt-Schultz law, in connection with reversing the
effect according to the dose. Thus, the low dilutions are
stimulating; the medium dilutions are modulatory, and
the high dilutions are downers.

The dilutions which are higher than C30 or D30 are

reserved for the homeopathic doctors because their effect
is long lasting and deeper. For personal use, you can
generally resort to low dilutions – D 1 up to D 30 or
from C 1 to C 15.
The remedies made out of poisoning substances
should be taken from at least D 12 or C 6, depending on
the power of the poison. Generally speaking, the low
dilutions out of noxious substances can be obtained from
drugstores only with a recipe from a doctor, therefore, a
patient cannot be treated by himself with dangerous
Remedies made out of healing plants, used in
phytotherapy, are generally taken in low dilutions – (D0)
or D1 tincture, because with this kind of healing plants,
it is requested for the entire spectrum of the plant’s
frequencies to make its effect.

Hahnemann shows us in Organon, that:
”Not quantity but quality is the one which is
healing. The selection of the fitting remedies is much
more important than the quantity which is given.”

A great problem for the full acceptance of

homeopathy is the fact that the infinitesimal
homeopathic doses, no longer preserve, beyond the 12th
centesimal dilution, none of the molecules of the initial
substance; that is why they are called in the scientific
world ultramolecular doses. The problem which
homeopathy raises is a most provocative one for the
entire modern medical thinking; how is it possible for
the ultra-molecularly diluted substances to still have
effects on man’s life, as long as such a dilution does no
longer preserve, from the chemical point of view,
anything but the solvent?
Though clinical results prove that homeopathic
remedies have an effect on live organisms, from
theoretical point of view, it is an almost unconceivable
thing. For the time being, this is the most important
conceptual deadlock for accepting homeopathy, and
solving it, will probably represent the change of the
present biological and medical paradigm.
To overcome this deadlock, several theories have
been suggested, the most frequently suggested one being
that about the memory of water, which it is said to
permanently keep, in the wake of complex interactions

between molecules of solvent and solvit, during
successive dilutions and intensifications, information on
the disolved substance.
Homeopathic remedies are not just diluted
substances but also intensified ones; with every dilution,
the support which keeps the information is again and
again intensified, so that the initial information can be
repeated. During the intensification, the molecules of the
remedy make contact and leave the “information
imprint” on all the molecules of the solvent, so that each
of them, at a new intensification becomes transmitters of
the initial information.

What however is obvious about homeopathy, is the

fact that: the phenomena are informational, implying the
successive sending of information on behalf of the
dissolved substance against a (solvent) support and
implicitly a memory that can be stored and reactivated.
Moreover, this memory can pass on from one support to
another, without affecting its major qualities.

Besides choosing the proper remedies and dilutions,

an important role is played by the period in which we
have to take the respective remedy and the interval
between the given doses. We can choose between a
multitude of variants which will not make this choice
easier, not at all simple. Here too, there are a lot of rules
but also many exceptions.

But, generally speaking, the following rules are
used by most homeopathic doctors:
- In acute cases of disease, the remedies are given
according to the seriousness of the disease at intervals
of a quarter or half an hour. As compared to the
allopathic (chemical) remedies, the administration of
homeopathic remedies is either stopped, or the
intervals are increased or the dilutions are changed, as
soon as you notice an improvement;
- with very dangerous forms of disease (for instance
heart attacks, sepsis, poisoning etc.) homeopathic
remedies are given at even smaller intervals of 5-10-15
minutes + emergency call;
- When an improvement is noticed – a sign that the
remedy has been chosen correctly – the intervals are
increased and the potency that worked is being kept;
- With chronic diseases a low potency (CH 7 or CH 9) is
given daily, for a month, and then slightly increasing.

However, we could mention some of the most

important rules of homeopathy which being used by
various homeopathic doctors who were successful in
applying homeopathic theories:
➢ As soon as an improvement of the disease
appeared, the remedy is no longer taken in order
to give it time to take effect in the body. This break
is kept until the healing or stoppage appear when

either the treatment came to an end, or should be
continued with the same or another remedy.

➢ The same thing is valid also when a worsening of

the symptom appears, which are a proof that the
remedy was well chosen, but that that the “power”
had been chosen too low. In this case you no longer
give the remedy until the symptoms created by the
remedy had not completely disappeared, after which
you give the same remedy with a higher “power”.

➢ With old chronic diseases, you do not give the

same remedy often. You have to give each dose
enough time in order to have effect. This has been
strictly observed by Dr. Arthur Lutze who gave a
dose at an interval of at least 3 months to give it time
to have an effect. With this method Dr.Lutze
performed incredible healings, which are presented
in his books.

➢ With chronic diseases – where the vital force is

low, you give daily a low dilution for a gentle

➢ The older the suffering is, the higher has to be the

dilution. The higher the dilution, the longer has to
be the break when the doses are given.

➢ If an improvement appears, the same potency is
kept until the healing occurs or until it no longer
gives any result.

Hence you can see that the choice of the fitting

“power” as well as the interval between the remedies is
not an easy task.
There are no strict rules, but you can follow a general
The older a suffering is, the higher has to be the
“power” of the remedy. The higher is the “power” of
the remedy, the longer has to be the break at which
the doses are given (an exception are the persons with
a low vital force).

The choice of an adequate break between the given

doses or remedies, account as much as its type or
“power”. All these factors are of a major importance for
a successful homeopathic therapy.

There is a variant in which the time between the

doses can be much reduced by changing the remedy’s
“If the potence is changed, the doses can be
repeated more quickly than if we keep the initial
potency. This has been tried and confirmed by
experience. It seems that it does not matter too much

if the potence is grown or decreased, as long as it
changes. For instance, if the potency of 200 was taken,
it does not matter if you go up to 1 M or down 30C; it is
important for the potency to be modified.”
D M Borland: Digestive Drugs, 1940, in EH 2.2.

If the remedy was well chosen and the healing

process is not stopped as a consequence of using noxious
substances (coffee, powerfully flavored substances), of
certain medicines (cortisone, antineuralgics containing
caffeine) or of losing sexual liquids (sexual contact),
then healing will be brought to an end even with only
one adequate dose (a rule valid with patients with great
vital force).
The rule that one remedy may be antidoted (with
coffee and mint) is not always valid. It may happen that
the remedy can be very well chosen and, finding in the
body a frequency opposite to it, might start the healing
process, and thus it can no longer be antidoted. That is
why it is very important not to take remedies without
consulting a homeopathic doctor who, in the case of
new, negative reactions appearing, should be able to be
fought back with other helpful remedies.
In order to heal with homeopathic remedies, certain
substances will have to be avoided for at least a few
weeks (at least 2, but ideally between 8 and 12 weeks)
for the remedies to have an effect and, while this period
of time, strengthened by remedies, the immune system to

be able to repair the body. Otherwise, the healing will be
incomplete or in the best case only the symptoms of the
disease are being eliminated, the cause still remaining
In homeopathy, the most harmful substances are
caffeine (coffee, cola, black tea, antineuralgics),
followed by the toxins in pork-meat as well as hot spices
such as pepper, mustard, red hot pepper, chili etc.
One cup or several cups of coffee may be an antidote
or immediately weaken the effect of a homeopathic
remedy. How quickly this effect appears varies a lot
from one patient to another, according to the sensitivity
of each person, but, earlier or later, the effect appears.
It is very important not to drink coffee during the
treatment, thus the remedy does not act at its maximum
potential. This does not mean that you should not drink
coffee only in those few days while the remedy is taken,
but as long as the homeopathic doctor recommends; one
dose of the remedy may act for days, weeks or whole
months, according to the pathology, constitutional type,
remedy, potency etc.
The restriction for tea (black, green, Russian) is not
absolute, as it is for coffee; nevertheless, it is
recommended not to be drunk daily, in big quantities,
“strong” (concentrated) tee.
During the healing process, which lasts for several
weeks, up to 2 – 3 months or even more, you have to
avoid first and foremost these toxins.

Ointments, liquids, pills, sweets, chewing gum with
such a content should be avoided as much as possible
(not even the toothpaste should contain menthol). The
mint (or chamomile) tea is not recommended during the
treatment nor are other teas of plants used daily and in
big quantities, over a period of time.

Moreover, a complete sexual abstinence should be

observed, as the healing force is immediately dispersed
when the body looses its sexual liquids, particularly
when the symptoms we complain about are those of
tiredness and lack of power. Unfortunately, the body has
no separate forces for sex and healing, and once it is
dispersed, the vital force is remade only after a certain
This is the 3-rd main rule which we must observe for
the homeopathic remedies to have an effect. If we cannot
give up completely, recommended is the limitation of
sexual “losses” by increasing the periods of pauses very
much. Nor is it recommended to make abuses or
refusals. At 40 – 50 years, one or two discharges a
month are all right.
Why is this rule as important as the first two?
Because, when the sexual fluid is lost, the action of the
remedy is shaded off for a period of at least one or two
days, until the body’s lost energy is recovered by this
Why is this not a good thing?

Because it might happen exactly as in the case of
antibiotics when, if the treatment is stopped, even
temporarily, the disease we suffer from has time to be
able to get accustomed with it and in this way the
antibiotics (in our case – the homeopathic remedy) might
no longer have an effect, even if its administration is
Thus, even if the body’s energy is remade and the
remedy resumes its action, the disease we suffer from
might not answer positively to the remedy we took, thus
another homeopathic variant has to be found (another
Because of the ignorance or non-observance of these
factors, many patients cannot be healed with the help of
homeopathic remedies (many times the problem is of
blocking, not of the lack of vital force). As to the
allopathic remedies, they are not curing at all, they only
remove, for a short time, just certain symptoms. The
allopathic (chemical) remedies, although they seem more
comfortable, because the doctors do not recommend any
abstinence or diet, do not bring to the body but
supplementary diseases. Each patient must choose the
true path if he wants to cure his suffering and
unfortunately this needs willpower and knowledge, as
there are no pills which make wonders without
willpower to get better.
A well chosen remedy can make the symptoms
disappear for good. For a change, with chronic diseases,

there may appear new symptoms in spite of the well-
chosen remedy.
And this because many diseases are superimposed,
because they have not been cured at the proper time,
being eliminated either with chemical medicine or
“covered” at the psychic level. For these new symptoms,
a new remedy, rightly chosen, is needed.
When a remedy has been properly chosen, more
often than not, a brief worsening of the symptoms
appears, particularly with low dilutions, after which the
symptoms disappear making room for the healing. If
nothing happens after taking the remedy, it is possible
that the dilution is not the right one and you have to try
The patient has the same contribution for healing just
as the doctor, because he has to keep a certain diet and a
way of life for the healing not to be stopped and for
which it has to be manifest in the material plane. In vain
does the patient receive the proper remedy from the
doctor, if he stops the healing process with coffee and
sexual abuse. Excess is the keyword! ...not abstinence.

The curative action of the remedies can be

diminished if the reactions that might appear during the
treatment are fought back. The remedy tries to clean up
the body from toxins, a fact that may be exteriorized by
excessive sweating, nose or vagina secretions,
expectoration, diarrhea, abundant urinating, even mucus

or skin eruptions. Such a reaction should not be
necessarily fought back, because it is part of the healing
process, and if it appears, it is a sign that the treatment is
Such reactions, even if they are unpleasant from the
physical point of view, they are usually accompanied by
a general state of well-being and are limited in time, that
is they go away by themselves in a few days.
Many times, people think that a difficult situation
they are faced with, is hopeless, but the appearance of
the state of desperation or hopelessness is in fact their
greatest enemy. That is why they always have to avoid
being taken by such negative states.
Many times, the chosen attitude or psychic state
determine the very help that is needed. A trustworthy
and optimistic attitude, in spite of apparent misfortunes,
is all that we need for the problems to be solved.
Unfortunately, many do not find the necessary force
for this and abandon the fight even before beginning it. It
seems almost incredible, but an adequate attitude attracts
positive energies which later on can radically change a
difficult situation in our life. But if you have a negative
thinking, the solution of the issue will no longer appear,
because it is the one which is blocking it.

Treating the changing/shifting, chronic or serious

diseases on your own is quite difficult. The use of
homeopathic remedies without presenting the symptoms

of the disease, may create symptoms which the remedy
generally cures, as the remedy does not find in the body
a force on which it takes action.
In this case, when the patient has none of the
remedy’s symptoms, instead of doing away with the
oscillations by superposing, the remedy creates in the
body, some oscillations which creates the disease, as
there are no similar oscillations in the body. That is why
the homeopathic remedies can be used only by people
who are quite knowledgeable, only when the present
symptoms correspond well with the remedy, with the
corresponding dilution and dosage.
A wrong remedy will not be very harmful, if it is not
given for a long time, it quickly loses its force. But if
you insist daily for about 20 or 30 days, it might be

The method of “manufacturing” two homeopathic

remedies using the “glass of water” method – that will
be simultaneously given, is the following:

➢ You take two pieces of white paper, the size of a

visiting card (cut out of an A4);
➢ You write with capital letters, using a ball point
pencil, the full name of the remedies
and the dilution which has to coincide for the two
remedies. A possible example might be: “OZONE”
and “COENZIME Q10”;

➢ The papers are put under two glasses which we filled
halfway with clear water from the tap or with plain
bottled water;
➢ You let the glasses with water sitting on those papers
for about 3 minutes for the remedies to be activated
(there is no problem if you leave the glass sitting
more time on the paper);
➢ After the three minutes you take out the pieces of
paper and the water from the first glass is poured into
the second glass.
➢ From this combined water you have to drink 3
mouthfuls, each gulp being held a few seconds in the
mouth before swallowing it to be absorbed by the
mucous membrane;
➢ If there still is some water and you intend to use it
later, you do not put any piece of paper;
➢ If there is no more water in the glass and you want to
continue taking the combination of two remedies,
you resume from the start the way of their
preparation, and you can use the same notes or write
others, according to necessity;
➢ Obviously, before and after taking the remedies, it is
recommended not to drink, eat or wash your teeth for
at least 30 minutes.

Taking into account that you cannot start therapies

that can change something in a body which has not
enough energy to uphold this, the two examples

mentioned before might be a possible variant of
remaking the vital energy of the body, an energy that in
serious diseases is missing.
The remedy “OZONE” will contribute to increasing
the oxygenation and the “COENZIMA Q 10” will make an
energetic contribution. These two remedies can be taken
once or twice a day, according to the seriousness of the
disease. I could not give you a certain interval, but I
heard that the therapies with ozone are made along a
period of at least 21 days.

You should not take homeopathic remedies (granules),
at the same time or the same day, with remedies made
through the glass of water method, because they are
functioning with the same principles and can be
perturbed among them (only if the name on the bottle
with granules coincides with the text on the piece of


For those who say that they do not believe in this

therapeutic method, I can bring a few arguments in its
favor. As people are generally divided into atheists and
believers, I will first speak about those atheists who, the
moment they learn about this method of making
homeopathic remedies using a glass of water bring
negative arguments by saying that it has a connection
with the placebo effect and not with something concrete
and tangible.

My question is: ”why shouldn’t they try a method

which might bring benefits for their health, even if it has
connection with the placebo effect?”
Are those 10 seconds necessary to test the method so
important… that they cannot spare them to test a new
Or, supposing that you are a person that does not
believe in this method, my question is: what keeps you
from orienting your thoughts towards it if this thing
brought just benefits to your health?

Researchers use the placebo effect during their

studies to understand exactly what effect a new medicine
or treatment might have in relationship with a certain
medical status. Thus, in these scientific studies they use

a “witness” lot which is “hoaxed” with placebo
treatment. It was found that up to 45% of these
participants have answered positively at the placebo
I do not say that the present method – the glass of
water – is placebo, but supposing that it is, would you
not be delighted to be among the almost 45% who
succeeded in solving various problems using the present
When this book was written (2019), the hospitals in
Romania, no matter if state owned or private, they are
overcrowded with patients. Do you realize the number of
people we speak of when we say 45% of them? I let you
give the answer.
What I can tell you is how many people practice
homeopathy at present (in Romania). FEW, very few.
How come that the present medical architecture, which
blames by all means and all ways HOMEOPATHY, can
do nothing to change the present trend of increased
medical illnesses… especially the incurable ones.

Why are there so few people practicing homeopathy?

It is quite simple. You merely make a mathematical
calculation and add up:
- people who live in the countryside have never heard
about homeopathy;

- people who are negatively influenced by homeopathy
being blamed by the allopath medical system;
- people that had homeopathic doctors who, by not
practicing classical homeopathy, gave them in a short
time, very many remedies, worsening their suffering.
Thus, they started to think in a negative way about it;
- people who have had negative reactions, but normal
ones, at the taken remedies and who, getting
frightened, gave up continuing the homeopathic
therapies instead of coming back to the homeopathic
doctor in order to counteract them by using other
homeopathic remedies;
- people who resort to it in the last moments of their life
as a possible solution and for which homeopathy is
most of the time too late, when their relatives say “see,
he tried homeopathic remedies and they did not help
him”- a true thing taking into account that homeopathy
needs time to be able to repair the body;
- the lack of homeopathic doctors in the countryside;
- the lack of official statistics which should show the
efficiency homeopathic remedies have.
The result shows that just a very small number of
people remain faithful to homeopathy.

I can hardly wait for the day when people will

practice homeopathy on a large scale, a day which will
show if I am wrong or not.

It is my opinion that from the start there will be up to
45% less people that will go to hospitals, and this if we
have in view that people think that it is a placebo effect.
But I tell you that it is no such effect, homeopathy
works with animals too, and that the percentage will be
much higher… maybe even 80% ?
It remains up to you to practically demonstrate if I
am wrong giving this percentage, but not by negative
feelings spread by our medical culture, turning us
against homeopathy from the start.
Please, do no longer give negative answers before
you study documents about this method.

“Unfortunately, in today’s society, things are

reversed. The child comes with love and energy, is
honored, but notched by the behavior and teachings and
education of the parents.”
Prof. Dr. Liviu ANDRONOVICI and Florentina GIONEA

"You say it is up to parents to teach these things. Yet

parents can only pass on what has been passed on to
them. And the sins of the father have been visited upon
the son. So you are teaching in your homes the same
stuff your parents taught you in their homes."
"CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD - An Uncommon Dialogue", Book 2
by Neale Donald Walsch

In his book “Conversations with God – An Unusual
Dialog”, Neale Donald Walsch shows the fact that that
the ignorance of the parents is transmitted to the
children, who are nothing else but their copy.

“Do not educate your child, educate yourself, he

will anyhow resemble you”, said once a wise man.

For those of them who say that they are believers, I

can tell them that I too think of “Divinity” when I put
those words on paper. So, what is the difference between
what they do when they go to church and pray for health
and what I do? Don’t they expect the creation of a
connection between them and Divinity just like I do… in
order to receive healing remedies on behalf of
Why, the moment you tell such a person that he can
ask “Divinity” for a remedy for his or her health through
a piece of paper and a glass of water, he or she refuses
with stubbornness to believe such a thing?
We must just think of “Divinity” and wait for its
energy to materialize.
Of course, according to people’s beliefs, instead of
Divinity we may also use other appellatives such as:
Creator, Universe, according to everybody’s belief.

Why do the words we use have such a great

importance? We might bring arguments even from the

Old Testament which says: “At the beginning there was
the Word.” This means that, before creating the
Universe, there was “THE WORD”. We notice thus that
even the religion teaches us the importance that "The
word" has.

If several hundreds of years ago man would have

been presented with the image of a TV set, he might
have said it was something paranormal and nevertheless
today the TV set is something quite normal. More
paranormal is the fact that though we are the creation of
the “Universe”, we always avoid being grateful and
consider ourselves His real children.

I can use as an argument the fact that I am not the

only one who uses this method to materialize a remedy
in water. It so happened that I saw on television a
program about a cult where I noticed a great similarity
about what they did and the method I described in this
book, namely:
As part of their meetings, several people were
meeting in a room where they were praying for health
having near them bottles with water that they were
drinking at the end of their prayers.
Thus, some people said they were healed or feeling
better after they had drunk that water. I am quite
convinced that what is happening within that cult is
perfectly valid and correct.

The explanation which to me seemed logical, would
be that:
“The moment when those people were praying for
health, in that water a remedy (at random) was
materializing, which, having in view that at those rallies
hundreds of people were participating, it might have
happened that it could have fitted very well for certain
diseases of some participants. In this way, the few
persons for whom the respective remedy fitted, they felt
much better.”

The difference between those prayers and the method

described in this book is that, instead of letting a random
remedy materializing in water using prayers, we ask the
“Universe” to give us a certain remedy which should
perfectly match to the disease (pain) which we want to
I must admit that there are people for whom this
method has no effect. Few, but they still exist. I
estimated this ratio to be approximately of 10 to 1. More
exactly, out of 10 persons, for one of them, the method
does not work.
From my studies, I found that the functioning of the
present method has no connection with the fact that
someone believes or does not in this method, but just
with the wish of healing. Even the person about whom I
write in the chapter about psoriasis came to no longer
believe, as the first two remedies we tried had no effect

whatsoever. But there were a few persons who, in spite
of wishing that the method should have an effect, it did
not work no matter how many attempts they made.

Even if with the persons for whom the glass of water
method does not work, they however may benefit from
homeopathic therapies using the granules to be found in

Hundreds of years ago, people did not know that the

world was surrounded by all kind of frequencies, the first
and most visible one being the light which, from the
physical point of view, is nothing else but an
electromagnetic radiation. Even this one has certain
characteristics that do not allow man to notice them
completely. The term of “light” may also be used for
electromagnetic radiations that are invisible for men,
such as for instance the infrared light or the ultraviolet
one, and the fact that it could not be visually noticed by
man in the past, did not mean that it was not present in
their lives.

We may use as an argument what happened in the

case of the “aura”, which is by no means a novelty, as its
existence was known already by the Egyptians, but only
in the 1930's years, was it photographed by the Kirlians
and thus its physical existence was proven.

What is an aura?
The aura is an electromagnetic field of man which
propagates radiations under the form of vibrations
associated with energy quanta. These vibrational
informational energies are part of the entity which man
is. At present, man developed devices which identify and
measure these energies which make the “aura”. We can
notice that, with the development of technology, many of
the things that we just presumed in the past, can be
demonstrated in a scientific way as well.
This book does nothing else but finds the existence
of a relationship between our thoughts and the
surrounding universe and the fact that we do not
discover anything new, we just get to acknowledge the
continuous existence, of some phenomena in the nature.

Many people would hurry to quickly write on the

little piece of paper “REMEDY FOR CAN_ _ _”, which
is the biggest disease of our times, but I draw your
attention that it will not work (excuse me for not writing
the whole word, but I would like to use in this book only
nice words).
This disease is a derangement of the body’s
functionality and that is why, if you noticed, even if
people resort to operations and then the effect of this
dysfunctionality is removed, in most cases the cause of
the derangement, remains and will continue to create
problems for the human being.

It will not be enough to create just one remedy aimed
at the respective organ. Many more remedies will be
necessary, taken at intervals over a lengthier period of
time, in order to come to a correct regulation of the
body’s functioning.
You will have to be patient in this case and that is
why the recommendation is for the homeopathic
treatment to begin as early as possible, no matter if you
use granules or the method presented here.
Delaying, that is not undertaking anything from the
health point of view, is in fact one of the main causes
which brings medicine in the impossibility to do
something for them, no matter which medical alternative
we choose.
All the more so in homeopathy, which needs time to
act and repair the body, this delaying being its very
I am not a doctor, but I am quite convinced that any
homeopath who will subscribe to this idea will say that:
if you learn that you have only two weeks to live
because of your disease and having no solutions you will
use as a last resort homeopathy, in 99,999 % of the cases
nothing else could be done.
People have the habit of not correctly analyzing the
situation in which they are and have the impression that,
in case of serious diseases, it matters what they did for
their health just the last year, the year previous to finding
out the diagnosis.

A completely wrong thing.
Most of the times, these diseases evolve along many
years or even tens of years.

We may mention Mother Teresa, a personality loved

by many people, who in her turn was very attentive with
the words she used. She never said she was fighting
against the war, but she used to say that “she was
fighting for peace”. Notice how she avoided using
negative words and she used just positive words, full of
love, even if she referred to the same thing.
It is not in vain that the Bible says: “Love your
neighbor as yourself”.
It is my opinion that the text in the Bible which says
“Love your neighbor as yourself”, is today overpassed
by events. Why so? If you are a person who is self-
destructive by what you do, this means that if you also
love the others as you love yourself, you do nothing else
but also destroy those around you.
It would be much better if that text sounded like this:
“Love your neighbor much more than yourself.”
This wording, which I consider much closer to the
present reality, becomes, with each passing year, an ever
more correct wording because of the people that self-
destruct themselves due to the fact that: they do no
longer have time.
This argument, used by them to justify the lack of
interest for their neighbor or for all that surrounds them,

as simple as it seems at first sight, it is in fact all the
more important.
They have no more time to take care of their health,
they have no more time to relax, they have no longer
time for their children, no more time for their education,
they have no longer time to look around to see if
someone needs help, and in our case, if we strictly refer
to the method described in this book, they do not have
time to take 10 seconds of their life to verify if it is real
and see if might work even for them.
To be frank, I wonder how do they have enough time
to live?

If we came to talk about time, you know that, being

at the university and going to the economy classes, we
were told that if we make a profitability calculation and
that of the cost of a product, we must take into account
the time that we “spend” making a product, as it is the
element with the biggest weight in the equation…
because, once it is used it can never be regained.
Thus, we notice that time is the most precious thing
we have and it must be used wisely and for our benefit.
Once we use it, it can no longer be bought, no matter
how much money we have.

Reading the book written by Masaru Emoto “The

Hidden Messages in Water”, I learned a very interesting
thing about glycerin:

“For the first forty or so years after glycerin was
discovered, it was generally accepted that it didn't form
crystals. Then one day at the beginning of the
nineteenth century, a drum of glycerin en route from
Vienna to London suddenly started to crystallize.
A short time later, in a completely different location,
another batch of glycerin also crystallized. This
crystallization began to spread, and now it is generally
accepted that glycerin forms crystals when tempera-
tures drop below 17°C (63°F).
So what should we make of this?
When the crystals first formed (for whatever rea-
son), a morphic field was created, and eventually all
glycerin, in compliance with the morphic field, started to
form crystals. This type of phenomenon has occurred in
many other substances as well. Despite all the
randomness in the world, once a substance begins to
form crystals, then it often becomes common for it to
form crystals thereafter.”
Masaru Emoto: The Hidden Messages in Water,
September 2005 by Beyond Words Publishing

From this fragment of history, if we draw a parallel

with what happened with the crystallization of glycerin,
we come to the conclusion that this method too may take
part in the theory of morphic resonance, which can be
translated (formulated) like that:

“If there is at present at least one person who can
ask the “Universe” to materialize homeopathic remedies
through a glass of watter, from that moment on any
person can do it in turn, hence it is not an impossible
thing to do.”

Thus, just like waves, this information can be

distributed to other people as well, and who, in their
turn, may use this Method, if they want.

Nothing can be done without making a minimum

effort, and so it is in the case of this method, if we do not
succeed in making a correct wording from the start, we
can try a second and a third time, until we succeed.
All we need is perseverance. Nothing can be done
without effort and thorough study.
The great difficulty is to overcome the psychological
barrier created by years of indoctrination which
strengthened our belief that certain things are not
possible, which would hinder our spiritual development.
To deceive us all by ourselves that we are moral
persons would not do anything, but make us follow a
wrong path which, according to many specialists, is
leading towards negative feelings of frustration and
anger, which bring a state of stress to our body and
which, finally, lead to the appearance of diseases.

As long as we won’t not succeed to change the
negative feelings into positive ones, we’ll be trying in
vain different therapeutic methods because it is quite
possible that none of them will function, the diseases
being nothing else but the transposing of negative
feelings from the spiritual to the physical level.

To love unconditionally and be grateful

are indispensable things for a balanced life.

Life is nothing else but a succession of experiences

that can be both positive or negative. If you can not
easily overcome the negative experiences, this means
you are not enough prepared for it.

Notice how learning and studying constantly does

nothing but develop the spirit - the only thing that goes
with us.

I wanted this book to be a study, written in most

simple terms, with exact descriptions of the method, with
practical and functional examples, which should show
how these requests can be made towards the “Universe”.
It is everyone’s right to choose what they want from life.

“If you are not prepared to change your life,

I cannot help you.”

This is a book written with the help of friends – for
It underwent a metamorphose and it grew together
with the number of friends.
I would like to thank them once more for the help
they offered in achieving it, for their advice, corrections
ant notices about the book’s text.

“If the human body is being addressed every day

by food and the toxicity of the surrounding
environment (chemical, electromagnetic), it is
recommended to use homeopathic remedies or
elements prepared through the glass of water method,
by periodic therapies and whenever any medical
problem appears – even if a minor one – to counteract
it while in an incipient stage.”


The author would like for the persons that succeeded

in overcoming a health problem with the help of the
glass of water method,

to be grateful to the “Universe”

as it happened to he who sign this book, and in their

turn, inform others who suffer, but do not know about
the existence of this therapeutic method.
Thus, they will prove love for the neighbor who is
With much warmth,

Any donation is welcome and will help promote the
glass of water method. The donation can be made via
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Love and Gratitude

Specialist in the “Glass of water” method

LICENSED in Marketing
Bucharest Faculty of Economic Sciences
SPIRU HARET University
Facebook: mihaiionescuro


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