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Indian Journal of Pharmacology 2002; 34: 100-110 REVIEW ARTICLE





Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Medical Sciences,

Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005. India

Manuscript Received: 27.2.2001 Revised: 14.9.2001 Accepted: 15.9.2001

ABSTRACT Sula, Parinamasula and Amlapitta are clinical entities recognized by ayurveda, akin to peptic ulcer and
functional dyspepsia. Many indigenous drugs have been advocated in ayurveda for treatment of dyspepsia.
Our laboratory has been engaged in screening of various indigenous herbal and metallic drugs for their
potential use in peptic ulcer diseases, taking lead from Ayurveda and have reported anti-ulcer and ulcer-
healing properties of Tectona grandis (lapachol), Rhamnus procumbens (kaempferol), Rhamnus triquerta
(emodin), Withania somnifera (acylsteryl glycoside), Shilajit (fulvic acid and carboxymethoxybiphenyl),
Datura fastuosa (withafastuosin E), Fluggea microcarpa and Aegle marmelos (pyrano- and iso- coumarins)
etc., along with their mechanism of action. The present article includes the detailed exploration of ulcer
protective and healing effects of unripe plantain banana, tambrabhasma and Asparagus racemosus on
various models of experimental gastroduodenal ulceration and patients with peptic ulcer. Their effects on
mucin secretion, mucosal cell shedding, cell proliferation, anti-oxidant activity, glycoproteins, and PG
synthesis have been reported. Clinical trials of these drugs for evaluating their potential ulcer healing
effects in peptic ulcer patients have been done. Their potential ulcer protective effects both, experimental
and clinical seemed to be due to their predominant effects on various mucosal defensive factors rather
than on the offensive acid-pepsin secretion. Thus, the above herbal / herbo-mineral drugs do have
potential usefulness for treatment of peptic ulcer diseases.

KEY WORDS Herbal drugs herbo-mineral drugs rasayanas acid-peptic disorders

non-ulcer dyspepsia sula parinamasula amlapitta

INTRODUCTION the defensive factors is gaining importance. It is now

assumed that these drugs ultimately balance the ag-
Peptic ulcer therapy has undergone many strides over gressive factors (acid, pepsin, H. pylori, bile salts)
the past few years and a number of drugs are now and defensive factors (mucin secretion, cellular mu-
available for treatment. These drugs are broadly clas- cus, bicarbonate secretion, mucosal blood flow and
sified into two, those that decrease or counter acid- cell turnover)1. Although these drugs have brought
pepsin secretion and those that afford cytoprotection about remarkable changes in ulcer therapy, the effi-
by virtue of their effects on mucosal defensive fac- cacy of these drugs is still debatable. Reports on
tors. These drugs act by different mechanisms. Most clinical evaluation of these drugs show that there are
of the commonly used drugs such as H2- blockers incidences of relapses and adverse effects and dan-
(ranitidine, famotidine etc), M1- blockers (pirenzepine, ger of drug interactions during ulcer therapy. Hence,
telenzepine etc), proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, the search for an ideal anti-ulcer drug continues and
lansaprazole etc), decrease secretion of acid while, has also been extended to herbal drugs in search
drugs like sucralfate and carbenoxolone promote mu- for new and novel molecules, which afford better pro-
cosal defenses. Of late the role of these drugs on tection and decrease the incidence of relapse.

Correspondence: R.K. Goel


In Ayurveda, peptic ulcer mostly refers to Amlapitta Ayurveda9. The study further proved that the anti-
or Parinamasula. Amlapitta is a disease of the gas- ulcer effect of banana in 4 hr pylorus-ligation (PL)
trointestinal tract, especially of the stomach. It has rats was not due to its 5-HT content as presumed
not been described as an independent disease in earlier, but could be due to its predominant effect on
major Ayurvedic texts, but has been mentioned in mucosal defensive factors. The effect of biological
short in Kashyapa samhita2. Amlapitta literally means, variables like size, season and soil on the anti-
pitta leading to sour taste. Apart from the stress laid ulcerogenic activity of DRBP has been evaluated and
on food habits and personal hygiene, some herbal it was reported that the activity was primarily ob-
drugs have also been mentioned. Modern medicine served with unripe, mature, green plantain banana
has not adequately evaluated the usefulness of these obtained from Musa sapientum Linn. Var. paradisiaca
drugs in ulcer therapy, although studies have been collected between the months of September to March
reported. Some active constituents have also been along the Gangetic belt in the northern parts of the
isolated from these potential anti-ulcerogenic plant Indian sub-continent. Activity was lost due to ripen-
drugs (Table 1 and 2). ing or drying of pulp at temperature above 60oC and
absent in the small sized fruits. Less or no activity
An attempt has been made to summarize some of
was found in the banana collected from the southern
the important anti-ulcer studies done with herbal
states during the same period. DRBP was reported
plants in our laboratory and elsewhere during the last
to have no activity on offensive acid pepsin secre-
few decades to highlight the developments made and
tion and the effect was mostly ascribed to increase
also to provide clues and avenues for future research.
in gastric mucus secretion quantified in terms of to-
A detailed review would be practically difficult due to
tal carbohydrate:protein ratio (TC:P ratio)10. Further
enormity of information available. Thus, this presen-
studies with DRBP on the changes induced by
tation reviews in detail some plant products like un-
ulcerogenic agents like aspirin (ASP),
ripe plantain banana (Musa sapientum var.
phenybutazone, indomethacin and prednisolone in
paradisiaca), Tamrabhasma (an indigenous prepa-
the dissolved mucosubtances of gastric juice showed
ration of copper), ginger (Zingiber officinale) and
that it not only increased the TC:P ratio of the gastric
satavari (Asparagus racemosus) and gives an over-
juice, but also reversed the decrease in ratio induced
view on other potential anti-ulcerogenic drugs.
by ulcerogenic drugs11. While, there was no change
Musa sapientum var. paradisiaca (unripe plantain in the individual carbohydrates significant decrease
banana) in protein content of the gastric juice was observed
leading to increase in TC:P ratio. Decrease in pro-
Extensive investigations regarding anti-ulcerogenic tein content signifies decreased leakage from gas-
and ulcer healing activities of plantain banana have tric mucosa indicating increased strengthening of
been carried out in our laboratory for the past 30 gastric mucosal barrier. Increase in glycoprotein con-
years. Sanyal et al, have reported the anti-ulcerogenic tent of the mucosa and cell shedding in the gastric
activity of dried powder of banana pulp (DRBP) juice were also reported as further evidence for
against ulcers induced by histamine in guinea pigs strengthening of mucosal resistance12. Apart from
and, phenylbutazone, restraint stress and mucosal resistance DRBP was also reported to in-
prednisolone in rats3-6. Other workers like Elliott and crease cell proliferation as observed from increase
Heward7 and Best, et al 8 have also confirmed the in DNA and [3H]-thymidine uptake by the mucosal
anti-ulcerogenic activity of banana against histamine- cells and increase in mucosal thickness. This prop-
induced gastric ulcers in mice and aspirin-induced erty was also reported to be involved in healing of
gastric ulcers in rats respectively. In a comprehen- ulcers13.
sive study done with DRBP and its various extracts
against various experimental gastro-duodenal ulcers Ethanolic extract of banana (BE) was reported to in-
and radiologically proved cases of peptic ulcers, crease the accumulation of eicosonoids like pros-
DRBP showed its usefulness as mentioned in taglandins E and I2 (PGE and PGI2) and leukotrienes

Table 1. Extracts of some medicinal plants possesing antiulcerogenic activity.

Plants Extracts Models Mode of action

1.Tectona grandis L. Ethanolic fraction PL-, RS- and prendnisolone- No effect on acid-pepsin
(Trunk Bark and induced GU in rats. secretion but caused
wood chips)57 HIST- induced GU and DU an increase in
in GP mucin secretion.

2.Withania somnifera SG-1 [total methanol RS- induced GU in rats Anti-stress activity
(Roots)58 -H2O (1:1)]
SG-2 (sitoindosides VII,
VIII and withaferin-A)
3. Shilajit per se effect PL-, IS- and ASP- induced GU in Tendency to decrease acid-
rats and CYS-and HIST- induced pepsin secretion and
DU inrats and and GP respectively significant increase in mucin

4.Wedelia calendulacea Aqueous and ethanolic extracts ASP- and RS-induced (antiulcer) -
(Leaves)60 and acetic acid (healing)-
induced GU in rats

5.Pongamia pinnata (seeds)61 PE, AE, CE and EE extracts RS- induced GU in mice -
RS- and PL- induced Decrease in acid-pepsin and
GU in rats increase in mucin secretion by
ethanolic extract

6. Abies pindrow Royle CE, AE and EE extracts CRS- induced GU in rats Antistress activity

7. Sitavirya drugs35
a. Asparagus acemosus Fresh juice PL- and CRS- induced GU in rats No effect on acid-pepsin
(Roots) secretion and promotes
b. Glycyrrhiza glabra Water decoction PL- and CRS- induced GU in rats mucosal defensive factors
(Roots) by enhancing mucin
c. Holarrhene Water decoction PL- and CRS- induced GU, CYS- secretion and life span of
antidysenterica induced DU in rats mucosal cells
Wall. (Barks)
d. Ficus religiosa Water decoction PL- and CRS- induced
(Barks) GU and CYS- induced DU in rats

8.Bacopa monniera Fresh juice CRS-, ethanol-, ASP- and PL- No effect on acid-pepsin
(Whole plant)64 induced GU in rats secretion, increase in mucin
secretion and life span of
mucosal cells.

9. Convolvulus pluricaulis Fresh juice CRS-, ethanol-, ASP- and PL- No effect on acid- pepsin
(Whole plant)65 induced GU in rats secretion, increase in mucin
secretion and life span of
mucosal cells.

10. Centella asiatica Fresh juice CRS-, ethanol-, ASP- and PL- No effect on acid-pepsin
(Whole plant)66 induced GU in rats secretion, increase in mucin
secretion and life span of
mucosal cells.


Plants Extracts Models Mode of action

11. Emblica officinalis Fresh juice CRS-, ethanol, ASP- and PL- No effect on acid- pepsin
(Fruits)67,68 induced GU in rats secretion, increase in mucin
secretion and life span of
mucosal cells.

12.Selaginella Ethanolic extract RS ulcers in rats


13.Camellia Hot water extract Cold + Restraint

sinensis70 stress induced ulcers in rats

14. Cissampelos Methanolic extract Indomethacin-, HIST-,

muronata 71 stress-induced GU

15. Ginkgo biloba72 Ethanolic extract Ethanolic induced GU

16. Vitex negundo73 Aq. extract Piroxicam-induced GU

AE-Acetone; ASP-Aspirin; CE-Chloroform; CRS-Cold restraint stress; CYS-Cysteamine; DU-Duodenal ulcer; EE-Ethanolic;
GP-Guinea pig; GU-Gastric ulcer; HIST-Histamine; PE-Petroleum ether; PL-Pylorus ligation; RS-Restraint stress

B4, and C4/ D4 (LTB4, C4/ D4) in the human gastric take in different organs indicating possible role of
and colonic mucosal incubates. PGs are reported to macrophages in aiding wound healing, which may
be one of the factors involved in the anti-ulcerogenic account for its anti-ulcer activity19. Lewis, et al had
activity, while LTs caused it. Water extract of banana reported the antiulcer activity of a flavanoid,
was comparatively ineffective 14. The effect of banana leucocyanidin isolated from unripe plantain banana
on LTC4 /D4 explains its ineffectiveness against etha- pulp20. Recently the methanolic extract of banana was
nol-induced gastric ulcers as leukotrienes are re- reported to have anti-oxidant effect but not anti-
ported to be one of the important causes of ulcera- H.pylori activity in vitro21.
tion induced by ethanol (EtOH)15.
The clinical usefulness of DRBP was substantiated
Best, et al 8, reported that the anti-ulcerogenic and using radiological and endoscopic studies. It was
ulcer healing effect of DRBP against aspirin induced found to decrease or delay the relapse of peptic ul-
gastric ulcers in rats was due to its ability to stimu- cer to 6-12 months after 3 months continuous treat-
late the growth of gastric mucosa and the active con- ment with banana powder, when given in the dose of
stituents were thermolabile, water soluble and insolu- 1 g q.i.d. It was available as MusapepR after Phase
ble in organic solvents8. They also reported the ab- IV clinical trials. Double blind study done at many
sence of anti-secretary effects and that even though centers have shown that about 40-70% of
DRBP contains high amount of 5-HT the activity was endoscopically proved duodenal ulcers healed after
not due to it. 12 weeks of treatment with DRBP, as compared to
about 16 % with placebo9.
Ghosal and coworkers have isolated and character-
ized many active principles from vegetable banana. In another clinical study with MusapepR in non-ulcer
They have reported anti-ulcerogenic activity of dyspepsia (NUD), Arora and Sharma have reported
sterylaclyglycosides, sitoindosides I-IV isolated from relief in symptoms by 75% after 8 weeks of treat-
Musa paradisiaca Linn. against ulcers in rats and ment compared to only 20% in the controls22. They
humans16-18. Sitoindoside IV was also reported to sig- advocated that the therapeutic trials with this dose
nificantly mobilize and activate peritoneal macro- justified the use of DRBP on clinical grounds to be
phages with increase in DNA and [3H]-thymidine up- safe and effective in the treatment of NUD.

Table 2. Ulcer protective effect of some active constituents isolated from herbal drugs.

Plants Active constituents Models Mode of action

1.Tectona grandis Lapachol IS- and ASP- induced per se no significant effect on both offensive
Linn. (Trunk bark GU in rats. CYS- and HIST- and defensive factors, but reversed the ASP-
and wood chips)74 induced DU in rats and induced increase in peptic activity and decrease
GP respectively. in sialic acid and mucin secretion.

2. Rhamnus Kaempferol PL-, ethanol, IS- and CRS- induced GU Decrease in acid-pepsin secretion and increase
procumbens in rats and HIST- induced GU in mucin secretion, Endogenous increase in PGs
(Whole plant)75,76 and DU in GP. and decrease in LTs4

3. Shilajit77 Fulvic acid, PL-, PL+ASP- and RS- induced GU per se decrease in acid-pepsin secretion and
4/- methoxy and CYS- induced DU in rats. cell shedding, tendency to increase mucin
6-carbomethoxy secretion, but reversed the increase in cell
bi phenyl shedding and decrease in mucin secretion
induced by ASP.

4. Rhamnus Emodin RS-, PL- and IS- induced GU in rats Decrease in acid-pepsin secretion and increase
triquerta Wall in mucin secretion in ASP- treated group.
(Whole plant)78

5. Datura fastuosa Withafastuosin- E CRS-, PL- and ASP- per se decrease in acid-pepsin and no effects
(Leaves)79,80 induced GU in rats on mucin secretion, mucosal cell shedding,
proliferation and glycoproteins
Significant increase in endogenous PGs.

6. Flueggea Bergenin/ PL- and ASP- induced GU in rats and Increase in endogenous PGs
microcarpa norbergenin CRS- induced GU in rats and GP.
(Leaves and
roots) 81

7. Aegle marmelos Luvangetin -do-

Correa (Seeds)81

8. Azadirachta Nimbidin ASP-, prednisolone-, indomethacin-,

indica 82 serotonin stress- and acetic acid-
induced GU in rats. HIST- induced
DU in GP. CYS- induced DU in rats

9. Picrasma MeOH extract, ASP- induced GU in rats

quassioides83 CHCI3 soluble
Nigakilactone and

10. Ocimum Fixed oil ASP-, indomethacin-, ethanol, HIST-, Antisecretory

basilum84 reserpine-, Serotonin-, PL- and stress-
induced GU in rats

11. Bacopa Standardized CRS-, ethanol, ASP- and PL- induced No effect on acid-pepsin secretion, increase in
monniera extract of GU in rats mucin secretion and life span of mucosal cells.
(Whole plant)85 bacoside A (35%)

AE-Acetone; ASP-Aspirin; CE-Chloroform; CRS-Cold restraint stress; CYS-Cysteamine; DU-Duodenal ulcer; EE-Ethanolic;
GP-Guinea pig; GU-Gastric ulcer; HIST-Histamine; IS-Immobilization stress; PE-Petroleum ether; PL-Pylorus ligation;
RS-Restraint stress;

The results of the above studies with dried plantain ulcerogenic activity of aspirin without affecting its anti-
banana pulp powder, therefore makes it a potent inflammatory effect26. Goel and Maiti, have reported
herbal drug for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease the gastric protective effect of TMB against CRS-in-
and prompts that chemistry of banana pulp should duced gastric ulcers in rats and guinea pigs and its
be studied extensively to find out the active healing effect against acetic acid- induced gastric
principle(s), which can be promising ulcer healing ulcers in rats15. TMB was reported to increase PGE
drug/s. Till then one should not hesitate to use its and decrease LTC4 in human gastric and colonic
dried powder in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease mucosal incubates. The mucosal protective effects
as the powder seemed to be safe and potent, and of TMB and CuCl2 could be due to their effect on
only a self-limiting diarrhea was reported as an endogenous PGs and LTs. TMB showed better and
adverse effect. potent effect compared to CuCl2 on PGs release both
in gastric and colonic incubates suggesting that other
Tamrabhasma ingredients of TMB add on to its effects28,29. TMB sig-
Use of herbo-mineral preparations in Ayurveda is well nificantly protected rats against ethanol-induced ul-
documented. Tamrabhasma (TMB), a traditional cers and the effect was ascribed to decrease in LTC4/
preparation of copper has been suggested for its use D4 synthesis15.
in Amlapitta 23. An earlier published study has given
TMB has also been reported to increase the defen-
the composition of TMB as: CuO > 44.45 % < 66.13%;
sive mucopolysaccharides including sialomucin and
Fe2 O3 < 6.03 % & S < 2.75%24. Extensive studies
fucose, decrease DNA in gastric juice suggesting
have been undertaken to unravel the anti-ulcerogenic
decrease in cell shedding and increase in life span
activity of TMB. TMB has shown to possess ulcer
of mucosal cells, with no change in mucosal DNA
protective activity against various gastric ulcers in-
and incorporation of [3H]-thymidine uptake in mucosal
duced by 8 h - immobilization stress (IS), 4h PL and
tissues, indicating absence of activity on cell prolif-
aspirin in rats and histamine- induced gastric and
duodenal ulcers in guinea pigs. The activity was due
to both, decrease in offensive acid-pepsin and in- Thus, the effect of TMB on offensive acid-pepsin se-
crease in defensive mucin secretion25. Further evalu- cretion and leukotrienes, and defensive mucus secre-
ation of TMB from different sources compared to pure tion, mucosal glycoproteins, prostaglandin and cell
compound and mixture of major ingredients of TMB shedding may contribute to its ulcer protective activity.
for anti-ulcerogenic activity, revealed that TMB prepa-
ration was better than pure copper compound or a Asparagus racemosus (Hindi-Satavari)
mixture of known ingredients. Quantitative differences Asparagus racemosus (AR) is commonly mentioned
in TMB preparation also showed the importance of as a rasayana in the Ayurveda. Rasayanas are those
pharmaceutical processing in the therapeutic activ- plant drugs, which promote general well being of an
ity of TMB26. TMB has an overall solubility in water of individual. They are considered to prevent aging, in-
approximately 1 % and 12 ng/ml CuO forms a satu- crease longevity and offer resistance to diseases by
rated solution at 50oC27 implying that, when used augmenting the immune system31. AR is one of the
orally it would have local effect than being systemi- sitavirya drugs and has been cited in treatment of
cally absorbed. This reduces the possibility of sys- peptic ulcer diseases by Chakradutta, a connotation
temic toxicity with copper. Toxicity studies have shown on Caraka samhita 32 and Susrutha Samhita 33.
that TMB was safe and even 1000 times of the effec- Sitavirya property is usually present in madura
tive antiulcer dose was tolerable in rats26. (sweet), tikta (bitter) and kasaya (astringent). Rasa
containing drugs usually purifies the pitta (Astanga
TMB was also found to have anti-ulcerogenic effect Hridaya, Sustrastana, 16/11)34.
against aspirin-induced ulcers without affecting the
anti-inflammatory activity of aspirin. TMB seemed to The anti-ulcerogenic activity of juice of fresh roots of
have prolonged effect as the protective effect of TMB AR has been reported against cold-restraint stress-
lasted up to 5 days after discontinuation of treatment. and pylorus ligation-induced gastric ulcers. The
So aspirin - copper combination may reduce activity was reported to be due to both decrease in

offensive acid-pepsin secretion and increase in de- effects on the central nervous system45. Studies show
fensive mucin secretion. Mucin secretion was quan- that ginger increases gastrointestinal propulsion46.
tified in terms of TC:P ratio in the gastric juice. The Several anti-ulcer compounds have been isolated
strengthening of the mucin barrier further led to a from ginger, including 6-gingesulphonic acid47, 6-
decrease in DNA content of the gastric juice indi- shogaol and ar-curcumene48. Most notable is 6-
cating decrease in cell shedding35. In continuation of gingesulphonic acid, which showed weaker pun-
earlier experimental work, a Satavari containing Ay- gency and more potent anti-ulcer activity than 6-
urvedic preparation, Satavari mandur (SM) has un- gingerol and 6-shogaol49-51. The antiulcer activity of
dergone clinical trails and has shown promising re- ginger may also be due to the potent thromboxane
sults. It has been observed that SM, when given in synthetase inhibition52,38. High doses of ginger prob-
the dose of 1.5 g, twice daily for a month not only ably act as a gastric irritant. Fresh ginger in quanti-
produced significant improvement in symptoms of ties of 6 g or more caused a singnificant increase in
peptic ulcer, but also healed endoscopically proved exfoliation of gastric surface epithelial cells in hu-
cases of ulcer dyspepsia by 75%. The biochemical man volunteers46. Ginger was shown to significantly
estimations of offensive acid-pepsin and defensive scavenge superoxide and hydroxyl radicals and
mucin secretion and cell shedding (µg DNA/ml) be- inhinit lipid peroxidation53.
fore and after treatment with SM showed a tendency
to decrease acid-pepsin secretion, significant de- MISCELLANEOUS PLANTS/NATURAL AGENTS
crease in cell shedding and increase in mucin se- Various other herbal drugs have been reported to
cretion indicating its predominant effect on mucosal posses anti-ulcerogenic activity. These are summa-
defensive factors36. rized in Table 1. Some of these drugs have been
chemically characterized and the entities involved in
Zingiber officinale Roscoe
the activity have been isolated. These are summa-
Ginger consist of the near surface and underground rized in Table 2.
rhizomes of Z. officinale. Ginger has been used as
a condiment and medicine for centuries. Its use is Mild irritants are known to protect the gastric mu-
recorded in early Sanskrit and Chinese texts and is cosa from ulcerogens by adaptive cytoprotection54.
also documented in ancient Greek, Roman and Ara- In a conclusive study, it was reported that hypertonic
bic medical literature37. Numerous uses of ginger saline (5 % NaCl) significantly provided protection in
are reported38-43. Powdered rhizome of ginger root ASP-, CRS-, EtOH- and PL-induced gastric ulcers
has been used as a traditional remedy for gastroin- by reducing offensive acid-pepsin secretion and in-
testinal complaints including in treating peptic ul- creasing defensive factors like mucin secretion and
ceration despite the fact that ginger promotes gas- mucosal endogenous PGs55.
tric secretions38.
Water decoction of ginger making up one of the con-
stituents of Mahakasyaya drugs along with water Ulcers were previously thought to be due to increase
decoction of Piper longum and colloidal solution of in offensive factors namely acid and pepsin, but it
Ferula asafoetida has been reported to protect has been found that acid secretion is either normal
against CRS-, ASP- and PL- induced gastric ulcers or below normal in gastric ulcer patients, and that 40
in rats. Although increase in offensive acid-pepsin - 70 % cases of duodenal ulcer patients show acidity
secretion was observed in this study, the increase in within normal range56, suggesting that other factors
defensive mucin secretion was sufficient enough to are also involved in ulcerogenesis. Hence the inter-
protect against experimental ulcers44. est then shifted to the defensive factors, whose im-
balance with the offensive factors are now thought
Gingerols have been reported to be responsible for to be the cause of ulcers. Most of the anti-secretory
the characteristic taste and many pharmacological drugs reduce acid secretion, thus giving immediate
activities including motion41,42. It was speculated that symptomatic relief, but there are reports of adverse
the anti motion sickness properties of ginger resulted effects and relapses in the long run. On the contrary
from effects on the gastrointestinal tract rather than natural drugs mostly augment the defensive factors

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A pair of orthopaedic surgeons report that two essential oils--eucalyptus and tea-tree oil--are sur-
prisingly effective at treating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections.
Dr. Eugene Sherry of the University of Sydney in Australia said that, applied to the skin of infected
wounds an antibacterial wash derived from Eucalyptus radiata and Melaleuca alternifolia--better known
as eucalyptus and tea-tree oil--can work when modern antibiotics fail.

He said that he used the combination "once a day for several months" in a series of 25 patients with
MRSA. "Twenty-two of the infections resolved completely," Sherry reported. In 19 patients, the infec-
tions resolved without the use of antibiotics, while three patients required antibiotic treatment, he
said. In addition, 10 of the patients were diabetic, which "makes healing of wounds very difficult,"
Sherry said in an interview.
Two years ago, Sherry attended a presentation about the antibacterial properties of essential oils and
decided to research the subject. He said that he discovered a wealth of 50-year-old research con-
cerning essential oils, but said "all that research was abandoned when modern science discovered

When Sherry decided to initiate a trial of eucalyptus and tea-tree oil in MRSA patients, he discovered
that Dr. Patrick H. Warnke, an orthopedic surgeon at the University of Kiel in Germany, was pursuing
a parallel study. So the two combined their work to produce the 25-patient MRSA study.
Both doctors said that they have received no funding from the makers of the essential oils, nor do
they have financial interests in companies producing the substances.

"Most medicinals come from plants," he noted, "so the natural progression is to look to more plants
for more treatments."

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