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Rewa Engineering College

Engineering Mechanics (BT-204)

Assignment 1

1) Replace the system of forces and couple shown by a single force couple system at A.

1) और A पर ए र प र।

2) Find the forces in members CE and CF by method of sections only in the truss shown.

2) ददखाए गए में केवल अनु भाग ों की दवदध से सदस् ों CE और CF में बल ों का पता

लगाएों ।
3) Two smooth cylinders each of weight P and Q, respectively, rest in a horizontal channel
having one inclined wall and one vertical wall. The distance between them at bottom which
is a Figure A. Find the pressures exerted on the walls and floor at the points of contact A, B C
and D. The following numerical data are given: P=2000N , Q= 800N, r1=100 mm, r2=50 mm,
a=200 mm and α=60⁰.

Figure A

3) द दिकनी दसलेंडर ों में प्रत्येक का वजन क्रमशः P और Q है , , एक क्षै दतज िैनल

ए र र और ए र , में र ए । र र
र a ( ) । दीवार ों और फशश र सोंपकश A , B, C, D पर लगाए गए दबाव का
पता लगाएों । दनम्नदलखखत सोंख्यात्मक डे टा ददए गए हैं : P = 2000 N, Q= 800 N, R1 = 100
दममी, R2 = 50 दममी, a= 200 दममी और α = 600

4) Find the resultant of the force system as shown in Figure B. Radius =2.5.

Figure B

4) में ददखाए गए बल प्रणाली का पररणाम ज्ञात करें । 2. 5 .।


5) Determine the force P applied at 450 to the horizontal just necessary to start a roller 100 cm
diameter over an obstruction 25 cm high. If the roller weighs 1000 N as shown . Also find the
magnitude and direction of P when it is minimum.
5) र र पर ए ए पर ए

पर ।र र ज़ 1000 N ।उ पर और

र र पर ए ।

6) State and prove Lami’s principle.

6) र प र।

7) State and prove Varignon’s theorem of moment.

7) र र प र।

8) Enlist the benefit of profits and losses by friction.

8) ।

9) What is force ? State characteristics of force.

9) । ए।

10) Explain triangle law and polygon law force with neat sketch.

10) ए ।
Assignment 2
1) Find the centroid of following composite section.

1) दनम्नदलखखत दमदित अनु भाग का केंद्रक ज्ञात करें ।

2) Calculate the shear force and bending moment for the beam subjected to the loads as
shown in the figure, then draw the shear force diagram (SFD) and bending moment diagram

2) पर ए ए र र ( र ) और ।
र और ।
3) Find the second moment of area and radius of gyration about the axis XX for the beam
section shown below.

3) नीिे ददखाए गए बीम अनु भाग के दलए अक्ष XX के प र और

4) Determine the polar radius of gyration about point A for the shaded area shown in figure.

4) ए ए ए ।
5) Calculate the angle Φ defining the direction of principal axes x’ , y’ for the angle section
shown in figure . Each leg of the angle is 25 mm wide.

5) ए एए x'y' Φ
।ए र प 25 cm ।

6) State and prove perpendicular axis theorem of moment of inertia.

6) र प र।

7) Define Product Moment of inertia .

7) पर र ।

8) Distinguish between perfect and imperfect truss.

8) प और अपूणश के बीि भे द ।

9) Define point of contraflexure and state its physical significance.

9) कॉन्ट्रैफ़्ले क्सर के दबोंदु क पररभादित करें और इसके भौदतक महत्व क बताएों ।

10) Establish relationship between shear force, bending moment and load intensity.

10) र , , और भार की तीव्रता के बीि सोंबोंध स्थादपत करें ।

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