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Lesson Title: Arnis

Brief Introduction of the Lesson

Arnis is the Philippine indigenous martial art. This can be played by two people using
wooden stick that serves as a weapon. Arnis is a very good weapon of self-defense through
striking and blocking the opponent. This can be also a good fitness program in maintaining good
health. Arnis is popular throughout the world as “Kali” or “Eskrima”, or Filipino Martial Art (FMA).
Kali is the origin and can be translated to long knife or sword. Eskrima is derived from a Spanish
word that means fencing and Arnis is also derived from a Spanish word that means armor. Even
though the words mean different things it is all referring to the same martial art just different
periods of time. Mastering arnis requires extensive and attention-focused training, from its basic
stance to complex skills. The Philippine government cited the important role of Arnis in the
Philippine history when the great Lapu-Lapu defeated Magellan using an only bladed weapon
when they met in the battle.
Lesson Objectives
Expand the knowledge about Arnis.
Recognize the different basic skill in Arnis.
Familiarize the different types of gears and equipment of arnis
Demonstrate the twelve strike techniques and Anyo or Form.
Value the different health benefits of sports Arnis.
Lesson Proper
Instruction: Introduction/ Discussion of Content
(Including Processing & Suggested Activities)
Lesson – 1 Arnis
Arnis was started even before the colonization of the Spaniards. During those time it was
calledkali and rhe techniques of the art is focused on bladed weapons fighting. Kali, a large
bladed weapon longer than a knife was derived from tjakalele which is a native fencing in
Indonesia. It was also known widely and is practice throughout the archipelago; both nobleman
and commoner s were enthusiast and practitioners of the said art. The Philippine government
cited the important role of Arnis in the Philippine history when the great Lapu-Lapu defeated
Magellan using an only bladed weapon when they met in the battle.

I.Basic skills in arnis

In modern arnis , student work with rattan sticks as soon as they start their training ,
though they also train in bare- hands defense. The style utilizes blocks, counter attacks locks,
and throws to disarm the adversary. Throughout training, student strike at their opponents’s
rattan sticks. However, in genuine fighting situations, the strikes need to be made on the hands
that hold the weapon to successfully disarm the enemy.
Stance- stance in arnis, as in other forms of martial arts are different body positions basic to the
play of the art. These are technique which teaches a players how to maintain body balance and
the proper manner of distributing his weight on his legs.


1. Attention stance- stand with feet at 45 degree angle, heels closed together, hands at
the side and relaxed.

2. Open-leg stance- stand with legs spread apart about shoulder width with toes pointing
slightly outward.

3. Straddle leg stance- Spread legs about the width of shoulder, heels firmly planted and
toes pointing straight forward . Distribute weight evenly on both legs.

4. Forward stances- move one leg forward at a distance about twice the width of the
shoulder and about 30 degrees to the side and bend front leg at the knee with cane in
the center and in fighting form. Rear leg is extended fully with both feet flat on the

5. Back stance- stand with one foot backward with rear-foot- toes pointing outward and
front-foot toes pointing forward, so that the two feet form L-shape. The rear foot should
point either left or right depending on what foot is in front. Rear knee should be a little
bent and forced outward as in straddle stance. Seventy percent of the weight of the body
should be supported by the rear leg with 30 percent by the front leg.

6. Oblique forward stance- This is executed by stepping either foot obliquely to the left or
to the right. The reverse of the oblique forward stance is executed with the withdrawal of
either foot

Posture- In arnis posture is important for the effective delivery of strikes. In executing all
these postures, the head should always face the opponent observing all his body

1. Front facing- Body facing directly toward opponent.

2. Half-front facing – Body facing 45 degrees to either left or right
3. Side facing- Body entirely facing either left or right.
II. The twelve striking techniques
The twelve striking techniques are the soul of arnis. They are the hinges around which
other techniques of arnis is revolved. In the twelve striking techniques, the learner is taught how
and where to deliver a strike in order to achieve the maximum power and efficacy.
Twelve striking techniques
1. Left temple strike (Kaliwang sintido)
2. Right temple strike (Kanang sintido)
3. Left elbow strike (Kaliwang siko)
4. Right elbow strike (Kanang siko)
5. Stomach thrust (Tiyan)
6. Left chest thrust (Kaliwang dibdib)
7. Right chest thrust (Kanang dibdib)
8. Right knee strike (Kanang tuhod)
9. Left knee strike (Kaliwang tuhod)
10. Left eye thrust (Kaliwang mata)
11. Right eye thrust (Kanang mata)
12. Crown / Head strike (Ulo)

III. Blocking techniques

To begin with there are nine techniques which players in arnis can employ to block a
blow or strike these techniques are well –illustrated and described here. It is said that the
capacity of a defender to endure an attacker’s strike defends much on his ability to parry and
block deadly blows effectively and counter strike with equal efficacy.
Inward Block
Initial position:
Open –log stance, knees bent in fighting posture, left hand with open palm held up in front of the
With right elbow at right angle and cane pointing upward, lunge with right forward stance,
twisting , body to the right and at the same time, bringing cane forward braced by the left hand
is a way to block attacker’s blow
Outward Block
Initial position:
Open-leg stance, knees bent in fighting posture, left hand with open-palm held up in front of the
With elbow at right angle and cane pointing upward, lunge with right or left simultaneously
twisting body to the left and at the same time, bringing cane forward, braced by the left hand to
block attacker blow.
Rising block
Initial position:
Open-leg stance, knees bent fighting posture, left hand with open-palm held up in front of the
In right or left forward stance with cane I front at hip level raise forward and over the head
supported by open palm of the left hand to block attacker’s blow.

IV. Sparring Gear and equipment

Body armor: the arnis body armor was designed to protect the upper body while at the same
time, allowing mobility to the eskrimador. Depending on the type of armor, the material could be
made of vinyl, hard plastic, or leather capable of absorbing the impact of strikes. Lower panels
provide extra protective coverage.
Headgear: the headgear is a necessary gear is sports arnis. It protects the eskrimador from
strikes to the head while maintaining head mobility.
Arnis gloves: useful gear for protection against strikes to the hands while allowing the
eskrimador to get a firm grip at the weapon.
Arm and leg guard: protects the eskrimador from strikes towards the limbs while allowing limb
Panangga: protection or shield. These could be ancient shields used by ancient Filipino
warriors or modern versions used in Anyo or arnis presentations.
V. Anyo or Form
Anyo or form in arnis in a backdrop of gracefulness when the execution of the various
exercises is observed in correct rhythmic order. It is akin to terpsichorean technique only it
employs cane for added dimension to the movements, since it is martial dance, as Arnis is a
martial arts. In fact , in anyo or form , one finds the basic techniques of attack and counter
attack in the form of exercise.
Anyo or form is an individual movement . this is executed with cane on one hand. It is
form of exercise or practice of movement which leads to the perfection of the art of Arnis itself
because it encompasses all the basic movement executed in coordinated fashion.
In Modern Arnis, Anyo is the application of all styles learned throughout one's training, and is
performed with a specific weapon (i.e. cane, dagger, hands) to show the flow of that form. Anyo
requires certain proficiency of beat, tempo, timing, agility, and most of all, diwang panlaban
(fighting spirit).
Form I. Initial position : (Right)
Close stance, the courtesy bow, then to open leg stance, both hands holding the cane.
Figure 1.-figure 2-step right foot forward to assume the right forward stance, and execute the
inward downward block left hand held across chest and open palm in alert position.
Figure 3-4 step left foot forward then swing your cane backward and execute the downward-
outward block.
Figure 5-6 step your right feet, entirely facing towards left, and assume the straddle leg stance.
Bring the cane to the left and then execute a parallel forward strike arms extended to the front.
Figure 7-8 step right, foot backward and assume the left forward stance as cane is withdrawn
backward , and execute the down ward –inward block.
Figure 9-10 step left foot backward and assume the right forward stance. At the same time
withdraw cane to the right and backward then execute the downward-outward block.
Figure 11-12 Step left foot forward, half facing to the right, and execute the inward block, with
the left hand in open palm bracing the middle of the cane
Figure 13-14 step right foot forward, half facing to the left, and execute the outward block with
the left hand as its open palm braces the middle re of the cane.

VI. The health benefits of Arnis

 Burns calories and keeps you in good shape.
 It helps you to improve your cardiovascular health.
 It helps you to improve your stamina, muscle tone, flexibility, balance and
 It makes our body stronger as we will move a lot.
 It improves reflexes

 Arnis teaches us discipline and control.
 It helps you to be focused on your goals.
 It also gives us ability to think fast
 It helps you to make good strategies.
 It can make you conquer your fears and working through pressure
 It improves your social skills as you meet a lot of people.
 It helps you gain friends with the same passion and interest.
 It teaches us to be respectful with our opponents.
 As you build strong bonds with your teacher and fellow students, you feel
like you belong to a community.
 Training with different partners enables you to learn more about other
people’s styles, biases, and attitudes.
 It helps you to have a better mood because you are participating in
 It improves your emotional health.
 It gives you the courage to face any challenge.
 It relieves your stress.
 It boosts your self-confidence.
 It increases your sense of purpose in life.
 It helps you to understand what you are capable of.
 Through meditation, it can help us to find our own identities,
 It serves as the bridge for which offers better communication between the
mind and the body.

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