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Activity Sheet in Personal Development

For Module 3
Lesson 1

Assessment 1:

1. growth and changes 6. rapid physical and mental decline

2. Adolescence 7. Early Adulthood
3. ontogenetic maturation skills 8. growth or decline
4. respond and plan 9. consistent
5. Late Childhood 10. dramatically

Assessment 2:

1. Middle Childhood (6-12)

8. Middle Childhood (6-12)
2. Early Adulthood (19-30)
9. Later Maturity (61+)
3. Later Maturity (61+)
10. Adolescence (13- 18)
4. Middle Adulthood (30-60)
11. Middle Adulthood (30-60)
5. Infancy and Early Childhood (0-5)
12. Early Adulthood (19-30)
6. Adolescence (13- 18)
13. Middle Adulthood (30-60)
7. Infancy and Early Childhood (0-5)
14. Adolescence (13- 18)
15. Early Adulthood (19-30)

Lesson 1

Activity: MY PERSONAL TIMELINE (use another bond paper for the timeline)


Answer the following questions:

1. Is there a ‘center’ or a central theme in your timeline and life? If you will give a title for your
timeline what would it be and why?

Yes. I will call it “My Journeys in Life” because in my life, I have encountered so many things and
problems that made me weak and depressed. But I know that these are just trials that will not last
forever. My life is like a journey that has a lot of ups and downs but still, I continue to travel and
explore every step of the way.

2. Identify the turning points in your timeline. What were the thoughts, feelings and actions that
you experienced?

I can tell that the turning points in my life was when I became the enemy of my own self and
having no guts or hope to continue living my life. It was really hard because my hopes and dreams in
life became a nonsense things to me. I let my emotions control me and the worst thing is that I
fighting with my own self. I felt so depressed and miserable that I don’t want to continue living in
this kind of life.

3. Who are/were the most significant people in your life? How?

The significant people in my life are my family, friends and loved ones. They are important to me
because they are the ones that are always there when I am in need and they make my life extra
special. They make my life easier and they always make me feel loved.

4. What would you change or add, if you could? Also, how would each of these changes or
additions affect your life, or even change its present course?

I will not add or change something in my life bacause I already accepted my life and for me,
there is nothing wrong in with it. Though it has lots of problems, but still, I was able to overcome all
of it and it is only God who can change my life.

5. Continue to your future, where do you want to be in a year, 5 years, 10 years? What do you
expect your future timeline will be?

I do not know where the future will bring me but hopefully, I will be able to achieve all of my
dreams especially in becoming a Pilot someday. I will not expect anything because I’ve been hurt so
many times because of my expectations. I will just go with the flow and let God handle everything in
my life.

Activity 2: Evaluating One’s Own Development (use another bond paper for the Development Task
Summary Table if you want)

What are the expected tasks What are the expected tasks What are the expected tasks
you have successfully you have partially you have not accomplished?
accomplished? accomplished?

•Learning to walk •Developing concepts necessary •Preparing for marriage and

•Learning to take solid foods for everyday living family life
•Learning to talk •Developing conscience, •Preparing for an economic
•Learning to control the morality, and a scale of values career
elimination of body wastes •Achieving mature relations •Acquiring values and an ethical
•Learning sex differences and with both sexes system to guide behavior
sexual modesty •Achieving a masculine or •Desiring and achieving socially
•Acquiring concepts and feminine social role responsibility behavior
language to describe social and •Accepting one’s physique • Tasks that belong under Early
physical reality •Achieving emotional Adulthood until Later Maturity
•Readiness for reading independence of adults
•Learning to distinguish right
from wrong and developing a
•Learning physical skills
necessary for ordinary games
•Building a wholesome attitude
toward oneself
•Learning to get along with age-
•Learning an appropriate sex
•Developing fundamental skills
in reading, writing, and

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