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Diajukan Sebagai Salah Satu Syarat Lulus Mata Kuliah



Winanta Sitanggang
NIM 4193351012
Natural Scince Education Study Program


Daftar Isi ............................................................................................................. i

BAB 1. PENDAHULUAN ................................................................................ 1
1.1 Latar Belakang ...................................................................................... 1
1.2 Perumusan Masalah ............................................................................... 2
1.3 Tujuan .................................................................................................... 2
BAB 2. TINJAUAN PUSTAKA......................................................................... 3
BAB 3. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN.............................................................. 5
3.1 Hasil............ ........................................................................................... 5
BAB 4. KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN............ ................................................. 27
4.1 Kesimpulan ........................................................................................... 27
4.2 Saran ..................................................................................................... 27



1.1 Background

The introduction of practical tools is important for work safety in carrying out research proe,
besides that, the introduction of practicum tools aims so that students know the names and
functions of the tools. "Practical tools are very much needed in a research or practical program,
especially in the chemistry lab work" there are tons of tools that are used and have major
functions. While in the field of science or research proe, of course, these tools are very much
needed "laboratory equipment!" can also be dangerous if there are mistakes in the procedure of
use. $ a "then it is necessary to introduce laboratory tools so that the use of these tools can be
used with proper and correct functions and procedures so that minimal losses can be minimized.

"As little as possible" it is important to get good and correct research results "correct data
will improve the quality of research of a person.and we will know practicum tools that we need
to know and know so that in research and practicum it runs without any problems "the
introduction of this tool! knowledge and knowledge of how the tool works "of course from here
we can defend how to use $ a so that in our research we will get accurate and reliable results. If
the research is good and the use of tools is correct, of course our observations are good
"laboratory equipment! also can not be used! if not" according to the function $ a, therefore we
have to be careful and need knowledge of how to use the tool "laboratory tools! Also tires that
are dangerous a like tools $ angharu eteril then" before using we have to sterilize our
hands "! otherwise it could interfere with the research proe and certainly will have an impact
on the research results." The use of laboratory equipment must be considered for safety and
effectiveness of work or research

1.2 Problem Formulation

What are the tools and materials used in practicum in the laboratory?

1.3 Porpuse

to find out the laboratory tools and their function



The scientific method is more than just an official statement and the steps we always take
to logically solve a problem. Consider, for example, how a car mechanic tries to fix a car that
won't start when the engine starts. Initially, the obvious causes of this problem will be localized
by observing the results of one or more experiments. Then the part / tool that is thought to be the
cause is replaced or corrected and then it is tried again to start the engine of the car. If the
mechanic correctly estimates the cause of the problem, then the job is done. If not, then another
experiment is done, then replace and repair it again until the car can run again.

. If we solve a problem in science, we will also carry out we will also carry out almost the
same steps as this. Therefore the first step in the scientific method can be called research and
observation. This is the aim of experiments made in the laboratory where the properties can be
examined under controlled conditions, so that the experimental results can be repeated or
replicated. Laboratory experiments and practices are part of this science teaching. Working in a
science laboratory is something that involves real objects as well as observing observed changes.
As science moves beyond the realm of experience to more abstract generalizations that allow
explanation and prediction, experience is closely the starting point for scientific generalizations
and theorizing. So that laboratory practices and experiments are an essential part of teaching
science as this product .

Because before starting to practice in the laboratory, the practitioner must know and
understand how to use all the basic equipment commonly used in chemical laboratories and
apply in the laboratory. The following describes some of the equipment that will be used in
practicum (YPPI High School Chemistry Laboratory, 2011):

1. Measuring flask is used to measure the volume of chemicals in liquid form in the
solution repair process. This tool is available in various sizes.
2. Measuring Cup Used to measure the volume of a chemical substance in liquid form.
This tool has a scale, available in various sizes. Should not be used to measure
solutions / solvents in hot conditions. Pay attention to the miniscus when reading the

3. Beaker This tool is not a measuring device (although there is a scale, but the error is
quite large). Used to place solutions and can also be used to heat chemical solutions.
To evaporate the solvent / solvent or to concentrate.
4. Glass Stirrer Used to stir a mixture or chemical solution when carrying out a chemical
reaction. It is also used to help when pouring / decanting liquids in the filtering
5. Material washing bottles made of plastic. It is a bottle for distilled water, which is
used for washing, or helping during dilution.
6. Funnel Usually made of glass, but some are made of plastic. Used to help when
entering liquid into a container with a narrow mouth, such as: bottles, volumetric
flasks, burettes and so on.
7. Erlenmeyer This tool is not a measuring device, although there is a scale on the glass
8. (big enough error). Used for the substance to be titrated. Sometimes it can also be
used to heat the solution.
9. Test Tube Made of glass. Can be heated. Used to react chemical substances in small
10. Shelf For the test tube rack made of wood or metal. Used as a place to put a test tube.
11. Wire Mesh Made of metal and used as a base when heating glassware with a heating
device / electric stove.
12. Clamp Metal clamp, is used to clamp the test tube when heating, or to help take filter
paper or other objects in hot conditions.
13. Spatula Made of metal and used for tools to take solid or crystal materials.
14. Litmus Paper Is an indicator in the form of small sheets of paper, red and blue. Other
indicators are in the form of liquid, for example the Phenolphthalein (PP), Methyl
Orange (MO) indicator and so on. Is a tool for measuring or knowing the level of
acidity (pH) of a solution.
15. Watch Glass Made of glass. Used to place the substance to be weighed.
16. Porcelain Cup This tool is used for a container of a substance to be evaporated by

17. Dropper Pipettes Used to take materials in the form of a solution in small amounts.
18. Brush The brush is used to clean (wash) the tube.
18. Measuring pipette is a tool made of glass. This pipette has a scale. Used to take a
solution with a certain volume. Use a propipette or pipette pump to suck up the
solution, don't inhale it by mouth.

In practicum, a good analyst is usually careful in terms of neatness. Tidiness should also
include the maintenance of permanent laboratory furniture such as ovens, fume hoods and
tabletops. Even spilled corrosives should be cleaned of equipment, benches or floors
immediately. It is important that the drain is sterilized by flushing the acids and bases with plenty
of water. Analyzes should not be carried out with unclean glass tools. Brush-accessible glass
tools such as beakers and erlenmeyers are best cleaned with soap, synthetic detergent or other
synthetic cleaners. Pipettes, burettes, test tubes or volumetric flasks may require hot detergent to
be completely clean and disappear or remove all traces of stuck dirt. If the surface of the glass
has not completely drained the water, it is necessary to use a cleaning solution that has strong
oxidizing properties so that it can ensure the overall cleanliness of the glass. After cleaning, the
appliance is rinsed with tap water, then with a little distilled water and let it dry itself without
wiping it. The purpose of filtering is to separate the precipitate from the mother liquor and excess
reagent. Generally used filter paper with a medium smooth texture. The edge of the filter paper
should be 1 cm from the top edge of the funnel.



3.1. Result
3.1.1 PH scale practicum and the use of indicators (semester 4)
 Alat
No Name of tools Picture descriptio
1 Test tube The test tube can be filled with
solid or liquid media. To conduct
chemical reaction experiments on a
small scale. As a container for the
proliferation of microorganisms in
liquid media. For mixing, storing
and heating small amounts of
2 Dropper pipette a type of pipette that is used to
transfer a solution from one
container to another in a very small
amount and with a very low level
of volume measurement accuracy.
Generally, a dropper is used to
move liquids from one container to
3 volume pipette to transfer the fluids used in the
testing process in quantities ranging
from very small to other sizes
desired by the examiner. The trick
is to slowly suck up the liquid that
will be moved by mouth

6 pH meter serves to measure and find out Ph.

Inside the ph meter consists of
electrodes that have been connected
to an electronic device that will
display the measurement results


 Tools
No Name of tools Picture Description
1 Test tube The test tube can be filled with
solid or liquid media. To conduct
chemical reaction experiments on
a small scale. As a container for
the proliferation of
microorganisms in liquid media.
For mixing, storing and heating
small amounts of chemicals
2 Mistar used to measure objects that are
flat and also have small
dimensions such as pictures or
3 dprktrpfotometer A spectrophotometer is used to
measure light energy in relative
terms if that energy is transmitted,
reflected or emitted as a function
of wavelength. A
spectrophotometer is composed of
a continuous, monochromatic
source of the visible spectrum
4 Beaker glass Beaker glass is a container used
for stirring, mixing, and heating
liquids usually used in

 Apparatus
No Name of Picture Description
1 Fe(NO3)3 this compound is generally found
in the nonahydrate form of Fe
(NO3) 3 9H2O which forms
colorless to pale purple crystals.
When dissolved, these compounds
form a yellow solution as a result
of hydrolysis.
2 KSCN This compound is an important

salt of the thiocyanate anion, one
of the pseudohalides. This
compound has a relatively low
melting point compared to most
other inorganic salts.

3 Na2HPO4 the phosphate compound

used as raw material or auxiliary
material in the chemical industry.
The chemical industry that uses
disodium phosphate as raw
material is detergent industry,
textile industry, paper industry and
so on


 Tools
No Nama of tools Picture Description
1 Rank and test The function of the test tube
tube rack is a place to put a large
number of test tubes.. While the
test tube is a tube made of
plastic or glass that is resistant
to temperature changes and is
resistant to all chemical
reactions. The test tubes are
stored on top of the tube racks,
both the ones with the lid and
the ones without the lid

2 measuring cup measuring cup is used to
measure liquid ingredients, such
as milk, water, oil, or broth Use
a measuring cup in the form of
a spoon to measure solid
ingredients in the form of

3 Dropper pipette Generally, a dropper is used to

move liquids from one
container to another

4 Beaker glass Beaker glass is a container used

for stirring, mixing, and heating
liquids usually used in


 Tools
No Name of tools Picture Description
1 measuring a flask-shaped device made of
pumpkin glass and included in laboratory
equipment used to measure
specific solutions with very
high measurement accuracy.
This tool is commonly used to
dilute the solution

2 analytical is a laboratory instrument used
balance to weigh the mass of a number
of chemicals down to
milligrams. So, do not be
surprised if these scales are also
known to the public as
milligram scales. Apart from
being used in laboratories, these
scales are also often used by
gold shop owners to weigh
3 measuring an important function is to take
pipette a solution of a certain size. The
size of this measuring pipette
varies from 1 ml, 2 ml, 5ml, 10
ml and so on

4 pipette rubber A filler pipette is used to move

ball a certain volume of solution,
which is usually called an
aliquot. The filler is a tool to
suck up the solution which can
be installed at the base of the
measuring pipette
5 glass funnel As a tool to move / enter the
solution into a container / place
that has the dimensions of
inserting small material

 Apparatus

No Name of Picture Description
1 NaCl Sodium chloride, also known as
table salt, or halite, is a chemical
compound with the molecular
formula NaCl, representing a 1: 1
ratio of sodium and chloride ions.

2 Akuades Aquades is water from distillation

or commonly referred to as the
distillation process or also known
as pure water


 Tools
No Name of tools Pictures Dscription
1 Buret a cylindrical laboratory glassware
that has a measuring line and a tap
plug at the bottom. It is used to
drop a number of liquid reagents
in experiments that require
precision, such as in titration

2 Neasuring one of the important functions is to
pipette take a solution of a certain size.
The size of this measuring pipette
varies from 1 ml, 2 ml, 5ml, 10 ml
and so on

3 Elenmeyer This erlenmeyer is used as a tool

for measuring, storing, and mixing
liquids. This laboratory tool is one
of the most common tools used in
chemical laboratories

 Apparatus
No Name of Picture Description
1 Fenoftalein Phenolphthalein (phenolphthalein)
is a mild acid that can be used for
both medical and scientific
purposes. When used in medicine,
this compound is known as a base
for laxatives.


 Tools
No Name of tools pictures Description

1 Measuring glass Large measuring cups are usually
made of polypropylene due to its
excellent chemical resistance or
polymethylpentene due to its
transparency, making the
measuring cup lighter, less
cracked than glass.

2 Elenmeyer This erlenmeyer is used as a tool

for measuring, storing, and
mixing liquids. This laboratory
tool is one of the most common
tools used in chemical

3 beaker Beaker glass is a container used

for stirring, mixing, and heating
liquids usually used in

 Apparatus
No Name of pictures Description
1 Benzene Benzene is an organic
compound with the chemical
formula C6H₆. The benzene
molecule is composed of six
carbon atoms bonded in a ring,
with one carbon atom attached
to each carbon atom

2 HCl aqueous solution of hydrogen
chloride gas (HCl). It is a strong
acid, and is a major component
of stomach acid. This compound
is also used extensively in
industry. Hydrochloric acid
must be handled with an
appropriate safety precaution as
it is a highly corrosive liquid.
3 NH3 Usually this compound is found
in the form of a gas with a
characteristic pungent odor.
Although ammonia has an
important contribution to the
existence of nutrients on earth,
ammonia itself is a caustic
compound and can damage
4 Gelatin Gelatin is a protein derived
compound obtained by
extracting animal collagen and
drying it. The characteristics of
gelatin are clear so that it is
translucent, colorless, brittle,
and tasteless.

5 Na-Oleat Oleic acid or is an unsaturated

fatty acid that is found in olive
oil. Apart from olive oil, it is
also found in palm oil industrial
waste, namely palm oil sludge.
[1] This acid is composed of 18
C atoms with one double bond
between the 9th and 10th C
atoms. Apart from olive oil (55-
80%), this fatty acid is also
found in certain cultivars
sunflower oil, raps oil, and
grapeseed oil.

6 AS2S2

7 H2S H₂S, is a gas that is colorless,

poisonous, flammable and
smells like rotten eggs. This gas
can arise from biological
activity when bacteria break
down organic material in a state
without oxygen, such as in
swamps and sewage.
8 FeCl ferric chloride, is a chemical
compound which is an industrial
scale commodity, with the
chemical formula FeCl₃. This
compound is commonly used in
sewage treatment, drinking
water production and as a
catalyst, both in industry and in
9 Na2SO3 Sodium sulfite is an inorganic
compound with the chemical
formula Na₂SO₃. The pale
yellow substance, water soluble,
is used commercially as an
antioxidant and preservative.
Heptahydrate is also known but
less useful because of its greater
susceptibility to airborne
10 AlCl2 Aluminum chloride (AlCl3) is
the main chemical compound of
aluminum and chlorine. This
compound is white in color, but
the samples are often
contaminated with iron
trichloride, which gives it a
yellow coloration. The solid has
a low melting and boiling point.

11 MgCl2 Magnesium chloride is a
chemical compound with the
formula MgCl₂ and its various
hydrates MgCl₂ₓ. These salts
are typical halide ions, which
are very soluble in water.
Magnesium chloride hydrate
can be extracted from salt water
or sea water
12 NaCl Sodium chloride, also known as
table salt, or halite, is a
chemical compound with the
molecular formula NaCl,
representing a 1: 1 ratio of
sodium and chloride ions.

13 AgNO3 This compound is the most

versatile compound among
other silver compounds, and is
used in photography. This
compound is less sensitive to
sunlight than silver halide

14 HNO3 The chemical compound nitric

acid is a type of corrosive liquid
which is colorless, and is a
poisonous acid that can cause


 Tools
No Name of tools Picture Description
1 Test tube The test tube can be filled with
solid or liquid media. To
conduct chemical reaction
experiments on a small scale.
As a container for the
proliferation of microorganisms
in liquid media. For mixing,

storing and heating small
amounts of chemicals
4 Apparatus
No Name of Picture Description
1 CuSO4 These salt compounds exist on
earth with varying degrees of
hydration. The anhydrous form
is in the form of a pale green or
gray-white powder, while the
pentahydrate form, is light blue.

2 ZnSO4 Zinc sulfate is an inorganic

compound which is also used as
a dietary supplement to treat
zinc deficiency in the human
body. Side effects of taking
excessive supplements can
include stomach upset,
vomiting, headaches, and
3 Pb(NO3)2 It is commonly found as
colorless crystals or white
powders and, unlike most other
lead (II) salts, is soluble in

4 NaNO3 Sodium nitrate is a type of salt

that has long been used as a
composition for explosives and
in solid rocket fuels, as well as
in glass and pottery coatings,
and has been mined extensively
for this purpose. This compound
is also called caliche, saltpeter,
and soda niter

5 Mg is a white powder compound,
decomposes at about 350
degrees Celsius, is used as a
heat-resistant material

6 H2O2 In its pure form, it is a clear,

pale blue liquid, slightly thicker
than water. Hydrogen peroxide
is the simplest peroxide. H₂O₂
is used as an oxidizing agent,
whitening agent, and antiseptic.

7 H2SO4 This substance dissolves in

water at all ratios. Sulfuric acid
has many uses and is one of the
main products of the chemical

8 KI Potassium iodide is a chemical

compound, medicine, and food
supplement. As a drug it is used
in hyperthyroidism, in radiation
emergencies, and to protect the
thyroid gland when certain types
of radiopharmaceuticals are
9 Kanji water-insoluble complex
carbohydrates, white powder,
tasteless and odorless. Starch is
the main ingredient produced by
plants to store excess glucose
(as a product of photosynthesis)
in the long term. Animals and
humans also make starch an
important source of energy.

10 FeCl3 chemical compound which is an
industrial scale commodity, with
the chemical formula FeCl₃.
This compound is commonly
used in sewage treatment,
drinking water production and
as a catalyst, both in industry
and in laboratories


5 Tools
No Name of tools Pictures Description
1 Test tube The test tube can be filled with
solid or liquid media. To conduct
chemical reaction experiments
on a small scale. As a container
for the proliferation of
microorganisms in liquid media.
For mixing, storing and heating
small amounts of chemicals
2 Tube u This tool is often encountered in
the laboratory considering its
important function. The function
of this U tube is to connect the
test tube and also as a transfer
medium in a reaction process

3 battery A battery is a device consisting
of one or more electrochemical
cells with an external connection
provided to power electrical
devices such as flashlights, cell
phones and electric cars.

4 Carbon Carbon electrodes are materials

electrode commonly used as conductors of
electric currents in electric
furnaces and electrolysis cells.

6 Apparatus
No Name of pictures Description
1 KI Potassium iodide is a chemical
compound, medicine, and food
supplement. As a drug it is used
in hyperthyroidism, in radiation
emergencies, and to protect the
thyroid gland when certain
types of radiopharmaceuticals
are used.
2 Fenoftalein Phenolphthalein
(phenolphthalein) is a mild acid
that can be used for both
medical and scientific purposes.
When used in medicine, this
compound is known as a base
for laxatives.

3 FeCl3 chemical compound which is an

industrial scale commodity,
with the chemical formula
FeCl₃. This compound is
commonly used in sewage
treatment, drinking water
production and as a catalyst,
both in industry and in

4 CCl4 This compound is widely used
in organic chemical synthesis.
In the past, carbon tetrachloride
was also used in fire
extinguishing and refrigeration,
but has now been abandoned


7 Tools
No Name of tools Pictures Description
1 Test tube The test tube can be filled with
solid or liquid media. To
conduct chemical reaction
experiments on a small scale.
As a container for the
proliferation of microorganisms
in liquid media. For mixing,
storing and heating small
amounts of chemicals
2 Waterbath Waterbath is an oven or can be
called a water bath whose main
function is to create a constant
temperature. is a container that
contains water that can maintain
the temperature of the water
under certain conditions for a
specified time interval.

3 Thermometer Laboratory thermometers are
used to measure the temperature
of a system, a chemical or a
chemical reaction so that it uses
a longer measurement range, for
example 0 to 350oC

4 Sropwatch A stopwatch is a tool used to

measure the length of time it
takes to carry out an activity.
Stopwatches are typically
designed to start by pressing the
above button and stop so that a
second is displayed as elapsed

 Apparatus
No Name of Picture Description
1 alkohol Therefore, purification of ethanol
containing water by ordinary
distillation is only able to produce
ethanol with a purity of 96%. Pure
ethanol (absolute) was first
produced in 1796 by Johan Tobias
Lowitz, namely by filtering the
distilled alcohol through charcoal.

2 NaOH This compound is an ionic
compound in the form of a white
solid composed of sodium cations
and OH⁺ hydroxide anions.

3 KI Potassium iodide is a chemical

compound, medicine, and food
supplement. As a drug it is used in
hyperthyroidism, in radiation
emergencies, and to protect the
thyroid gland when certain types of
radiopharmaceuticals are used.

4 K2CR2O7 a common inorganic chemical

reagent, which is commonly used
as an oxidizing agent in a variety of
laboratory and industrial

5 H2SO4 This substance dissolves in water at

all ratios. Sulfuric acid has many
uses and is one of the main
products of the chemical industry.

7 Akuades Aquades is water from distillation
or commonly referred to as the
distillation process or also known
as pure water

9 Asam asetat a common inorganic chemical

reagent, which is commonly used
as an oxidizing agent in a variety of
laboratory and industrial

10 amonia Usually this compound is found in

the form of a gas with a
characteristic pungent odor.
Although ammonia has an
important contribution to the
existence of nutrients on earth,
ammonia itself is a caustic
compound and can damage health

11 Kertas lakmus a mixture of different water-soluble

dyes extracted from moss. This
mixture is often absorbed into filter
paper to produce one of the oldest
forms of pH indicators, litmus
paper, which is used to test the
acidity of the material.

12 Asam salisilat Salicylic acid is a local irritant,

which can be used topically. There
are various derivatives used as
external medicine, which are
divided into 2 classes, esters of
salicylic acid and salicylic esters of
organic acids.

13 KMnO3 an inorganic chemical compound
and drugs. As a drug this
compound is used to clean wounds
and dermatitis. This compound has
the chemical formula KMnO₄ and
is a salt containing K⁺ and MnO −
4 ions

14 NaHCO3 Sodium bicarbonate is a chemical

compound with the formula
NaHCO₃. In its pronunciation it is
often shortened to bicnat. This
compound belongs to the salt group
and has been used for a long time


No Name of tools Picture Description
1 Test tube The test tube can be filled with
solid or liquid media. To conduct
chemical reaction experiments on
a small scale. As a container for
the proliferation of
microorganisms in liquid media.
For mixing, storing and heating
small amounts of chemicals
2 Waterbath Waterbath is an oven or can be
called a water bath whose main
function is to create a constant
temperature. is a container that
contains water that can maintain
the temperature of the water under
certain conditions for a specified
time interval.
8 Apparatus
No Name of Pictures Description

1 Glukosa Glucose, a monosaccharide
sugar, is one of the most
important carbohydrates used as
a source of energy for animals
and plants. Glucose is one of the
main products of photosynthesis
and the beginning of respiration.
The natural form (D-glucose) is
also called dextrose, especially in
the food industry.
2 Fruktosa a monosaccharide found in many
types of plants and is one of the
three important blood sugars
along with glucose and galactose,
which can be absorbed directly
into the bloodstream during

3 Sukrosa Sucrose is a disaccharide formed

from its monomers in the form of
glucose and fructose units, with
the molecular formula C12H22O11

4 Amilum Starch is the main ingredient

produced by plants to store
excess glucose in the long run.
Animals and humans also make
starch an important source of

5 Madu Honey is a natural liquid that

contains a lot of sugars produced
by bees (genus Apis) from flower
nectar and it tastes sweet.

6 Pereaksi

7 H2SO4 This substance dissolves in water
at all ratios. Sulfuric acid has
many uses and is one of the main
products of the chemical

8 Putih telur One of the contents of a chicken

egg is a clear liquid that we
usually call egg white.

9 NaNO2 It is a white to slightly yellowish

crystalline powder which is
highly water soluble and

10 Kaldu Broth is the juice from bones,

meat or vegetables that are boiled
to get the juice from these

4.1 Conclusion
1. Every time we do practicum we must know and understand how to use the tools used
during practicum.
2. If the solution is dark, the miniscus that is read is the miniscus above. If the solution is
colorless or clear, the miniscus that is read is the lower miniscus.
3. Weighing is done to determine the mass of a substance.
4. Dilution is an activity to increase the concentration and volume.
5. Filtering is to separate the precipitate and solution
6. To determine the concentration of a solution using a standard solution whose
concentration is known
4,2 Sugestion
Suggestions Suggestions that can be given so that all practicum masters the experimental
material and be careful and thorough in order to get maximum results.



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