Nutrition Prescription Optimized

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60 DAY


YOU CANNOT TRAIN YOUR WAY ney. By applying these 7 simple

OUT OF A POOR DIET. steps in addition to the workouts,
you will lose body fat, build lean
Your Fitness Goals: No matter what muscle, and see major body com-
your goal, to slim down, gain mus- position changes within weeks.
cle, burn fat or just get stronger,
having a solid nutrition prescription 1) Skip the Calorie Counting:
will set you up for success. Being
mindful of what you’re eating and We are not concerned with count-
planning ahead will set you up to ing calories or macros, but we are
win big. Each goal can be achieved concerned about the quality of food
through the proper intake of calo- you will be eating for this Weights
ries with this program. Those look- for Women: Beginner Weights.
ing to put on muscle will need to Start by throwing away any junk or
increase their clean calories. Those processed food you might have in
looking to lose fat will adjust their your cupboards. Eliminate tempta-
calories under their TDEE but nev- tions in your house.
er drop below their BMR. The im- Be sure to get a good balance of
portant key to any goal is enough lean protein, healthy carbohy-
calories from clean, as close to na- drates, and healthy fats. Balance is
ture as possible, foods. key in healthy diets. Good protein =
lean meats, fish, and quality protein
While Weights for Women mainly powder supplements. Good carbo-
focuses on the training, it’s critical hydrates = sweet potatoes, squash,
to understand that nutrition is 65% and white rice. Good fats = avo-
of the fitness equation and without cado, grass-fed butter, and extra
it you will end up frustrated with virgin olive oil. Remember ladies,
subpar results. healthy fats are essential to good
health, don’t be scared of them, and
As such an important component, these fats do not directly translate
this nutrition guide includes a few to the fat your body stores as ex-
key ideas to assist you on your jour- cess body fat.
60 DAY

2). Protein:

Quality protein will be of the most importance when starting this weight pro-
gram. Ladies, do not worry, protein will not give you bulky muscles. Instead,
protein will give your body the necessary fuel to build and repair muscles as
you work them through this program. Choose both high quality proteins from
lean meats and fish, as well as high quality protein powder to supplement
your diet. A whey protein isolate, preferably grass-fed, is the best option for
most people because it is the most bioavailable and will be most efficiently
used by your body.

Every meal should contain some protein, ideally an animal-based form

(beef, fish, chicken, pork, or eggs). There are several very solid reasons for
the emphasis on protein, and this carries over to everyone, not just athletes.


Protein is a very costly macronutrient for the body to metabolize. Your

body actually burns calories to digest protein. Therefore, from a fat-loss
perspective, it makes sense to include protein with every meal.
60 DAY

REPAIRING SKELETAL MUSCLE tein diets help women to achieve a

AND TISSUE slender, long, and lean body.

The volume and intensity of train- SATIETY

ing damage the body’s muscles
and tendons. Protein plays a major Satiety is how satisfied your brain
role in repairing that damage. becomes after eating food. Eating
is completely driven by your hor-
ADDITION OF LEAN BODY MASS mones. Fat, carbohydrates, and
(LBM) protein all affect hormonal secre-
tion differently, but when it comes
Weight training tears down the to satiety, protein is king. A little
body’s muscles so, it’s important to protein goes a long way in keeping
provide your body with the nutri- your brain satisfied.
tion and food to rebuild itself. Con-
trary to popular belief, a high-pro- FAT STORAGE/FAT RELEASE
tein diet will NOT create big, bulky
muscles in women. Females simply Without getting too complicated,
do not possess the testosterone it’s important for you to understand
and hormones responsible for bulk- two hormones: insulin and gluca-
ing up like males. Instead, high- pro- gon. Together, these two hormones
60 DAY

regulate blood sugar. Insulin is the DISPLACEMENT OF CARBOHY-

master “fat- storage” hormone. DRATE RATIO
Animal-based sources of protein
are very dense with amino acids and Typically, if you eat a lot of protein,
create a greater secretion of glu- your carbohydrate intake will be
cagon, the “fat- release” hormone. low. When this ratio is dominated
When it comes to losing fat, you by animal-based protein, fats nat-
want the “fat-release” hormone, so urally fall into place and you can
it’s better to eat animal- based pro- easily portion and adjust carbo-
tein, which is also the best source hydrates based on exercise needs.
of complete protein. While beans, nuts, and dairy con-
tain protein, the quantity and quali-
ty are substandard compared to
animal sources. As a general rec-
ommendation, aim for a daily con-
sumption of 1 gram of protein per
pound of bodyweight.

Quick Tips:

A) Prepare more protein the night

before and use leftovers as snacks.

B) Beef jerky is a great snack while

on the move.

C) Protein powder is a great sup-

plement, as long as you choose a
quality brand. The fewer ingredi-
ents, the better. Look for something
with a relatively small number of
60 DAY

D) Breakfast MUST contain protein. 3) MEET YOUR NEW BFF FOR

At least 30g of protein from whole LIFE: VEGGIES
food sources.
Eat your vegetables. This means
E) Use the Weights for Women Mac- having 2 servings of vegetables at
ro List & Grocery Guide to choose every single meal. There is a direct
high-quality protein foods. correlation between increased veg-
etable consumption and increased
RECOMMENDATION: health and weight loss. Lean mus-
cles are built on protein, but a lean
Ensure every meal contains a dense
body is built on green vegetables.
and complete protein source. Main-
tain an daily protein intake of at least
1 gram per pound of bodyweight.
Aim for 30 grams of whole food
protein in your first meal of the day. Whiles many consider this an easy
area to cover, it still tends to be
Note: This general rule of thumb overlooked. Many of us, including
works for most individuals. If you me, believe that we are staying fully
are 50 or more pounds overweight hydrated, while we actually drink
use your lean body mass instead of fewer fluids than we think. Keeping
your total bodyweight to calculate track will help us make sure we
your total daily protein. avoid dehydration.
60 DAY


We encourage you to replace 100%

of your beverages with water. This
will ensure you eliminate unneces-
sary calories from your diet. It will
also ensure that you stay proper-
ly hydrated for your workouts and
day to day activity.

The recommended formula for op-

timal hydration is the following:

1/2 bodyweight (BW) in ounces per

day (1 ounce = 29.5 mL)

This ensures that you replace fluid

you lost throughout the day from
normal sweat and increased me-

When the body is chronically de-

hydrated, it holds onto water for
survival. The body is very efficient
at retaining water. The solution is
to efficiently hydrate so the body
sheds excess water, which results
in better muscle tone appearance
and a leaner physique. Additionally,
proper hydration clears the meta-
bolic waste from your training vol-
ume and helps with recovery.
60 DAY

IMPORTANT NOTE: Drinks like Conversely, drinking 8 ounces of

iced tea and diet sodas DO NOT water 20 to 30 minutes prior to your
count toward your hydration sta- meal can increase saliva content and
tus. The accompanying Weights the quality of digestion.
for Women Macro List & Grocery
Guide provides an excellent choice COFFEE
of beverages. Review the guide
and try to select drinks from it. Despite being demonized as a di-
uretic, it’s actually okay to have cof-
HYDRATION TIMING fee in your diet. Coffee is a known
ergogenic (training aid) that con-
When increasing and maintain- tains a fair amount of antioxidants
ing your hydration status, it’s also and caffeine.
important to consider the timing.
Large amounts of water during Caffeine is actually the most un-
derutilized natural fat-burner on the
meals can lead to inefficient di-
market. A shot of espresso or a small
gestion by diluting gastric acids
and enzymes. Try NOT to drink
anything during or at least 30
minutes after eating to optimize

Relax, chew your food slowly, and

let your saliva break down the
food. Enjoy the process. Certain
times, liquid is required to clear
our throats; therefore, this is a
do-your-best proposition. Eating
all of the salmon and spinach in
the world will do little good when
the food is poorly absorbed be-
cause you drank too much liquid.
60 DAY

cup of black coffee will help your ALCOHOL

workouts, as long as you omit the
sugar, creamer, and syrups. Howev- Alcohol consumption affects your
er, coffee can cause gastric motility hydration and can hinder your fat-
and should probably be avoided by loss efforts. If you choose to drink
anyone with a predisposition to GI while on this program, limit your
disturbances. consumption to no more than 1 to
2 drinks per week. The benefits of
TEA red wine for general health have
been studied to a ridiculous de-
Like coffee, green tea is another gree despite the health benefits of
natural fat burner. It is thermogenic wine being quite minimal. Alcohol
(fat-burning) due to compounds works against you and negatively
called catechins, which are active in impacts (1) hydration status, (2)
both green and white teas. It also fatty acid synthesis, (3) testos-
contains theanine, a precursor to a terone production, and (4) REM
calming neurotransmitter. Rooibos and second-stage sleep. All four
tea is actually an African bush that of those are essential for general
comes in green and red varieties. health, fat loss, and better body
It has no caffeine but ample anti- composition. Understandably, we
oxidants. Black and herbal teas are are social creatures. Drinking does
fine too. occur. Nonetheless, beware of al-
60 DAY

cohol’s damaging effects and do highest levels of calcium yet also

your best to keep it at bay. possess the highest rates of oste-
oporosis (bone disease). In JAMA
Perhaps look at it this way, what- Pediatrics (September 2013),
ever you consume or drink will be David S. Ludwig, MD, PhD, pub-
used for either FUEL or REPAIR. lished an article on milk based
Alcohol is dirty fuel that negatively upon a Harvard study, where he
affects hormonal response. described many other calcium
sources and explained that coun-
MILK tries with very low milk consump-
tion actually have a lower rate of
Milk is only essential for three bone fractures.
types of people: (1) people try-
ing to gain weight, (2) people Additionally, the quality of grocery
who want cancer, and (3) babies. store milk is quite low, mostly due
That statement usually gets some to high-heat pasteurization, ho-
attention and even upsets many mogenization, and the quality of
people, but it’s still valid. With a the cows it comes from.
few exceptions, no one other than
babies and small children should Forms of full-fat yogurt and heavy
be drinking milk. Milk is highly an- cream are not in this category.
abolic and insulinogenic (causes
a large insulin release), hence its RECOMMENDATION:
carcinogenic properties. Casein
protein often causes inflammato- Consume half your bodyweight (in
ry issues and the lactose can be ounces) of water daily, spread out
problematic for some people. over the course of the day. Begin
with 8 ounces of water first thing in
Furthermore, the “calcium” in milk the morning prior to eating. Limit
for strengthening bones is highly consumption during meals and 30
overrated, considering that North minutes post meal. Limit alcohol.
Americans consume some of the Try to cut it out all together.
60 DAY

5) Food Quality

Food quality means “whole food in as close to their

natural form as possible”. The emphasis here should
be on the following: meat, veggies, nuts, seeds, some
fruit, little starch, and no additional sugar.

We place an emphasis on whole foods because of

their nutrient density (nutrient rich) without caloric
density (high calories).

The foods listed in the accompanying Weights for

Women Macro List & Grocery Guide will have the
highest amount of micronutrients (vitamins and min-
erals) without containing the empty calories present
in processed foods. Try your best to select foods from

Think tangerine instead of Twinkie. Blueberries instead

of Blizzard. Steak instead of Subway. Remember, the
main goal of food quality is nutrient density without
caloric density. The more you can prepare
your meals at home, the better.

You’re on the go and don’t have anything handy, but

those choices often lack the nutrient density. To avoid
this, use Sunday night to prep food for the week. Buy
a large pack of chicken breasts from your favorite gro-
cery store. Cook them on a George Foreman grill with
a bit of lemon and black pepper for a delicious, quali-
ty protein to eat throughout the entire week. Then all
you have to do is grab and go. The same approach
60 DAY

works with veggies. Simply chop up some carrots, celery, red pepper, or cu-
cumbers. Toss them into zip-lock bags. The next time you feel hungry you’ll
have lots of nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods handy. Boom! It’s that easy.


This mainly applies to fruit and veggies. Follow the rule of “The Dirty
Dozen & Clean Fifteen,” found in your accompanying Weights for Wom-
en Macro List & Grocery Guide. If memorizing the list feels overwhelm-
ing, then an even easier way to remember it is the following:

• Buy thin-skinned items (apples, berries, leafy greens, etc.) organic.

• Buy thick-skinned items (bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes) conven-

tional. So, are organics really worth it? Do they contain more vitamins and
minerals than conventional products? YES, they are worth it. NO, they
don’t offer a lot more vitamins and minerals than conventional produce.
60 DAY


Along with fruits and veggies, or-

ganic grass-fed beef consists of
a much better food profile than
conventional beef. This meat can
be pricey. However, the fatty acid
profile of organic contains much
better ratios of omega-3/omega-6
fatty acids, as well as high levels
of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
and vaccenic acid (naturally occur-
ring healthy trans-fats) that benefit
your health and decrease body fat.

With the emphasis on animal pro-

tein in your diet, the cost-benefit
ratio will be high. If possible, I rec-
ommend buying meat through lo-
cal farms, local grocery stores, or
health-oriented national chains like
The value of eating organics lies in Whole Foods.
what’s NOT in the produce. Organ-
ics are free of harmful pesticides MACRORATIOS
and herbicides, notorious endo-
crine disrupters. Furthermore, Combining macros (protein, fats,
continuous chronic exposure to and carbohydrates) ensures proper
pesticides and herbicides, even at macro nutrient balance and tends
low levels, can impair hormonal to bring down the overall glycemic
secretion. Remember, optimal hor- index (GI) of a meal. As a result, this
mones lead to optimal health and lowers the body’s insulin (fat-stor-
body composition. age) response.
60 DAY


list of high-quality macros (protein, CHOICES. Especially when you get
fats, and carbs) from which to sick of beef. Again, I shop for these
choose in your accompanying meats at local farms, local grocery
Weights for Women Macro List & stores, and Whole Foods.
Grocery Guide.
QUICK TIPS very dense, nutrient-depleted car-
bohydrate sources coupled with in-
A) BEEF IS BETTER THAN CHICK- flammatory prolamines, like gluten
EN. Beef contains a better amino and gliadin. We have only included
acid profile and higher biological these foods in our diets for a short
protein value. Plus, the fats from period of time, considering how
beef are much better than chicken. long humans have been in exis-
60 DAY

tence, and we have NOT adapted to

them. Our bodies never fully digest
the gluten peptides found in grains,
so we should strictly limit these.
Just remember: empty carbs.


Think of it as wheat sugar. The GI
index is sky high from lots of added
inflammatory gluten.


FAST. Try to buy organic free-range
eggs from local farms and grocery
stories, if possible.

F) SWEETS. Eliminate all refined

sugars and strictly limit natural sug-
ars. At the end of the day, sugar is
still sugar.

G) DARK CHOCOLATE. This can be

an effective way to deal with sugar
cravings. It’s much better for your
body than sugar. The bars with a
higher percentage of cacoa contain
more antioxidants and saturated fat
but fewer carbohydrates.

Chocolate stimulates the release

of dopamine, the “reward” neu-
rotransmitter. This shuts down your
60 DAY

craving for sweetness without the Remember, consistency is best. Mi-

high-glycemic carbohydrate over- nor deviations will not completely
load from refined sugar. hinder your progress, as long as you
eat clean the majority of the time.
H) DAIRY. Most people tolerate
full- fat yogurt and heavy cream Recommendation:
fairly well. These two options con-
tain lower amounts of lactose and Emphasize whole foods in as close
amino acids, which create issues to their natural form as possible.
from insulin spikes. Cream and yo- Every meal should contain some
gurt are also great sources of SFA proteins, fats, and carbohydrates
(saturated fatty acids). (PFCs). Try to shift towards local
organic produce and free-range,
THE 90/10 RULE grass-fed beef.

Some people need the freedom

and flexibility to occasionally de-
viate from a strict clean diet, and
doing so helps them stay sane and
build resiliency. For those who
choose to deviate from a clean
diet, I recommend the 90/10 Rule:

• 90% of the time stay on track with

a clean diet
• 10% of the time deviate and in-
dulge in “cheat meals”

Planning and timing your “cheat

meals” can be beneficial, especial-
ly if you indulge around your most
intense training day(s) of the week.
60 DAY


Consistent meals and snacks are important. For some people, that
means 3 square meals a day, whereas others require 5 to 6 smaller
meals. Stick with what works for you and try your best to stay consistent
and consume your macros.

Use your accompanying Weights for Women Macro List & Grocery Guide to
choose foods and snacks. Also, track the frequency and consistency of your
meals in a Food Journal that you write into your phone or just in a notebook.


Analyze your schedule to determine the best regimen for meals and
snacks. Be consistent and focus on consuming your macros.


It’s important that you become aware of how food affects your body and
makes you feel. I like to use a simple tracking system of smiley and frown-
ing faces. Think about how you feel before, during, and after you con-
sume your meals. Leave the appropriate face next to the item in your
Food Journal based on how you feel.
60 DAY


Certain foods may result in low-grade, chronic inflammation that is harm-

ful to your health and rob your body of important nutritional resources.

For example, if your body is using nutritional resources (proteins, fat,

carbohydrates, etc.) to fix and repair damaged tissue from food intoler-
ances or sensitivities, then it’s not recovering from training or exercise as
well as it should be. As a result, your body will not build lean body mass
or burn fat as effectively.


Track and log physical (gastro/energy levels) and emotional (alertness/

mood changes) states in relation to food intake. Use your Food Journal
everyday, or if you already have a favorite way to track, stick with that.


Don’t stress about the specifics. Excessive stress is counterproductive to

acheiving your fitness goals. Instead of sweating the details, sweat in the
gym and eat right. Just follow these simple guidelines; pick whole foods
from as close to nature as possible.

Throw out your excuses. Start implementing the 8 basic nutrition principles
from this Nutrition Prescription guide and using the Weights for Women
Workouts training manual.
60 DAY


I hate the health scams, I hate the BS, and I want to do something about it.

My mission in life is to spread the message of healthy eating and living. I’m
committed to being an example, and I want you to join me.

I offer a free newsletter with over 300,000 active subscribers.

»» Click here to sign up.

Also, you can stay connected via my blog, YouTube Channel, or Instagram.

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Let me help you – stay in contact with me and tell me how you’re doing. I
would love to hear from you and help you on your journey. So, please keep
in touch.

To Your Success and Health,

Michael Morelli Jr.

Your Dedicated Coach
60 DAY


By Michael Morelli Jr.

Consult your physician and get permission before starting any exercise
program or altering your diet. The programs and information expressed
within this book are not medical advice, but for educational purposes only.
This program is designed for healthy individuals over the age of 18.

If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before
starting any exercise program, including Six-Pack Finishers. If you experi-
ence any lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath
while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician.

The author is not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury
or health condition that may occur through following the programs and
opinions expressed herein. Dietary information is presented for informa-
tional purposes only and may not be appropriate for all individuals.

The editors and publishers advise readers to take full responsibility for their
safety and know their limits. The ideas represent the author’s opinions and
are solely for informational and educational purposes.

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever

without written permission except in the case of brief quotations utilized in
articles and reviews.

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