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Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Internal Control

GOVBUS – BSA 2 – Summer 2021

1ST Output Requirement : Article Analysis

Name: John Paul L. Castroverde Date : 7 – 26 - 21

Instructions: Read the news article (with the given link below) uploaded on Sunstar
Bacolod website. Submit the requirement on or before July 26, 2021 in Google
classroom. Below are the guide questions when writing.

1. Do you agree that there was a need to cut the 35 trees along the Araneta street
for the safety of pedestrian, commuters and motorists which have posed danger
to the public?

2. Who do you think is accountable to this incident, DPWH, DENR or city

government? Explain.

3. Is planting of 35,000 trees can restore the damage of cutting down 26 fully
grown trees? If you were one of the environment advocates, what would be your
petition to the local city government?

4. Should improvement of the sidewalk, installation of streetlights or any

infrastructure projects come through at the expense of the environment?

5. Therefore, how should good governance work in ensuring sustainability between

urban development and preservation of nature?
Grading Rubric:
Grading Criteria Criteria Description Corresponding

Content Addresses each question and all its parts thoroughly;

incorporates relevant course content into responses;
uses specific information in response. 10

Understanding / Demonstrates deep understanding of course theories

Application and ideas applied to analysis of situation/question.

Original Thinking Demonstrates original thinking that adds insight to

analysis of the question; meaningful elaboration
beyond text, notes, class discussion in strategy

Structure Response to each question is well organized and

clearly written; there is evidence of planning before
writing. 5

Total points 40

Prepared by:
Dr. Ann Charyl M. Gallo

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