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AI Magazine Volume 14 Number 2 (1993) (© AAAI)

Book Reviews

Book Reviews
The Philosophy of In the introduction to this antholo- no reference to the computer at all.
gy, Boden defines the philosophy of This collection, however, focuses on
Artificial Intelligence the philosophical problems associat-
AI broadly “as the science of intelli-
gence in general—or, more accurate- ed with the machine metaphor and
ly, as the intellectual core of asks whether machine intelligence is
Lee A. Gladwin possible.
cognitive science.” Through this
comprehensive definition, she For those already familiar with the
The Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, literature, this volume provides a
Margaret A. Boden, ed., Oxford Read- embraces the definitional extremes,
handy compendium. For students, it
ings in Philosophy, Oxford Universi- including those that traditionally
provides a concise overview of the
ty Press, New York, New York, 1990, view AI “as the study of how to build
machine intelligence debate. The
460 pp., $14.95, ISBN 0-19-824854-7 and/or program computers to enable
first essays lay the foundation for the
(paper). them to do the sorts of things that discussion that follows. These essays
minds can do” and those that make include “A Logical Calculus of the
Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity”
by Warren S. McCulloch and Walter
H. Pitts, “Computing Machinery and
Intelligence” by Alan M. Turing, and
“Computing Science as Empirical
Inquiry: Symbols and Search” by
Allen Newell and Herbert Simon.
The remaining essays deal primari-
ly with three types of criticism
inspired by Turing’s paper and the
Basic Books Ad
belief “that intelligence necessarily
involves causal processes (computa-
tions) of a certain systematic sort.”
Antibehaviorist criticisms form the
first type. They “appeal to conscious
experience as a necessary condition
of mentality.” The second type
argues that “even if a computer were
to perform as Turing imagined…, it
would not really think or under-
stand: no intelligence without inten-
tionality.” John Searle’s
intentionality critique “Minds,
Brains, and Programs” with its Chi-
nese room represents this type. The
third type argues the impossibility of
getting “computers to perform in a
way that matches the depth, range,
and flexibility of human minds.”
Included in this group are David C.
Marr’s “Artificial Intelligence: A Per-
sonal View,” Daniel C. Dennett’s
“Cognitive Wheels: The Frame Prob-
lem of AI,” and Drew McDermott’s
“A Critique of Pure Reason.”
Connectionist AI papers are placed
with this last group. Essays include
“Distributed Representations” by

Copyright © 1993, AAAI. 0738-4602-1993 / $2.00 SUMMER 1993 67

Rook Reviews

Geoffrey Hinton, James McClelland,

and David Rumelhart; “Connection- Books Received er Society Press, 1993. ISBN 0-86341-
ism, Competence, and Explanation” ■ Johansen, P., and Olsen, S., editors.
by Andy Clark; “The Connectionist Note: The following books were received Theory and Applications of Image Anal-
Construction of Concepts” by Adrian by press time. If you would like us to con- ysis, volume 2. Machine Perception and
Cussins; and “Some Reductive Strate- sider your book for review, have your pub- Artificial Intelligence. River Edge, N.J.:
gies in Cognitive Neurobiology” by lishers send a review copy to AI Magazine,
World Scientific Publishing Co.,
Paul M. Churchland. Finally, repre- 445 Burgess Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025.
1993. 346 pp. $78.00. ISBN 9-8102-
We’ll include it in the next books received
senting the phenomenalist critique 0945-2.
column. Receipt of a review copy, of
of AI, Boden includes “Making a course, doesn’t guarantee a review! ■ Levin, Beth, and Pinker, Steven,
Mind versus Modelling the Brain:
editors. Lexical and Conceptual Seman-
Artificial Intelligence Back at the
■ Andrews, James H. Logic Program- tics. Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell
Branch Point” by the brothers
ming: Operational Semantics and Proof Publishers, 1993. 244 pp. $21.95.
Hubert and Stuart Dreyfus. ISBN 1-55786-354-7.
Theory. New York: Cambridge Univer-
Conspicuous by their absence are
sity Press, 1993. 104 pp. $39.95. ISBN ■ Luger, George. Artificial Intelligence:
essays by Jerry Fodor and Hilary
0-521-43219-7. Structures and Strategies for Complex
Putnam (before and after his aposta-
sy). Also missing is a discussion of ■ Beerel, Annabel. Expert Systems in Problem Solving. Reading, Mass.: Addi-
the philosophy of mind in the twen- Business. New York: Ellis Horwood, son-Wesley, 1993. 740 pp. ISBN 0-
tieth century, which would provide a 1993. 267 pp., ISBN 0-13-296633-6. 8053-4780-1.
much-needed context for this collec- ■ Beer, Randall D., Roy Ritzmann, ■ Meyer, David E., and Kornblum,
tion. Certainly, the contributions of and Thomas McKenna. Biological Sylvan, editors. Attention and Perfor-
Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, Neural Networks in Invertebrate Neu- mance XIV: Synergies in Experimental
Alfred North Whitehead, and Ludwig roethology and Robotics. Boston, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, and
Wittgenstein (early and later) deserve Mass.: Academic Press, 1993. 417 Cognitive Neuroscience. Cambridge,
mention. Fortunately, there is an pp., ISBN 0-12-084728-0. Mass.: The MIT Press, 1993. 915 pp.
excellent survey available in William ISBN 0-262-13284-2.
■ Cann, Ronnie. Formal Semantics:
Bechtel’s Philosophy of Mind: An An Introduction. New York: Cam- ■ Perez de la Blanca, N.; Santeliau,
Overview for Cognitive Science (Hills- bridge University Press, 1993, 344 A.; and Vidal, E., editors. Pattern
dale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1988). pp. ISBN 0-521-37463-4. Recognition and Image Analysis, volume
Some discussion of the machine 1. Machine Perception and Artificial
metaphor would also be helpful. ■ Cawsey, Alison. Explanation and
Intelligence. River Edge, N.J.: World
Again, we are fortunate in having a Interaction. Cambridge, Mass.: The
Scientific Publishing Co., 1993. 293
MIT Press, 1993. 232 pp., ISBN 0-
thorough discussion available in Earl pp. $82.00. ISBN 9-8102-0881-2.
R. MacCormac’s A Cognitive Theory of ■ Przytula, K. Wojtek, and Viktor K.
Metaphor (Cambridge, Mass.: Brad- ■ Clark, Herbert H. Arenas of Lan-
Prasanna. Parallel Digital Implementa-
ford Books, 1985). An excellent essay guage Use. Chicago, Ill.: University of
tions of Neural Networks. Englewood
on this topic is “The Computational Chicago Press, 1993. 438 pp., ISBN 0-
Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1993,
Metaphor and Artificial Intelligence: 226-10782-5.
311 pp. ISBN 0-136-49262-8.
A Reflective Examination of a Theo- ■ Fox, Barbara A. Discourse Structure
retical Falsework” by David M. West ■ Ristad, Eric Sven. The Language
and Anaphora. Cambridge: Cam-
Complexity Game. Cambridge, Mass.:
and Larry E. Travis (AI Magazine, bridge University Press, 1993. ISBN
The MIT Press, 1993, 148 pp. ISBN 0-
volume 12, number 1, 64–79). 0-521-43990-6, 173 pp.
If you are looking for an introduc-
■ Gallant, Stephen J. Neural Network
tion to the machine intelligence ■ Saoudi, A.; Nivat, M.; and Wang, P.
Learning and Expert Systems. Cam-
debate, you might want to consider S., editors. Parallel Image Processing,
bridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1993.
this anthology for your library and volume 4. Machine Perception and Arti-
365 pp. ISBN 0-262-07145-2.
classes. ficial Intelligence. River Edge, N.J.:
■ Horacek, Helmut, and Zock, World Scientific Publishing Co.,
Lee A. Gladwin is an archive specialist Michael, editors. New Concepts in 1993. 467 pp. ISBN 9-8102-1120-1.
with the Center for Electronic Records at Natural Language Generation: Plan-
■ Skrzypek, J., and Karplus, W., edi-
the National Archives and Records ning, Realization, and Systems.
tors. Neural Networks in Vision and
Administration (NARA) in Washington, London: Pinter Publishers, 1993. 318
Pattern Recognition, volume 3. Machine
D.C. He is designing an interface to infor- pp. ISBN 1-85567-084-4.
Perception and Artificial Intelligence.
mation about NARA holdings and is also ■ Hunt, K. J., editor. Polynomial River Edge, N.J.: World Scientific Pub-
working on an expert system to assist Methods in Optimal Control and Filter- lishing Co., 1993. 205 pp. ISBN 9-
with reference requests. ing. Washington, D.C.: IEEE Comput- 8102-1014-0.


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