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V + TO - INFINITIVE Afford :có đủ khả năng ( thời gian, tiền ) để làm gì

Ex: I hope to see you again soon. Agree: đồng ý
Appear : xuất hiện
Arrange : sắp xếp
Ask : đề nghị
Beg : cầu xin
Care : để ý, quan tâm
Decide : quyết định
Demand : yêu cầu
Deserve : xứng đáng
Expect : mong đợi
Fail : quên
Hesitate : chần chừ
Hope : hy vọng
Learn : học
Manage : xoay sở, cố gắng
Mean : có ý
Offer : tình nguyện
Plan : dự định
Prepare : chuẩn bị
Pretend : giả bộ
Promise : hứa
Refuse: từ chối
Seem : dường như
Struggle : cố gắng
Swear : thề
Threaten : đe dọa
Volunteer: tình nguyện
Want: muốn
Wish : ước


V+ GERUND Admit: thừa nhận

Ex: I finished studying about ten. Appreciate: cảm kích, mong muốn
Avoid : tránh
Complete: hoàn tất
Consider : xem xét
Delay : hoãn
Deny : chối, phủ nhận
Discuss : thảo luận
Dislike: không thích
Enjoy : thích
Finish : hoàn tất
Keep : tiếp tục
Mention : nhắc đến
Mind : làm phiền
Miss : bỏ lỡ
Postpone : hoãn
Practice ; luyện tập
Quit : từ bỏ
Resist : chống lại
Risk : liều
Suggest: đề nghị
Tolerate : bỏ qua
It’s no use = It’s no good ( không có ích gì/ vô ích )
It’s ( not ) worth ( không ) đáng
Have difficulty = Have trouble ( gặp khó khăn )
Have fun = Have a good time ( vui vẻ )
Have a hard time = have a difficult time
Can’t help = Can’t stand = Can’t bear ( không thể
không )
Look forward to ( mong đợi )
Be ( get ) used to = Be accustomed to ( quen với )
Object to ( phản đối )
Take to ( dùng đến, chạy trốn )
Sit/ stand/ lie + PLACE + V-ING

* BUSY ( bận rộn )

WORTH ( đáng )
* PREPOSITION ( at, on, in, to, for, about, ….) +

V + O + TO - INFINITIVE Advise : khuyên

Ex: She advised me to wait until tomorrow. Allow : cho phép
Ask : đề nghị
Beg: cầu xin
Cause : khiến
Challenge: thách thức
Convince: thuyết phục
Encourage : khuyến khích
Expect : mong đợi
Forbid : cấm
Force: bắt buộc
Hire : thuê
Instruct : hướng dẫn
Invite : mời
Order : ra lệnh
Permit : cho phép
Persuade : thuyết phục
Remind : nhắc nhở
Require : đòi hỏi, yêu cầu
Teach : dạy
Tell : bảo
Urge : hối thúc
Want : muốn
Warn : cảnh báo

V + (O) + BARE INFINITIVE Make : làm cho, khiến cho

Ex: The play made me cry. Let: để cho
Help : giúp đỡ
Would rather… than..: thích… hơn..
Had better : tốt hơn nên

* Những động từ theo sau bởi GERUND, To – INFINITIVE or BARE – INFINITIVE nhưng nghĩa
thay đổi:
TRY + TO-V ( cố gắng làm gì )
TRY + V-ING ( thử làm gì )
(2) STOP + TO-V ( ngừng việc này để làm việc khác )
STOP + V-ING ( thôi, không làm nữa )

FORGET + V-ING ( past action ) Nhớ/ quên/ tiếc khi đã làm gì

FORGET + TO - V ( future action ) Nhớ/ quên để làm gì/ Tiếc khi phải làm gì

* Những động từ theo sau bởi GERUND, To – INFINITIVE or BARE – INFINITIVE nhưng nghĩa
khong đổi:

ADVISE = RECOMMEND ( khuyên ) s.o + TO DO sth

ALLOW = PERMIT ( cho phép ) + DOING
ENCOURAGE ( khuyến khích, động viên )


HELP + s.o + (TO) DO

HELP + s.o + WITH

* Những trường hợp khác:

CONTINUE ( tiếp tục ) +
INTEND ( dự định ) DOING

LIKE + TO - V (= want, thích tại một thời điểm nào đó )
(3) LIKE + V -ING (= enjoy, 1 sở thích thực sự )
( bắt buộc, khiến )
+ s.o + DO +
( để, cho phép )

BE MADE + TO DO ( bị bắt buộc )

BE LET + DO ( được cho phép làm gì )
/ DIDN’T ( làm
+ Vcho
( đãaitừng
như)thế nào )
BE USED TO / GET USED TO + V-ING ( quen với )
BE USED + TO - V ( được sử dụng để )
SPEND / WASTE + ( money / time ) + DOING
( tiêu tốn/ lãng phí tiền bạc/ thời gian để làm gì )
IT TAKES/ TOOK + s.o + ( time/ money) + TO DO
( Ai đó mất bao nhiêu thời gian/ tiền bạc để làm gì )

( bắt ai làm gì/ giữ cho cái gì tiếp tục )

LINKING VERBS ( động từ chỉ giác quan )
( see, watch, hear, feel, listen, notice,….) + s.o + DO
* Note: SMELL/ FIND + s.o + DOING


( bị nhìn/ nghe thấy đang làm/ nói gì )
( bắt gặp ai đang làm gì )
( bị bắt gặp đang làm gì )

S + NEED + V - ING / TO BE + V-ed/3 ( mang nghĩa bị động )
( vật )
(người )

(thích hơn )

( tốt hơn nên )
GET + s.o + TO DO
HAVE + s.o + DO
( nhờ/ sai bảo )



Exercise 1: Choose the best answer for each sentence below.

1. It’s no use_.................. over spilt milk.
A. cry B. crying C. to cry D. cried
2. I suggest_..................._  another meeting next week.
A. hold B. to hold C. holding D. held
3. She couldn’t bear _.................... tears when she saw the film “ Romeo and Juliet”.
A. shed B. to shed C. shedding D. sheds
4. I really regret ……………….. your feeling when I asked you such a silly question.
A. hurt B. to hurt C. hurting D. hurts
5. My friends arranged _...................... to the airport in time.
A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. met
6. My girl friend is afraid of _................._ out alone when it gets dark.
A. goes B. to go C. going D. go
7. He continues ______ after his illness. But now, he is having stomachache.
A. working B. to work C. worked D. works
8. Can someone ………………._ me how …………………  into film from the camera’s pictures?
A. show / change B. to show / to change
C. showing / change D. show / to change
9. We won’t let you_................._ what we are going to do with him.
A. know B. to know C. knowing D. known
10. American women have got used to ______independently recently.
A. live B. to live C. living D. lives
11. They are looking forward to ………………. your news.
A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard
12. I am accustomed to ______  on my own.
A. living B. to live C. live D. lives
13. They always try …………… the bridge as they promised before.
A. to postpone/ to build B. postpone/ build
C. to postpone/ building D. postponing/ built 
14. He climbed over the wall without ……………._by anybody.
A. seeing B. to see C. being seen D. to be seen
15. Everybody would like ______to a higher position.
A. promote B. promotes C. promoting D. to promote
16. I’ll try ………. such a foolish thing again.
A. not to cause B. to not causeC. not causing D. to cause not
17. Have you ever watched people ______ ______ fish? 
A. try/ catch B. try/ to catchC. trying/ to catch D. B&C are correct
18. Did you manage ……….. these parcels alone?
A. finishing/ to pack B. finishing/ packing
C. to finish/ to pack D. to finish/ packing
19. She doesn’t want you …………_to her arriving.
A. mention B. to mention C. mentioning D. mentions
20. I don’t regret ______ her what I thought even if it upset her.
A. to tell B. told C. tell D. telling

Exercise 2: Choose the best answer for each sentence below.

1. Students stopped ……………….. noise when the teacher came in.
A. make B. to make C. making D. made
2. When you see her, don’t forget ……………….._ her my postcards.
A. give B. to give C. giving D. given
3. Don’t forget …………….. her the message when you see him.
A. give B. to give C. giving D. gave
4. He spends hours …………………… to repair his car.
A. try B. to try C. trying D. tries
5. I remember ………………. you somewhere last month.
A. met B. to meet C. meet D. meeting
6. Mary agreed ……………… to the circus with Ann.
A. went B. to go C. going D. goes
7. Mike is considering _________ a new car.
A. bought B. to buy C. buying D. buys
8. It’s no use _________ his opinion.
A. asking B. to ask C. ask D. asks
9. Mrs. Green prefers _________ TV to _________ to the cinema.
A. watching / go B. to watch / going
C. watching / going D. watches / go
10. She expects …………………him tomorrow, but I look forward to _.............................._ him right
A. see / see B. to see / see C. see / seeing D. to see / seeing
11. She should avoid …………….._ other people’s feeling.
A. hurting B. to hurt C. hurt D. hurts
12. The soil needs _________ immediately.
A. fertilize B. to fertilize C. fertilizing D. fertilized
13. They advise me _...................._ a raincoat.
A. wear B. to wear C. wearing D. wore
14. You need _________ these plants as soon as possible.
A. fertilize B. to fertilize C. fertilizing D. fertilizes
15. You’d better ……………. what you think in front of the conference.
A. say B. to say C. saying D. said
16. He always tries ………… there……………… her.
A. delaying / coming / meet B. to delay / to come / to meet
C. delaying / come / meeting D. to delay / coming / to meet
17. There is nothing _________ this situation to her.
A. hide B. to hide C. hiding D. hidden
18. I regret ………….. able to attend your birthday party yesterday.
A. not to be B. to not be C. not be D. not being
19. Thank you for _________ me such a warm message.
A. send B. to send C. sending D. sent
20. She detests ……………….. all day with strangers.
A. chatting B. to chat C. to chatting D. chat

Exercise 3: Choose the best answer for each sentence below.

1. Can you ………………_ Chinese?
A. speak B. to speak C. speaking D. spoke
2. My parents decided ……………… a taxi because it was late.
A. take B. to take C. taking D. took
3. We enjoy ……………….._ here and ……………….all your news.
A. be / hear B. to be / to hear C. being / hear D. is / hearing
4. Ask your friends about your homework. He would be able ……………….. you.
A. help B. helped C. helping D. to help
5. Please try _________ quiet when you come home.
A. be B. to be C. being D. been
6. I don’t like anybody ……………._ at me.
A. shout B. to shout C. shouting D. shouted
7. Do you agree _________ me a hand?
A. give B. to give C. giving D. given
8. Would you like ………………._ to the cinema with us tomorrow evening?
A. to come B. come C. coming D. came
9. Pupils started ………… the lesson yesterday.
A. write B. to write C. writing D. written
10. I like …………….. school by bus, but I hate _.................. in the rain and wait for it.
A. go / to stand B. to go / stand C. going / standing D. went / stood
11. Does your sister like _.................._?
A. cooks B. cooking C. to be cooked D. being cooked
12. This girl can’t bear ……………….. alone.
A. am B. to be C. being D. been
13. My uncle has given up _.........................__.
A. to smoke B. smoke C. smokes D. smoking
14. Do you mind _...................._ to John ask him ………………. us?
A. speaking / to help B. to speak / help
C. speak / help D. speaks / to help
15. I’ll begin_...................... this novel later.
A. read B. to reading C. reading D. to read
16. Please stop _________ me in the middle of the sentence.
A. interrupt B. to interrupt C. interrupting D. interrupts
17. My brother gave up …………….. two years ago.
A. smokes B. smoke C. to smoke D. smoking
18. Did you miss _________ her yesterday?
A. to see B. saw C. see D. seeing
19. We arranged……………… the scientists here.
A. met B. to meet C. meeting D. meet
20. I wish ……………….. the principal at my school.
A. see B. to see C. seeing D. saw

Exercise 4: Choose the best answer for each sentence below.

1. My girl friend is afraid of ………….. out alone when it gets dark.
A. goes B. to go C. going D. go
2. He continues …………….._ after his illness. But now, he is having stomachache.
A. working B. to work C. worked D. works
3. I’d like _________ there _________ my girlfriend’s parents.
A. go / see B. to go / to see C. going / seeing D. goes / seen
4. Would you like _________ to the party with us?
A. come B. to come C. coming D. came
5. I was very tired. I tried _________ my eyes open, but I couldn’t.
A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep
6. I want _________ a pair of shoes in this shop, but I need to try _________ them.
A. buy / to wear B. to buy / to wear
C. buying / wearing D. to buy / wearing
7. We have to go _________ this morning.
A. shopping B. shopped C. being shopped D. to be shopped
8. He spent hours trying _________ the clock.
A. repair B. to repair C. repairing D. repairs
9. It’s no use _________ for her arrival.
A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. waits
10. Is there anything worth _________ here?
A. buy B. to buy C. buys D. buying
11. The biologist doesn’t allow us _________ in the laboratory.
A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoked
12. Would you mind ………………… your address on the back of this check?
A. write B. to write C. writing D. written
13. I don’t enjoy …………to the dentist’s.
A. go B. to go C. going D. goes
14. I don’t regret …………..her what I thought even if it upset her.
A. to tell B. told C. tell D. telling
15. Remember………….Katie my greeting card when you see him.
A. give B. to give C. giving D. gave
16. My friends has given up……………and prefers……………pork.
A. drink / eat B. to drink / eating
C. drinking / eating D. drank / eat
17. I had to ask the boys…………….billiards all the day.
A. to stop / playing B. to stop / to play
C. stopping / playing D. stops / to play
18. My teacher promised…………me…………….for my next examination.
A. help / prepare B. to help / prepare
C. helping / to prepare D. helped / preparing
19. I would like him…………….more English lessons.
A. to start / take B. to start / taking C. starting / take D. starting / taking
20. I hate _________ _________ loudly without _________ the new words.
A. practise / reading / learn B. to practise / to read / to learn
C. practising / reading / learning D. practises / reading / to learn

Exercise 5: Choose the best answer for each sentence below.

1. She doesn’t want you………… her arrival.
A. mention B. to mention C. mentioning D. mentions
2. Did you manage…………….these parcels alone?
A. finishing / to pack B. finishing / packing
C. to finish / to pack D. to finish / packing
3. Have you ever watched people………………fish?
A. try / catch B. to try / to catch
C. trying / to catch D. tried / catch
4. Can someone………….me how…………..into film from the camera’s pictures?
A. show / change B. to show / to change 
C. showing / change D. show / to change
5. I’ll try _________ such a foolish thing again.
A. not to cause B. to not cause C. not causing D. to cause not
6. Susan has decided…………..her friends………… she pleases.
A. allow / do B. to allow / to do
C. allowing/ do D. allowed / doing
7. Everybody would like…………….to a higher position.
A. promote B. promotes C. promoting D. to promote
8. He climbed over the wall without _________ by anybody.
A. seeing B. to see C. being seen D. to be seen
9. I remember……………a toy car on my fifth birthday.
A. to be given B. being given C. to give D. giving
10. They always try _________ _________ the bridge as they promised before.
A. to postpone / to build B. postpone / build
C. to postpone / building D. postponing / built
11. I can’t help…………for her acceptance.
A. to wait B. waiting C. wait D. waited
12. Don’t be afraid of…………….that animal.
A. touch B. touches C. touching D. to touch
13. I am accustomed to _________ on my own.
A. living B. to live C. live D. lives
14. They are looking forward to……………your news.
A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard
15. American women have got used to _________ independently recently.
A. live B. to live C. living D. lives
16. We won’t let you……………what we are going to do with him.
A. know B. to know C. knowing D. known
17. The manager told me…………harder.
A. work B. working C. to work D. worked
18. Americans often say “Thank you” when you help them…………something.
A. do B. makes C. to doing D. doing
19. I can’t help…………anxious about the exam results.
A. to feel B. feel C. feeling D. felt
20. I can hear a cat……………on the roof.
A. scratching B. scratches C. to scratch D. was scratching

Exercise 6: Choose the best answer for each sentence below.

1. It is essential that every student _________ to learn English at university.
A. to have B. have C. has D. had
2. These trousers need…………….. .
A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned
3. Technology plays a key role in _________ future.
A. to shape B. shaping C. shaped D. shape
4. I remember………………them somewhere in the city.
A. to see B. saw C. seen D. seeing
5. It's better _________ too early than too late.
A. is B. be C. to be D. being
6. I didn't need…………….anything. I just sat there and listened.
A. say B. saying C. to say D. having said
7. We are……………of the long journey.
A. tiring B. tire C. tired D. to tire
8. What do you hope…………….when you graduate?
A. do B. to do C. doing D. does
9. Where do you decide…………..go after class?
A. going B. go C. went D. to go
10. I think everyone wants _________ more spare time.
A. to have B. have C. having D. had
11. He is expecting………………..a trip to Ha Long Bay.
A. make B. to make C. making D. made
12. I regret _________ you that you fail the test.
A. to tell B. telling C. tell D. told
13. Is there anything here worth……………?
A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought
14. She regrets _________ some money. He never paid her back.
A. lent B. lend C. to lend D. lending
15. I’ll never forget……………….with you here last year.
A. working B. to work C. work D. worked
16. Remember _________ us a postcard when you get there.
A. send B. sending C. to send D. sent
17. I learnt……………….when I was
A. to drive B. drive C. drove D. driven
18. We don’t allow _________ here.
A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smokes
19. This computer needs _________.
A. repair B. to repair C. repairing D. repaired
20. Jack needs _________ a new computer.
A. to buy B. buy C. buying D. bought

Exercise 7: Choose the best answer for each sentence below.

1. I remember………………the chairs into the living room, but where are they now?
A. to bring B. bring C. bringing D. brought
2. Try…………… It isn’t worth _________.
A. to forget / worrying C. to forget / to worry
B. forgetting / worry D. forget / worrying
3. I asked Mary…………….for a moment.
A. to lend me her pen C. lend me her pen
B. lend to me her pen D. lending her pen to me
4. Ann told him……………….if she was late.
A. not wait for her C. not to wait for her
B. don’t wait for her D. doesn’t wait for her
5. Nancy’s mother told her………….change her plans.
A. not B. doesn’t C. not to D. didn’t
6. Would you mind…………the door?
A. open B. to open C. opening D. opened
7. You should give up…………….or you will die of cancer.
A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoked
8. We regret _________ you that we can’t approve your suggestion.
A. inform B. to inform C. informing D. informed
9. He began…………English two years ago.
A. learn B. learnt C. learning D. learns
10. The machine needs _________.
A. repair B. to repair C. repairing D. repaired
11. The driver stopped _________ a coffee because he felt sleepy.
A. have B. to have C. having D. had
12. Have you ever considered _________ a pharmacist?
A. become B. to become C. becoming D. became
13. I remember…………….my mother say the grass in the garden needed _________.
A. to hear / cutting B. hear / cut C. heard / to cut D. hearing / cutting
14. Would you like……………go out with me?
A. go B. to go C. went D. gone
15. Avoid………………such a mistake again.
A. make B. to make C. making D. made
16. My father wanted me……………..a pilot.
A. become B. becoming C. to become D. became
17. What makes you………….so?
A. do B. did C. done D. doing
18. Mr. Thomas doesn’t allow…………….in his office.
A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoked
19. Mr. Thomas doesn’t let anyone _________ in his office.
A. smoke B. to smokes C. smoking D. smokes
20. My teacher doesn’t allow us……………….while he is explaining the lesson.
A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. talks


1. I started working in this hotel six months ago. (worked)

I have worked in this hotel for six months.
2. Sue has been in Italy for the last three weeks. (went)
Sue went to Italy three weeks ago.
3. I met her during my stay in Paris last summer. (while)
While I was staying in Paris last summer, I met her.
4. We haven't gone to the cinema for over a year. (It's)
It’s over a year since we last went to the cinema.
5. Sam played tennis yesterday and it was his first game. (never)
Sam had never played tennis before yesterday.
6. How long is it since they went to Nairobi? (When)
When did they go to Nairobi?
7. Mac Kenzie wrote four best-sellers before he was twenty. (By the age)
By the age of twenty, Mac Kenzie had written 4 best-sellers.
8. She is still working on her homework. (stopped)
She has not stopped working on her homework.
9. Could you deliver the goods to my house? (delivered)
Could the goods be delivered to my house?
10. In the middle of our dinner there was a knock at the door. (when)
When we were having dinner, there was a knock at the door.
11. He worked out the answer. It was clever of him.
     It was clever for him to work out the answer.
12. Marie always pays her bills regularly. She's careful that way.
     Marie is always careful to pay her bills regularly.
13. He was crossing the road. I caught sight of him.
    I noticed him crossing the road.  
14. When we finally heard that David had arrived, we were very relieved.
    We were relieved to hear that David had arrived.
15. Why have you thrown up your job? You're mad.
     You are mad to throw up your job.  
16. Jimmy got into his car and drove away. I saw this. 
     I saw Jimmy get into his car and drive away.  
17. It is disappointing that we haven't heard from Molly.
     We are dissappointed  not to hear from Molly.
18. Contacting her at work is usually quite easy.
     She is easy to contact at work.  
19. The house shook violently and all of us felt that.
    All of us felt the house shake violently.
20. Can you sign the papers please? They are ready now.
    The papers are ready to be signed now. / the papers are ready for you to sign now.  
21. Don't lend Tom any money. That would be most unwise.
      You are unwise to lend Tom some money. / You are wise not to lend Tom any money.
It’s your wisdom not to lend Tom any money.  
22. Mr. Pinchley doesn’t allow his teenage children to go out in the evenings.
      Mr. Pinchley makes his teenage children not go out in the evenings.  
23. What I want to do is start my own business. I’m keen.
      I am keen on starting my own business.  
24. Harry couldn’t get his parents’ permission to buy a motorbike.
      Harry’s parents didn’t let him buy a motorbike.  
25. We can’t possibly work in this noise.
      It’s noisy for us not to work in this place.
It’s impossible for us to work in this noise.

How long have/ has + S + V3/ed?

How long is it since S + V2/ed?
When did/ was/ were + S + Vo ?

Could be V3/ed
Will have been v3/ed
being V3/ed
to be V3/ed
was /were being V3/ed

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