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Bio notes chapter-14 Homeostasis

-The body will operate at its most efficient only if the conditions within it remains stable.

-As has been showed the kidneys have the important function of keeping the blood PA plasma at a constant

-The tissue fluid bathing themselves is always at a constant concentration and since cell membranes are partially
permeable osmosis will ensure that the organs within the body play a part in maintaining the constant conditions and
are described as organs of homeostasis.

-In order for a constant interval environment to be maintained it is necessary to have receptors aka sensors in the
body capable of detecting when the environment fluctuates too far either side of the required state.

-All homeostatic systems have a mechanism that automatically brings the constant concentration no matter which
side of the optimum the change has occurred this is called negative feedback system.

-After a meal of carbohydrate the blood glucose concentration rises but immediately special cells in the pancreas
islets of Langerhans, Begin to produce the hormone insulin. under the influence of insulin:
~Cells more readily absorbed glucose,
~Soluble glucose is converted in the late liver and the muscle
~cells too insoluble glycogen and stored.

-This Reduces the blood glucose concentration.

-The glucose concentration in the blood falls below the level required for the body to function properly then the eye
lets of Langer hints in the pancreas secret is in the pancreas secret the hormone Glycogen which converts the stored
glycerin in the liver back to glucose and releases it into the blood.

-Diabetes: If the person's islets cells produce insufficient insulin then the levels of glucose in the blood will rise in
children and younger dolls this may happen suddenly and is a symptom of type one diabetes symptoms include:
~glucose is present in the urine
~the patient urinates more frequently the patient becomes thirsty and tired
~weight loss and generally feeling unwell.
-It will include regular injections of insulin the carbohydrate intake must be regulated to match the amount of insulin

-Skin: The skin the skin is the largest organ of the human body it is an important sense organ but also forms the
barrier between the body and the external environment. This is particularly important in the homeostatic process of
temperature regulation.
-This is particularly important in the homeostatic process of temperature regulation.

~When the temperature of the blood rises about 37 C: the sweat glands release more sweat.
2. sweat evaporates and remove the heat from the skin.
Thus more heat is lost to the environment, cooling the blood in allowing the body temperature to return to normal

~When the temperature of the blood falls below 37゚C

1.sweating is greatly reduced
2. the fatty tissues act as an insulator.
Thus the less heat is lost than vitamins allowing metabolic crosses to release energy in the form of heat to bring the
temperature back to normal.

-Shivering if these measures could be proved inadequate, muscles in the Body will start to contract and relax
~A person May take warm drinks to increase the insulating layer of air around the body or by wearing more clothes
to do and do some exercise all of which will help to raise the temperature.
~As a sense organ one of the properties of the skin is to be able to detect temperature. This temperature change is
detected by the temperature receptors in the skin and the impulses are sent to the central nervous system by Sensory
~Changes in the blood temperature are detected by the hypothalamus situated situated on the other side of the brain
this structure is responsible for the coordination of all the temperature control mechanisms.
~ It is essential that the body cells capture the temperature within narrow and set limits, allow enzymes controlling
metabolism to work at the optimum rate.
~the central to this function is the capillary network present in the skin.
-These capillary walls are one Cell wall thick blood vessels that supply capillary with blood are arterioles.

-Vasodilation: When the heat needs to be lost the arterioles in the skin dilate more blood enters the capillary and they
widen accordingly more blood falls to sweat plants in more sweat is extracted from the blood and paused up to the
skin surface to increases evaporation.

-Vasoconstriction: Body temperature falls when the heat needs to be detained the masses in the autumn walls contract
Blood is therefore sent to the capillary the capillary network often has a bypass or a short vessel the blood vessel that
supplies capabilities divides it into 2 and branch leading to the capillary as a ring of muscles in the base. This also
results in less blood passing the sweat plants less sweat is poured onto the skin surface to evaporate and further cool
the skin.

-The body temperature is regulated by negative feedback is shown in figure 14.2 detected by the hyperthylams in the
Tropical responses:
-Plants show sensitivity when the organs grow in a particular direction in response to the stimuli, 2 of 1
of those stimuli are gravity and light.
~This response in which a plant grows towards the away from gravity is known as gravitropism or
~ The response in which a plant grows towards away from the direction of which the lightest coming
is known as phototropism.

-The elongating cells that occur just beyond or behind the region of the cell division are the effect
ourselves and the link between the 2 is the growth of hormones called auxins.

-This oxygen's manufactured at the tip of the shoot or the route in a solution in water pass back to the
growth regions.

-A differential concentration of oxygen causes a differential growth on one side of the shoot or route.

-Auxins have the opposite effect on the rate of growth of cells in the route to the one on cells of the

-In roots they slow down the rate of growth and shoots they speed up the rate of growth.

-Thus the horizontal route closed downwards and the horizontal shoot grows upwards.

-Monocotyledonous plats are often used to demonstrate this effect, since the shoots are covered by the sheath for the
first few days of growth.
-As shown in figure, coleoptile responds to one sided light by growing towards it.
-in shoots, Auxins stimulate the growth of cells, thus those on the darker side grow faster than those on the
illuminated side.

-Long straggly, yellow leaves are said to show a condition called etiolation.

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