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GROUP NUMBER: 90021_159




Stage 1: Enter to E-book/Online Content.

Stage 2: Practice of Topic 2

Stage 3: Practice of Topic 3

Stage 4. Development of topics 5 and 7.
Stage 5: Apply the Future Factual Conditional

1. if I save, I will have money.

2. if I buy a car, I will arrive to work quickly.

3. if she gets good grades, she will pass the school year.

4. if I don´t repair the car, I will not have to walk.

5. if he doesn´t work, he will not have money for the expenses.

6. if I clean the house, will it be clean?

7. if I don´t finish the job, I will not go to the party.

8. if she sleeps early, will she get up early?

9. if he doesn´t travel, I will not know places.

10. if he doesn´t call, I will not be able to go out.

Stage 6: Pre-reading
Phrasal verbs Meaning

Come into Enter a place

Think back Remembering an event or something from the past

Stand up Action that a person performs to show respect or

cordiality when greeting

Take out Action of moving or taking something to another place or


Look up Do whatever it takes to find or find a person or thing

Hand out Give each of the people who make up a group their part of
a certain thing
Stage 7: Apply the phrasal verbs in a text.

1. What activities the students had to develop in the Italian class?

They had to practice vocabulary from the last class, then they used flashcards to practice

spelling and pronunciation, and then the teacher took out some blank guides for them to fill

in with what they had learned.

2. What is the main idea of the text, write with your word? Explain with your own


the teaching that the Italian teacher left to one of her students with the methodology used

and how much it has served her in her daily life.

Stage 8: Apply the phrasal verbs in a text.

My name is Angie, I like to practice basketball, before I warm up, I hydrate very well so as

not to injure myself, the coach tells us, stand up, we must not give up despite the
difficulties, do not think back and always look to the future. There are difficult days and

sometimes I would like to give up, but the coach always tells me to calm down, you are the

best and you can achieve everything you set out to do, so I will continue to enter constantly,

always looking to succeed. Tonight, I will plug in the heater and take a bath before going to

bed, I will call my coach back and thank him for always motivating me and not allowing

me to give up.

Stage 9: Send your feedback

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