Ampaign: The Magazine of The Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament

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Campaign for Nuclear

162 Holloway Rd,
London N7 8DQ
Tel: 020 7700 2393
Fax: 020 7700 2357

Lessons from Fukushima Latest on No Trident replacement
March 26th photos Jeremy Corbyn on the Libya bombing
CND The Lockheed Martin UK census US grassroots report

Clarity and purpose

disbelief at the behaviour of those who only fair way to settle differences. We
either take callous advantage of a situation have seen numerous times how
or are responsible for it. However, these situations change when the military
experiences should also reinforce our takes over. It is civilians who suffer
resolve to build a better future. most. Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan and
The terrible scenes of devastation in now Libya demonstrate the willingness
Japan recall images of Hiroshima and of military blocks such as NATO to use
Nagasaki, while the fight to control the new sophisticated weapons even against
nuclear reactors remind us of Three Mile defenceless people.
Island, Sellafield (Windscale) and And then there are nuclear weapons
Chernobyl. The deaths and destruction in – including Trident and its possible
Libya (also Bahrain, Yemen, Syria) are replacement. We need to question how
echoes of so many times when violence a supposedly civilised society can justify
and war have been used to try and possession of such a destructive force.
Dave Webb, CND Chair resolve a difficult situation. Even Nuclear weapons can indiscriminately
though we cannot do much to prevent kill millions, even billions of people.
IFE always has its challenges, but natural disasters, by understanding the They represent the ultimate insult to

L the events of the last few weeks

have demonstrated strongly that,
despite being inundated with
causes and underlying mechanisms and
employing intelligent and thoughtful
planning we can do so much to lessen
human intelligence and ingenuity
because although you need intelligence
and understanding to build them you
information we have well and truly their impact. have to forget those things and also
entered the ‘unclear age’. In spite of reject normal human feelings of
extensive news coverage, many people are empathy and compassion when
still not sure about the issues that recent threatening to use them.
We must learn from the
events have raised. Should we support past, understand the The arguments being made for
military intervention in Libya? Should we present and work ‘humanitarian intervention’ by western
be for or against nuclear power? Are we governments focus on bombing and
being told the truth? We have all been killing, but they will not only kill the
towards a safe, secure
affected by the events in north Africa and people they were selling weapons to just
and sustainable future
the Middle East and, of course, Japan. So a short while ago. They will also kill
we are covering them in more detail in this Similarly, by learning from past many civilians who get in the way
issue while also remaining focused on experiences we should recognise that because they happen to live near targets.
Trident replacement. bombing and killing do not solve For over 65 years now the Hibakusha
Of course these issues are not problems – we need to understand the (survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki)
unconnected. One common theme causes of conflict and stop feeding the have been demanding another type of
linking them is how we must learn from world with weapons as if that is the humanitarian intervention – ridding the
the past, understand the present and world of nuclear weapons.
work towards a safe, secure and The UK can make a constructive
sustainable future. As always, whether it be Scrap Trident – contribution to their demands by deciding
from the consequences of the earthquake SAVE £100 BILLION not to replace Trident and scrapping
and tsunami, the nuclear disaster or the nuclear weapons altogether. Such a

violence and killing of civilians, our decisive and positive step in such difficult
Government plans to force through devastating
cuts will hit the poorest the hardest,
thoughts and actions are influenced by times would be a fantastic way of sending
destroy the welfare state and
worsen the economic crisis.
sympathy for the victims, admiration for the people of north Africa and Japan a
the survivors and those working to humanitarian message of hope for the
£2.2 B
improve the situation and anger and future they so desperately need.

Scrap Trident. Nuclear weapons are a dead end. CND

Opinions expressed by authors in Campaign are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the policies of CND.


Learning the lessons of Fukushima

The human and environmental nuclear tragedy at the stricken Fukushima site continues to unfold. As
radioactive pollution is dispersed, contaminating air, land and water, there seems little can be done to
mitigate the long-term effects of this disaster, but there is still time for the UK and the world to learn
fundamental lessons, writes Dr Paul Dorfman.

ECENT EVENTS may prove there remain fundamental questions that tighter safety envelope.
R challenging to potential investors in
nuclear capacity in the Middle East. More-
still need to be answered on ‘what if’ issues
such as nuclear fuel supply and
And of course, let’s not omit climate
change impact on nuclear sites. New
over, of the 350 new reactors proposed manufacture, vulnerability to attack, rad- reactors, together with their radioactive
world-wide, 100 are planned for the active waste, radiation risk, decommissioning, waste stores including spent fuel, will be
seismic Pacific ‘ring of fire’ region. And it’s coastal siting, costs and accident liabilities. located on coasts vulnerable to sea-level
worth remembering that until recently the So far, nuclear construction in France rise, flooding, storm surge, and subject to
French nuclear utility company EDF and and Finland has gone dramatically wrong, ‘nuclear islanding’. In contrast, renewable
the French government were considering with huge costs and time overruns. energy supply does not present the kind of
nuclear expansion in Libya. Additionally, our current rad-waste liability high-impact threat that nuclear does, and a
In Europe, political responses have has gone from £50 billion in the mid coherent renewable energy policy future is
been mixed: Germany is looking for a 2000s to £70-80 billion and rising. Add to more than possible.
‘measured exit’ from nuclear power, other this £10+ billion liability for British For people to trust in the governance of
EU countries have announced a temporary Energy’s plants, which are now owned by nuclear risk, the HSE NII review should be
hold. EDF’s Chief Executive takes the EDF, and their decommissioning liability, required to take all evidence in public,
view that new UK reactors will ‘have to go which still falls on the public. involve and include a legitimately broad
ahead’ – maybe because of the £12.4 There are also important safety issues range of experts, and seek out a diverse set
billion EDF has already invested in British regarding the Generation III reactor of views about the viability of new nuclear
Energy’s UK nuclear sites. designs planned for the UK. To gain an build in the UK. If the government is
In the UK, Energy Minister Chris economic competitive edge, these reactors serious about ‘learning the lessons’ from
Huhne has called for Dr. Mike Weightman, would use ‘super-charged’ high burn-up Fukushima, and weighing their impact on
the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) fuel that is significantly more radioactive plans for new nuclear build in the UK, the
Chief Nuclear Inspector, to produce a than conventional spent fuel and performs Nuclear Consultation Group welcomes the
‘thorough report on the implications of the very poorly when subject to abnormal opportunity to work with the HSE review
situation in Japan and the lessons to be conditions so is liable to release a much in an open and transparent way.
learned’. But there’s a catch – in his letter higher content of its fission product  Dr Paul Dorfman is Senior Researcher,
to the HSE, Huhne says he ‘wants to inventory than earlier generation nuclear University of Warwick and Nuclear Consultation
ensure that any lessons learned from Mike designs. All this means that the proposed Group Facilitator. For more information:
Weightman’s report are applied to the reactors will be operating within a much
UK’s new build programme’. Here, Huhne
seems to be pre-empting the HSE review;
despite the core concerns raised by Japan’s
Take Action
nuclear disaster, there will still be a new
UK nuclear build programme. It remains
• Write to Energy Secretary Chris Huhne using our email

to be seen whether the Coalition

tool at asking him to

government and the Nuclear Installations

abandon plans to build new nuclear power stations and

Inspectorate can sweep enough of Japan’s

back a non-nuclear energy policy. Or call the office 020
7700 2393 for a printed letter template.
fallout under their carpets to allow for the
significant new nuclear build planned.
• Email your MP using the online tool at

All this points to the key difference or write asking him/her to sign

between new build rhetoric and the reality

Early Day Motion 1615 calling on the government to

of nuclear risk. Despite years of an

suspend plans for new nuclear power stations, following the
Fukushima disaster.
unending round of public consultations,


Trident replacement: the latest

Although Trident is only occasionally at the very top of the news agenda, it is very much an ongoing
issue, with anti-nuclear campaigners – both inside and outside parliament – being a real thorn in the
flesh for the Ministry of Defence, reports CND General Secretary Kate Hudson.

HE ISSUE is constantly raised both by

T constituents lobbying their MPs and
by MPs – members of Parliamentary
Government plans for weapons reduction
CND asking large numbers of detailed
questions to Ministers. These have an
Current number Planned

important dual function: partly to find out Warheads on each submarine 48 40

what is actually going on behind the scenes
and partly to keep the political pressure up
Missiles on each submarine 16 8

on the government. Given that there are

Warheads in operational deployment 160 120

clearly divisions and tensions within the Overall stockpile 225 180 (by mid 2020s)
coalition on this matter, the more pressure
we can exert the better – and the more
support we can give to those fighting to Protesters get their message
end the wasteful and immoral spending on across on Budget Day
nuclear weapons.
The most significant recent issue has
been the revelation – thanks to a
Greenpeace Freedom of Information
request – that the government is planning
to spend money on buying parts for
building the first submarine, prior to the
decision being taken to go ahead or not
with replacement, in 2016. Further
questioning by Parliamentary CND
members showed that these weren’t just
any old small parts – they included vast
amounts of steel for making the submarine
hull! Since then, anti-nuclear MPs have
been making the point loud and clear that
this planned spending would be without
any parliamentary authorisation.

The time-line
The process of replacing Britain’s nuclear
weapons system is a long one, and the
current debate focuses primarily around
whether or not Britain should build new
submarines to carry the weapons system.
In March 2007, the MoD got the go-ahead
from Parliament to start the design process
off – but not authorisation to carry it on to
build stage. Since 2007, the process has with the so-called Initial Gate, when the work. Initial Gate was supposed to happen
been stuck in the ‘concept’ part of the MoD would move from the concept of in September 2009 but has been
design phase which is supposed to end the submarine to more detailed design repeatedly delayed.


how much are you

spending on

The huge billboard poster in position at the MPs’ exit in Westminster tube station. Left to right: Hywel Williams (Plaid Cymru),
Angus Robertson (SNP), Sheila Gilmore (Labour), Mike Weir (SNP), Michael Connarty (Labour), Elfyn Llwyd (Plaid Cymru), Jonathan
Edwards (Plaid Cymru), Cathy Jamieson (Labour), Angus Macneil (SNP), Tessa Munt (Lib Dem)

In the original time plan, Main Gate – at work – hostile to like-for-like Trident wasn’t reviewed, this was the point
which is when a decision is taken to replacement, and others believe that some where a real cut was made in warheads
actually go ahead with making the subs – people at the top of every party would (see table opposite) and the Main Gate
was scheduled for between 2012 and 2014. rather not replace, but no one wants to be delay was announced.
But now, as announced by the govern- the first to say so! Much of our recent campaigning
ment last autumn, this has been put off But whatever the ostensible reason, against Trident has focused on the cost,
until 2016 – after the next general election. we can be sure that pressure from CND especially in the context of government
The reason for this delay is much members has made an impact: two and spending cuts and building for the recent
debated. Some people insist it makes no a half thousand of us wrote to Liam massive TUC March for the Alternative.
difference – that everything is going Fox using CND’s online email lobby Together we gave out 40,000 Cut Trident
according to plan, and that Trident tool asking for Trident to be included in leaflets prior to the demo, and thousands
replacement is unchallenged. the Strategic Security and Defence more on the demo itself, urging trade
Others see the hand of the Lib Dems Review. Although the overall position union branches to affiliate to CND.
A very clear message has also been sent
to MPs during the recent Budget period.
Take Action Thanks to members’ generosity (1,200 of
you added your names) a huge billboard
Make time now to contact your MP to sign these two new EDMs: has been in a prominent position opposite
the parliamentary Portcullis House
entrance to Westminster tube station for
• EDM 909 (Trident Replacement) currently on 77 signatures, which calls

over two weeks to remind MPs of the

for a Review of Britain’s possession of nuclear weapons;

exorbitant cost of having Trident and how

• EDM 1477 (Trident Submarine Proposals) currently on 27 signatures, which

the money should be spent instead. We

opposes spending on new subs prior to a decision being made. You can do

are making an impact – now’s the time to

this by post or visit our website to use our email lobbying tool.

step it up!

Hundreds of CND members and su
the CND Cut Trident contingent on
Trade Union Congress ‘March for t
anti-cuts demonstration through c
March 26th. The CND stalls there g
interest and we ran out of nearly a
materials we brought. Thank you t
volunteers who helped: one team
thousands of leaflets and hundred
Trident placards and the other we
into the crowds to talk to trade un
response was excellent; at least fif
union branches were keen to affili
day, and we hope many more will
to Vice-President Bruce Kent and h
committed volunteers who kept a
hanging from Waterloo Bridge dir
the demonstration started for mos
upporters joined
n the enormous
the Alternative’
central London on
generated lots of
all of the campaign
to all the brilliant
handed out
ds of our Cut
ent out and about
nionists. The
fty local trade
iate to CND on the
follow. Thanks too
his crew of
huge banner
rectly above where
st of the day.

Why I voted against the attacks on Libya

Jeremy Corbyn MP in parliament because I think the legality same could be said of Egypt, Yemen,
of bombing to enforce a No Fly zone is Bahrain, Saudi Arabia. Libya is slightly
questionable. But I also opposed it different in that under Gadaffi’s
voted for yet
another war on 21st
because it is another intervention in
another country, where the most likely
leadership it has gone from a poor,
partly nomadic, former Italian colony to
March, almost outcome is – sadly – the partition of a relatively industrialised and urbanised
exactly eight years to Libya into a client state in the East and a oil-based economy.
the day after pariah state in the West, with all of the The decision to bomb Libya was
parliament voted to injustice and instability that will bring. presented as a humanitarian
deploy British forces Once again the western nations see intervention following the UN’s
in Iraq. Whilst the solutions to everything in terms of arms imposition of draconian asset freezing
hysteria of the sales and bombing campaigns rather than under Security Council resolution 1970.
Murdoch press was broadly the same, the the real security of social justice and But in reality the bombing campaign is
atmosphere was very different and much respect for human rights. the failure of western powers and the
more restrained. Despite the government The democratic revolutions sweeping UN Security Council to make any real
winning by 550 – 15, many of those in the north Africa and the Middle East affect attempt to bring about an internal
majority had deep reservations, all countries and no leader of an Arab political solution in Libya. Bombing –
particularly about the way in which nation feels confident or secure. The and the inevitable killing of innocent
parliament had been corralled into first uprising in Tunisia was of civilians – is not going to bring peace
endorsing a decision that had already predominantly young and poor people and justice to Libya or help meet and
been made. Britain desperately needs a from the south of the country, who’d sustain the aspirations of the Libyan
War Making Powers Act to give simply had enough of seeing their lives people for freedom and democracy.
parliament the authority and final say in wasted in unemployment and poverty, The fundamental issues require
the deployment of British troops. whilst the leaders of their government political solutions. Yes, they take time,
I opposed the government’s resolution creamed off the nation’s assets. The but there is no quick military fix.

In the news. . .
Reactors on trains cost issues will not decrease in line Sellafield. The visit is prompted by a
Small is beautiful, but maybe not with the size. Norwegian Radiation Protection
when applied to nuclear power. Authority report this January. It
Russian-based international news Chernobyl birds have smaller concludes that a serious accident
channel RT recently reported on brains involving facility B215 which stores
plans by Russian Railways and the Wildlife continues to be affected by around 900 tons of reprocessed
State Atomic Energy Corporation to radiation contamination at Chernobyl. highly-radioactive fuel could result in
develop nuclear-powered trains; so Last year, BBC News described how a fallout over Norway many times
far there are no details about cost or detailed study showed a decline in greater than that resulting from the
safety issues. mammal species in the exclusion zone; Chernobyl disaster. Minister Solheim
according to one of the scientists, ‘The has written to his UK counterpart
Reactors in the English Channel truth is that these radiation Huhne requesting a moratorium on
Meanwhile, in France The Ecologist contamination effects were so large as reprocessing at Sellafield.
discussed studies underway for smaller to be overwhelming.’. This year, the
nuclear power plants to be submerged same scientists reported that the birds Wind cheaper than nuclear
under the sea – perhaps in the English living in that area have 5% smaller The EU’s climate change commissioner
Channel. French anti-nuclear brains than usual. has confirmed what anti-nuclear
campaigners are worried that a serious campaigners have been repeating for
accident with such a reactor could Norwegians concerned about years: that wind power is cheaper than
cause a ‘massive thermal shock that Sellafield safety nuclear power. In particular, the
will destroy sea life’. Concerns are Norwegian news agencies are Guardian reported her belief that the
already being noted that the reporting on their Environment costs of offshore wind power will
seriousness of security, waste and Minister Erik Solheim’s planned visit to continue to decrease.


The census and Lockheed Martin

it cannot be trusted with managing
The world’s largest weapons manufacturer... digital data containing personal records.
The data gathered by the ten-yearly
census is easily the most comprehensive
data set in the UK, and it is used
extensively for various socio-economic
purposes. Following the 2001 census,
6% of households in the UK failed to
comply over submitting their household
information. This meant that about
three million people were ‘uncounted’.
An investigation into this established
that the largest group of people who did
not comply came from minority
communities, some of whom may have
reason to mistrust the state, especially
the US, its government and
Having Lockheed Martin gather
now collecting data for the UK 2011 census census information is hardly likely to
encourage compliance and this will
result in increasingly unreliable census
Dr Geoff Meaden Neither the UK nor US governments data. And one wonders whether the US
will make clear whether information would be happy for a British weapons
OU WILL ALL BE AWARE of gathered by the census falls under the manufacturer and surveillance company
Y the 10-yearly compulsory national
census that is recording a wide range of
American Patriot Act if gathered in part
by a US-owned company, even though
to be collecting their census data!
By contracting Lockheed Martin to
information on every person in every US companies are legally obliged to pass do this work, what is a perfectly
household in the United Kingdom. on to their government any data held by respectable and useful socio-economic
Many readers will also know that the them. Additionally, all information activity may now be perceived as part of
contract to gather the data for this outsourced to the US may be made the security world of intelligence and
census was won by the Lockheed surveillance. There will be a range of
Martin Corporation of Maryland, US, ‘We want to know ethical reasons as to why people may not
who helped with the 2001 census. wish to comply; there is a strong
Lockheed Martin is the world’s largest movement in the UK for investing in
what’s going on
weapons manufacturer: they make Trident ethical companies, and many people here
anytime, any place
nuclear missiles and own a one-third share on the planet’ will not wish to boost the profits of a
in the management of the UK’s Atomic Vice-President, Lockheed Martin weapon’s manufacturing company through
Weapons Establishment, where they are participating in this business venture.
helping to develop the next generation of widely available in that country, not only Thanks to the concern of Geoff Meaden and
Britain’s nuclear weapons. Currently, the for law enforcement purposes, but also others, CND has worked with the Campaign
greatest area of growth for Lockheed to private entities. So we have no legal Against the Arms Trade and Stop the War
Martin is in ‘Intelligence and precedent as to whether, under the Coalition to oppose the awarding of the census
Surveillance’, and as part of this work pretext of national security, this census to Lockheed Martin.
the company has been moving into data information can be acquired by the US
collection. Their Vice-President is on government. The UK Office of  Dr Geoff Meaden is a retired Principal
record as saying, ‘We want to know National Statistics claims that our data Lecturer in Geography from Canterbury Christ
what’s going on anytime, any place on will be safe but the UK government has Church University, with a long-term interest in
the planet’. demonstrated on several occasions that both the UK Census and Kent CND.


Nuclear resistance in the US

Some 30 years ago when she toured the US with other women from the UK to raise awareness of Cruise missiles,
Rae Street was impressed by the number and variety of US anti-nuclear and peace groups. At the end of the Cold
War support for many anti-nuclear groups diminished yet they kept going and are now as strong as ever.

NE of the main features of the peace activists have kept up their non-
‘O US peace movement is that, as
well as the massive federal-wide coalition
violent resistance ever since.
The Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor is
organisations such as Peace Action and located 20 miles west of Seattle; it is a vast
United for Peace and Justice, there’s a depot, housing more than 2,000 nuclear
plethora of diverse anti-nuclear and warheads. The US currently deploys 14
peace groups, many of them local to Trident-carrying submarines and eight are
their state or city. now based at Bangor. The Bangor-based
The Nuclear Resister, is a pan- submarines operate near Middle East or
American network organised from Asian targets and could launch their
Tucson, Arizona. Along with Nuke Watch weapons in secrecy at any moment (the
in Wisconsin and the Oak Ridge Environ- home port for the Trident-carrying
mental Peace Alliance they celebrated 30 submarines has been moved from the US
years of anti-nuclear resistance last east coast to the west coast, clearly there
summer. Nuke Watch, based in Wisconsin, are no prizes for working out the political
produces a quarterly newsletter of news reasons behind that).
and information on nuclear weapons, The Trident II D-5 missile has a range
nuclear power, waste and non-violent of 4,600 miles and can carry up to eight
resistance. The Nuclear Resister and Nuke independently-targetable warheads
Watch are a mine of information on the (although the US subs normally carry half
US missiles and their warheads and over that number), either the W76 (100
the years these groups have helped kilotons) or the W88 (475 kilotons) which
maintain essential awareness of the vast US are both many times more powerful than
nuclear weapons programme. the bomb dropped on Hiroshima (approx
The campaigns currently being 15 kilotons). The Bangor base currently
supported include: actions by groups at the houses more nuclear warheads than the
Lockheed Martin Sunnyvale California UK, France, China, Israel, India and
Missile Center and a Sacred Peace Walk of Pakistan combined.
65 miles from Las Vegas to the Nevada The key challenge the courageous and
National Security Site (formerly the steadfast groups face is in building essential
Nevada Test Site). links with the US trade unions/labor
This is a very brief snapshot of current organisations which are now protesting so
anti-nuclear resistance in the US. However, strongly about a range of injustices.
for UK activists working to oppose the However, the huge grassroots protests in
UK’s Trident nuclear weapons system, the Wisconsin and other states give cause for
Ground Zero Center for Non-violent hope. What I am sure about is that without
Action, launched in 1977, at Bangor on the these groups and hundreds of other small
US west coast in Washington State is of peace groups and individuals in the US, the
much interest. anti-nuclear struggle would be much
The first US Trident missile-carrying harder. We need to support them and we
submarine, the USS Ohio, arrived at the need their voices to be heard in the UK
Bangor naval base in 1982. Then the and European media.’
warheads began to arrive on rail cars from  Rae Street is a CND National Council
the Pantex assembly plant in Texas. The member and former CND Vice-Chair
determined band of Ground Zero Center (International)
Grassroots protests in the US are key in
taking the anti-nuclear struggle forward

Muriel’s Grapevine

T here was a great response

from CND groups to the new Cut
Trident leaflets advertising the TUC
demonstration and they were distributed
far and wide, no doubt adding to the
significant numbers at the demonstration.
Rochdale & Littleborough Peace
Group gave out hundreds of the leaflets
and gained many signatures for the petition
when they joined trade unionists, students
and other campaigners on the ‘Northern
Towns Against the Cuts’ rally in Halifax.
Chester CND members too managed to
collect over 70 signatures for the petition in
just an hour and a half on their stall in the
city one weekend.
East Midlands CND sent an open
letter to all local voluntary, youth and
political organisations calling for a dialogue
on how to raise public awareness of the
crucial issues of peace and conflict
resolution in the current climate. As a
result, Chesterfield CND was invited to
debate the subject with the North East
Derbyshire Cooperative Party and so
Milly Carver and her mother Kirsty give out leaflets in Halifax

members organised a public meeting and answer session with CND General
jointly with Chesterfield Society of Secretary Kate Hudson.
Friends, including a showing of the I will briefly mention the great success
‘Beating the Bomb’ film in February. of Bristol CND’s ‘Chance of a Lifetime’
Leicester CND arranged for a screening film competition for young people (more
of the film too attracting a good turnout in the next issue!). The group reported that
of around forty people. Their showing they were sent some excellent short films.
was followed by a stimulating question The winning ones were shown not only at
the prize-giving ceremony as part of the
‘FreshFlix 2010’ event presented by
Encounters Film Festival and Watershed
centre, Bristol, but also at the British Film
Phone, broadband & mobile

Institute’s ‘We The Peoples Film Festival’

at Southbank, London three days later.
services Croydon CND is undertaking an
intensive member-recruitment campaign.
band and mobile rence
e, broad a diffe
Get phon coms supplier with
from a tele
ame time If you know anyone living or working in
the area who might be interested in joining
at the s
port CND
their group, ask them to email Jim at
...and sup or visit the website
a £10 cred
w ill give you
Please don’t forget to send me
rt er, w e ill go
suppo r spend w
As a CND 6% of you nt work
t bill AND
interesting details of your events and
on your firs
nti n ue th eir excelle
help them
activities to include in the magazine.
to CND to

Call: 0845 458 9040

QUOTE: ‘CND’ and AF0267

What’s on

Diary the Movement for the

Abolition of War in
22ND-25TH APRIL I Affirm ….. association with the
Sizewell Camp 2011: share Imperial War Museum and
skills, network, and protest George Farebrother, World Court Project UK the International Peace
at the Sizewell nuclear Bureau. Includes a
As CND members, you are well aware that nuclear
power plant where new weapons violate everything we stand for. They are performance of the play
nuclear build is planned. engines of extermination – indiscriminate and totally 'Stone Tales' by Alexandra
Join the public meeting, unpredictable. Carey, and two film
workshops and Chernobyl showings: 'John Bright and
We are not alone. The 2010 NPT Review Conference
Remembrance event. the Angel of Death'
 Organised by the Stop
unanimously stressed the ‘catastrophic humanitarian
introduced by the director,
consequences of any use of nuclear weapons’.
Nuclear Power Network, for Nicholas Wilding and 'Carry
more information email But Britain and the other nuclear-armed states have Greenham Home', directed weapons which they could never legally use. Now, by Beeban Kidron.
 Use the insert enclosed
you can affirm your belief that any use of nuclear
or see their website at
weapons would be a War Crime: sign an Affirmation with this magazine or
online by going to www.nuclearweapons- or write to 67 Summerheath Rd, register at
26TH APRIL Hailsham BN27 3DR or call 01323 844 269 for a
‘Remembering Chernobyl: paper Affirmation.
Nuclear Power is Not the 15-16TH OCTOBER 2011
Our Affirmations will support the outlawing of nuclear
Answer’ public meeting CND Annual Conference
weapons and demonstrate the Public Conscience in
organised by CND and and AGM, University of
action, which informs International Humanitarian Law.
Medact, 6-7.30pm in the Bradford, Yorkshire. Make
Grimond Room, Portcullis This coalition can push for an agreement that nuclear this a date in your diary!
House, Parliament. Marking weapons must never be used and state that they More details to follow in
the 25th anniversary of the would view any use as criminal. When the global drive the next issue.
towards a convention banning nuclear weapons
Chernobyl disaster this
becomes irresistible,the nuclear-armed states will have
meeting also considers the
no choice but to be drawn in.
Peace Camps
implications of the ALDERMASTON WOMEN’S
Fukushima disaster for Please contact us if you would like a speaker about PEACE CAMP
Britain’s nuclear policy and the Affirmations for your CND group. Second weekend of every
looks at the sustainable month.
energy alternatives. Hosted tel: 07969 739 812
by Caroline Lucas MP with to include CND General country to remember the
speakers including Michael Secretary Kate Hudson and terrible Chernobyl accident,
Meacher MP (former Linda Walker from the particularly in light of the
Environment Minister), Chernobyl Children’s ongoing Fukushima FASLANE PEACE CAMP
Professor Dillwyn Williams Project (UK). disaster. See if your local or Permanent. A814,
(University of Cambridge),  More info: London Region regional CND or anti- Shandon, Helensburgh
and Dr Paul Dorfman (read CND 020 7607 2302. nuclear power group is Dumbartonshire G84 8NT
his article on page 3). planning an event you can tel: 01436 820901
N.B These are just two of join or think about faslanepeacecamp@hotmail.
26TH APRIL the many events being organising your own. com
Chernobyl Day vigil from organised around the
4.30pm-6.00pm, organised 13-14TH MAY MENWITH HILL WOMEN’S
by London Region CND. ‘Annual Peace History PEACE CAMP
Join this special vigil outside Conference: Pioneers and Contact Yorkshire CND for
parliament directly before Prophets’ at the Imperial details. Call 01274 730795
the public meeting in War Museum, Lambeth Rd, or email
Parliament above. Speakers London SE1 organised by

Campaign is printed on 100% recycled paper 12

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