There Is A Beautiful Cat in My Friend's Home.: It's Best ( It Is Wise) To Get To The Supermarket Early

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Watch out - he's in a bad mood (= being unpleasant to everyone) .

She's just a bad loser (= She is unpleasant when she loses)

This is rather a bad (= not convenient or suitable) time for me to talk.
Breathing in other people's cigarette smoke is bad for you (= has a harmful effect on your health) .

There is a beautiful bird in the cage.

She is a very beautiful woman.
It's a very beautiful place in the summertime.
She's beautiful. I'm nuts about her.
There is a beautiful cat in my friend’s home.
This is the flamingo. It is a big beautiful bird. They are very noisy.

This is the best meal

Are you sure this is the best way of doing it?
She is my best friend.
It's best (= It is wise) to get to the supermarket early.

It is better to be alone than in ill company.

Fresh vegetables are better for you (= more beneficial to you).
A good fame is better than a good face.

He's a big man.

The world is big and life is short. Live the life the way you want.
He is big, blond, assertive and aggressive.
The pie is big enough now to make everyone happy.
This place is big, busy and very noisy.
These are big comfortable armchairs.

Voters are bored with politicians warming over old policies.

We are bored with his endless talk.
Small children wriggle in their seats when they are bored.
He is bored and needs a little spice in his life.
He is bored of his present study on the academic curriculum.

The work is boring, but he's cheerful and uncomplaining.

This party is boring.
His performance is boring.

'Are you busy?' 'Not very.'

He is busy with his writing/ friends.
He is busy preparing for the examination.
The technician is busy repairing the machine.
I'm sorry, the line is busy .
Mr Hammad is busy with a customer at the moment.
James is busy practising for the school concert.
I'm afraid the doctor is busy at the moment.
Housewives are busy doing Eid shopping.
The committee are busy laying down a general policy.
We are busy packing for a journey.
Doctors are busy people.
If the phone lines are busy, please try again later.
The kids are busy with their homework.

Personal computers are cheap.

Calls are cheap rate after 6 p.m.
A bicycle is cheap to run.
This method is cheap, efficient and accurate.

The dawing-room is clean.

This hospital is spotlessly (= extremely) clean.
His clothes are all neatly (=in a tidy way) folded in their drawers.
Her home is spotless.

It is clever of you to do so.

Atif is clever, but not dishonest.
The boy is clever and study hard, but he often make mistake because of his incaution.
My brother is clever at dealing with business. (=having or showing the ability to learn and understand
things quickly and easily )
Sara is clever at arithmetic.
1 displaying sharp intelligence or mental alertness
My mother is very clever (=skilfull) with her hands.
Alina is clever with his pen.

(=near) Most urban areas are close to a park.

There aren’t many people at the funeral - just close family/relatives .
None of us are close friends but we all share an interest in sport.
This is our son Raja.
Your family circle are your close relations.

=describes people who know each other very well and like each other a lot, or who see and talk to each other a
She is very close to her father
Mira is one of my closest friends .
Her relationship isn't good with her father, but she's very close to her mother.
This subject is very close to my heart.
There is no kinship between them, but they two are very close.

The youngest boys are so close in age they look like twins.

He's so close about his past , I think he is hiding something from us.
Make sure all the windows are closed.
Most hotels are closed in the off-season.
The shops are closed tomorrow because it is a bank holiday.

(=at a low temperature )

My feet are so cold.
It's freezing cold today.
Take warm clothes in case the weather is cold.

Is cold meat and salad OK for lunch?

The room is cold, poke the fire up a little.
Your coffee is cold .

She is cold to her husband.
He is a cold fish. (tanha pasand shaks)
We know nothing about the new neighbour; he is a cold fish.
He never help the others, he is a cold fish.

(=with little or no light )

It is dark outside .
It is too dark to see properly.
Her hair is dark brown like mine.
She is dark in complexion.
The meat of these wild birds is dark and rich compared to that of domestic ducks. (rich=contains a
large amount of oil, butter, eggs or cream )

Both the attackers are dark skinned and of average build.

(=loved or liked very much )

She is a very dear friend.
He is very dear to me.

Fruit is dear at this time of year.
This process is costly.

There are different categories of books in the library.

Ice and snow are different forms of the same substance, water.
Chairs, stools, sofas and benches are different types of seat.
Your trains are different from/than ours.
Their tastes are different from mine.
Emily is very/completely/entirely different from her sister.
There are many different types/kinds of bacteria.
My opinion is different from yours.
It is very difficult to prove that they are guilty.
He is difficult to deal with.
This meat is difficult to chew.
All things are difficult before they are easy. Thomas Fuller
The duties of the post are difficult to define.
Scuff* marks from shoes are difficult to remove.
(=a mark on the surface of something where it has been rubbed against something rough)
Avoid heavy foods that are difficult to digest.
This game is difficult to understand/ play.
The mixture contains some ingredients that are difficult to find.
It is difficult to fully assess* the damage. (= andaza lagana, qemt lgana)
It is difficult to discern* the truth.(Jan lena, malom krna, frq nikalna)
It is difficult to cajole* him into consent**. (khushamad krna ,chaplosi krna, **agreement,
permission )
The market situation is difficult to evaluate*. (Daam malom krna)
New computer hardware and software are not difficult to understand.
A stupid fellow is difficult to teach.
It is difficult to define* the border between love and friendship.(had bndi, waze)

The early bird catches the worm.

Two players are injured early in the season.
Here's a dish I prepared earlier (= I made a short time ago) .

It is easy to learn something about everything, but difficult to learn everything about anything.
To deceive oneself is very easy.
The shower is easy to install.
The baby fish are easy prey for birds.
The shelves are easy to assemble.

He is excited and enthusiastic.

The novel is exciting from beginning to end.

Life in L.A./ New York is exciting.
There are exciting developments taking place in Karachi.
There are exciting adventure sports, such as the rope down, fly, flying skateboards (Kite
boarding), shark diving, etc. concept.
Mountain climbing is exciting .

It is expensive to travel by plane.

Accommodation is expensive in this city.
The best grades of tea are expensive.
Big houses are expensive to maintain.
Rolls Royces are very expensive.
But high-speed cache memory is expensive.
The drawback with the C64 is that it is expensive at about £150.

The French are famous for their cooking.

The hotel is famous for its entertainment.
This town is famous for its beautiful buildings.
This city is famous for its apples.
The palace is famous for its 17th-century painted ceilings.
She is famous as a writer.
The hotel is famous for its suppers.
New York is famous for its skyscrapers. (a very tall modern building, usually in a city )
Marie Curie/ Abdul Qadeer Khan is famous for her contribution to science.
Karachi is famous for Rich history, food, people, Architecture diversity, Altaf bhai, Art
on wheels, beaches, its flea market,

people are fat for different reasons

There is big money in golf for the top players.

The cherna island is favorite holiday destination.

Malls and major highways are favorite spots.

"Are you all right?" "Everything's just fine, thanks."
This building is the finest example of its type.
These are one of the world's finest collections of vintage cars*(=made in 1919 and 1930 )
Glenn McGrath, arguably is currently the world's finest fast bowler.
The water is fine once you're in!
I'm not very hungry a small snack is fine for me.

It's not funny - don't laugh!

She's a funny girl (= she is strange and difficult to understand) .

It's good for students to puzzle things out for themselves.

. It's good to see all my teachers and friends again.
It's good to have your own room.
Drink your medicine up—it's good for you.

It 's so good to see you after all this time!

Kate's a good cook.
She's very good at Geography.
She's very good with children .

(=kind or helpful )
He is a good friend
It 's good of you to offer to help.

He's very good to his mother.

It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open.

It is easy to learn something about everything, but difficult to learn everything about anything.
It is easy to find excuses for his indecisiveness* .( the state of being unable to make a choice)
‫ہیچکچاہَٹ ۔ تلون ۔ بے اِستقاللی‬
It is easy to criticize others when you have the benefit of hindsight. ( the ability to understand an
event or situation only after it has happened ‫۔‬ ‫)پس اندشی ۔ سمجھ ۔ بصیرت و فہم‬
It is easy to believe that money brings happiness.

It 's great to see you after all this time!

Her greatness as a writer is unquestioned. ‫)جس پر کوئی شبہ نہ ہو ۔‬

This juice is great for athletes.

You are a great teacher.
Hassan's a great friend of mine.

Are you happy about/with (= satisfied with) your new working arrangements?
Are you happy with your new car?
I'm so happy with you in this starry* night. (‫)ستاروں سے بھرا ہوا ۔‬
I'm not happy with this way of working.
Are you happy with that arrangement?
I'm not happy with the situation but, you know, there isn't much I can do about it.

Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of.

It is hard to please all.
A faithful friend is hard to find.
The ice is hard enough to skate on.
It is hard to find an appropriate dress for me.(‫) مناسب‬
The stone is hard to the touch.
Acrobatics* is hard to learn but beautiful to watch. (rope wala game, jismani chabukdsti ka khel)
It is hard to think abstractedly in these conditions. (‫)دھن میں ۔ انہماک میں ۔ محویت کے عالم میں ۔‬
Poverty and love are hard to hide.
All five men are hard workers.
Jobs are hard to find but in his case that's not the problem because he has so much experience.
Our lives are hard, but theirs are miserable*. (‫کستہ حالی ۔ بے کَسی ۔‬ِ ‫)ش‬
Good FRIENDS are hard to find harder to leave and impossible to forget.
You are hard to please.
Don't be too hard* on him - he's new to the job. (treat them severely‫) ۔ سختی سے ۔‬

Summers are hot, with monthly averages above 22?C.

Mind out. The plates are hot.
It's too hot in here, turn on the AC please..
She's hot alright.
I'm hot for you, baby.
He's the hot favourite to win the election./race/competition.

Both parties are hungry for power.

My children are hungry, I need a job.
If you are hungry, then fine: consider what you really crave.
When they are hungry, they look for food; when they are tired, they rest.
Needless to say it is difficult to do work when you are hungry.
When our cat is hungry, she starts clawing at my legs.

Qualifications are important but practical experience is always an advantage.

Many factors(‫۔ اہم جز‬-‫ ) عنصر‬are important, for example class, gender, age and ethnicity.( ‫نسلی‬
I think his career* is more important to him than I am. ( ‫)روش ۔ معاش‬
Your interest and support are important to your child. (‫سہارن دلچسپی‬,‫) راغب‬
The important thing is to keep the heat low or the sugar will burn.
He's not amazingly handsome, but he's nice and that's more important.
These are important questions, and we want answers to them.
These statistics* are important from an ecological point of view. (‫اجسام ۔ علم توازن قوت ۔‬ ‫علم سکون و‬
In love the other is important; in lust* you are important. Osho (‫) ہوائے نفس ۔ شہوت ۔‬
The thing that is important is the thing that is not seen.
It is important to get even the small details right.
It is important to have a balanced, healthy diet .
It is important to develop good study skills.
It is important to take precise measurements of the structure.
It is important for you to do that.
It is important to define these terms* accurately. (‫)مدت معینہ ۔‬
It is important to cite* examples to support your argument. (‫) حوالہ دینا‬
It is important to keep/stay calm* in an emergency. (‫) تسلی دینا ۔ سکون‬
Recycling is important to help protect our environment.

It is always interesting to hear other people's point of view.

She's quite an interesting woman.
It is interesting to compare* their situation and ours. (‫کرنا ۔ مقابلہ کرنا ۔‬ ‫)۔ جانچنا ۔ موازنہ‬
It is interesting to discover which are the ants' favourite foods.
Some parts of the book are interesting.
His ideas are interesting, but they're rather shapeless*. (‫)بد وضع ۔‬
The stories are interesting to listen to.
Reports to date are interesting.

It is the last week.

We are late .
You are late again. (‫)دیر میں ۔ دیر سے‬
Hurry up. Tie up your shoelaces; we are late.

The walls are light in colour and covered in paper.

The new offices are light and airy.
The bedrooms are light and airy, with pleasant views from their balconies.
Their legs and feet are light brown.
New personal computers are light enough to carry with one hand.
The CD player is light enough to carry around in your pocket.
This coat is light but very warm.
He is light haired with gray eyes.
The kitchen is light and airy, with a fantastic view.

There is little traffic on this road.

He is little known as an artist.
The taste is only slightly bitter, and there is little odour.
Great talkers are little doers.
Such books are little accounted* of nowadays. (‫)شمار‬

The leaves are long and almost oval.

Such lists are long and tedious* to read. (‫۔‬
‫)بھاری ۔ گراں ۔ اکتانے واال‬
The work is arduous* and the hours are long. (‫)دشوار ۔ کھٹن ۔‬
Daylight hours are long in midsummer.
If your hair is long, apply conditioner to the older, dryer ends only.
Is it really your car or are you pulling my leg?

(of a person) annoyingly proud of their intelligence or skill, and liable to overreach themselves.
She was too clever by half - always correcting the teacher or coming back with a smart answer.

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