Revisiting "Is The Scientific Paper A Fraud?"

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Science & Society

Revisiting “Is the scientific paper a fraud?”

The way textbooks and scientific research articles are being used to teach undergraduate students could
convey a misleading image of scientific research

Susan M Howitt1 & Anna N Wilson2

n 1963, Peter Medawar gave a talk, Is actual process of discovery had been messy, both the process of discovery and the
the scientific paper a fraud?, in which he a good paper presents a logical argument, thought that preceded it.
argued that scientific journal articles provides supporting evidence, and comes

give a false impression of the real process of to a conclusion. The reader usually does case in point is the discovery of the
scientific discovery [1]. In answering his not need or want to know about false double helical structure of DNA by
question, he argued that, “The scientific starts, failed experiments, and changes of James Watson and Francis Crick.
paper in its orthodox form does embody a direction. Their Nature paper reporting the discovery
totally mistaken conception, even a travesty, This approach to scientific communica- is famous for its elegance and brevity [2]. A
of the nature of scientific thought.” His main tion has implications for teaching undergrad- typical textbook account mentions that
concern was that the highly formalized uates the nature and practice of science as it Watson and Crick used models to generate
structure gives only a sanitized version of creates a completely wrong impression of the double helix structure accommodating
how scientists come to a conclusion and that how science actually works and perpetuates a complementary base pairs. It usually also
it leaves no room for authors to discuss stereotype of scientists as logical and rational mentions the X-ray data of Rosalind Franklin
the thought processes that led to the beings, doggedly adhering to the scientific and Maurice Wilkins but says little beyond
experiments. method. Students may confuse the presenta- this. As with a scientific paper, this is a
Medawar explained that papers were tion of a logical argument with an accurate question of purpose; students read textbooks
presented to appear as if the scientists had representation of what was actually done. to “learn facts,” rather than to learn about
no pre-conceived expectations about the This leads to a view of science that is scientific discovery.
outcome and that they followed an inductive unrealistic and may even be damaging as it As Watson’s book, The Double Helix [3],
process in a logical fashion. In fact, scien- implies that failure, serendipity, and unex- makes clear, the actual process of discovery
tists do have expectations and their observa- pected results are not a normal part of was anything but straightforward. In fact,
tions and analysis are made in light of those research. Watson says in the preface that his reason
expectations. Although today’s scientific
papers are increasingly presented as being
...................................................... for writing the book was because he was
concerned about the general public’s impres-
hypothesis-driven, the underlying thought
processes remain hidden; scientists appear
“Students may confuse the sion of scientific progress: “There remains
general ignorance about how science is
to follow a logical and deductive process to
presentation of a logical argu-
‘done’. That is not to say that all science is
test their idea and the results of these tests ment with an accurate repre- done in the manner described here. This is
lead them to support or reject the hypothesis. sentation of what was actually far from the case, for styles of scientific
However, even the trend toward more done” research vary almost as much as human
explicit framing of a hypothesis is often
...................................................... personalities. On the other hand, I do not
misleading, as hypotheses may be framed believe that the way DNA came out consti-
to explain a set of observations post hoc, Textbooks further reinforce this view. tutes an odd exception to a scientific world
suggesting a linear process that does not They typically present a discovery as having complicated by the contradictory pulls of
describe the actual discovery. been made by a single scientist, or small ambition and the sense of fair play.”
group of scientists, with little explanation of By way of example, two crucial mistakes

here is, of course, a good reason why the fact that these scientists were building were made during the discovery. The first
the scientific paper is highly formal- on the work of others. In addition, the resulted from Watson misunderstanding the
ized and structured. Its purpose is to discovery is often presented as apparently X-ray data, which he described as a humili-
communicate a finding and it is important to logically emerging from a crucial experiment ating experience when he presented an
do this as clearly as possible. Even if the or observation. This completely conceals incorrect model, with the bases on the

1 Research School of Biology, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

2 Faculty of Education, Science, Technology and Mathematics, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia. E-mail:
DOI 10.1002/embr.201338302 | Published online 10 April 2014

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EMBO reports Is the scientific paper a fraud? Susan M Howitt & Anna N Wilson


Ancient World 500 BC Hippocrates of Kos (c. 460 – c. 370 BC)

Philosophers teach at their own Greek physician with revolutionary ideas about disease
schools and their students carry the and medicine. Hippocrates passed on his teachings orally
knowledge far and wide, spreading it Scrolls or 500 AD and in written treatises. His students added to and
orally, or writing it down in Greek. ancient texts Letter spread his ideas far and wide after training at his school.
Later, the Roman Empire spreads this writing
knowledge further, often translating
Greek texts into Latin. 1000 AD

Early Middle Ages Alcuin of York (c. 735 – 804 AD)

Most teaching is done at religious schools. Published
Knowledge is passed on orally and books ks are books English, Roman Catholic scholar at the Carolingian court
hand-written, copied by monks. Sciencee is not of Charlemagne. Alcuin taught in Catholic schools and at
high on the agenda, except where needed edd to
t 1250 AD court, where he ensured that books and manuscripts
determine the exact date of Easter or thehe time of were copied in an accurate and legible fashion. He also
he wealthy.
day for prayer. Education is limited to the wrote letters to friends and peers to explain his
theological and philosophical ideas.

The Renaissance
The first un
universities are founded to provide an
1500 AD iinfrastructure
f for teaching and research. Scientific
advances area made, building on the work of Byzantine
and Islamic scholars. Education is still limited to the
wealthy. Scientific
Sc societies begin to form for intellectuals
Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642) to present and
a discuss their ideas.
Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer and
philosopher. Originally studied medicine at the University
of Pisa, Italy, but did not graduate. Galileo championed the
heliocentric view of the Solar System against the opinion
of his peers and the Roman Catholic Church. He wrote
books, essays and letters putting forward his views and Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727)
presented them at royal courts and scientific societies. English physicist and mathematician; widely regarded
as one of the most influential scientists of all time.
The Enlightenment Attended and then taught at Cambridge University, UK.
He published books and manuscripts explaining his
The first scientific journals are founded by scientific ideas, wrote letters commenting on the ideas of others
societies to formally publish the presentations made by and exploring his own, and presented his research at
their members. Ancient Greek texts are rediscovered
and spark new advances that often overthrow the
1750 AD meetings of the Royal Society in London.

knowledge of the time. Important scientific ideas are Scientific

still mainly communicated verbally, or in letters and journals
books, but the invention of the printing press has made
books more widely available.

The 19th Century

Scientific journals are becoming the main method of
communicating new knowledge to the scientific community.
Gregor Mendel (1822 – 1884) Although scientists still correspond in letters and present
German-speaking Silesian scientist who demonstrated
ideas at scientific meetings, more and more are beginning
genetic inheritance in peas. Studied at the University of
to then publish their major ideas formally in journals rather
Olomouc, Czech Republic, before training as a priest and
than books or self-published manuscripts.
later studying at the University of Vienna, Austria.
Mendel presented his ideas at meetings of scientific
societies and published them in German-language
scientific journals.

The 20th Century

hed in scientific
All scientific discoveries are now published
blished and
journals. Formalized peer-review is established
publication in journals has become the measure of a
scientist’s work. The scientific paper hass become a highly
James Watson & Francis Crick (1953)
English biologists who discovered the double-helix
nternet in the
stylized document. The invention of the Internet
structure of DNA. Both worked and taught at Cambridge
cles to be
late 20th century now allows journal articles
University, UK. They presented their work at scientific
ents worldwide.
instantly available to scientists and students
meetings and published their research in scientific
ring of data and
The Internet also facilitates informal sharing
journals and would continue to do so throughout their
ideas between scientists.
careers. However, they have both written books to tell the
2000 AD full stories of their discoveries that cannot be captured in
scientific journals.

482 EMBO reports Vol 15 | No 5 | 2014 ª 2014 The Authors

Susan M Howitt & Anna N Wilson Is the scientific paper a fraud? EMBO reports

outside, to Franklin and Wilkins. The other different accounts have different purposes experiments or observations. This does not
mistake was made by Linus Pauling, who and audiences. The problem arises because imply a relativist position: scientific progress
published a triple helix structure with the undergraduates are more likely to read text- is ultimately based on evidence, but it is a
bases on the outside, having inexplicably books and papers during their education community decision whether or not the
neglected some basic chemistry. In both than autobiographies. It is possible to go evidence is sufficient to accept a new
cases, it was feedback from others, owing to through a complete science degree reading hypothesis.
formal and informal interactions within the nothing else than the sanitized view of It is therefore important to distinguish
scientific community, that corrected these science. This is especially true when between the individual scientist and the
mistakes. Furthermore, the base structures students are introduced to journal articles community. While science attains objectivity
Watson was using—taken from a textbook early in their degree, either as models for through continuous assessment, scrutiny,
—showed tautomeric forms that would not how to write laboratory reports or to intro- and reproducing results, individual scientists
have formed complementary base pairs. duce cutting-edge research well before they are not necessarily objective. As Stephen Jay
This error was only corrected because experience the reality of research. Gould commented [9], “[. . .] we scientists
Watson shared an office with a chemist, are no different from anyone else. We are
Jerry Donohue, who saw what Watson was
...................................................... passionate human beings, enmeshed in a
working on and provided the correct tauto-
meric structures [3], a crucial piece of luck.
“It is possible to go through a web of personal and social circumstances.
Our field does recognize canons of proce-
This presents a completely different view
complete science degree read- dure designed to give nature the long shot of
than that presented in either a standard text- ing nothing else than the sani- asserting herself in the face of such biases,
book or Watson and Crick’s Nature paper. It tized view of science” but unless scientists understand their hopes
shows science as an activity whereby ideas ...................................................... and engage in vigorous self-scrutiny, they
are tried out, discussed, and modified and will not be able to sort out unacknowledged
where mistakes are all too common. It rein- As undergraduates view science largely preference from nature’s weak and imperfect
forces the views expressed by Ernst Mayr through textbooks and papers, it is not message.”
[4], “All interpretations made by a scientist surprising that many stick to a stereotypical
are hypotheses, and all hypotheses are tenta- view of scientists and scientific research. In
tive. They must forever be tested and they fact, the literature on students’ conceptions “The belief that the scientific
must be revised if found to be unsatisfac- of the nature of science bemoans the fact method is a clearly defined
tory. Hence, a change of mind in a scientist, that these naı̈ve conceptions are very hard
and particularly in a great scientist, is not to change. In his 1992 review of research in
series of steps is particularly
only not a sign of weakness but rather this area, Norman Lederman traces the resistant to change, even after
evidence for continuing attention to the desire to improve students’ understanding of students experience the reality
respective problem and an ability to test the the nature of science as far back as 1907 and of research”
hypothesis again and again.” discusses the lack of success [6]; his 2007
review of the subsequent literature comes to

s practicing scientists, we know that nearly identical conclusions [7], suggesting One needs only to look at the history of
many of our ideas, experiments, and that little progress has been made. The belief science to see that it is fraught with argu-
results will never be published: trou- that the scientific method is a clearly defined ments and changing perspectives. Scientists
bleshooting and optimization become unim- series of steps is particularly resistant to are individuals and have different levels of
portant the moment the problem is solved; change, even after students experience the tolerance for new ideas, different standards
negative results and false directions are reality of research [8]. by which they evaluate evidence, and differ-
rarely reported; much data that is collected ent levels of awareness of their own biases.

is simply uninteresting. A crucial aspect of cience is a social activity and we do Part of Peter Medawar’s problem with the
science is trying out new ideas, using imagi- students a disservice if we maintain scientific paper was that it presents a spuri-
nation and remaining open to the unex- that it is only about facts and objec- ous objectivity at the level of the individual.
pected. Many of us subscribe to Max tive truths. While individual scientists make

Delbrück’s principle of limited sloppiness personal judgments about their research and nderstanding the difference between
[5], “If you are too sloppy, you never get what they publish, the ultimate arbiter of active science and communicating
any reproducible results and you can never the value of research is the scientific science matters, because of the
draw any conclusions, but if you are just a community. A discovery will be accepted important role of science in modern socie-
little bit sloppy, then when you see some- only if the evidence is sufficient to persuade ties. We increasingly depend on science and
thing startling you say, ‘Oh my God, what the larger community, and this may not technology to address societal problems,
did I do, what did I do different this time?’ happen immediately. Evidence is always and we need some scientific literacy to
and if you really accidentally varied just one subject to interpretation and interpretations develop informed opinions on issues such as
parameter, you nail it down.” change in light of new information. An global warming, medical research, or geneti-
The contrast between The Double Helix, individual scientist therefore has to convince cally modified organisms. An important
the Nature paper, and the textbooks is not his or her peers that a hypothesis is right, aspect is the ability to use judgment. If
problematic in themselves, because these rather than simply presenting results from science is seen as a completely objective

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enterprise, there is no need for judgment espite repeated calls to adapt science Doing science and communicating science
because “the facts speak for themselves.” education at both secondary and are quite different things; in the fifty years
However, scientists make judgments all the tertiary level, much remains to be since Peter Medawar expressed his concern
time; what techniques to use, what model done. Developing the ability to make judg- about the scientific paper, little has
system might be appropriate, choosing a ment calls requires that students face chal- changed.
particular experimental design, which lenges where they have some control over
parameters should be modified, accepting or process and outcomes. Moreover, students Conflict of interest
ignoring data, or deciding on what statistical need to learn that mistakes or false starts are The authors declare that they have no conflict of
tests and significance levels are appropriate. not time wasted, but are an essential part of interest.
Introducing undergraduate and high making progress. They also need to under-
school students to a more realistic view of stand that the scientific method is not a References
science and how it is done is just as impor- series of well-defined steps that always 1. Medawar P (1963) Is the scientific paper a
tant for recruiting future scientists as for produces an answer, but a dynamic process fraud? Listener 70: 377 – 378
producing scientifically literate citizens. The that requires intellectual engagement and 2. Watson J, Crick F (1953) A structure for
counterargument is that those who become judgment. deoxyribose nucleic acid. Nature 171:
scientists eventually develop a better under- 737 – 738
standing of research once they start their ...................................................... 3. Watson J (1968) The Double Helix. New York,
undergraduate research projects or during
postgraduate study. However, there are at
“. . .students need to learn that 4.
NY: Atheneum Publishers
Mayr E (1982) The Growth of Biological
least two reasons why this is unsatisfactory.
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First, it is surely helpful to have a better idea time wasted, but are an essen- Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard
of what scientific research is like before tial part of making progress” University Press
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required to do scientific research. He relates hand experience of the shock students expe-
his attempts to solve a problem by looking rience when they discover that the process bruck_M
for someone who knew the answer. It was of science is influenced by scientists’ person- 6. Lederman NG (1992) Students’ and teachers’
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own solution. An education that introduces believe in a particular image of science, 7. Lederman NG (2007) Nature of science: past,
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