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Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
An Sankara
Jaya Jaya Illustrated Hara Hara Story Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Comnpiled
Haraby Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
S K Sridharan
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya SankaraFor Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
P uth
Jaya amangalam
Jaya Sankara
uthamangalam S
HaraJagadeesa I yer
Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara HaraTrustHara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Sri Sankara Vidya Kendra
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya 780 T H Road,Hara
Sankara Chennai
Hara19 Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya With
Sankara Hara
the benign Hara
blessings of Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya JayaHoliness
Hara Sri Sankaracharya
Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
JayaSri Jayendra
Jaya Sankara Saraswathi
Hara Hara Swamigal
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Vijayendra
Sankara Saraswathi
Hara Hara Swamigal
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara
Sri Kamakoti Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Kanchipuram
Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara

Brahma, Indira & Rishis Pray

About 2500 years ago there were 72
irreligious sects. Dharma and Vedic practices
were abused. Brahma, Indira and Rishis,
prayed to lord Dakshnamurthi to save the
country and restore Vedic Order.
2 Jaya Jaya Sankara
Brahma, Indira & Rishis Pray
We call our country, India. This name
was given by western historians. It is
customary in our country to start any
religious function with a ‘Sankalpa’. It
is to declare the place, the time and
the purpose of the function, invoking
the blessings of God. The time
periods mentioned are ‘Kalpa’, ‘Yuga’,
‘Manvantra’, ‘Sahabda’, Samvatsara’
etc. This is an age-old practice. If we
calculate the periods, they go back to
several thousands of years. From this
we can understand how old our
country is and it was known as

These functions are performed

through Sanskrit mantras. They are
all from Vedas. Vedas are our first holy
book. Vedas were created by God. They
were compiled by Sage Vyasa. Vedas are
heard, recited, and learned by heart.
Dharma Sastras, rules of ethical living
are given therein. Veda dharma,
Sanskrit and our ancient religious
practices have been a great unifying
force in our country.
Hara Hara Sankara 3

Sivaguru & Aryambal

A devout couple, Sivaguru and Aryambal pray
at Vadakkunathan temple, Trissur for a child.
In answer to the prayers of Rishis Lord decides
to be bron to them as their child.
4 Jaya Jaya Sankara
There are always times when dharma
appears to be abused or forgotten.
About 2,500 years back, a situation like
this existed. About seventy-two types
of irreligious sects prevailed. Rishis
and Devas were worried. They all
prayed to Lord Dhakshinamurthy. He
shows path to ‘Gnana’ - pure
knowledge. He is known as “Gnana
Guru”. He shows ‘Chin Mudra’, a
symbol of Gnana.

In Gita, God says that He would take

‘Avatars’ to restore ‘dharma’. Lord
Vishnu took different ‘Avatars’. Lord
Shiva responded to the prayers of
Rishis and agreed to take birth in earth
to restore ‘Vedic’ order.
Sivaguru Aryambal
At this time, a Brahmin couple,
Sivaguru and Aryambal lived in Kaladi,
a village near Tirissur in Kerala. They
did Siva Pooja daily six times. They
lived an austere life of dharmic deeds.
They had immense faith in Lord Siva.

They did not have a child. By a special

Hara Hara Sankara 5

Sri Sankara is born

In the year Nandana of Kali 2593, Vaikasa,
Sukla Panchami, Thiruvadirai Star, (BC 509)
Sankara was born to Sivaguru Aryambal at
Kaladi, Kerala.
6 Jaya Jaya Sankara
Pooja for forty-eight days, observing
strict ‘vratha’, they prayed to Sri
Vrishachaleswara at Vadakkunathan
temple, Tirussur for a child.

Pleased with their poojas, the Lord

decided to be born to them. The Lord
actually wanted to fulfill his promise
to the Rishis.

He appeared in their dreams. He asked,

“I am very pleased with your prayers.
I shall grant you a child. Tell me. Do
you want many idiotic, wicked children
who will live long? Or, do you want
only one wise, good child with short

The couple felt overjoyed that the Lord

Himself answered their prayers. In
humility they replied: “My Lord, we are
grateful to you. Who are we to decide?
We shall accept whatever you give.”
He told them that they would soon get
a son. Though he would have a short
life he would do great deeds and
respected by the world.
Hara Hara Sankara 7

Kanakadhara Stotram
A poor lady offers amla to Sankara, though
she had nothing else to eat. Moved by her
charity inspite of poverty Sankara recites
Kanakadhara Stotram. Goddess Lakshmi pours
Golden Amlas and makes her rich.
8 Jaya Jaya Sankara
Sri Sankara is born
A son was born to Aryambal on the
fifth day (Sukla panchami) of the
bright fortnight of the Vaisaka month
of Nandana (509 B.C.) in Thiruvadirai
star. He was given the name Sankara.
‘Sam’ means good and ‘karothi’ means
‘doer’. The name was very appropriate
because Sankara was born to do good
things. The divinity of the child
attracted everybody. The Rishis and
Devas were happy that their prayers
were answered.

Child Sankara showed extraordinary

brilliance. He was given Aksharabyasa
at the age of three. He learned the
lessons by heart fast. When he was
four years old Sankara lost his father.
Bringing up Sankara, Aryambal
showered abundant love and affection
on him. At the age of five,
‘Upanayanam’ was performed on
Sankara. It means that a boy becomes
‘Brahmachari’ - bachelor. He has to live
with his guru. He has to lead a
rigorous life, giving up comforts and
learn Vedas
Hara Hara Sankara 9

Poorna River Diverted

Sankara’s mother could not walk up to Poorna
River to take her daily bath. Using his power
Sankara gestured to the river to flow near her
house. His mother could thereafter bathe in
the river happily.
10 Jaya Jaya Sankara
Kanakadhara Stotram
He has to take alms and share it with
his teacher. On a ‘dwadasi’ day he went
to a house of a poor lady. She had
just a dry amla for her food. She gave
it to Sankara: “Hey lad, I have nothing
to give except this amla. Please accept
this.” Sankara was moved by her
gesture. He took pity on her.
Spontaneously he prayed to Goddess
Lakshmi with a sloka called
“Kanakadhara Stotram”. In response,
Goddess Lakshmi showered gold coins
in the shape of ‘amalakas’ and the lady
became rich. Sankara exhibited his
compassion for poor and needy. This
episode epitomizes our culture that
rich or poor, if one upholds dharma,
dharma will protect.
Poorna River Diverted
His mother used to bathe in Poorna
River flowing near the village. Due to
old age she was not able to walk the
distance to the river. Sankara did a
miracle. He gestured to the river to
change its course. River Poorna obeyed
and started flowing near his house. His
Hara Hara Sankara 11

Samkara Takes Sanyasa

Sankara has to perform the purpose of his
avatar. While taking bath, a crocodile caught
the leg of Sankara. Sankara asks his mother to
let him take Sanyas. She reluctantly agrees.
The crocodile leaves him.
12 Jaya Jaya Sankara
mother was thus able to bathe in the
river daily.

Sankara takes Sanyasa

When Sankara was eight, it was time

to fulfill the purpose of his birth. He
had to leave Kaladi. He should travel
all over Bharath to reestablish Vedic
Dharma. He devised a ruse to leave his

One day he was taking bath in the river.

Suddenly a crocodile caught hold of his
leg. It was about to swallow Sankara.
Looking at this from the banks,
Aryambal screamed helplessly.
Sankara consoled her. He asked her:
“Don’t you know that your son would
live for a short period only? The time
has come now. But there is a way out.
This crocodile wants only my life. If I
give it up, it would leave my body.
Taking Sanyasa is like leaving this life.
I can start a new life as an ascetic, but
physically live in this body. So permit
me to take Sanyas”.

Aryambal reluctantly agreed. She felt

Hara Hara Sankara 13

Sankara Finds his Guru

At Omkareshwar in the banks of Narmada
Sankara finds his guru Govinda Bhagavatpada.
Containing the floods of Narmadain his
kamandal, he reaches his guru.

14 Jaya Jaya Sankara

relieved that though Sankara would
leave her he would live at least as an

Before taking Sanyas, Sankara assured

his mother that he would come to her
when she thought of him. He also
promised that he would perform her
last rites after her death. He then took
apat-sanyas. It means taking sanyas
in an exigency without a proper guru.
He uttered the mantra to become a
sanyasi. The crocodile gave up
Sankara. It vanished and appeared as
a Ghandharva.

A Ghandarva was cursed to become a

crocodile. It was told that when it
helped Sankara to take Sanyasa, it
would be freed from the curse. The
ghandharva thanked Sankara and flew
away. Sankara left Kaladi. Near
relatives took care of his mother.
Samkara Finds his Guru
Our religion prescribes that all actions
have to be initiated by a guru. Guru is
one who removes ignorance and
imparts true knowledge. Sankara
Hara Hara Sankara 15

Samkara takes leave of his Guru

Sankara studied Vedas under Govinda
Bhagavatpada for three years. He advises
Sankara to go to Kasi and spread Advaita and
preach true meaning of Vedas
16 Jaya Jaya Sankara
started traveling in search of a guru.
He reached Omkareshwar at the bank
of river Narmada. People there told
him that a yogi was doing penance
inside a cave. His name was
Govindapada. He had received
Mahabhashya (meaning of Vedas) from
the lips of his guru Sri Gaudapada.
Sankara went near that cave.

Narmada was overflowing with floods.

He could not reach the caves. By his
miraculous power he captured the
floods in his ‘kamandal’. He stood
before the entrance to the cave singing
a hymn. Sri Govinda Bhagavatpada was
attracted by its beautiful meaning.
From inside the cave he enquired who
it was rendering the hymn. Sankara
replied to this in the form of ten slokas.
Each sloka ended with the word
“Sivahkevaloham”. These slokas are
known as ‘Dasa-sloki’. Immensely
pleased, Govindamuni came out of the
cave. He realised that Sankara was
Lord Siva Himself.

Govinda Bhagavatpada accepted

Hara Hara Sankara 17
A humble
walks across
to bring
clothes to

A lotus
springs up
to help him
cross the
He was
Padma Pada.

Jaya Jaya Sankara

Sankara as his disciple. He now
properly initiated Sankara to Sanyasa.
Sankara lived with his ‘guru’ for three
years mastering Vedas, Sastras and
their meaning. Sankara then sought
permission to leave him.

Govindapada told Sankara to preach

Advaita. Advaita means ‘not two’.
God and soul are not two. They are
one and the same. Everything else is
not permanent. As nothing exists in
the same form yet again it is called
Samkara takes leave of his Guru
Govindapada advised Sankara to go to
Kasi. People go there for a holy dip in
Ganga to wash away their sins and have
dharshan of lord Viswanatha, Goddess
Visalakshi and Annapoorani It was
the spiritual centre in Bharath.
Scholars debated there to establish
their faith. Sankara traveled through
Vindhya Mountains to reach Kasi. He
engaged in discussions and debates
with various sects of people and
successfully established Advaita.
Hara Hara Sankara 19

Our religion
castes as
high or low.

Whoever realises
soul as God can
be a master.
this to Sankara,
as chandala.

Jaya Jaya Sankara

He stayed there for a couple of years.
He wrote elaborate commentaries on
Vyasa’s Brahma Sutra, Gita, and
Upanishads. He also wrote ‘Prakarana
Grantha’, ‘Prasnotara Ratna Malika’
Ganesa Pancharatna’ and other works.

Padma Pada

A learned boy Sanandhyaya hailed from

the south, Chola land. He joined many
scholars in the camp of Sankara. He
was always humble, quiet and
unostentatious. Because of this many
thought that he was mediocre,
deserved no special attention. One day
he was drying the clothes of his Guru
on the other side of Ganga. Sri Sankara
called for the clothes. Sanandhyaya
wanted to immediately obey the
command. He was engrossed in the
thought that he should hurry and
walked across the river. Little did he
realize that he did not use the boat and
would get drowned in the floods.
Surprisingly, lotus flowers started
sprouting on the river wherever
Sanandhyaya set his foot on. A
Hara Hara Sankara 21

Sankara meets Sage Vyasa

At Kasi Sankara meets Sage Vyasa. Vyasa
acknowledges Sankara’s commentary on his
Brahmasutra as the best. He commends
Sankara to write commentaries on other holy
books and spread Advaita
22 Jaya Jaya Sankara
lustrous lotus bridge spread across the
river! He simply walked through the
lotus bridge! The other disciples were
amazed at this feat. They realized the
great Bhakti of Sanandhyaya. Sri
Sankara named him as Padma Pada
(lotus feet).

Chandala teaches Advaita

Sri Sankara was going to the

Vishwanath Temple. An “untouchable”
was coming in his way. He was
accompanied by his wife and four dogs.
The disciples of Sri Sankara shouted at
him to make way for the Acharya and
to keep a distance. Untouchables are
not supposed to come near the upper
caste people. The untouchable smiled
and said, “You preach Advaita. You say
that God is in every soul. Which one
you want to go, the body or the soul?
Yours or mine? How am I different
from your Acharya?”

Sri Sankara realised that it was Lord

Shiva Himself, with His consort and
four Vedas. Sankara prostrated before
Hara Hara Sankara 23

Sankara meets Kumarila Bhatta

Kumarila Bhatta was spreading Charuvaham, It
recognised Veda’s rituals, not god. Sankara
meets him at his death bed. He asks Sankara
to meet his disciple Mandana Misra and
convert him to Advaita
24 Jaya Jaya Sankara
the chandala. He sang five slokas
called “Maneesha Panchakam”. In this
master piece, Sankara states that high
or low in caste, one can be superior if
one has realised Brahman. Lord Shiva
appeared along with Visalakshi and
blessed Sri Sankara. This episode is
an emphatic clarification that our
religion does not distinguish one as
superior or low by the caste.
Sankara meets Sage Vyasa
At Kasi he came across an old Brahmin
of poor health. He appeared very
learned. He started arguments with
him on Sankara’s Brahmasutra
Bashyam. Shri Sankara was astounded
by his acumen and depth of knowledge
in Vedas. They continued their
discussion for days together. The more
Shri Sankara argued, the more his ideas
crystallized. He then found out that
the old man was none other than Vyasa
Rishi. It was he who had written the
Brahma Sutra.

Sri Sankara felt that he disrespected

the sage by entering into vain
arguments with him. Vyasa assuaged
Hara Hara Sankara 25

Marathon debate with Mandana Misra

Sankara debates with Mandana Misra. His wife
Saraswani gave them garlands, suggesting that
whose garland fades first would be the loser.
Manadana Misra loses and becomes
Sankara’s disciple.
26 Jaya Jaya Sankara
his feelings.. He said “I know who you
are. I fully agree with your
commentary on my Brahmasutras. I
wanted to establish that yours is the
best treatise on my work. You have to
spread Advaita in this country more
vigorously. I want you to live for
another sixteen years.” Sankara
agreed. Taking leave of Vyasa he left
Samkara meets Kumarila Bhatta
Meemaamsa is a part of Vedas. It is
dealing with rituals. A great Vedic
scholar, Kumarila Batta interpreted
this as ‘Karma Meemamsa’. He
preached ‘Charuvaham’. This sect
said: “Vedas emphasise only rituals and
not god. By means of various rituals
one can live happily and need not wor-
ship god.” He was living in Prayag, now
known as Allahabad. Sankara wanted
to meet him to convince: ”Rituals are
by no means the end of Vedas. They
are just paths to realize God. Once God
is realized the inanimate rituals have
no value.” When Sankara reached
Prayag Kumarila Bhatta was already in
Hara Hara Sankara 27

Sharada Peetam at Sringeri

Sankara, Manadana Misra and Saraswani
traveled towards south. At Tungabadra river,
Sarasawani stands fixed. Sankara leaves her
and Mandana Misra there, establishing
Sharada Peetam.
28 Jaya Jaya Sankara
his death bed. He directed Sankara to
his disciple Mandana Misra. He asked
Sankara to win him over to Advaita.
Marathon debate with
Mandana Misra
Sri Sankara arrived at Mandana Misra’s
house at Maahishmati. He found him
carrying out some rituals inside his
house. Sri Sankara entered the house.
Mandana Misra scolded Sankara for
interfering with his rituals. Sankara
responded to him in sweet and sooth-
ing words explaining the futility of
mere rituals without accepting god..
Mandana Misra slowly understood
Sankara’s intelligence. He challenged
him for a debate. Mandana Misra
agreed to embrace Advaita and become
Sankara’s disciple if he lost. Sankara
agreed to give up his sanyas and adopt
married life if he lost.

Mandana Misra’s wife, Sarasawani, her-

self was a great Vedic scholar. Sankara
wanted her to be the judge.

She realised that Sri Sankara was none

other than Lord Shiva. She knew that
Hara Hara Sankara 29

Sankara Performs Mother’s last rites

Sankara had promised to his mother that he would
come and perform her last rites. He reaches Kaladi
at her last days and performs her last rites.
Lord Vishnu blessed her and sends her to heaven..

30 Jaya Jaya Sankara

Mandana Misra would not win. She
wanted to avoid the embarrassment of
declaring her husband as the loser. She
suggested that each of them wear a
garland of flowers and commence the
debate. Both agreed that whichever
garland faded first, that person would
be the loser. A hot and prolonged de-
bate ensued. Both exhibited their
scholarly acumen. Mandana Misra’s
garland began to fade. Ultimately
Sankara won. As per the agreement,
Mandana Misra gave up ‘Karma
Meemamsa’. He gave up his married
life to become a disciple of Sri Sankara.

Sarasawanii was unable to bear the

separation of her husband. She made
a powerful plea that she too would
come with her husband. She quoted
scriptures to show that husband and
wife are spiritually one with two
different bodies. Hence, she was an
incomplete person without her
husband. After marriage the wife
cannot be separated from her husband.
Both of them engaged themselves in a
long discussion on sastras. Sarasawani
Hara Hara Sankara 31

Dumb Boy speaks

At Mookambi a born dumb boy speaks at the
sight of Sankara. Sankara gave him an amla
and thus known as Hastamalaka.
He becomes one of his four principal diciples.

32 Jaya Jaya Sankara

showered questions like rain. Sankara
gave very beautiful answers.
Sarasawani acknowledged him.
Sankara agreed with her plea to come
with them..
Sharada Peetam at Sringeri
They then traveled together towards
south. They reached Sringeri in
Karnataka. It is on the banks of
Tungabadra River. When all of them
were walking through the sands of
Tungabadra, Sarasawani stood fixed at
a point. Sri Sankara realised that
Sarasawani did not want to proceed
any further. It is at this place Sankara
dedicated a Matam and called it
Sharada Peetam. Mandana Misra was
installed as the first Peetadipathi of
this math.
Samkara Performs Mother’s last
While at Sringeri he learnt by his
spiritual powers that Aryambal was in
death bed. As promised to her Sankara
hurried to Kaladi. She felt happy that
her son had come. She passed away.
Sankara started to perform her
Hara Hara Sankara 33

Giri, a disciple of Samkara was considered
mediocre by others. They did not like Sankara
waiting for Giri to start his classes. One day Giri
surprised all by singing a beautiful verse. It
came to be called Totakashtakam.
34 Jaya Jaya Sankara
funeral. Normally, sanyasis have no
right to perform such rites. The local
purohits objected to Sankara
performing his mother’s funeral. He
did not bother about these protests.
Sankara held on to his promise. He
performed the rites alone. From this
episode Sankara emphasised: Promises
have to be kept at any cost. Service to
mother is most sacred. There are
always exceptions to general rules to
follow Dharma.

After the death of his mother, he went

all over the country. He won many
debates. He convinced people of other
faiths to accept Advaita. He revived a
number of temples. He used his
spiritual powers to install Yantras in
many temples to invoke the power of
Dumb Boy speaks
Mukambi is a religious place in
Karnataka. When Sankara visited this
place a poor Brahmin came to meet
him. He had a son, born deaf and
dumb. Sankara asked the boy, “Who
are you?” To the surprise of all, the
dumb and deaf boy who had never
Hara Hara Sankara 35

Advaitam Sathyam
At Tiruvidaimaridur, when Sankara entered the
temple along with Saivaites who did not
accept Advaita, a voice was heard thrice:
“Satyam Advaitam”. In approval a hand was
also raised above the Linga there.
36 Jaya Jaya Sankara
spoken a word replied, “The body is not
me, it is the Paramatma who is me.”

Sri Sankara was pleased with his

answer. He gave him an amla fruit. He
named this boy as Hastaamalakan.
Hastaa means hand. The boy who took
amala in hand came to be known as
Hastamalakan. He became one of the
principle disciples of Sri Sankara.


Sankara used to give detailed training

to his disciples. They discussed and
interpreted sastras showing their
intelligence. Giri used to remain silent.
He never spoke. He never expressed
doubts or sought explanations. His
mates thought that Giri was not
intelligent. They felt that he was not
well versed in sastras and scriptures.
One day, all the disciples were ready
for Sankara to commence his class.
However, Sankara was waiting for Giri
to come. The other disciples were
impatient and thought it useless to
wait for Giri, as he would in any way
not understand anything.
Hara Hara Sankara 37

At Thiruvanaikka laymen feared
Goddess Akilandeshwari as she was
ferocious. Sankara pacifies her by
offering her an ear ring (Tatankam)
inscribed with mantra chakra..
38 Jaya Jaya Sankara
When Giri arrived, he suddenly burst
into reciting slokas. No one had ever
heard the slokas before. The slokas
were pregnant with meaning, couched
in fine language. To their amazement,
the disciples learnt that the stanzas
were created by Giri himself. They felt
ashamed that they had thought ill of
him. These slokas are called
“Totakashtakam”. Even today it is
recited piously by everybody in
reverence to Adi Sankara. Giri was
named Totakar by Sri Sankara. He
became another principal disciple of
Advaitam Sathyam
Sri Sankara visited Thiruvidaimarudur
near Thanjavur. This place is called
Madhyaarjunam. There is a huge Shiva
temple. There was a sect who
worshipped only Shiva. They believed
that only Shiva was the superior God.
All beings are low in nature. They did
not agree with advaita. They argued
that soul is part of body and cannot
be god. Sri Sankara asked them to
enter the temple. As they reached the
Hara Hara Sankara 39

J ana Akarshana Yantra at Tirupati

At Tirupati Sankara installed Jana Akarshna
Yantra. One can witness the amazing
spectacle of large number of devotees
thronging the temple every day, even today.

40 Jaya Jaya Sankara

Sanctum Sanctorum a thunderous
sound echoed: “Satyam is Advaita”.
This was repeated thrice. To affirm
this, a hand emerged from the Linga.
All the learned persons acknowledged
the principle of Advaita and accepted
Sri Sankara as their Guru.
Sankara visited Chidambaram. It is
here that his Paramaguru Sri
Gaudapada learned Sanskrit grammar
from sage Patanjali. He paid his
obeisance and installed ‘Panchakshara
Yantra’ to invoke the grace of Lord
Shiva. He installed ‘Annapoorna-
akarshana’ yantra for food-prosperity..

Sankara visited Thiruvanaika, near

Trichy in Tamilnadu. The presiding
deity here is Jambukeswara, a
representation of the element, water.
Akilandeswari is His consort. During
the days of Sankara, she was known to
be a fierce goddess. He wanted to pacify
the goddess and make Her accessible
to laymen. He created two sets of
earrings. They are called Tatankam.
Hara Hara Sankara 41

This kshetra is abound with Jasmine creepers
around Arjuna tree where a Linga is installed.
Sankara composed Sivananda Lahri here.

42 Jaya Jaya Sankara

They are in the shape of ‘chakra’ with
spiritual power to control anger. He
presented these to the Goddess. The
ferocity of the deity vanished. This
tatankam is being maintained over the
years by the Acharyas of Kanchi Mutt.
From there he went to nearby
Srirangam and installed a ‘yantra’

At Tiruchendur, he invoked the

blessings of Lord Subrahmanya. He
recited ‘Subrahmanya Bhujangam’.
Vibuti Prasad is distributed in ‘Punnai’
leaf here. People recite this verse
wearing ‘Vibuti’ to relieve them of
their diseases.

Jana Akarshana Yantra at Tirupati

Sri Sankara visited Tirupati. He recited

the Sloka “Vishnu Padaathi Keshanta
Stotra”. It describes the Lord from his
foot to the head. He wished that people
should visit Tirumala in large numbers.
For this purpose he installed a ‘Jana
akarshana yantra’ at this temple.
Nowhere else in the world can one see
the spectacle of surging crowd of
Hara Hara Sankara 43

Kabalikas vanquished
In Hatakeswara at Srisaila Sankara was in
penance. Kabalika chief Kirakashan tried to
kill Sankara to wear his skull. Lord Narasimha
engaged in Padma Pada’s body, killed him.
Kabalikas were thus vanquished.

44 Jaya Jaya Sankara

devotees increasing every day as at

Sankara traveled far and wide. He

visited the places of twelve Jyotirlingas.
He composed “Dwadasa Jyotirlinga
Stotra’ in praise of all these deities
Srisaila, is a Shiva kshetra in Andhra.
There is an Arjuna tree. Abound by
Jasmine (Malli) creepers. Hence it is
known as Mallikarjuna. A Siva Linga is
installed under this tree. Sankara
visited this temple. Here he composed
Sivanandalahiri, meaning ‘Waves of
Siva’s Bliss’. Sankara went into the
nearby forest, called Hatakeshwaram.
It means: ‘no man enters’. He did
penance for many days in this dense
Kabalikas vanquished
A barbaric sect called Kabalikas lived
in burial grounds wearing human
skulls. They believed in cruelty and
human sacrifice to please Lord Shiva.
Their leader Kirakashan, believed that
Hara Hara Sankara 45

At the behest of Lord Vishnu Sankara finds out
a Vishnu idol in Alaknanda and installs it at
the Badri Narayan temple and regularises
pooja in the temple as per Sastras.

46 Jaya Jaya Sankara

if he could wear the skull of a young
Sanyasi he could go to Kailash straight.
He came to this forest and dared to
ask Sankara to give his life. Sankara
replied, “This body will die one day. It
has no value. If it shall be useful to
you now, take it”. As Kirakashan was
about to behead Sankara, from
nowhere a lion appeared and killed
Kirakashan. The lion turned out to be
none other than Lord Narasimha
engaged in the body of Padma Pada.
Sankara pacified Padma Pada and
propitiated Lord Narasimha. Thus the
Kabalikas were also vanquished.
Sankara then went to Ahobila and
worshipped Lakshmi Narasimha.


Sankara visited Badrinath in mount

Kailash. Lord Vishnu appeared before
him. He indicated to him that an idol
with his powers was buried in river
Alakananda. He ordained Sankara to
redeem it. Sankara found it out and
installed it at the Badrinarayan temple.
He then reached Kedarnath. By using
his yogic power, he safely left his
Hara Hara Sankara 47

Pancha Linga from Lord Shiva

Sankara visits Kailash and obtained five Lingas
from Lord Shiva. He installed them at
Kedarnath, Nepal , Chidambaram, Sringeri.
He retained one with him at Kanchi.
It is worshipped even today.
48 Jaya Jaya Sankara
mundane body. He reached Kailash to
have dharshan of Lord Shiva and
Parvati. He sang the glory of Lord
Shiva in the verses “Siva Kesadi
Padantha Stotra” and ‘Siva Padadi
Kesantha Stotra”.
Pancha Linga from Lord Shiva
Lord Siva gave Five Lingas to be
installed in five different temples in
various temples. Back at Kedarnath he
reentered his worldly body and
commenced his yatra again. Some
historians have misconstrued this as
Sankara attaining Samadhi. At the
Kedarnath temple he placed the Mukti
Linga obtained from the Lord.
Soundarya Lahri
Immersed in the benign grace of
Goddess Parvathi at Kailas, Sankara
stood dumb unable to utter any word.
The Lord himself rendered Soundarya
Lahri and gave its script in palm leaves
to Sankara.
Pasupatinath Temple at Nepal
At Nepal he installed the second one,
Vara lingam, at the Neelakanta temple.
He also reformed the pooja rituals in
Hara Hara Sankara 49

Soundarya Lahri
At Kailash when Sankara got immersed in the
beauty of Parasakti, Lord Shiva rendered
Soundarya Lahri. He brought from Him a
palm-leaf script of this verse.

50 Jaya Jaya Sankara

conformity with Vedic order. Visiting
Chidambaram again he placed the
third Moksha linga at the Nataraja
temple,. The fourth Boga Linga was
placed at the Sringeri Peetam.

At the eastern coastal place of Puri

Jagannath, he established another
peetam and installed Padma Pada as its
first Acharya. This is called Govardan

Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam

He travelled further and finally

reached Kanchi. At the entrance to the
city King Raja Senan accorded a
reverential welcome. He stayed at the
Visweswara temple near the
Sarvatheertham. At his direction, the
king redesigned Kanchi city in the
shape of a chakra to exert the divine
power of Kamakshi. He reconstructed
the famous temples of Ekambaranatha,
Kumarakkottam, Kamakshi Amman.
Kamakshi was looking ferocious to
devotees. Lay people were afraid of
visiting the temple. By his spiritual
Hara Hara Sankara 51

Pasupatinath Temple at Nepal

At Nepal he regularised the temple
pooja as per sastras.. He placed the
Vara Linga obtained from Kailas
at this temple.
52 Jaya Jaya Sankara
power, Sankara contained her ferocity
by placing a mantra-chakra at the feet
of Kamakshi idol. One can see this even
today. Since then Goddess Kamakshi
calmed down. She gives benign
dharshan exuberating abundant
compassion and grace to devotees.
This temple, under the direct
management of Sankara has a sakthi
peet called ‘Kamakoti’. Adi Sankara
also named his peetam by this name,
deriving Her majestic power. The fifth
Yoga Linga from Kailas, was retained
by him. Since then it is worshipped at
the Kamakoti Peetam every day by his
successive Acharyas even now.


Sankara’s mission was to restore Vedic

Dharma. He conquered all irreligious
sects. He firmly established Advaita He
also thought it necessary to streamline
the pooja rituals to help ordinary
people realize God within their own
humble reach. Throughout his travel
in Bharath he found that there were
special favorite gods in each region. He
Hara Hara Sankara 53

On his return from Kailash
Sankara established a peetam at
Jyotirmath near Kedarnath

54 Jaya Jaya Sankara

thought it prudent to integrate them
into a religious system and make all
equal. He wanted people to understand
that while they worship and follow
their own form, they should also feel
that all are equal. All forms of worship
lead to one and the same God.
‘Panchayatana’ way of worship is
ordained as a daily pooja ritual for a
grahasta - family man. He added lord
Muruga to this form of worship. Thus
six forms of worship were regularized.
They are: Ganapatyam, Saivam,
Saktam, Vaishnavam, Souram and
Kaumaram. These were popular forms
of worship in Maharashtra, Kashmir
and Karnataka, Bengal, Andhra, Orissa,
Tamil Nadu respectively. He ordained
that they too shall have the sanction
of Vedic scripture. As he firmly
established six forms of worship, he
was called ‘Shanmata-sthapanacharya’.
Advaita led people to a high
philosophical and spiritual order.
Shanmata upasana helped lay people
also take to the bhakti way of realizing
Hara Hara Sankara 55

He included Muruga worship in the
Panchayatana pooja. He integrated popular
forms of worship in various parts of Bharat as
Shanmata: Ganapatyam, Saivam, Saktam,
Vaishnavam, Souram and Kaumaram. He is
respected as Shanmathasthapanacharya.
56 Jaya Jaya Sankara
Four Disciples

To perpetuate his mission he

established ‘Peetams’ and
institutionalized his mission for
posterity. These peetams are spread
across the country. At Sringeri he
established Sarada peetam. Mandana
Misra was the first Sankaracharya
there. Between Kedarnath and
Badrinath, Jyotirmath was established
with Totakacharya as the first Acharya.
At Puri Govardhan math Padma Pada
was the first Acharya. At Dwaraka
Hastamalaka was installed as the first
Peedatipadi. These peetams established
2500 years ago speak of the forward
thinking, administrative and
management skills of our people.

Sarvagjna Peetam at Kanchi

As a culmination to his Avatar he has

to ascend the Sarvagjna Peeta, the
Throne of Omniscience and chose
Kanchi as the abode for this. A large
gathering of scholars had assembled
there. Sankara explained to them the
Hara Hara Sankara 57
Four Disciples
Sankara founded
four Peetams at
Puri & Sringeri - his

took charge of
them respectively.
He himself was the
first Acharya at
Kanchi Kamakoti

Jaya Jaya Sankara

eternal and all-pervading nature of
Brahman, the inability of man to
understand the Supreme One seeming
as different entities, because of
ignorance, the nonexistence of a second
other than the Brahman and the means
for attaining emancipation. The
scholars were fully convinced. They
bowed before the Great Acharya.
Thereafter Sankara ascended the
Sarvajnapeetha amidst the sounding of
musical instruments and the
tumultuous shouts of joy of the vast
number of devoted spectators. Showers
of flowers fell from above and a
fragrant breeze blew all around.

True to his philosophy his mortal body

disappeared and his soul merged with
Goddess Kamakshi. In witness to this
event, a sanctum Sanctorum for him
remains in the Kamakshi temple from
that day onwards, even today.

Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam

Before attaining Sarvagjna Peeta

Sankara wanted to perpetuate his
mission forever from Kanchi. A young
Hara Hara Sankara 59

Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam

Finally Sankara reached Kancheepuram. He
helped the king to redesign Kanchi in the
shape of a Chakra. Installed a chakra at
Kamakshi Temple to pacify her ferocity.
Establishes Kamakoti Peetam.

60 Jaya Jaya Sankara

bright boy from a village Brahmadesam
in the Tambrabarani riverbed was one
among his followers at Kanchipuram.
Sankara found him eminently suitable
for continuing his work. He later
handed over the reins of Kanchi
Kamakoti Peetam in his hands.
Since then Kamakoti Peetam has
uninterrupted lineage of Acharyas. In
this century Sri Chandrasekarendra
Saraswati Swamigal presided over for 87
Years (1907 to 1994). He was keen on
re-establishing Adi Sankara’s services.
In 1954 he chose Sri Jayendra Saraswati
Swamigal as his successor. In 1983 Sri
Sankara Vijayendra Saraswati Swamigal
was chosen as successor to Sri Jayendra
Saraswati Swamigal. Both the Acharyas
are now conducting the affairs of Kanchi
Kamakoti Peetam.

Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham has the

distinction of an unbroken line of 70
Acharyas till now. The Acharyas have
taken measures for the protection of
Veda Dharma, for propagating the
Hara Hara Sankara 61

Sarvagjna Peetam at Kanchi

At the assembly of religious leaders Sankara,
clarifies Advaita and related philosophy.
Hailed by all he ascends Sarvagjna Peeta and
returned to His abode Kailash from Kanchi.

62 Jaya Jaya Sankara

Advaita discipline, and alleviating the
sufferings of the people.

Several Schools, Colleges, Hospitals,

Rural Development Work are under
taken under the aegis of Kamakoti
Peetam. A deemed university “Sri
Chandrasekaremdra Viswa Maha-
vidyalaya” has been established at

The peetam shall continue to serve the

legacy of Adi Sankara in true spirit and
fervor adapting to modern times as well.

Hara Hara Sankara 63

Important Dates in the life of
Sri Adi Sankara
Kali B.C.
Birth of Sri Sankara (Cyclic year Nandana) 2593 509
Upanayana of Sankara 2598 504
Completed study of the Veda 2601 501
Got his mother’s permission to enter the
Holy Order of Sanyasa
(Kartika Sukla Ekadasi, Cyclic year Plava) 2603 499
Philosophical study under 2603- 499
Govinda Bhaghavatpadacharya -2605 497
Sankara, in his 16th year, met
Kumarila Bhatta for the first and the last
time in Rudhapura near Prayaga at the time
of self-immolation by Kumarila Bhatta
(Kumarila was older than Sankara by
48 years (Cyclic year Kilaka) 2609 493
Sri Sankara founded the Dwaraka Math
(Magha SuklaSapthami of the cyclic year
Sadharana with Hastamalaka as its first
Acharya) 2611 491
Sri Sankara founded the Jyotir Math on
Pusya Suddha Poumima of the cyclic year
Raksasa with Totakacharya as its
first Acharya 2616 486
Sri Sankara founded the Govardhan Math of
Purl (Jagannath) on Vaisakha Sukla Navami
of the cyclic year Nala with
Padmapadacharya as its first Acharya 2617 485
The Sarada Peetha at Sringeri was founded
by Sri Sankara in Pusya Purnima of the year
Pingala with Sureswaracharya , as its first
Pitadhipati 2618 484
The Kamakoti Pieetha at Kanchi was
founded in Vaisakha Sukla Purnima of the
year Siddharthi with Adi Sankara himself as
the first Acharya 2620 482
Niryana of Sankara in his 32nd year on
Sukla Ekadasi of the month of Adhika
Rishobha in the Cyclic Year Raktaksh 2625 477
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara

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