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Why Cheating on The Test Should be Banned?

Cheating is a common thing that students usually do when they do not prepare
themselves well to take an exam. They worry if they can not pass the exam well so that they
do cheating. Nowadays, cheating look like culture in educational environment. cheating
becomes a bad habit of students that causes some bad effects to them. So far there are many
kinds of cheating that students do during  the exam, such as looking other students’ work, put
some notes under their clothes or table, and etc. 

First of all, I would point out that  cheating makes students lazy to study. The students
who like to do cheating do not have a high motivation to study or get knowledge. They,
precisely, become lazier to study, and they use a note or cheat sheet that they get from their
friends without studying at home before. The effect of this case is really clear. The students,
maybe, can get high scores from this way, but they cannot comprehend the knowledge that
they must know or understand. the laziness in studying becomes a big problem for the
students because this bad habit grows quickly in their life. When they cheat successfully at
once, they might do it again and again. Even though they have already known that by
cheating they do not really get the certain result, they still do cheating. The laziness is the

Secondly. cheating makes students to be a liar. Cheating needs untruth way to success
the mission. The students who usually cheat will usually lie. They will be dishonest on
themselves and other people. However, lying is very danger for people exactly students
because they cannot be believed by others whatever they say. In addition, cheating is like a
disease which infects some students, then, other students will be infected by this bad habit.
They will be liars

Furthermore, cheating is unfair to students. The accomplishment feels good and helps
building self-esteem and self-confidence, yet they might not get the real values of learning
and getting knowledge. In fact, when they cheat, they are basically telling themselves that
they do not believe in their own abilities. They might get an A on a test or an assignment, but
they will know that you really do not earn it. Cheating just makes the students feel bad about
Finaly, cheating is the seed of corruption culture. Cheating is miniature of corruption
because cheating draws dishonestly, lie to everyone, gets something with bad way, selfish,
etc. absolutely, both of them just make bad effect to others. So, cheating will look like scary
in big scale, corruption.
In conclusion, from the arguments above, I strongly believe that cheating on the test
should be banned.

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