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Department of BBA (CA)
For Bachelor of Computer Applications ( Sem 4)
2019- 2020
Under the Guidance of
Prof. Ganesh Jamdurkar

The principal

Vishwakarma College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Pune

B.R.A.C.T’s Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma College of Arts, Commerce and Science
Kondhwa (BK), Pune-411048


This is to certify that Ms Cresi Daniel and ---------------------------of B.B.A. (Comp.

Application) Seat No: --------------------------have completed their academic project during
the academic year 2019-2020 as complete fulfilment of the B.B.A (comp. Application)
Date: - 05 / 03 / 2020

Project Guide Head of the Department Principal

(Prof. Ganesh Jamdurkar) (Prof. Sudhir Chitnis) (Dr. Arun Patil)

Internal Examiner External Examiner

SrNo. Topic Name Page No

1 Introduction & Existing System 1,2

2. Problem Definition 3,4,5

3. Proposed System 6,7
1.1) Explanation
1.2) Methodology Used
4. Hardware & Software Requirements 8
5. Fact Finding Technique 9
6. Feasibility Study 10
i. Operational
ii. Technical
iii. Economical
7. ER Diagram 11,12,13
8. UML DIAGRAM 14,15,16,
a) Class Diagram 17,18,19
b) Use Case Diagram
c) Activity Diagram
d) Sequence Diagram
e) Deployment Diagram
9. Database Designing 20,21,22
10. Screen Designing 23,24,25,
a) I/O Screen Designing 26,27,28,
b) Output Formats 29,30
11. Report Layout 31,32,33
12. Test Case 34,35
13. Scope of the System 36
14 Conclusion 37
15. Bibliography


We would like to express our sincere thanks to our honorable HOD Mr. Chitnis for providing
us with various opportunities, infrastructural opportunities and inspiration to gather
professional knowledge and material without which it wouldn’t have been possible to
complete the project.
We take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude and whole hearted thanks to our
project guide Prof .Ganesh Jamdurkar for his guidance throughout this assignment. We are
very much thankful to them for their, encouragement and valuable time which they have
devoted to us.
Last but not the least, we express our deep gratitude and wish to thanks all those, who have
helped us in our project.


This is a project work undertaken in context of partial fulfilment of BBA.CA. We have tried
our best to make the complicated process of E-Schooling System as simple as possible using
structured and modular technique and menu oriented interface. We have tried to design the
software in such a way that the user may not have any difficulty in using the package and
further expansion is possible without much effort.
The “School Management System” has been developed to override the problems
prevailing in the practicing manual system. This software is supported to eliminate and in
some cases reduce the hardships faced by the leading system. Moreover this system is
designed for the particular need of the company to carry out operations in a smooth and
effective manner. The application is reduced as much as to avoid errors while entering data. It
also provides error message while entering invalid data.
No formal knowledge is needed for the user to use this system. Thus by this all it proves it is
user-friendly. School Management System, as described above, can lead to error free, secure,
reliable, and fast management sy It can assist the user to concentrate on their other activities
rather to concentrate on the record keeping. Thus it will help organization in the better
utilization of resources. This system will track all details about the Teachers, Students,
Registrations, Classes, and Courses, etc.


 Make all system computerize

 Reduce time consumption

 Reduce error scope

 All system management are automated

 Centralized database management

 Easy operation for operator of the system

 No paper work requirement

 Manage the information of Students and Teachers

 Show the information and description of the School and Classes

 Generate reports on School , Students and Courses

 Making Editing , and Updating of records possible

Existing System

In the existing system the exams are only manually but in proposed system we have to computerize
the exams using this application.

i. Needs manual calculations

ii. More paper work

iii. Need man power

iv. No Database for saving data

v. Lack of security

vi. Time consuming

vii. No direct role for higher officials

2. Problem Definition
1. Paper-based processes

Educational institutions are burdened by cumbersome paperwork and manual

processes, and they find it difficult to maintain records on  attendance ,
fees, admissions , transport, etc., and track the information they need. Using E-School
System, automate academic processes to save time and reduce staff workload.

2. Online Registration

Students no more have to stand for hours in the queue to pay fees. Simplify
registration and fee collections with online forms, with the ability to send automatic
notifications, alerts and reminders via email,  SMS alerts and push notifications from
mobile devices.

3. Course Management

Designing a course curriculum that can adapt to the changing needs of the institution
is crucial. With a Course Management System institutions can accomplish a lot with
limited resources. Create and track course-work, assignments, and exam papers in a
conducive classroom environment to support the goal of graduating students.

4. Teacher Evaluation  

Tracking the progress of teachers and evaluating the effectiveness of teachers' work is
significant. Teacher evaluation system  improves communication and collaboration
between evaluators and teachers. Student’s feedback will measure teacher’s
performance in the classroom and the automated evaluation process improves
student learning skills, achievement and success.

5. Student Monitoring

Teachers are struggling to monitor student’s activities including attendance, leave,

discipline, assignments, etc.   School administrators are lacking in result-based
monitoring tools to track student progress. Automate and streamline student
attendance and absenteeism using student information system  which delivers real-time
status updates of student activities to support learning needs.

6. Revenue Management

It is difficult for institutions to cope with their finances and tra77ck their fee
collections and contributions. Seamlessly connect and engage with students, parents
and alumni to strengthen relationship and drive greater succe

7. Forecasting the academic achievement

Institutions are unable to manage information and there are endless delays in taking
decisions based on complete analysis. Dashboard reports and intelligent analytics are
useful indicators for educators to examine attendance, assignments, grades, etc. and
predict student outcomes . Using data analytics will help institutions to identify
students at-risk and deploy resources to improve achievement and success.


i ) Explanation:

The third chapter states the methodology used to reach the objectives of the
project. The framework in which software is designed, developed, and maintained is known
as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). It shows the steps, phases, milestones, and
evolution of the software development process. There are many types of models used in
software design and development. Among them are the spiral models, rapid development
model, Evolutionary model, waterfall model, prototyping model, etc.
E-School is a complete school information management solution. Today's schools
need to manage more information than ever before. Without a solid internal infrastructure for
teachers, administrators and departments to share data, critical school and student information
can be lost, or worse leading to a host of problems that can effect of a school's image and
To remain competitive, school needs a simple solution that can run individual
function, connect their entire operation, use the web as a key communication tool and
simplify day to day operational responsibilities, giving staff more time with students. E-
School automates various scheduling activities of school and optimizes the use of premium
resources. Concerned authorities can now easily and seamlessly use the system to create
timetables, otherwise a time consuming and tedious task

10 | P a g e
Ii ) Methodology Used:

Prototyping Model has been used to develop this application. The Prototyping model is a technique
for quickly building a function but incomplete model of the information system. There are several
kinds of prototypes but they all intend to reduce risk by building a quick and dirty replica or mockup
of the intended system. It can be used to demonstrate technical feasibility when the technical risk is
high. It can also be used to better understand and elicit user requirements. In either case, the goal is
to reduce risk and limit costs by increasing understanding of proposed solutions before committing
more resources, as shown in figure 1.

11 | P a g e

For E-Schooling we have selected the following hardware and software.


 Processor : Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-8250U

 RAM : 8.00 GB
 HDD : 1 TB
 System type : 64-bit Operating system
 Device : HP


 Front End : PHP

 Back End : MySql
 Operating System : Windows 10
 Version : 1803

12 | P a g e

At the time of system or before starting actual work of system, analyst has to collect
information about manual system from the user for which the system is going to be

In order to collect this information system analyst prefers any one of the following fact
finding techniques according to the situation:-

1. INTERVIEW: It is used to collect information from individuals or groups. Respondents

are generally current users of the system under study. Interviewer must plan in advance and
fully know the problem in advance. Information collected is more reliable and accurate.
We interviewed many people working agencies and collected information about the
working and functioning if current system. We also gathered information about the problems
faced in the current system.

2. QUESTIONNAIRE: We use this technique in the initial phase of the project.

Questionnaire helped us to get some basic information about the current system. By this
technique, we understood the process.

3. RECORD REVIEW: Sample amount of information was collected by means of register

which are maintained by the staff of the café. The staff was very kind to provide us with
sample registration forms and bill formats. They also showed us the registration filling
formats which are currently in use.

4. OBSERVATION: It helps to get information that cannot be obtained by other fact finding
techniques. In this method the flow of documents is carried out and the steps followed. First
hand information about how the activities, process are carried out is obtained,. We observed
how the data is stored and in what format.

13 | P a g e

The feasibility study is a major factor which contributes to the analysis of the system. The
decision of the system analysis, whether to design a particular system or not depends on
feasibility study. The feasibility study on the system is divided into the following three areas:


 The system is user-friendly.

 The short description of the method to operate the new system would be enough.
 Therefore the system is operational feasible.


 This project is designed with use of the most efficient Software available.
 It is convenient for the billing purpose.
 Reduces paper work so database connectivity is required.


 The project is developed using the software which is a open source.

 There is no need of any extra software to run the system.
 The software is cost effective.

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8. Uml Diagrams

18 | P a g e
a)Class Diagram

19 | P a g e
b)Use Case Diagram

20 | P a g e
c)Activity Diagram

21 | P a g e
d)Sequence Diagram

22 | P a g e
e)Deployment Diagram

9. Database Designing
23 | P a g e



24 | P a g e

25 | P a g e
10) Screen Designing

1) I/O Screen Designing

2) Output Formats

Login page
26 | P a g e
Registration page

Main page layout

27 | P a g e


Student page

28 | P a g e


Fees Collection table

29 | P a g e


30 | P a g e


31 | P a g e


32 | P a g e
Data Records Page



33 | P a g e
11.Report Layout


12.Test Case Design

34 | P a g e
Test Test Test Case Test Steps Test
Case Case Description Status
Te Registr To Enter Vali Registr Registe P
ID Name Pass/Fail
st ation verify all d ation red as
Step Input Expected Actual
Ca Page that valid Det success admin s
Output Output
se the details ails ful can
Test Login To verify Login with Username: Index.html Login Pass
2 admin accordi now
Case that the Username admin page should successful
regist ngly login
1 admin has and Password: be
ered with
entered Password 33742527 displayed
by current
Valid valid
enteri userna
ng me and
valid passwo
detail rd
Login To verify Login with Username: Index.html Login Fail
s create
that the Username User page should successful
admin has and Password: be
Registr To Enter Inv Registr Not Fa
entered Password 33742527 displayed
ation verify all alid ation registe il
Valid (Invalid
Page that valid Det success red
username username)
the details ails ful success
admin accordi fully
regist ngly
Login To verify Login with Username: Index.html Login Fail
that the Username admin page should successful
admin has and Password: be
entered Password 337 displayed
Valid (Invalid
username password)
and Less than 6
password characters

35 | P a g e
13. Scope of the system
Nothing is perfect in this world so we are also no exception. Although we have tried
our best to present the information effectively yet there can be further enhancement in the
application. We have taken care of all the critical aspects, which need to take care of during
the development of the project
Like the things this project also has some limitations and can further be enhances by
someone because there are certain drawbacks that do not permit the system to be 100%

36 | P a g e
14. Conclusion

 Our system eliminates the efforts needed for manual system. It provides 3 times better
security as compared to manual system.
 Our system gives the customers electronic bill and helps us in keeping the records of
all the Teachers Students Courses Attendance etc.
 It reduces the paper work and time.
 It provides us immense reliability and reduces redundancy.

37 | P a g e

 Wikipedia
 PHP reference book
 PHP textbook
 Google

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