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An Introduction:

Foundation in Nursing
“The systematic accumulation of
knowledge is essential to progress in any
profession however theory and practice
must be constantly interactive. Theory
without practice is empty and practice
without theory is blind.” (Cross,1981)
What is science?
• It’s an organized body of knowledge
gained through research.
• Scientific Method:
a. Observation
b. Gathering data
c. Forming hypothesis
d. Experimental investigation
e. Conclusion/theoretical explanation
What is nursing science?
• The substantive, discipline-specific
knowledge that focuses on the
human-universe-health process
articulated in the nursing frameworks
and theories (Parse,2016).
• The goal of nursing science is to
represent the nature of nursing -- to
understand it, to explain it , and to
use it for the benefit of humankind.
What is philosophy?
• is concerned with the purpose of
human life, the nature of being
and reality, and the theory and
limits of knowledge.
• as study of problems that are
ultimate , abstract, and general.
What is nursing philosophy?
• Refers to the belief system or worldview of the
profession and provides perspectives for practice,
scholarship, and research.
• A statement, sometimes written, that declares a
nurse's beliefs, values, and ethics regarding their
care and treatment of patients while they are in
the nursing profession.
• Helps to establish the meaning of science through
an understanding and examination of nursing
concepts ,theories, laws, and aims as they relate
to nursing practice(Nyatanga,2005;Polifroni,2015).
What is knowledge?
• Information , skills and expertise
acquired by a person through
formal/informal learning.
What is principle?
• A principle is a proposition or value
that is a guide for behavior or
evaluation. In law, it is a rule that has
to be or usually is to be followed, or
can be desirably followed, or is an
inevitable consequence of something,
such as the laws observed in nature
or the way that a system is
What is phenomenon?
•aspect of reality that can be
consciously sensed or experience
. A sets of empirical data or
experiences that can be
physically observed or tangible
such as crying or grimacing when
in pain. (Meleis,1997).
What is Theory?
• A set of concepts, definition,
relationships, and assumptions that
project a systematic view of a
• It may consist of one or more
relatively specific and concrete
concepts and propositions that
purport to account for or organize
some phenomenon.(Barnum,1988)
What are the components
of theory?
• Concepts – ideas and mental
images that help to describe
phenomena (Alligood & Marriner-
• Definitions- convey the general
meaning of the concepts.
• Proposition - is the meaning of a
declarative sentence, where
"meaning" is understood to be a non-
linguistic entity which is shared by all
sentences with the same meaning
• Assumptions – statements that
describe concepts
What is paradigm?
• A model that explains the linkages of
science, philosophy, and the theory
accepted and applied by the discipline
( Alligood & Marriner-Tomey,2002)
What is conceptual models or
- are representations of an idea
or body of knowledge based on
the own understanding or
perception of a person or
researcher on a certain topic,
phenomena or theory.
What is a domain?
• The view or perspective of the
• It contains the subject , central
concepts, values and beliefs,
phenomena of interest, and the
central problems of the discipline.
How does domain relates to
nursing theory?
Nursing has identified its domain in
a paradigm that includes four
1. Person / Client
2. Health
3. Environment
4. Nursing
What are the purposes of
nursing theory?
• It guides nursing practice and
generates knowledge
• It helps to describe or explain
• Enables nurses to know WHY they
are doing WHAT they are doing
Why do we study nursing
• Everyday practice enriches theory
• Both practice and theory are guided by values and
• Theory helps to reframe our thinking about nursing
• Theory guides use of idea and techniques
• Theory can close the gap between theory and
• To envision potentialities( Gordon, Parker, &
So how do nurses use theory in
everyday practice?
• Organize patient data
• Understand patient data
• Analyze patient data
• Make decisions about nursing
• Plan patient care
• Predict outcomes of care
• Evaluate patient outcomes.
Commonly Used Non-Nursing
• Systems Theory
• Basic Human Needs Theory
• Health & Wellness Models
• Stress & Adaptation
• Developmental Theories
• Psychosocial Theories
• “The study and use of nursing theory in
nursing practice must have roots in the
everyday practice of nurses(
Gordon,Parker, & Jester,2001)
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