Science of The Total Environment: A Systematic Review On The Management and Treatment of Mercury in Artisanal Gold Mining

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A systematic review on the management and treatment of mercury in

artisanal gold mining
Tara Rava Zolnikov a,⁎,1, Daisy Ramirez Ortiz b,1
Department of Community Health, National University, 3678 Aero Court, San Diego, CA 92123, United States b Florida
International University, Department of Epidemiology, 11200 SW 8 ST. AHC5 Room 490, Miami, FL 33199, United States

• Many interventions try to
remove mercury in
artisanal gold mining.
• This review found social,
technical, environmental
aspects must be considered.
• A systematic review
determined barriers
involved with current
• Removing mercury in
AGM requires a
comprehensive approach.
• Technology, education,
mineralogy, and
government support are


Artisanal gold mining (AGM) continues to be a pervasive global health issue.

While there are various problems associated with AGM, mercury exposure is the
article info primary hazard contributing to adverse health effects in exposed human
populations. Over the last several decades, many interventions have been
Article history: developed and implemented to curb mercury emissions and releases,
Received 2 January 2018 notwithstanding a comprehensive review of context specific effectiveness. A
Received in revised form 20 systematic review was conducted in order to specifically assess the impact of
March 2018 current mercury interventions within the AGM sector worldwide. To aid in this
Accepted review, a resource pool of information on AGM and mercury, treatment and
20 March management of emissions and releases, and interventions was assembled through a
search con-
2018 ducted via multiple search engines. This search determined that there have been
Available many strategies used to reduce or eliminate mercury, through interventions or
programs focusing on education, processing centers, or mercury alternative
online xxxx techniques. Education has focused on environment or health awareness or more
Editor: Mae specifically on cleaner or alternative techniques. Processing centers offered
artisanal miners rudimentary equipment for grinding and amalgamation that
Sexauer extract less than 30% of the gold as an exchange for their tailings. Some
Gustin techniques reduced mercury releases including retorts, mill leaching, vat-leaching,
and others replaced mercury from the process such as magnets, direct smelting,
sluices, and borax. There are both positive and negative outcomes associated with
Keywords: every intervention. Novel and comprehensive strategies—including mercury
Systematic review removal technology, miner education on mercury hazards, economic gains, and
Worldwide policy—are needed to address mercury public health issues associated with AGM.
AGM © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T.R. Zolnikov, D. Ramirez Ortiz / Science of the Total Environment 633 (2018) 816–824 817
⁎ Corresponding author.











818 T.R. Zolnikov, D. Ramirez Ortiz / Science of the Total Environment 633 (2018) 816–824




T.R. Zolnikov, D. Ramirez Ortiz / Science of the Total Environment 633 (2018) 816–824 819





1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 817
2. Methods.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 817
2.1. Limitations................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 818
3. Results...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 818
3.1. Educational interventions............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 818
3.2. Processing centers........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 820
3.3. Techniques to reduce mercury releases........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 820
3.4. Alternative techniques to mercury amalgamation......................................................................................................................................................................................... 820
4. Discussion................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 821
4.1. Complexity of interventions......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 821
4.2. Economic gains............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 821
4.3. Mineralogy.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 822
4.4. Social aspects............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 822
4.5. Improvements.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 822
5. Conclusion................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 823
Acknowledgements...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 823
References.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 823

1. Introduction participants (Spiegel et al., 2006). Unfortunately,

AGM has numerous problems associated with it
Artisanal gold mining (AGM) is an that directly stem from mercury use through
extractive sector that has managed to not only emissions and exposures. Both human health and
maintain its presence across decades but has also environmental ramifications exist from mercury
grown. This situation has occurred for a variety use. The environment is affected through high
of reasons: 1. mining can occur independently; levels of river siltation and mercury pollution in
2. the unfaltering market value of gold; and 3. sediment and soil (Lebel et al., 1995, 1998;
ease and accessibility of technology applied. Taylor et al., 2005; Babut et al., 2003). On the
AGM has evaded cultural differences and is a other hand, exposed human populations can
viable resource worldwide. In fact, the suffer from chronic or acute exposure to
combination of these factors has contributed to mercury, which may result in dosedependent
the widespread adoption and use of AGM. There adverse health effects. Acute, low-dose exposure
are approximately 50 million people involved in to mercury can lead to respiratory symptoms
the sector in approximately 70 different such as chest pains, dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis,
countries (Telmer and Veiga, 2009; Veiga and impairment of pulmonary function, and
Baker, 2004). interstitial pneumonitis; while acute, high-dose
The main problem with this type of mining is exposure can be fatal or lead to permanent
that miners use mercury to extract gold from ore. damage within the central nervous system (EPA,
Amalgamation by mercury is an inexpensive, 2011; Poulin et al., 2008). Perhaps more
easily accessible, and uncomplicated procedure common in AGM are chronic, low to moderate-
that extracts an adequate amount of gold from dose exposure levels, which are characterized by
ore, thereby economically sustaining the lives of less pronounced symptoms such as fatigue,
820 T.R. Zolnikov, D. Ramirez Ortiz / Science of the Total Environment 633 (2018) 816–824
irritability, loss of memory, vivid dreams, and electronic databases and 10 from hand-searching).
depression (EPA, 2011). These varying degrees A two-stage screening method was conducted,
of adverse health effects provide evidence to the where titles alone were screened first, followed by
toxic nature of mercury exposure, in general, and screening of titles and abstracts of those not
specifically in the field of AGM. rejected in the first stage (Mateen et al., 2013). The
Millions of dollars have been spent on researchers then reviewed the full-text of articles
sector-specific policies and regulations for uncovered by the search. Any discrepancies were
decreasing mercury emissions (Hilson, 2008). In resolved through discussion until consensus was
2007, most of this funding (e.g. from United reached. The criteria for studies included any
Nations, The World Bank, Global intervention or program that ultimately sought to
Environmental Facility, German Technical curb mercury emissions and releases. Some studies
Cooperation Agency, and GiZ) had failed to were theoretical or lab-based, but those were
facilitate marked improvements regulating included as well, as long as they were specific to
mercury and miners continue to be exposed to AGM. Gathered information for each study
potentially hazardous levels of mercury (Hilson, included the reference and year of publication,
2008). Since then, it is likely that additional location of the intervention, type of intervention,
interventions have attempted to decrease and purpose of the study and brief description on the
eliminate mercury emissions; however, results. The brief description was used to describe
information on the effectiveness of recent efforts how the intervention worked, the benefits of it, and
have not been reviewed in its entirety and the negative aspects. Gold extraction gains and
disseminated. One study (see Davies, 2014) emissions reduction were also included to enhance
reviewed alternative solutions to mercury the cost-benefit associated with the intervention.
removal in AGM, although this review did not The expectation was that the culmination of these
follow a rigorous search of the literature (e.g. factors would highlight interventions and context-
only included a few studies, information was specific traits that could contribute to future
dated beyond the current scope of knowledge, effective implementation and change.
etc.). Therefore, the state of research regarding Our literature search identified 28 applicable
attempted or potential solutions addressing studies, which focused on varying methods of
mercury in AGM continues to be ill-defined addressing mercury exposure by managing,
(Hilson, 2009). Thus, the goal of this review was educating, or providing alternative methods to
to comprehensively evaluate current efforts mercury usage (Fig. 1). Six articles were excluded
aimed at managing and treating mercury from inclusion in the review (Jonsson et al., 2013;
emissions or releases in AGM. These Nyanza et al., 2017; Balzino et al., 2015; Davies,
interventions were then analyzed in order to 2014; Teschner et al., 2017; Hylander et al., 2007).
understand economic and context-specific The first article was a discussion on some mercury-
dimensions pertaining to each effort, and to free alternatives, but while this article was not
understand the sustainability and transferability included, it was hand-searched for potential articles
of each intervention from a worldwide that met the criteria in the present review. The
perspective. second eliminated article discussed the
appropriateness of retorts, but did not evaluate the
2. Methods success of any particular retort project. The third
eliminated article focused on describing the gold
A search was conducted and included relevant recovery process using mercury amalgamation and
published scientific literature using ProQuest, did not include an intervention. The fourth
JSTOR, Springer Link, ScienceDirect, and Sage eliminated article focused on knowledge and
Journals website. The search was designed to adherence to the cyanide code among small-scale
identify any studies on the management or gold miners. The fifth and sixth articles that were
interventions developed to address mercury excluded from this review discussed the
emissions within the AGM sector. Search terms effectiveness of two sluicing methods. The total
included: “small mining” or “small scale mining” or final review included 22 studies (Table 1).
“small artisanal gold mining” or “artisanal mining”
or “artisanal gold mining” or “mercury” or 2.1. Limitations
“alternative” or “alternatives” or “solution” or
“solutions”. The search was date restricted to gather This review focused solely on interventions or
programs addressing mercury emissions or
articles from January 2007 to December 2017, in
exposures from AGM; moreover, additional
order to retain current data—or within the last ten
exposures (e.g. cyanide), health outcomes, or other
years. The search was not restricted by language.
environmental contamination issues were not
References cited in identified articles were also
specifically addressed. Information was assessed
reviewed. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
based on the overall success of the project in the
Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines were used
study along with negative or challenging factors
for reporting the search and selection of results. All
associated with it. While the location of the study
references were imported into an EndNote Library
was gathered, it should be noted that public health
and duplicates were removed manually within
infrastructure, as well as the economic and political
EndNote leaving a total of 5492 results (5482 from
state of affairs within each country are difficult to
T.R. Zolnikov, D. Ramirez Ortiz / Science of the Total Environment 633 (2018) 816–824 821
categorize and assess and were removed from best to address mercury exposure. Some of these
consideration in this review; it should be noted that interventions focused solely on the education
these aspects could be considered primary regarding adverse health and environmental
contributors in the success or failure of projects. effects, while others focused on the removal of
Lastly, the burden of AGM at a population level mercury from the process completely. Most of
remains limited to the scope of interventions these interventions had both positive and
evaluated and may not fully determine the negative aspects associated with them. Financial
comprehensive nature of this issue. outcomes (e.g. gold extracted) were also
evaluated and confirmed that these also were
3. Results associated with some level of variation,
depending on the intervention.
The reviewed studies (n = 22) occurred in
various locations, including Brazil, Lao PDR, 3.1. Educational interventions
Sudan, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania,
Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Peru, Colombia, Educational interventions were proposed and
Indonesia, Philippines, and Ghana. All of the implemented in study sites located in
studies took place between 2007 and 2017. Each Mozambique, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Sudan,
study focused on a specific type of intervention Tanzania, Brazil, Zimbabwe, Ecuador, Peru, and
or program controlling or decreasing mercury Colombia. These educational interventions
emissions or releases. Interestingly and perhaps focused on providing awareness on AGM and
some knowledge on the depth of the AGM mercury exposure and demonstration of cleaner
situation, there were different viewpoints on how technologies; however, the

Records identified through database Records identified through other


searching sources
(n = 5724 ) (n = 10)

Records after duplicates removed

(n = 5492)

Records excluded based

Records screened on title/abstract
(n = 5492) (n = 5464)

Full-text articles assessed

for eligibility Full-text articles excluded,
(n = 28) with reasons
(n = 6)
1= discussion paper on
some mercury-free
2= evaluated efficiency of

sluicing methods
Studies included in 3= not focused on an
systematic review intervention or solution to
(n = 22) mercury releases

Fig. 1. PRISMA flow chart: study selection for systematic review of interventions or program to control or
reduce mercury emissions.
822 T.R. Zolnikov, D. Ramirez Ortiz / Science of the Total Environment 633 (2018) 816–824


Intervention Source(s) Location(s) Level of success (successful, fairly successful,

fairly unsuccessful, unsuccessful)
Awareness/demonstration Sousa and Veiga, 2009 Brazil, Mozambique, Peru, Fairly successful
Shandro et al., 2009 Colombia, Indonesia, Lao PDR

Veiga et al., 2015 Sudan, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Ecuador

Garcia et al., 2015
McDaniels et al., 2010
Didactic theatre Metcalf and Veiga, 2012 Zimbabwe Fairly unsuccessful
Parody songs Veiga and Marshall, 2017 Colombia, Peru, Ecuador Fairly successful
Processing centers Veiga et al., 2014a Nicaragua, Peru, Colombia, Indonesia, Ecuador Fairly unsuccessful
Velasquez-López et al., 2010
Goncalves et al., 2017
Techniques to reduce mercury releases
Source(s) Location(s) Emissions reduction
Retorts Jonsson et al., 2009 Tanzania 80%
Vat leaching using gravity concentration Sousa et al., 2010 Brazil 100%
prior to cyanidation
Mill leaching Veiga et al., 2009 Ecuador 100%
Alternative techniques to mercury amalgamation
Intervention Source(s)
Location(s) Extraction efficiency
Magnets Drace et al., 2012 Mozambique 89–93%
Borax Appel and Jønsson, 2010 Philippines, Indonesia, Tanzania, Bolivia and Zimbabwe Two to three times more than
Appel and Na-Oy, 2014 mercury in 30% less time

Appel and Na-Oy, 2013

Appel and Na-Oy, 2012
Steckling et al., 2014
Direct smelting of gold concentrates Amankwah et al., 2010 Ghana 98.3% in 45 min
Styles et al., 2010
Cyanidation Velasquez-López et al., 2011 Ecuador 93% in 6 h
Veiga et al., 2009 95% in 8 h

knowledge presented varied in each study. some strategies used were transportable
Shandro et al. (2009) focused primarily on demonstration units (TDUs) to deliver trainings,
technique demonstrations in gold recovery and field demonstration of technologies, and
production alongside information focusing on promotional programs discussing the health and
mercury as a hazard and adverse health effects. environmental consequences of mercury (e.g.
Sousa and Veiga (2009) presented a more booklets, brochures, advertisement and radio
comprehensive program with cleaner techniques programs) (McDaniels et al., 2010).
available and offered varying tools (e.g. retorts, Two other studies used unconventional
hammer mill, ball mill, etc.) with a focus more methods to educate miners on mercury use.
so on mercury reduction indicators, relying less Metcalf and Veiga (2012) used a street theatre
on environment, health, sanitation, and gold program to raise awareness on mercury hazards.
recovery outcomes. Veiga et al. (2015) took a This didactic program consisted of street
different approach and delivered theoretical performances focused on the hazards of mercury
classes on topics such as cleaner technologies, use followed by discussions, trainings, and
mineralogy, health and safety in mines, policy demonstrations with the local miners on safe
and regulations, and training on more efficient mercury use and more efficient gold recovery
techniques (e.g. gravity concentration, flotation methods (e.g. retorts) (Metcalf and Veiga, 2012).
and cyanidation) in a demonstration plant to In the same vein, Veiga and Marshall (2017)
train Peruvian miners. A similar approach was used parody songs as a simple way to educate
used by Garcia et al. (2015) in the Colombia miners about the environmental and health
Mercury Project to educate and train Colombian impacts of mercury use in hopes to promote
miners in a demonstration plant, along with positive changes in gold recovery practices.
enforcement from local authorities. Another Because of the incomparable nature of the
project was the Global Mercury Project (GMP) results, it was difficult to determine which program
that was implemented in six pilot sites in achieved more success, though Veiga et al. (2015)
countries such as Brazil, Indonesia, Lao PDR, and Garcia et al. (2015) used a similar approach and
Sudan, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe (McDaniels et reported significant reductions in mercury levels.
al., 2010). This project consisted on health Veiga et al. (2015) reported that three years after
awareness and technology demonstration the project began mercury concentrations the region
campaigns delivered to miners and community were reduced by approximately 50%. Garcia et al.
members to reduce mercury exposure and (2015) reported that the project reduced 43% of
releases (McDaniels et al., 2010). For example,
T.R. Zolnikov, D. Ramirez Ortiz / Science of the Total Environment 633 (2018) 816–824 823
mercury entering the whole ore amalgamation in implemented in several countries (VelasquezLópez
the gold processing centers and 63% of mercury et al., 2010).
losses in the amalgamation process from 2010 to Veiga et al. (2014a) conducted a general review
2013. This resulted in 46 to 70 t/a less mercury lost of processing centers in Nicaragua, Peru, Colombia,
to the environment. Sousa and Veiga (2009) Indonesia, and Ecuador, while Velasquez-López et
reported that annual mercury emissions had been al. (2010) and Goncalves et al. (2017) focused
reduced by 10% because of the 120-day training. specifically on processing centers in Ecuador. It
Shandro et al. (2009) reported several changes was determined that processing centers were not
necessary to garner lasting changes in miners only inefficient in amalgamating gold, but also
including more decision power, accessible resulted in additive environmental waste exposure
equipment, and increased gold recovery, thus due to the combination of mercury and cyanide
suggesting less applicability and less program (Velasquez-López et al., 2010; Veiga et al., 2014a).
success. Metcalf and Veiga (2012) reported limited Velasquez-López et al. (2010) reported that 22.9%
success due to the unstable economic and political of mercury is lost in processing centers when whole
environment in Zimbabwe; however, the program ore is amalgamated, while only 1.4% of mercury is
brought awareness on safer mercury use to nearly lost in tailings when miners amalgamate only
9000 people and 700 miners were trained on safer gravity concentrates—or concentrated gold product
gold recovery methods. McDaniels et al. (2010) after using the difference between gold gravity and
reported that the GMP was successful in training gangue minerals (Veiga et al., 2006).
300 trainers who educated over 30,000 miners and When comparing the two studies conducted in
community members in six countries on cleaner Ecuador in 2008 and 2013 in terms of mercury
mining technologies (e.g. retorts and fume hoods), losses from the amalgamation of the whole ore and
and the environmental and health impacts of leftovers, a 28.4% reduction of initial mercury use
mercury. The use of transportable demonstration was observed, which resulted in approximately
units increased the transferability and sustainability 16% less total mercury being lost (Goncalves et al.,
of this project, by enabling access to more miners, 2017; Velasquez-López et al., 2010).
and easier implementation (McDaniels et al., 2010). VelasquezLópez et al. (2010) reported an average
Moreover, in some pilot sites such as Tapajos basin of 48.3% total mercury lost from an average of
in the Amazon of Brazil, survey data showed that 356.3 g or mercury entering the Chanchas, whereas
90 days after implementing training, 90–100% of Goncalves et al. (2017) reported an average of
miners were still following the program guidelines 32.2% total mercury lost from an average of 255.3
for cleaner and sustainable mining practices g of mercury. Goncalves et al. (2017) reported that
(McDaniels et al., 2010). Lastly, Veiga and the reduction in mercury loss was likely due to
Marshall (2017) reported successfully using parody improved knowledge in the processing of ore and
songs to teach artisanal miners about the impacts of better understanding that excessive use of mercury
mercury pollution in Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia, is unnecessary and inefficient. Moreover,
though this level of success was not quantified in VelasquezLópez et al. (2011) reviewed how the
any manner. Merrill-Crowe—the process using filters and
vacuums that separates gold from solution through
cyanide leaching—and Carbon-in-pulp (CIP)—gold
3.2. Processing centers extraction process using cyanide in tanks where
leaching is followed by adsorption— could modify
Processing centers offer rudimentary crushing,
mercury discharge during cyanidation of mercury-
grinding, and amalgamation equipment to artisanal
rich tailings in processing centers through trapping
miners to process their ore, reaching a gold
and dissolution techniques. CIP process increased
recovery of less than 30% (Veiga, 2011). In order
the percentage of dissolved mercury by 31% and
to offer payment in exchange for services rendered,
Merrill-Crowe by 15% (Velasquez-López et al.,
miners leave their tailings in the centers to be
further processed by cyanidation to extract residual
Mercury amalgamation is the most common
gold (Veiga, 2011). Historically, processing centers
process used in AGM. This technique uses mercury
have been effective in reducing mercury discharges
combined with gold-containing ore, which forms an
into the environment by discouraging miners from
amalgam that dissolves and extracts the gold from
using mercury in their operations and moving
the silt. Mercury exposure is associated with this
tailings disposal to a centralized center (Veiga et
processing technique, hence the reason many
al., 2014a). That said, the newer adaptation of
alternatives exist in AGM. Solutions suggested and
processing centers more frequently provides
implemented by the reviewed studies included
inefficient processing techniques to miners, though
techniques to reduce mercury releases (i.e. retorts,
output does depend on implemented techniques and
mill leaching, vat-leaching), and alternative
technology (Veiga et al., 2014a; Veiga, 2011). In
techniques that replace mercury (i.e. cyanidation
this review, the studies focused on processing
and borax). All of these interventions were
centers with varying ore to amalgam techniques.
implemented in various countries, but the success
The Chilean-mill—where ore is ground,
of some of these projects relied specifically on the
concentrated, and amalgamated—and a Chancha environment (e.g. composition of ore).
center—where whole ore is amalgamated—were
824 T.R. Zolnikov, D. Ramirez Ortiz / Science of the Total Environment 633 (2018) 816–824
3.3. Techniques to reduce mercury releases artisanal miners were not actually conducting the
cyanidation process (Veiga et al., 2009).
Some methods were created to reduce Finally, interesting novel techniques were
occupational exposure to mercury. Retorts are an proposed to eliminate mercury entirely from
example, wherein amalgam is placed at the end AGM. The methods included using magnets, the
of a plug and the mercury in the amalgam direct smelting of gold concentrates, and borax
vaporizes and condenses in the tube during the as mercury alternatives. These studies were
heating process (Jonsson et al., 2009). Jonsson et primarily conducted as pilot or field trials. Drace
al. (2009) employed the use of retorts in et al. (2012) employed magnets to remove
Tanzania, where five months after project gangue materials in Mozambique, resulting in
initiation, 18 of 20 miners had removed all 89–93% pure gold, mostly due to the mineralogy
suspicions regarding gold loss and continued of the ore in the area. This study was conducted
using their retorts, recycling 10 k of mercury. in a privately-owned mine where workers
Mill and vat leaching are used to leach received salaries not commensurate upon gold
gravity or flotation concentrates in small ball recovery, suggesting low practicability and
mills. Vat leaching seeks to replace mercury by replicability of this method to other mining sites
applying a lixiviant (e.g. cyanide, thiourea, (Drace et al., 2012). That said, the project was
bromine, iodine, etc.) to percolate a static bed or quite successful, which was attributed to the
ore. This is typically an inexpensive method organization of the privately owned mine
used by processing centers to extract gold from alongside having access to specific resources
mercury contaminated tailings. This process is (e.g. stable working conditions, consistent
better than many other classical cyanidation income, safety equipment, etc.) as well as the
techniques and it is faster because of the mineralogic conditions of the area, and the mine
grinding process used in gold dissolution as well owner's awareness about the impact of gold
as using hydrogen peroxide that decreases time mining on the health of employees, the
for gold leaching; however, this process requires environment, and the local community (Drace et
knowledge on chemistry, an investment in al., 2012). Appel and Jønsson (2010) used
equipment and reagents, and the education of another novel technique in Tanzania, replacing
miners on the risks of cyanide (Veiga et al., mercury with borax to purify gold concentrates.
2009). Sousa et al. (2010) proposed gravity They reported that borax could recover up to
concentration prior to cyanidation in the ball mill twice as much gold as when used in the
to replace amalgamation in the process. An amalgamation process, without any additional
advantage of this process was the reduction in knowledge or equipment used (Appel and Na-
operating costs and time, as traditional vat Oy, 2014; Appel and Jønsson, 2010). Appel and
leaching can last over 20 days to finalize the Na-Oy (2012) also implemented the borax
extraction process recovering 50% of gold, while method in the northern Philippines and reported
gravity concentration can finish in approximately that the borax method was almost three times
24 h and can recover up to 98% of the gold in more efficient in recovering gold compared to
the concentrate (Sousa et al., 2010). Gravity mercury amalgamation. While borax appeared to
concentration reduced the mass of material that be a viable solution, it can only be used on ore
needed to be amalgamated by mercury or deposits with visible gold, thus confirming poor
leached with cyanide. However, this process was transferability of the method (Appel and Na-Oy,
more relevant to mine owners and associations, 2014; Appel and Na-Oy, 2013). More than that,
as it required an investment in equipment that artisanal miners remained unconvinced the borax
many artisanal miners could not afford (Sousa et method had higher gold recovery rates than
al., 2010). mercury amalgamation (Appel and Na-Oy, 2014;
Appel and Jønsson, 2010; Steckling et al., 2014).
3.4. Alternative techniques to mercury Appel and Jønsson (2010) reported that
amalgamation materials used in the process were expensive
(acetylene gas) and were not readily available in
Another solution replaced mercury by the region (borax); consequently, lack of
cyanidation in the ball mill, which causes gold to resources affect the adoption and success of this
react with the cyanide and dissolve into the technique. Moreover, the process would also
solution. This technique reported achieving gold only be useful in areas with specific ores, such as
extraction up to 93% in 6 h of leaching and 95% those without sulfides, and for miners who were
in 8 h of leaching compared to approximately only producing small amounts of gold per day
30% using mercury (Veiga et al., 2009). This (Veiga et al., 2014b). That said, this mercury-
was a simple and inexpensive process which free method did successfully extract up to twice
drastically increased gold recovery without the as much gold in the same amount of time as
investment of new equipment (Veiga et al., amalgamation in small-scale sites located in the
2009). The amount of gold extracted through Philippines, Indonesia, Tanzania, Bolivia, and
these processes was an economic benefit to Zimbabwe (Appel and Na-Oy, 2014; Appel and
miners; however, a challenge with this technique Jønsson, 2010). Demonstration projects and
revolved around the organization of miners and training programs are needed to provide
division of work in mining sites, as many evidence of technique effectiveness in gold
T.R. Zolnikov, D. Ramirez Ortiz / Science of the Total Environment 633 (2018) 816–824 825
recovery, to increase environmental awareness, populations at risk, availability and accessibility
and to maintain technical support from of materials (e.g. cyanide), amount of
government authorities to guide miners in government support for regulations and policy,
adoption of the borax method (Appel and Na- etc.). That said, after a review of the literature,
Oy, 2014; Appel and Jønsson, 2010). Lastly, there were four main barriers that arose with
Amankwah et al. (2010) used direct smelting, these interventions: 1. complexity of
which replaces the need for amalgamation and intervention, 2. mineralogy, 3. economic gains,
retorts, in Ghana as an alternative to mercury and 4. social aspects. Ultimately, these core
amalgamation. In laboratory tests, direct barriers need to be considered before successful
smelting yielded 99.8% gold recovery compared implementation of interventions can take place
to 97% for mercury amalgamation (Amankwah and mercury exposure is addressed. Moreover,
et al., 2010; Styles et al., 2010). A locally- these aspects are merely those experienced on
fabricated furnace averaged 98.3% gold the ground and ultimately, change in AGM
recovery in a shorter time compared to 88% for needs to occur on a multitude of levels and
amalgamation, being more cost-effective include policies, strategies, and “adopted
(Amankwah et al., 2010; Styles et al., 2010). standards” worldwide to decrease mercury
Though, this technique was not efficient for exposure from AGM.
samples with low gold content (Amankwah et
al., 2010). This field trial had many problems 4.1. Complexity of interventions
associated with it, including the interference of
free metallic compounds in scavenged material, While created with good intentions, there were
grinding surfaces mixed in the concentrate, the several interventions that were too difficult to
chamber needed improved ventilation, waste implement. The intervention either needed to be
acid must be neutralized, and crucibles cracked supplemented with additional education or used
during smelting (Amankwah et al., 2010). processes that required many steps that were
Another limitation of direct smelting was that difficult to follow. Some of these included nearly
the fuel used—charcoal—was not every intervention with cyanide as well as vat
environmentally friendly, but was cheap, easily leaching. In addition, miner education also needed
accessible, and of high calorific value to highlight how much gold was actually recovered
(Amankwah et al., 2010). Thus, an alternative during the processes, as this appeared to be a
fuel should be identified to replace charcoal in common theme with miners who used retorts or the
this process. borax replacement alternative technique.
In many mercury reduction techniques, miners
4. Discussion needed to retain necessary knowledge and exposure
awareness before appropriately implementing the
The present review found a total of 22 proposed techniques (Jonsson et al., 2009; Sousa et
articles about interventions or solutions used to al., 2010; Velasquez-López et al., 2011). For
manage and treat mercury emissions or releases example, the cyanidation process is typically
in AGM, confirming the limited scientifically- conducted by operators in the processing centers,
conducted research on this topic in the last while artisanal miners are offered less efficient
decade. This outcome may be a result of: 1) the techniques (e.g. amalgamation) in exchange for
primary focus on research assessing the harmful their mercury contaminated tailings (Veiga et al.,
effects of mercury exposure on AGM-miners, 2009). This leads to the use of cyanide and mercury
−communities and –environment (water, air, in the same process, which commonly results in the
soil), and 2) the oversight of the AGM sector in pairing of mercury with cyanide contributing to
policy, economic development, and twice the amount of hazardous exposures (Veiga et
project/program implementation efforts in many al., 2009). Lack of awareness, knowledge, and
countries (Hilson and McQuilken, 2014; understanding for the gold recovery process
McDaniels et al., 2010). Nevertheless, the contribute to the mixing of mercury and cyanide
studies included in this systematic review (Velasquez-López et al., 2011). Velasquez-López et
provide important information to understand the al. (2011) reviewed how the Merrill-Crowe and
sustainability and transferability of interventions Carbon-in-pulp (CIP) methods could modify
to manage and treat mercury in AGM mercury discharge during cyanidation of mercury-
worldwide. rich tailings through trapping and dissolution
Mercury is used to extract gold from ore; techniques, but the additional solutions used to
thus, mercury exposure occurs in AGM. Because minimize mixing also likely required sufficient
mercury affects population health, many education to complete them.
interventions have been implemented to curb the Besides cyanide, other alternative replacements
rates of exposure. Results determined positive for mercury were proposed, used, and tested. These
and negative outcomes associated with every types of alternatives included vatleaching, magnets,
intervention, thereby confirming the fact that a direct smelting of gold, and borax amalgamation.
single solution managing and treating mercury These techniques focused on removing or reducing
currently does not exist. Techniques for mercury from AGM. One primary proposed
alternative method practices should be designed solution was leaching. Leaching appeared to be a
with a myriad of factors in mind (e.g. useable process, though each study suggested that
826 T.R. Zolnikov, D. Ramirez Ortiz / Science of the Total Environment 633 (2018) 816–824
miners must have proper education on the system hidden interests of local processing centers may be
before implementing these techniques, such as limiting the spread of information on more efficient
knowledge on chemistry, an investment in techniques and the formalization and growth of
equipment and reagents, and the education of AGM miners (Veiga, 2011).
miners on the risks of cyanide (Veiga et al., 2009;
Sousa et al., 2010). Amankwah et al. (2010) 4.3. Mineralogy
suggested that direct smelting could replace
mercury and retorts because of its ease of use and Some interventions have used completely
transparency; unfortunately, many problems arose different materials to replace mercury in the gold
primarily because of the free metallic components extraction process. Magnets and borax were
that interfered with the smelting process proposed and employed as mercury replacement
(Amankwah et al., 2010; Styles et al., 2010). Thus, alternatives. These both appeared to be efficient in
this process again became too complex and needed eliminating mercury and recovering gold, although
to be finetuned and re-examined before being a specific type of ore was needed, thereby
implemented on a larger, more realistic scale. restricting these types of interventions (Appel and
Na-Oy, 2014). Due to the heterogeneity in the
4.2. Economic gains geology of mining sites, a geologic sampling and
metallurgical analysis must be conducted to
Some interventions were not widely accepted improve these methods accuracies and to avoid
because the miners did not believe that the process introducing alternative technologies that reduce
removed as much gold as possible. For example, gold recovery rates compared to those currently
retorts have been commonly used as interventions used (Teschner et al., 2017).
in AGM, though retorts do not remove mercury,
but rather provides a method that seeks to control 4.4. Social aspects
mercury emissions. This system has been widely
implemented, as it is simple, inexpensive, and Culture is a large part of change in intervention
recovers about 95% of mercury emissions (Babut success, in general. Therefore, it was not
et al., 2003; Hinton et al., 2003). However, miners unexpected that challenges regarding social aspects
have yet to adopt this technique because of the and change were experienced in intervention
efficiency for gold recovery from mercury (Hilson, development. Before intervention acceptance can
2006). Miners remain unconvinced that the same happen, cultural beliefs and traditions,
amount of gold is recovered from this process, socioeconomic conditions, community stability,
which in turn results in less money. disease patterns, and health services needed to be
Large-scale processing centers offer simple considered in developing and implementing
techniques (e.g. amalgamation) at no cost or a low
interventions—especially educational or
fee in exchange for mercury contaminated tailings,
knowledgebased programs—in mining sites. This is
which are later processed using better techniques
because gold mining is generally viewed as a
(e.g. cyanidation) to recover additional gold from
positive social contribution through gainful
the ore (Velasquez-López et al., 2010; Veiga et al.,
economic means and income-generating activities
2014a). This discrepancy—in terms of technology
(Shandro et al., 2009). These factors influence
and mining methods—affects the introduction of
miner's attitudes and behaviors with respect to
cleaner technologies, as miners are limited to basic
adapting to new methods that may affect financially
methods and simple technologies (Veiga et al.,
gain (Sousa and Veiga, 2009; Shandro et al., 2009).
2014a). In addition, immediate payment for gold
In addition to the challenges of providing
recovered through amalgamation as well as time
education, diseases (e.g. tuberculosis, malaria,
spent during processing were factors creating
sexually transmitted diseases, human
resistance in the adoption of cleaner techniques
immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune
(Veiga et al., 2014a). The lack of knowledge about
deficiency syndrome), safety problems (e.g. injuries
mineralogical characteristics of the ore and the
from extraction and transport processes, such as
simple technologies offered to miners in processing
broken legs, arms and ankles), lack of basic life
centers affect gold recovery and also increase the
requirements (e.g. potable water and sanitation),
use of mercury during amalgamation (Velasquez-
López et al., 2010). Miners extracted less than 30% and mercury pollution exposure are rarely identified
of gold using amalgamation in the processing by miners as factors against gold mining and
centers (Velasquez-López et al., 2010; Veiga et al., reasons for leaving the sector (Shandro et al., 2009;
2014a). This was a serious loss of financial revenue Sousa and Veiga, 2009). Therefore, interventions
must include an assessment of the mining
for miners using these centers. Despite these losses,
community context alongside miner's needs to
miners continued to sell ore to processing centers
because of lack of capital to obtain equipment and develop site specific interventions (Sousa and
lack of water and electricity services (Veiga et al., Veiga, 2009; Shandro et al., 2009; Zolnikov, 2012,
2014a). However, cleaner technologies used in 2017). In addition, illiteracy in these communities
processing centers could be brought to the attention should also be considered when developing
of miners; unfortunately, lack of knowledge, educational interventions to maximize the
technical skills, and low capital hinder the adoption understanding for health and environmental
of these technologies (Velasquez-López et al., consequences of mercury (Shandro et al., 2009;
2010; Veiga et al., 2014a; Veiga, 2011). Also, Sousa and Veiga, 2009). Alongside these
T.R. Zolnikov, D. Ramirez Ortiz / Science of the Total Environment 633 (2018) 816–824 827
community-specific program changes, long-term technologies on improved personal health
support from the government could also facilitate hazards and decreased environmental
the sustainability of educational and technological consequences of using mercury (Sousa et al.,
initiatives, which could fully address issues 2010; Velasquez-López et al., 2011). An
associated with AGM. This could also be enhanced appropriate introduction of these technologies to
through local ownership of introduced initiatives, miners is imperative, as many mining
legalization of mines, control of mercury use, and communities have high levels of illiteracy,
training of miners on legal procedures, mercury- operate informally, and are skeptical towards
associatedrisks, and mercury-free technologies outside interventions (Jonsson et al., 2013). The
(Sousa and Veiga, 2009; Shandro et al., 2009). political environment can also often be
As mentioned, retorts are often used in overlooked in many of these intervention
interventions, but social aspects that contributed settings, but it is also important to note that
to success of retorts were largely attributed to change must occur on these levels as well.
detailed preparation, participatory planning, Governmental investment and support are
reciprocity of trust, and training and monitoring important to provide control in policy,
(Jonsson et al., 2009). Jonsson et al. (2009) regulations, enforcement, and formalization of
reported that the technology needed the support the AGM sector (Velasquez-López et al., 2010;
of local entrepreneurs to ensure the production Veiga et al., 2014a). Formalization of miners has
and availability of retorts; moreover, to increase not been successful due to the bureaucratic laxity
applicability of the retorts, miners needed to and the inconvenient process for obtaining
modify them to accommodate their own specific mining rights. Alongside this type of
requirements (Jonsson et al., 2009). governmental guidance, strategies could
Unfortunately, these ideas may not be viable ultimately promote the use of alternative or
solutions because gold mining sectors are cleaner techniques (e.g. retorts, cyanide in mill-
typically associated with low education, limited leaching, etc.) in addition to providing more
geological and technical knowledge, and low training alongside the active participation of
investment rates. Before promoting the use of miners in the decision-making process and
retorts—or any intervention, in general—an formalization of the AGM sector (Velasquez-
evaluation of the socioeconomic context should López et al., 2010; Veiga et al., 2014a; Davies,
be conducted to assess affordability and 2014; p, 2017). In summary, several aspects
availability of retorts in the region. For example, need to be taken into consideration for a
the use of retorts in Tanzania is mandatory, successful introduction of alternative or cleaner
except that they are not commonly used by methods in AGM, including appropriate
miners due to inadequacy in the introduction of technical communication, socio-cultural context,
this technology, limited technical support and local conditions, affiliation with local authorities
monitoring, lack of involvement of miners and and miners, involvement of miners in the
neglect of the social context of mining sites planning and implementation stages,
(Jonsson et al., 2009). Proper introduction and formalization of miners, and proper monitoring
monitoring could increase the use of retorts and evaluation.
(Jonsson et al., 2009; Jonsson et al., 2013).
Ultimately, considering the dynamics of mining 5. Conclusion
and miners needs and wants could also help
introduce more well-received and context- This review provided evidence of the
specific technologies (Jonsson et al., 2009). challenges faced in reducing or eliminating
mercury use within the AGM sector. This
4.5. Improvements dilemma, at its most basic roots, can be reduced
to a single ancient Chinese proverb, ‘Father's
The reviewed literature reported many debt, son to give back.’ It is widely known that
barriers regarding the successful implementation AGM is a difficult issue without a single
and change of techniques in AGM, such as solution, but that to create change for the future,
complexity of interventions, specific ore needed, new generations must be entrusted to understand
perceived or real decreased gold processing and correct the mistakes of the past. This paper
output, and social factors hindering acceptance. reviewed current existing barriers on
These challenges need to be addressed, but that implemented alternative techniques or solutions
said, novel ideas to promote change also need to to AGM, thereby confirming the need for a more
include other various aspects. One idea could comprehensive approach to be developed. This
focus on encouraging collaborations to guide approach needs to include a full understanding
project success; local authorities and government of mercury removal technologies as well as
could organize and support the implementation miner education on the hazards of mercury to
of alternative techniques, while promoting health and environment, economic gains from
education on environmental and health risks various techniques and technology, and support
(Veiga et al., 2009; Sousa et al., 2010; from government through policy inclusion. It is
Velasquez-López et al., 2011). In the same vein, also important to consider low stability and
miners could also be provided with information sustainability of the interventions; for example,
and knowledge on the benefits of adopting new completed research projects in AGM often
828 T.R. Zolnikov, D. Ramirez Ortiz / Science of the Total Environment 633 (2018) 816–824
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