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Tense review Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. (leam + amlearning + hadn't leamed send » don'tsend + wererit doing + didn’t do » havent done ) 1 We anything wrong in the art room, but the teacher told us to leave. 2 himan angry email. You'll only regretit later 3 how to drive at the moment. 4 When | was younger, we much sport at my primary school 5 Generally! best by doing rather than watching, 6 We any practice tests yet so Im not sure what they're like. 1 me a text message when youre fiee. 8 The English exam was difficult because | ‘enough phrasal verbs. Complete the sentences with the correct present or past form of the verbs in brackets. (teil) me exactiy what (happen) last night! 2. Mrs Hudson is my maths teacher. She (teach) me for four years and in that time | (get) much better at maths. 31 (never /think] of career in medicine before Ispoke to my biology teacher but now | (seriousy/ considen it 4 Ohno! (forget) to bring my assignment! What am | going to do? This is the second time | (do) this! 5 Icant remember what Mr Brown — (sy) yesterday about ourhomevork | (not listen) properly because Charlotte (talk to meat the same time. 6 Lastyear! (go) on a schoo! trip to Scotland. We (have) very interesting tima, 7 Atthe moment! (think) about what subjects to take next year but | (make) a final decision yet. 8 Afew people (misbehave) in class sometimes, but generally everyone fs quite well behaved. Choose the correct option. & Hello, What 'do you watch / are you watching? & A picaramme about the Fist World War, which I recorded last night. /study / Tm studying the Fist World War this term, 4 AIL know f ve known about the First World Wer is that millions of people “aed //hadt ed in it. Yes, it was much, much worse than anyone Shas expected / had expected. It wenton / has gone on for years. 7Doyou want / Have you wanted to watch the programme with me? & No, thanks. ve got to do some violin practice. ve ust remembered / Ijustremembered that I've got a lesson tomiortaw, and | Scion’ have / haven't had time to practise my new piace this week ® OK 1lve already done/ lalready did my piano practice, 50 I've got time to watch TV. See you later.

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