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9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock

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D60 Shastiamsa: Devata


There is two type of principles in Vedic Jyotish,

First is basic principles that is an analysis of a
Bhava lord in another Bhava, Judging
relationship between planets known as Yoga
etc, Second is advanced principles such as
Dasha, Divisional Charts and Shadbala.
Divisional charts are such advanced principle
but are very fundamental to Vedic Jyotish
without which no analysis can be done.

Varga basically means Division. Division of

what? It is Division of a Rashi because 30
degrees of Rashi is divided into many parts to
form different Vargas [Divisions]. One such
division of Shastiamsa, commonly known as
D60. This is one of the most important
divisional charts because of two reasons. Firstly
because parashara said षष्ठयंशे अखिलमीक्षयेत
[षष्ठयंशे-D60, अखिल-Everything क्षयेत- To see]
Which literally means see everything from D60.
Secondly, because it gets the highest point in
Vimshopaka Bala which is comparative say of
each divisional chart in a matter when all
divisional charts are judged together. D60 gets
4 Vimshopaka Bala whereas D9 gets 3
Vimshopaka Bala, D16 gets two Vimshopaka
Bala and D1[Rashi] gets 1.5 Vimshopaka Bala in
Sodashavarga Scheme. [Sodashavarga may look
like a foreign term, Yes it is. It will be explained
in second part of this article]. Here we end up
saying that since D60 gets introduced in
Dashavarga it gets the prominent position in
analysis and for this reason, it is one of the most
important divisional charts.

Deities: What is a deity, Deity basically means

God, which means Lord when it comes to
divisional charts. Because divisional charts are
the distribution of the degree of zodiacs into
different compartments they are assigned
deities to know nature of that compartment.
Deities are rooted in Vedic Philosophy and Vedic
Literature and their nature indicate nature of
that compartment of the divisional chart. 
Because divisional charts are segments of Rashi
nature of such segment decides behaviour
effect of planets and other important points in 1/17
9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock
divisional charts. These deities are very basic
and very important to divisional charts. It can 

be said that deities they are the soul of
divisional charts. Deities also help us
understand nature and functioning of divisional
charts. In almost all divisional charts deities are
Vedic deities but in D60 deities are mainly
names which indicate nature of that division
except few deities such as Brahma and Sarpa
which are Vedic Deities.

There is two type of divisional charts. One

which has deities equal to the division, such as
D20 which have 20 different deities and others
are like D12 where few deities are repeated to
total the number of division such as D12 which
have 4 deities which repeat thrice. When
repetition is there it means something. Three
times repetition means when the deity comes
first it indicates creation when it comes again it
indicates sustenance and when it appears for
last time it indicates destruction. Three times
repetitions are done in D9, D12, D40 and D45.
In D16 repetition is four times which indicates
four aims of human life known as Dharma,
Artha, Kama and Moksha. In D24 deities are
repeated twice, Two time means first as
positive and then as negative in even signs and
reverses in odd signs. So we see deities are very
important and fundamental to divisional charts,
Understanding them properly opens new
insights into divisional charts.

D60: Deities

घोरस्च राक्षसो देवः कु बेरो यक्षकिन्नरोI

भ्रस्टः कु लघ्नो गरलो वह्नीमाया पुरीषकःII

अपाम्पतिमरुत्वांश्च कालः सर्पामृतेंदुकाःI

मृदुः कोमलहेरम्बब्रह्मविष्णुमहेश्वराःII

देवार्दो कलिनासश्च क्षितीशकमलाकरौI

गुलिको मृत्युकालश्च दावाग्निघोरसंज्ञकःII

यमश्च कं टकसुधाअमृतौ पूर्णनिशाकरःI

विषदग्धकु लान्तश्च मुख्यो वंशक्षयस्थताII

उत्पातकालसौम्याख्याः कोमलः शीतलाभिधःI

करालदंष्टचन्द्रास्यौ प्रवीणः कालपावकःII

दंडभृनिर्मलः सौम्यः क्रू रोअतिशीतलोअमृतःI

पयोधि भ्रमणाख्यो च चन्द्ररेखात्वयुग्मपौII

समे भे व्यत्ययाज्ज्ञयाः षष्ठयंशाश्च प्रकीतिँताःI

षष्ठयंशस्वामीनसत्वोजे तदीशाद व्यत्ययतः समेII

बृहत् पराशर होरा शास्त्र I षोडशवर्गाध्यायःI

For the name of deities of D60 along with

degrees they are assigned please refer to be
table given below. In the Last line, Parashara
says in Even Signs [Sama Signs], The order of
deities are reversed [व्यत्यय]. The list given
above is for Odd signs only, A careful reading of 
the above sutras may also mean that In Odd
signs calculations as well as deities are direct
whereas in Even signs calculation, as well as 2/17
9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock
deities, are reversed. This is an area of research
which is still virgin. Shri Vinay Jha is of the 

opinion that in whatever divisional chart when
deities are said to be reversed it also means that
calculation/segment of the divisional chart is
also to be reversed. For this article, we are
taking the traditional method of not touching
calculations and only reversing deities. The
method of Shri Vinay Jha is worth researching,
right now I am not in a position to say anything
on this, God willing in future I will write a
separate article on this.

Degree in Odd Degree in

S.No Remarks Deity
Sign Even Sign

1 B Ghora 0.3 30

2 B Rakshasa 1 29.3

3 G Deva 1.3 29

4 G Kubera 2 28.3

5 M Yaksha 2.3 28

6 M Kinnara 3 27.3

7 M Bhrasta 3.3 27

8 B Kulaghna 4 26.3

9 M Garala 4.3 26

10 M Agni 5 25.3

11 B Maya 5.3 25

12 B Purish 6 24.3

13 G Apampati 6.3 24

14 M Marut 7 23.3

15 B Kaal 7.3 23

16 B Sarp/Ahi 8 22.3

17 G Amrit 8.3 22

18 G Indu 9 21.3

19 G Mridu 9.3 21

20 M Komala 10 20.3

21 G Heramb 10.3 20

22 G Brahma 11 19.3

23 M Vishnu 11.3 19 

24 M Mahesh 12 18.3 3/17
9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock

25 M Deva 12.3 18

26 G Ardra 13 17.3

27 G Kalinash 13.3 17

28 G Kshitish 14 16.3

29 G Kamlakara 14.3 16

30 M Gulika 15 15.3

31 M Mrityu 15.3 15

32 B Kaal 16 14.3

33 B Davagni 16.3 14

34 B Ghora 17 13.3

35 B Yama 17.3 13

36 M Kantaka 18 12.3

37 M Sudha 18.3 12

38 M Amrita 19 11.3

39 B Purnachandra 19.3 11

40 B Vishdagdha 20 10.3

41 M Kulnash 20.3 10

42 B Vanshakshaya 21 9.3

43 M Utpaat 21.3 9

44 B Kaal 22 8.3

45 G Soumya 22.3 8

46 G Komala 23 7.3

47 G Sheetala 23.3 7

48 B Drinshtakaral 24 6.3

49 G Indumukh 24.3 6

50 G Praveena 25 5.3

51 M Kalagni 25.3 5

52 M Dandayudh 26 4.3

53 G Nirmala 26.3 4

54 M Soumya 27 3.3

55 M Krura 27.3 3 4/17
9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock
56 M Atisheetala 28 2.3

57 M Sudha 28.3 2

58 M Payodhi 29 1.3

59 M Bhramana 29.3 1

60 G Chandrarekha 30 0.3

The terminology used in Table: In the table given

above S.No means Serial Number of
Shastiamsa, Remarks means the classification
of Shastiamsa as M [Medium], G [Good], B
[Bad]. It will be explained in next section under
“Nature of Deities”. Deity give name of Deity. I
have used eight editions of Brihat Parashara
Hora Shastra, Two editions of Jataka Parijata
and Sarvartha Chintamani and Jataka Tattwam
to compare and assimilate deities of
Shastiamsa. Based on a big list I have given
these names after comparing all the different
names given in the books I have referred to. I
took the most repeating name to write on this
list. Degree in an odd sign and even sign show
degrees of these segents. 0.3 means 0 Degree
30 Minutes as terminating point of First

Suppose a planet is in 11.37 Pisces. Because it

has covered 11.30 it will be seen in 12.00 of Even
sign [Pisces – Even Sign]. Thus it will be in 37th
Shastiamsa known as Sudha.

Nature of Deities

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Jataka Parijata,

Jataka Tattwam and Sarvartha Chintamani deals
with deities of Shastiamsa. None of them labels
them as Malefic or Benefic but Phaladeepika
which doesn’t deal with the name of Lord of
Shastiamsa tells us that 5. In an odd sign in
Krura Shastyamsas or inauspicious l/60th
portions are 1st. 2nd, 8th, 9th. 10th, 11th. 12th.
15th, 18th, 30th, 31st. 32nd. 33rd. 34th, 35th,
39th. 40th, 42nd, 43rd, 44th. 48th, 51st. 52nd
and 59th. The rest is Saumya or auspicious ones.
In the case of an even sign it is necessary, that
is, the Shastyamsa portions stated Krura in the
odd signs are the Saumya ones in the even signs
and vice versa. This is from Translation for Shri
G.S. Kapoor.

Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha in his translation of

Phaladeepika said that in Odd signs 1st, 2nd,
8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 30th, 31st,
32nd, 33rd, 34th, 35th, 39th, 40th, 42nd, 43rd,
44th, 48th, 51st, 52nd and 59th Shastiamsa are
malefic. In Even signs 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th,
13th, 14th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd,
24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 36th, 37th,
38th, 41st, 45th, 46th, 47th, 49th, 50th, 53rd,
54th, 55th, 56th, 59th and 60th Shastiamsa are

Now as we can see from the list above we can

see that 24 Shastiamsa are malefic and rest 36
are benefic as per G.S. Kapoor whereas as per
Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha 24 Shatiamsa are 5/17
9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock
malefic in Odd signs and 34 Shatiamsa are
malefic in Even signs. 

Based on the commentary of Pandit Gopesh

Kumar Ojha I have made the above list. Keeping
deities of Shastiamsa in the centre I have
termed Bad for those deities who are bad in
both Even and Odd signs, Medium for them who
are bad in either Even or Odd sign and Good for
those who are Benefic in both Even and Odd

However in my humble opinion. There is no hard

and fast rule of term deity of Shastiamsa as
Good or Bad. Because other’s [refer books
which deal with Shastiamsa lords] haven’t
classified Shastiamsa as Good or Bad. I am of
the opinion that Shastiamsa has to be termed
as Bad or Good as per their name and nature
with synchronization to the planet which is in
those Shastiamsa’s. For example, Gulika
Shastiamsa can be bad for every planet but not
for Saturn because Saturn is the son of Saturn.

Given below is a list of Shastiamsa Lords,

Meaning of their name and their Nature as
Good or Bad as per my own understanding.

S.No Remarks Deity Meaning

1 Bad Ghora Terrible

2 Bad Rakshasa Demon

3 Good Deva God

4 Good Kubera God of Wealth

5 Good Yaksha Celestial Beings

6 Neutral Kinnara Genderqueer

7 Bad Bhrasta Corrupt

One who commit lowly deeds with

8 Bad Kulaghna respect to his caste, Like a son of
teacher engaged in theft

9 Bad Garala Poison

10 Bad Agni Fire

11 Bad Maya Illusion

Lord of a place [The place under

12 Good Purish

13 Good Apampati Aap [water] Pati [Lord] God of waters

14 Good Marut God of Air

God of Time/God of
15 Bad Kaal

16 Bad Sarp/Ahi Serpents 6/17
9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock
17 Good Amrit Nectar

18 Good Indu Moon

19 Good Mridu Tender

20 Good Komala Gentle

A Name for Ganesha [Obstruction

21 Good Heramb
Removing Deity]

22 Good Brahma Deity of Creation

23 Good Vishnu Deity of Sustenance

24 Bad Mahesh Deity of Destruction [Shiva]

25 Good Deva Gods

26 Bad Ardra Dry

End of Bad things [Kali is the present

27 Good Kalinash
Yuga, Kali means black/bad]

28 Good Kshitish Lord of Sky [Indra]

29 Good Kamlakara Lord of Lotus/Name for Vishnu

Son of Saturn [ Also takes separately

30 Bad Gulika
an entity in Jyotish]

31 Bad Mrityu Death

32 Bad Kaal Time/Death/Destruction

Fire which catches automatically and is

33 Bad Davagni

34 Bad Ghora Terrible

35 Bad Yama God of Death

36 Bad Kantaka Thorn

37 Good Sudha Nectar/Honey/Water

38 Good Amrita Nectar

39 Good Purnachandra Full Moon/Giver of Nectar

40 Bad Vishdagdha Suffering from Poison

41 Bad Kulnash Destroys lineage

42 Bad Vanshakshaya Lineage is destroyed

43 Bad Utpaat Violence/Incitement/Disaster

44 Bad Kaal Time/Death/Destruction

45 Good Soumya Benefic/Benign

46 Good Komala Gentle 7/17
9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock

47 Good Sheetala
 Cold]

A demon with big teeth/eating

48 Bad Drinshtakaral

Face like Moon/All these are used as

49 Good Indumukh
named of Vishnu

50 Good Praveena Proficient/Well Versed

Kala [Time] Agni [Fire], Negative sense

51 Bad Kalagni
of Death as Fire

Dand [Punishment] Ayudh

52 Bad Dandayudh
[Weapon]/Weapon of Punishment

53 Good Nirmala Clear

54 Good Soumya Gentle

55 Bad Krura Ruthless/Cruel

56 Bad Atisheetala Very Cold/Negative

57 Good Sudha Nectar/Honey/Water

58 Bad Payodhi Sea/Too much Water/Negative sense

59 Good Bhramana Wandering/Good Sense

Chandra [Moon] Rekha [Line]/Line of

60 Bad Chandrarekha Moon or Moonshining as a line like
Moon of Shulka Tritiya/ Bad in Jyotish

Advise: Don’t be too quick to judge Good or Bad

in Vedic Jyotish as Karma is a complex matter.
All Shastiamsa Deities are to be taken as neutral
and to be interpreted with respect to the
planets and points coming under their division.
For example, 5th lord in Kulanash Shastiamsa is
Very Bad but Saturn under Gulika Shastiamsa or
Rahu/Ketu under Sarpa Shastiamsa cannot be
taken as bad. Hence, one needs to use his own
mind and intellect before coming to a
conclusion in Vedic Jyotish.

Parshara’s Hint

In Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Sage

Parashara have given some hints to understand
workings on Shastiamsa Deities. Shloka is given
in some edition of Brihat Parashara Hora
Shastra which helps us understand Shastiamsa
Deities/Divisions are being reproduced here.

अथ षष्ठयंश फलम

अध्यापकस्तु वेदानां सेवकः शास्त्रपाठकI

अश्वसादीभसादी च लिपिलेखनतत्परःII

मदुरावन्धको नट्यो देशिको याज्ञिको गुरुःI

दानशीलस्तु तृणको ग्रामणीव्यर्सनाधिपःII

आरामकरणोधुक्तः पुष्पविक्रयतत्परःI 

राजकार्यरतः सेनालतापुष्पफलक्रयीII

नृत्यगीते च कु शलस्ताम्बूलफलविक्रयीI 8/17
9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock
निषिद्धविक्रयकरो ग्रामाणामघिकारकृ तII

वंदी च देशिकः प्राज्ञो धूपकश्चौषधिक्रियःI

कायस्य करणोधक्तो भारको भांडविक्रयीII

कृ षिकच्च वाणीग्घातुचर्मकारी च कषॅकःI

शास्त्राधिकारी विज्ञानी पुस्तकोरंजकोवणिकII

वेदवेदांगवेत्ता च शास्त्रज्ञोवंदीपाठकःI

ग्रामनीरधिकारी च गणको दंडकारकःII

भारकश्चेंधनाहारी फलमूलादिविक्रयीI

शांतकृ त्स्वणॅकारी च कृ षिकृ त्पलविक्रयीII

याजकोऽध्यापकोऽध्यझःप्रतिग्रहपरः फलीI

क्रमाव्युत्क्रमतश्चैव षष्ठिः स्यादंके षु चII

I am translating this Shloka here along with the

serial number where 1 means first Shastiamsa in
Odd signs, In even signs the order is reversed
which means 60th Shatiamsa is the first one.

1. Adhyapakastu Vedanam – Teacher of Veda’s.

Eternal wisdom, In modern parlance teacher
of advanced subjects such as Chemistry,
2. Sevaka – Servant, In modern parlance one
engaged in Job
3. Shastra Pathaka – One who read Shastras,
ancient Indian philosophical works dealing
with knowledge. It can also mean a teacher
of Shastra which includes teaching
Astrology, Sanskrit, Dharma etc.
4. Ashwasadi – One well versed in riding horses,
in modern parlance driver of small vehicles
5. Bhasadi – One well versed in riding
elephants, in the modern parlance driver of
big vehicles such as aeroplanes, helicopters
6. Lipilekhan Tatpara – One engaged in writing
[Books, Blogs, Articles]
7. Mandurabandhak – One in charge of a stable
[Where horses are kept]. In modern parlance
owner of parking lots, godowns, car
showrooms etc
8. Natya – Dancer
9. Deshika – It means one who is engaged in the
profession of keeping records and
forecasting such as Astrologers,
Philosophers, Self Help Leaders, Orators etc
10. Yagyik – One who performs Yagya,
11. Guru – Teacher, Preceptor, Master
12. Daansheela – One indulged in Charity
13. Trinak – Trina means Grass, Roots, Herbs and
Trinaka means one dealing with them. In
modern parlance, it can mean doctors,
healers, beauty parlours etc
14. Gramani – Head of a Village, In modern
parlance team leaders, guides etc
15. Vyasnadhip – One engaged in disaster
management or such professions where one
is endowed with the power to protect
anyone or analyse anyone 
16. Aaramkarani – One who takes care of
gardens or people in horticulture, soil 9/17
9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock
scientists, or those connected with plants in
any manner. 

17. Pushpvikaraytatpara – One engaged in the
selling of flowers can also mean designers
etc or those selling vegetables.
18. Rajkaryarata – One engaged in work of King,
nowadays government servants etc
19. Senalatapushpvikrayi – [Sena and
Latapushpavikaryi are two different things,
In my humble opinion it have to be Sena only
because Pushpavikrayatatpara also appeared
in 17th Shastiamsa] Pushpvikrayatatpara
means one engaged in the trade of flowers
and vegetables. Sena means people in Army
20. Nirtyageetakushal – One well versed in
Dance and Music
21. Tamboolphalvikrayi – Tamboolphala means
Tobacco, one engaged in its professions such
as those producing or selling tobacco and
other such things such as those dealing with
alcohol, drug-dealers etc
22. Nissidhvikraykar – Nisiddha [Prohibited]
Vikray [Selling] Kar [Engaged in], One
engaged in buying and selling of prohibited
23. Gramanamadhikarkrit – One having
authority over village such as the head of a
village, district magistrate, IPS/IAS etc
24. Bandi – In prison/Prisoner
25. Deshik – One engaged in fortune telling or
prediction based on Data such as Astrologer,
Big data analyst, those working in weather
department etc
26. Pragya – Highly learned
27. Dhoopak  – Dhoopa means scent and it may
mean one dealing with fragrance items such
as perfumes, incense sticks or other things
such as mosquito coils etc
28. Aushadhikriyah – One dealing with medicines
29. Kayastha – One making different outlooks,
this can include people such as actors etc
30. Bharak – One carrying loads such as
rickshaw-pullers, truck drivers, coolies etc
31. Bhandvikrayi – One selling utensils or can
also mean dealing with other steel items
32. Krishikriccha – One engaged in farming
33. Vanik – One engaged in trading, can also
mean businessman
34. Dhatukaari – One dealing with Dhatu
[Metals], or general physicians who deal
with metabolism and functioning of the body
can also mean to include gymnasium owners
and other such people
35. Charmkari – One engaged in work related to
36. Karshak – Farmer or other physical workers
37. Shastradhikari – One having authority over
Shastra [Shastra means an expert in any
38. Vigyani – Scientist, intellectual
39. Tejasvi – It literally means lordly, it can mean
authoritative people or influential people
40. Pustakoranjaka – One dealing with books or
writers, authors or any other profession
dealing with books such as printing press, 
bookshop owners etc
41. Vanik – Trader 10/17
9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock
42. Vedvedangvetta – One who talks about Veda
and Vedanga which means Teacher or people 

authoritative in any science/learning can also
mean scholar, expert and likely people
43. Shastragya – One knowing Shastra,
Knowledgeable intelligent people
44. Vandipathak – One engaged in singing glories
of others
45. Gramani – Lord/King of village/small
46. Adhikari – Authoritative person
47. Ganika – One engaged in the profession of
48. Dandkarak – One giving punishment to
49. Bharak – One carrying loads
50. Indhanhaari – One dealing with fuels
51. Phalmooladivikrayi – One dealing in fruits,
vegetables, roots of plants and herbs
52. Shantkrit – One engaged in propagating and
establishing peace
53. Swarnkari – One working with Gold
54. Krishikrit – One engaged in farming
55. Palvikaryi – One dealing with meat/flesh
56. Yajak – One engaged in doing Yagya and
other Vedic rituals
57. Adhyapak – Teacher
58. Adhyaksha – Head/Leader
59. Pratigrahpar – One receiving
60. Phali – Successful in his profession, one
engaged in the stocking of fruits or cold
storage, one engaged in giving results after
analysis etc.

These are the effects of 30 minutes each in an

odd sign for results in even sign reverse the list
and then read results. This is just a simple
translation of the above Shloka’s given in Brihat
Parashara Hora Shastra.

In “Textbook of Scientific Hindu Astrology”

Published by “Ranjan Publication” Shri
P.S.Shastri has given a list of 60 Shastiamsa
deities with their names, Nature and same
Shloka’s Interpreted and Translated by Him
from Page 160 to 173. I am not reproducing it
here because if done so it will create
unnecessary repetition and elongation of the

These lords are very crucial in understanding

effects of divisional charts because Shastiamsa
deals with every matter [Shashtyanshe
Akhilmikshayet]. Hence, one should watch for
all planets and points [Like Lagna, Gulika’s]
deity in Shastiamsa which can give us very
strong clues to chart interpretation, Some
examples will clarify this concept.


June 15, 1988; 12:00:00; Muzaffarpur-Bihar

His lagna is 3.19 Virgo it gives Saumya

Shastiamsa whose result is “Krishikrit” Means
engaged in farming, not taking literally we 
interpret it to mean someone engaged in
physical work, now to further decide his
profession we see Shastiamsa deity of the 10th 11/17
9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock
lord. The 10th house is having Sun and Moon,
the 10th lord is Jupiter from Moon and Sun and 

Mercury from Lagna. Between them, Sun is
strongest being endowed with directional
strength. Sun is in Rakshasa Shastiamsa whose
effect is Sevaka means one providing his
services to others. The person is a Pundit who
performs puja/Vedic rituals for others. One can
see that it is something where he needs to work
himself and he works for someone else.
Normally people chant mantras for themselves
he does it for others. One can see how
beautifully, originally and amazingly Shastiamsa
lords work.

Author of Article: Shubham Alock

Author of this article is currently under Venus

Dasha and Saturn Antardasha Venus is in 28.51
Capricorn and Saturn is in 26.12 Aquarius. Venus
is in Deva Shastiamsa and Saturn is in Nirmala
Shastiamsa. Deva gives a prediction as
“Shastrapathak” which means one engaged in
reading Shastra’s. Nirmala Shatiamsa gives a
prediction as “Swarnkari” One engaged in
making Gold, although I am not related to Gold
in any way I am doing researches on Jaimini
Astrology which have the potential such as
Gold, meaning very genuine, invaluable and
precious. Usage of Shastiamsa in Dasha as a
very important influence will be dealt with and
explained exhaustively in last and third part of
this article.

Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansha

Ferbuary 18,
1836; 05:59:06; Kamarpukur-West Bengal

9th lord indicates Dharma, we find his  9th lord

Venus in 09.05 Degree Pisces in Vamshakashaya
Shastiamsa. Venus 9th lord of Dharma gives a
prediction as Vedavedangvit which means an
expert in Veda’s, although he was not a scholar
like his contemporaries of Brahma Samaj and
others he knew all the principles of spirituality
and Veda’s. He knew them by his heart and can
be considered as an authoritative scholar on

This is the power of Shastiamsa in chart

interpretation, Shatiamsa is very crucial no
astrologer can afford to miss it. Without its
usage, one will never be able to read hidden
workings of Karma. In coming two part of this
article series I will show other usages of
Shastiamsa and some very fundamental
principles of Divisional Charts Interpretation.

Shri Ramakrishna Arpanamastu


Shastiamsa: Real Hora

60th Varga Varga
Introduction Introduction
An Shastiamsa - Parashara
introduction is culmination instructs us to
written in the April 18, 2018 see wealth and
first article of prosperity 
April 13, 2018 January 1, 2018 12/17
9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock

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About Author

Shubham Alock

Shubham Alock
Singh is a fifth-
traditional Vedic
Astrologer in his
family who is also
well trained in the
Kerala system of
astrology, where he
lived for many years
and served his Guru.
Since 2009 he is
giving consultations
to people all over
the world and since
2019 have been
teaching astrology
online as well.


 


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10 Comments 13/17
9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock
June 24, 2019
by Umang
R E P LY 

During deities prediction Sir u said in even sign 60 will

become 1st but in bihar person prediction…sun is in
cancer sign which is even sign…so 59th pratigrahpar
will become 2nd diety right…and not actual 2nd deity
which is sevaka

June 24, 2019

by Umang

My first comment is wrong but that bihar

person lagna is in even sign in D1…so we
should count reverse from 60 …i.e. 60 will
become 1 and 7th…i.e.mandurabandhak will
become 54th right Sir?

July 5, 2019
by Shubham Alock

Yes, Should be, Which Bihar

person are you referring to, is it
from any of my video or article,
kindly send me the link, so I can
go through it and can make any
revisions if needed.

July 30, 2020

by Vasant

Great Sir ji

July 30, 2020

by Shubham Alock

Many Thanks, Vasant Ji

July 30, 2020

by Shubham Alock

Many Thanks, Vasant Ji

October 9, 2020
by Hareendran A

Very good information with corresponding meaning in

English. Chandra-Rekha (60th portion had been 
confusing ever, got clarified. 14/17
9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock

August 13, 2021
by Sanjana

Shubham sir i am highly indebted to you for this article

but sir could you please tell in odd sign diety order is
direct and in even vice versa. Sir which odd and even
sign are we talking about

August 17, 2021

by Shubham Alock

Odd Sign – Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra,

Sagittarius and Aquarius.
Even Sign –
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn
and Pisces.

August 20, 2021

by Sanjana

Thank you for replying sir. I am

highly obliged.
Sir i mean to ask
that even sign we have to see
from d-1 lagan. So sir if someone
is cancer lagan in d-1, then we will
see the orderif dieties reversed.
And if lagan is odd like aries then
we will see dieties of d60 in a
direct order .

I mean sir which sign are we

seeing in order to see whether
reversed order if dieties is

Lagan sign of d1 or
Moon sign of
d1 or
Lagan sign of d60 or
sign of d60?????

Sir i will also like to share an

observation.may be wrong.
sir in my case the shashtiamsha
chart which works well is even
sign reversal d60 chart of jhora..[
sir my d1 lagan is libra and d60
lagan is virgo ]

But sir for my friends chart i saw

that traditional prashara d60 of
jhora works well.[ he has his d1
lagan in gemini and d60 lagan in
aries odd sign]

Sir why is it so?

Sir like you mentioned that

dr.vinay said that calculations are
also to be done reversed where
dieties are to seen reversed in
even signs.

But how to decide that for a

particular person which d60 15/17
9/6/21, 7:42 PM D60 Shastiamsa: Devata – Shubham Alock
should i use..
Even sign reversal or
tradition d60 of jhora.

Sir i request you to please

enlighten us regarding this.

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