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Oppose All Cuts - Defend Jobs and Services

Vote Andrew Smith, Vote Against Cuts

Standing in Horsforth ward

Andrew is a mature student Con-Dem-Ed to Cuts

studying psychology at Leeds
Trinity Uni which is facing
The Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition
huge cuts. Andrew led an government is hell bent on a full on attack on the
occupation at Trinity to living standards of ordinary people. Savage cuts to
highlight this and is now public services and benefits, alongside rising VAT
involved in building the wider and a future of unemployment for many.
Horsforth Against the Cuts. Unfortunately, Labour before the general election
promised similar cuts and ‘Red’ Ed has spent more
Fight Against the Cuts time attacking trade unionists, who want to fight
Just some of the government cuts hitting Leeds:
against the cuts, rather than the coalition. We
 Leeds Trinity University College and Leeds College need a fighting alternative that is prepared to
of Music said to be at high risk of closure
stand up for ordinary working people.
 Leeds Uni and Leeds Met have raised their fees to
£9,000 and £8,500 a year respectively, pricing
many out of going to university
 Child heart surgery unit at LGI facing closure
But rather than our councillors standing up for
ordinary folk in Leeds, the Labour/Green led city
council are implementing the Con-Dem cuts. Their
budget includes
 £90m worth of cuts with the loss of 3,000 jobs
 the closure of day centres, libraries, leisure centres
and the Leeds Crisis Centre
 Axing of funding for the free city bus (which will
now be 50p a use with the possibility of the service
being withdrawn in six months)

We Say: Make the Bankers Pay!

 £1.2 trillion of public money was used to
underwrite the very bankers caused this crisis
 … and they still get massive bonuses, this year Come to our public meeting:
sharing a pot of around £7bn!
Wednesday 27th April - 7.30pm
 Large corporations still avoid and evade tax to Yarnbury RFC, Brownberrie Lane
the tune of £120bn, enough to cancel the deficit.
Horsforth, LS18 5HB

Vote Andrew Smith X

How Can Councils Defeat the Cuts?
Up and down the country councils and councillors have been complaining about the viciousness of the
cuts, but then going ahead in their council chambers and implementing the savage coalition cuts on a
local basis whilst shedding crocodile tears for those they are supposed to be representing. They claim
there is no alternative, but councils have been able to successfully resist cuts in the past.
In Liverpool in 1983-7, a Labour council (led by Militant, forerunner of the Socialist Party) defied the
P&P by Iain Dalton, 28 Harold Walk, Leeds, LS6 1PS on behalf of Andrew Smith, 2 Hopwood Close, Horsforth, LS18 5AL

government and demanded back £30m which the government had stolen from the city in funding cuts
over the years. They appealed to the population of the city to support them and organised a mass
campaign including huge demonstrations and a city-wide one day strike to force the government to
concede. The money won was then used to build new housing, leisure centres, colleges, crèches as well
as providing thousands of jobs in the city.
A council taking such a stand today, would receive massive support from ordinary people compared to
the disdain that most people hold politicians in today. Councils could, for example, use their reserves
which often run into tens of millions of pounds to ‘buy time’ to build such a campaign. They could also
use their scrutiny powers to call into question government cuts to other local services. Finally local
councils should give full backing and support to trade unionists who take industrial action against cuts.
Even just one council that took such a stand would shake this arrogant government of cutters.

Andrew was there alongside others facing cuts Andrew organised

transport for students
Andrew organised support for UCU and staff at Leeds
lecturers taking strike action against Trinity to support the
cuts to their pensions and has TUC organised
supported mental health service demonstrations
users and staff in campaigning against against cuts in London
cuts to the adult social services. and Manchester.

What is TUSC? Join the Socialists!

The Trade Unionist and
The Socialist Party argues for
Socialist Coalition
more than just fighting the
(TUSC) was established in early 2010 to cuts. As long as capitalism exists working people will
enable trade unionists, socialist and
face a future of uncertainly. What we gain today, the
community campaigners to come together to
bosses will try to take back tomorrow as they are doing
stand candidates in elections to provide a
with the NHS. We need an alternative way of running
fighting alternative to the mainstream parties. society, a socialist society, based on meeting the needs
The Socialist Party helped to initiate TUSC of the many by planning production in that direction
which is supported by leading militant trade rather than making profits for a few at the top. To do
unionists such as Bob Crow, RMT General this we need to take the banks and the other
Secretary, as well as other socialist groups monopolies that dominate our economy into public
and trade unionists, which will hopefully mark ownership and run them democratically. The Socialist
an important step towards a mass party to Party is made up of ordinary people like you, so if you
represent ordinary workers. agree then join us in the struggle for socialism.
Find out more - visit or follow us on twitter @ leedssp
Join the socialists - text JOIN plus your name and postcode to 07984 027754 or e-mail

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