Group 3 Mhark Jay Benitez MATH 101: Carl Joseph Arconado

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GROUP 3 Mhark Jay Benitez

MATH 101


According to Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,
understanding mathematics can helps an individual make well founded judgments and
to meet the needs of the individual’s current and future life as a whole. Mathematics for
me is to use of numbers to solve real world problems. It is done through investigation
and formulating new ideas. I believe that mathematics helps us to understand the world
more thus you can use it in a variety of ways Mathematics is also essential in many
fields such as the social sciences, natural sciences, especially engineering in which
number is its backbone or cornerstone.
Mathematics is both the science and arts of numbers, formulas, theories and equation
connecting the numbers. It is also an abstract science of numbers, quantity and space.
Knowledge and understanding are fundamental to studying mathematics and form the
base from which to explore concepts and develop problem-solving skills. Through
knowledge and understanding students develop mathematical reasoning to make
deductions and solve problems.
Mathematics is the study of numbers, shapes and patterns and also, we can say
that math is a human language just like English because we use allowed to
communicate in each other. Mathematics is also used by engineers to construct building
and telecommunication, doctors to prescribe correct medicine and in many more
subjects. And for me math discipline us in from time to time that we used them because
if there are numbers so that we know the exact time. So, all of us students needed math
to imagine and a future doesn’t exist. The branch of mathematics concerned with
application of mathematical knowledge to other fields, inspires and makes use of new
mathematical discoveries and sometimes leads to the development of entirely new
Mathematics is the art of explanation, it can theoretical and could be practical. It
can help also people to have an idea in a modern problem. It is a knowledge that solve
any kind of mathematical issues. Certainly, through calculation, measurement, and
counting. Mathematics formulate analytical and reasoning skills because it is important
to look for the solution and quickens our mind generally. It gives you also a skill that you
can utilize for daily lives and any kinds of job roles
For me, mathematics is what we need in our daily life. Without numbers, we can't
identify what time it is, our age and same as the value of money. For example, if we are
going to the mall and buy some of our needs, they will present the amount of your bill.
And the bill composes different numbers that came from mathematics. That's why it is
very important to us, to know what is mathematics because wherever you'll or we will go
there is always a mathematics.
Mathematics is generally defined as the science that deals with numbers. It
involves operations among numbers, if you're good in math so you can calculate very
fast. Mathematicians and scientists rely on mathematics principles in their real-life to
experiments with new things every day. Many students say that” I hate mathematics”
and math is a useless subject, but it is wrong because without mathematics your life is
tough to survive. Math has its applications in every field.
The history of mathematics is nearly as old as humanity itself. Countless
millennia ago, hunter-gatherer ancestors experienced the compulsion to add, subtract
and divide. Then, when primitive societies like Mesopotamians and Egyptians brought
math to the next level, and it’s when ancient Greece and its Hellenistic empire had
revolutionary developments, the story of mathematics is a long and impressive one.
According to Ms. Viloria, Math is a tool, and we used it in our everyday living.
And also Mr. Frando and Padron said that math is used for the advancement of
humanity itself through medicines, exploration, technology, and many more. Math is not
just merely solving equations and counting numbers, it can be also incorporated with
ourselves. Math can further improve our self-development by nourishing our analytical
and reasoning skills.
So, my dear classmates, don't hate math just because it is hard, instead try our
best to understand this subject or course, because I know, we know that shortly this
would certainly help us in the profession we will be taking.
That's all, thank you for listening.


Today, we had a group presentation about Math, and what is our own perception about
it. This said activity aimed to widen the knowledge of each and every one of us about
the said topic. Before the presentation, me and my group mates had a discussion and
each of us have given a part in the presentation. I passed my given part on time and it
was a video about math, and the importance of it in other fields of study. Overall, it was
great. We presented our output perfectly. It was fun working with my group mates.
In doing our activity I help my teammates by giving my own opinion about what is
mathematics and what is our topic is all about. Karl requires us to passed audio and
video of ourself but due to some problems, the audio is the only thing I passed.
In our group we discuss what format will be and all of us share in own perspective on
what mathematics is and we combine on we understand for the subject. I sent an audio
to Karl about my own opinion about math.
I do help for my groupmates by giving the knowledge and opinion that I have about our
topic on what is mathematics for you. I also passed video of myself and audio reporting
the topic.
I am Michelle Viloria from group 3. As a part of the group, the things that I did are to
collect their own definitions, their objections, the references and lastly, I took a video of
myself. After collecting their works, I compile it with their n ames so that I will not be
confuse and also to Karl whom I forwarded our works.
Ps: Agnernerbyus nak sika🙂
I can’t say that I am the leader of the group but I did what is the right thing to do, to
guide them. As for myself, I used my expertise in graphic design in creating the
PowerPoint but sadly due to some technical difficulties the class didn’t have the chance
to see the presentation. I am the one who disseminated their individual task and that is
to search of find info about math, and other useful data that can further improve our
presentation. I also have my own research about the topic and I added it in our
conclusion. Overall, the group is active, they passed the needed things on time, and I
am grateful that they are my groupmates.

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