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1. The most commonly used input signal(s) in control system is/are

a) step function b)ramp or velocity function

c)accelerating function d)all of the above

Answer: (a)

2. What is the characteristic of good control system?

a) Sensitive to parameter variation. b) Insensitive to input commands.

c) Neither insensitive to parameter variation nor sensitive to input commands

d) Insensitive to parameter variation but sensitive to input commands

Answer: (d)

3. The IR of a control system is 10e^-3t u(t) the transfer function is equal to

a) 10/S+3 b) 10/S-3

c) 3/S+10 d) 3/S-10

Answer: (a)

4. If the TF of a certain system is 1/S^2+3S+2 the IR is

a) (e^-t+e^-2t)u(t) b) (e^-t-e^-2t)u(t)

c) 2(e^-t+e^-2t)u(t) d) 2(e^-t-e^-2t)u(t)

Answer: (b)

5. A System can be completely described by a transfer function if it is

a)non linear and continuous b)linear and time varying

c)non linear and time invariant d)linear and time-invariant

Answer: (d)

6) The transfer function of a system is defined as the

a) step response b) response due to an exponentially varying input

c) laplace transform of the impulse responsed) all of the above

Answer: (c)
7) Laplace transform of the function 10u(t-2) is

a) 10/S b)10/S-2

c)10/s e^-2s d)10/S-2

Answer: (c)

8) A system is linear if only

a) principle of superposition is satisfied b) principle of homogeneity is satisfied

c) both priniciple of homogeneity and superposition is satisfied

d) neither principle of superposition nor homogeneity is satisfied

Answer: (b)

9)Which of the following are the characteristics of closed loop systems?

1) It does not compensate for disturbances.

2) It reduces the sensitivity of plant-parameter variations.

3) It does not involve output measurements.

4) It has ability to control the system transient response.

a) 1 and 4 b) 2 and 4 c) 1 and 3 d) 2 and 3

Answer: (b)

10) For the LTI system described by 2d^2y(t)/dt^2+3dy(t)/dt+4y(t)=r(t)+2r(t-1) and having zero
initial conditions, the transfer function Y(s)/R(s) is

a) 1+2e^s/2s^2+3s+4

b) 2s^2+3s+4/1+2e^s



Answer: (c)

The mechanical system is shown in the given figure.

The system is described as

a) Md^2y1(t)/dt^2+Bdy1(t)/d(t)=K[y2(t)-y1(t)]

b) Md^2y2(t)/dt^2+Bdy1(t)/d(t)=K[y2(t)-y1(t)]

c) Md^2y1(t)/dt^2+Bdy1(t)/d(t)=K[y1(t)-y2(t)]

d) Md^2y2(t)/dt^2+Bdy2(t)/d(t)=K[y1(t)-y2(t)]

Answer: (d)

12) In closed loop control system, what is the sensitivity of the overall system, M to the
variation in G?

a) 1/1+G(S)H(S) b) 1/1+G(S) c) G(S)/1+G(S)H(S) d)G(S)/1+G(S)

Answer: (a)

13) A control system with excessive noise, likely to suffer from

a) loss of gain b) vibrations c) oscillations d) saturation is amplifying stages

Answer: (d)

14) Potentiometers are used in control system

a) to improve stability

b) to improve frequency response

c) as error sensing transducer

d) to improve time response

Answer: (c)

15) With negative feedback in a closed loop control system, the system sensitivity to parameter

a) increases b) decreases c) becomes zero d) becomes infinite

Answer: (b)

1) Which of the following motors would be suitable for use as servomotors?

1)Two-phase induction motor

2) DC separately excited motor.

3) Single-phase capacitance start induction motor

4) Universal motor

5) Single-phase synchronous motors.

a) 1,2,3,4 and 5 b)2,3 and 4 c)1,2 and 5 d) 1 and 5

Answer: (c)

2) (A): Servomotors normally have heavier rotors and lower R/X ratio as compared to
ordinary motors of similar ratings.

(R): Servomotors should have smaller electrical and mechanical time constants for faster

a) Both A and R are true and R is a correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A.

c) A is true and R is false.

d) A is false and R is true.

Answer: (d)

3) Which one of the following can be used as a tachogenerator in control systems?

a) Microsyn b) DC servomotor c) AC servomotor d) Magneticamplifier

Answer: (c)

4) Incase of DC servomotor the back emf is equivalent to an “electric friction” which tends

a) Improve stability of the motor.

b) Slowly decrease stability of the motor.

c) Very rapidly decrease stability of the motor.

d) Have no effect on stability.

Answer: (a)

5) The transfer function from d(s) to y(s) is :

a) 2/3s+7 b) 2/3s+1 c) 6/3s+7 d) 2/3s+6

Answer: (a)

6) In SFG shown

a) X2=(T12+T22)X1

b) X2=(T12-T22)X1

c) X2=(T12/T22)X1

d) X2=(T12/1-T22)X1

Answer: (d)

7) (A): Signal flow graphs can be used for block diagram reduction of linear control system.

(R): Signal flow graph is a graphical representation for the variables representing the
outputs of the various blocks of the control system.

a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A.

c) A is true and R is false.

d) A is false and R is true.

Answer: (b)

8) Which one of the following is required for stability of an ac servomotor?

a) A negative slope on the torque-speed curve.

b) A linearized torque-speed curve.

c) The ratio of the rotor reactance to rotor resistance should be high.

d) The rotor diameter should be less and axial length large.

Answer: (b)

9) C/R of the fig. is

a) 44/23 b) 29/23 c) 23/29 d) None

Answer: (a)

10) The signal flow graph shown has M no. of forward paths and P no. of individual loops.
What are their values?

a) M=4 , P=2 b) M=6, P=2 c) M=4 ,P=3 d) M=6 ,P=2

11) The transfer function of the open loop system G(s) which is represented by the signal flow
graph shown the figure below is

a) G1G2/1+G1H1+G2H1

b) G1G2/1+G1H1G2H2

c) G1G2/(1+G1H1)(1+G2H2)

d) G1G2/1+G1H1+G2H2

Answer: (d)

12) The signal flow graph of a system is given below.

The transfer function (C/R) of the system is

a) (G1G2+G1G3)/1+G1G2H2

b) (G1G2+G1G3)/(1-G1H1+G1G2H2)

c) (G1G2+G1G3)/(1-G1H1+G1G2H2+G1G3H2)

d) (G1G2+G1G3)/(1-G1G2H2)

Answer: (c)

13) For the given block diagram the transfer function C(s)/R(s) is equal to

a) S^2+1/S^2

b) S^2+S+1/S^2

c) S^2+S+1/S

d) 1/S^2+S+1

Answer: (b)

14) for the feedback system shown in the figure above, which one of the following expresses the
input-output relation C/R of the overall system
a) G/1-GF+GH

b) G/1+FG-GH

c) FG/1+FGH

d) GH/1-FGH

Answer: (a)

15) The signal flow graph for a certain feedback control system is given below:

Now consider the following set of equations for the nodes:

2 .x3=a2x2+a8x4

3. x4=a3x3+a5x2


Which of the above equations are correct

a) 1,2 and 3 b) 1,3 and 4 c) 2,3 and 4 d) 1,2 and 4

Answer: (d)


1) In time domain specification, the time delay is the time required for the response to reach

a) 75% of the final value. b) 50% of the final value.

c) 25% of the final value. d) 100% of the final value.

Answer: (b)

2) For the second order prototype system, when the undamped natural frequency increases , the
maximum overshoot of the output

a) stays the same b) increases c) decreases d) just doubles

Answer: (c)

3) A unity feedback system has open-loop transfer function G(s)=25/[s(s+6)] . The peak
overshoot in the step-input response of the system is approximately equal to

a) 5% b) 10% c) 15% d) 20%

Answer: (b)

4) What is the value of the damping ratio of a second order system when the value of the
resonant peak is unity?

a) 1.414 b) Unity c) 0.707 d)zero

Answer: (d)

5) For a second order system, if both the roots of the characteristic equation are real, then the
value of damping ratio will be

a) less than unity b) equal to unity c) equal to zero d) greater than unity

Answer: (d)

6) A servo mechanism is shown in fig. below .If wn=2 rad/sec steady state gain of ‘1’ and a
damping ratio ζ=0.5 . K1,K2 & ‘a’ respectively are
a) 0.5,1,4 b) 1,2,0.5 c)4,2,2 d)4,0.5,2

Answer: (c)

7) the step response of a system with TF G(s)=1/1+TS attains more than 98% of its final value in
time’t’ equal to

a) T sec b) 2T sec c) 3T sec d) 4T sec

Answer: (d)

8) The dominant poles of a system are located at s=(-2±j2). The damping ratio of the system is

a) 1 b) 0.8 c)0.707 d) 0.6

Answer: (c)

9) A unit ramp input is applied to the system shown in the adjoining fig. The steady state error in
its output is

a) 0 b) 0.5 c) 1 d) 2

Answer: (b)

10) The transfer function of a system is given as 100/s^2+2s+100

The system is
a) an under damped system b) an overdamped system

c) a critically damped system d) an unstable system

Answer: (c)

11) Damping in a control system is a function of

a) gain b) (gain)^1/2 c)1/(gain)^1/2 d) 1/gain

Answer: (c)

12) Given the TF G(s)=121/s^2+13.2s+121 of a system . Which of the following characteristics

does it have?

a) over damped and settling time 1.1s

b) under damped and settling time 0.6s

c) critically damped and settling time 0.8s

d) under damped and settling time 0.707s

Answer: (b)

13) The open loop function of a unity feedback control system is given by G(s)=k/s(s+1). If gain
k is increased to infinity, then damping ratio will tend to become

a) Zero b)0.707 c) Unity d) Infinite

Answer: (a)

14) Assertion (A): For a prototype second order system , the larger the bandwidth the faster the
system will respond.

Reason(R): Bandwidth and rise time are inversely proportional.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is true and R is false.

d) A is false and R is true.

Answer: (a)

15) Match list-1(system G(s)) with list-2(Nature of response) and select the correct answer using
the code given below the lists:

A . 400/s^2+12s+400

B. 900/s^2+90s+900

C. 225/s^2+30s+225

D. 625/s^2+625


1. Undamped

2. Critically damped

3. Underdamped

4. Overdamped


a) 3 1 2 4

b) 2 4 3 1

c) 3 4 2 1

d) 2 1 3 4

Answer: (c)


1) The characteristic equation for a third-order system is:


For the third order system to be stable, besides that all the coefficients have to be positive,
which one of the following has to be satisfied as a necessary and sufficient condition?

a) a0a1≥a2a3 b) a1a2≥a0a3 c) a2a3≥a1a0 d) a0a3≥a1a2

Answer: (b)

2) For the following polynomial the value of ‘k’ to have one pair of roots on the imaginary axis
is S(S^2+2S+5)+K(S+4)=0

a) 5 b)-5 c)4 d)4.5

Answer: (a)
3) The no. of right hand, left hand and jω axis poles are respectively


a) 1,1,4 b)2,1,2 c)4,0,2 d)3,1,2

Answer: (a)

4) OLTF of a unit feedback control system is K/(S+1)^3(S+4). The range of ‘k’ for stability is

a) 0<K<20 b) 20<K<∞ c) -4<K<20.41 d) none

Answer: (c)

5) OLTF G(S)H(S)=k/(S+1)^3(S+4). The frequency of oscillation, when the system is

marginally stable is

a) 1.36 rd/sec b)1.56 rd/sec c) 2 rd/sec d)4 rd/sec

Answer: (a)



Value of ‘K’ for the marginal stability is

a) 9.69 b)19.69 c)1.969 d)0.969

Answer: (b)

7) G(S)H(S)=K/S(S+1)(S+2)(S+5)

When the system is marginally stable no. of LH,RH & jω axis poles are respectively

a) 2,2,0 b) 1,1,2 c)2,0,2 d) none

Answer: (c)

8) While forming Routh’s array, the situation of a row of zero of zeros indicates that the system

a) has symmetrically located roots

b) is not sensitive to variations in gain

c) is stable d) unstable

Answer: (a)

9) The natural frequency of a system is ωn rad/sec, the point of intersection of the RLD w.r.t
imaginary axis is

a) ±jωn^2 b) ±jωn c) ±j(ωn)^3 d) none

Answer: (b)

10) The RLD of a system with G(S)H(S)=K(S+1)/S^2(S+3.6) will intersect the imaginary axis

a) one point b) two points c) ±j d) none

Answer: (d)

11)The pole zero plot of a loop TF is shown in fig. below, the RLD of this will have

a) one break away point

b) no break away point

c) centroid at S=-2

d) none of the above

Answer: (a)

12) Assertion(A): Adding a pole-loop transfer function G(s)H(s) has the effect of pushing the
root loci towards the R.H. s-plane.

Reason(R): If the number of poles increases the angle of asymptotes for the complex roots is

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A.

c) A is true and R is false.

d) A is false and R is true.

Answer: (a)
13) OLTF G(S)H(S)= K(S-1)/S(S+2) , the RLD when ‘k’ is varied from 0 to ∞ will intersect the
imaginary axis at

a) ±j1.414 b)±j2 c) ±j4 d) will not intersect

Answer: (a)

14) Loop TF is K(S-1)(S+2)/(S+4)(S+6) for K=∞ the closed loop poles are at

a) -1 & -2 b) -4 & -5 c)-1, ∞ d)-2, ∞

Answer: (a)

15) In a root locus plot, consider the following statements

1) There is only one intersect of the asymptotes and it is always on the real axis.

2)The break away point always lies on the real axis

a) statement ‘1’ is true but not 2

b) statement ‘2’ is true but not ‘1’

c) Both 1 & 2 statements are true

d) Both 1 & 2 statements are false

Answer: (a)


1) The Bode diagram approach is the most commonly used method for the analysis and
synthesis of

a) nonlinear feedback control systems only.

b) linear feedback control systems only.

c) open loop system only.

d) all of the above.

Answer: (d)

2) The initial slope of bode plot for a transfer function having no poles at the origin is

a) -10 dB/decade b) +10dB/decade c) -20dB/decade d) 0dB/decade

Answer: (d)

3) The asymptotic approximation of the log-magnitude versus frequency plot of a minimum

phase system with real poles and one zero is shown in the figure. Its TF is

a) 20(s+5)/s(s+2)(s+25)

b) 10(s+5)/(s+2)^2(s+25)

c) 20(s+5)/s^2(s+2)(s+25)

d) 50(s+5)/S^2(s+2)(s+25)

Answer: (d)

4) TF1=10/(S+2)


a) system (1) band width is more than(2)

b) system(2) band width is more than (1)

c) band widths are equal

d) can’t be calculated

Answer: (b)

5) The presence of transportation lag in the forward path of a closed loop control system

a) decreases margin of stability b) increases margin of stability

c) does not affect margin of stability d) none of the above.

Answer: (a)

6) The open-loop TF of a unity feedback control system is 10/(s+5)^3. The gain margin of the
system will be

a) 20dB b) 40dB c) 60dB d) 80dB

Answer: (b)

7) For a control system having gain margin of -10dB, the magnitude of GH(s)= as+1/s^2. The
value of ‘a’ to give a phase margin of 45deg is equal to

a) 0.141 b) 0.441 c) 0.841 d) 1.141

Answer: (c)

8) Gain crossover frequency is the frequency at which the gain of L(jω) is

a) 10dB b) 5dB c) 0dB d) 100dB

Answer: (c)

9) The gain margin of a control system having the loop TF G(s)H(s)= 1.414/s(s+1) is in dB

a) 0 b) 3 c) 6 d) ∞

10) Consider a unity feedback system with open loop TF G(s)=1+6s/s^2(s+1)(1+2s). The phase
crossover frequency of the system in radians per second is

a) 0.125 b) 0.25 c) 0.5 d) 1

Answer: (c)

11) The gain margin of the above system is

a) 0.125 b) 0.25 c) 0.5 d) 1

Answer: (a)

12) the bode plot of a transfer function is given in fig. below there
a) are no poles at the origin b) is one pole at the origin

c) are two poles at the origin d) none of these

Answer: (a)

13) A system has 14 poles and 2 zeros . The slope of its highest frequency asymptote in its
magnitude plot is

a) -40dB/decade b) -240dB/decade c) -280db/decade d) -320dB/decade

Answer: (c)

14) Which of the following is correct?

The slope of the asymptotic Bode plot is integer multiple of

a) ±40dB/decade b) ±12dB/octave c) ±6dB/octave d)±3dB/octave

Answer: (c)

15) What is the gain margin of a system when the magnitude of the polar plot at phase crossover
is ‘a’ ?

a) 1/a b) –a c) zero d) a

Answer: (a)


1) Polar plot of G(jω)=1/jω(1+jωT)

a) Crosses the negative real axis b) crosses the negative imaginary axis
c) Crosses the positive imaginary axis d) None

Answer: (d)

2) Which of the polar plots shown in fig. below is the correct plot for G(jω)=1/(jω)^2(1+jωT)




Answer: (c)

3) The nyquist plot of G(s)H(s)=10/s^2(1+0.5s)(1+s) for positive frequencies will start

a) at ω=∞ in the first quadrant and will terminate at ω=0 in the second quadrant

b) at ω=∞ in the fourth quadrant and will terminate at ω=0 in the 2nd quadrant

c) at ω=∞ in the 2nd quadrant and will terminate at ω=0 in the 3rd quadrant

d)at ω=∞ in the first quadrant and will terminate at ω=0 in the 4th quadrant

Answer: (a)

4) 1) Nyquist criterion analysis is the frequency domain

2) Bode plot is in the frequency domain

3) Root locus analysis is in the time domain

4) RH criterion analysis is in time domain

a) 1,2,3 are true b) 2,3 & 4 are true c) 1&2 are true d) all four are true

Answer: (d)

5) The polar plot of G(s)= 10/s(s+1)^2 intercepts real axis at ω=ω0. Then, the real part and ω0
are respectively given by:

a) -2,5,1 b) -5,0,5 c) -5,1 d)-5,2

Answer: (c)

6) If the nyquist plot cuts the negative real axis at a distance of 0.4 , then the gain margin of the
system is

a) 0.4 b) -0.4 c) 4% d) 2.5

Answer: (d)

7) The TF of a system is (1-s)/(1+s). The system is then which of the following ?

a) Non-minimum phase system

b)Minimum phase system

c) Low-pass system

d) Second-order system

Answer: (a)
8) The nyquist plot of a system passes through(-1,j0) point in the G(jω)H(jω) plane, the phase-
margin of the system is:

a) ∞ b) greater than zero but not ∞ c) zero d) less than zero

Answer: (c)

9) The polar plot of frequency response of a linear underdamped second order system is shown
in the figure. What is the TF of this system?

a) 8/s^2+10s+1 b) 8/s^2+8.48s+10

c) 100/s^2+8.48s+100 d) 100/s^2+10s+8.48

Answer: (c)

10) The polar plot of a type-1, 3-pole, open loop system is shown in fig. The closed loop system
a) always stable

b) marginally stable

c) unstable with one pole on the right half s-plane

d) unstable with two poles on the right half s-plane

Answer: (c)

11) Nyquist plot of a system is shown in fig. this system is which one of the following?

a) Marginally stable b) conditionally stable c) stable d) unstable

Answer: (b)
12) The Nyquist plot of a unity feedback system having open loop TF G(s)= k(s+3)(s+5)/(s-2)(s-
4) for k=1 is as shown in the figure. For the system to be stable , the range of values of k is

a) 0<k<1.33 b) 0<k<1/1.33 c) k>1.33 d) k>1/1.33

Answer: (c)

13) The nyquist plot for the closed loop control system with the loop TF G(s)H(s)=100/s(s+1) is
ploted. Then, the critical point(-1,j0) is

a) never closed b) enclosed under certain conditions

c) just touched d) enclosed

Answer: (a)

The nyquist plot of a stable TF G(s) is shown below. We are interested in the stability of the
closed loop system in the feedback configuration shown.
14) Which of the following statement is true?

a) G(s) is an all-pass filter.

b) G(s) has a zero in the right –half plane.

c) G(s) is the impedance of a passive network.

d) G(s) is marginally stable.

Answer: (b)

15) The gain and phase margins of G(s) for closed loop stability are

a) 6dB and 180degree b) 3dB and 180degree

c) 6dB and 90degree d) 3dB and 90degree

Answer: (c)

1) In control sysem

1) reduction in BW results in sluggish response

2) reduction in BW results in better signal to noise ratio

a) none of the above statement are true

b) statement (1) is true but statement (2) is false

c) statement (1) is false but statement (2) is true

d) both the statements are true

Answer: (d)

2) When a phase lag compensation is used in a system, then ωgc, BW & ωn are respectively

a) increased, increased, increased

b) increased, increased, increased

c) increased, decreased,decreased

d) decreased, decreased, decreased

Answer: (d)

3) Considered the following statements regarding a phase lead compensator

1) it increases BW of the system

2) it helps in reducing the steady state error due to ramp input.

3) it reduces the overshoot due to step input

Which of the above statements are correct

a) 1,2 b)1,3 c) 2,3 d) 1 alone

Answer: (b)

4) Introduction of integral action in the forward path of a unity feedback system results in a

a) marginally stability

b) system with no steady state error

c) system with increased stability margin

d) system with better speed of response

Answer: (b)
5) An effect of phase-lag compensation on servosystem performance is that

a) for a given relative stability, the velocity constant is increased.

b) for a given relative stability the velocity constant is decreased.

c) the bandwidth of the system is increased.

d) the time response is made faster.

Answer: (a)

6) A phase-lag compensation will

a) improve relative stability. b) increase the speed of response.

c) increase bandwidth d) increase overshoot

Answer: (a)

7) The TF of two compensators are given below:

C1= 10(s+1)/(s+10) C2=s+10/10(s+1)

Which one of the following statements is correct?

a) C1 is lead compensator and C2 is a lag compensator.

b) C1 is a lag compensator and C2 is lead compensator.

c) Both C1 and C2 are lead compensators.

d) Both C1 and C2 are lag compensators.

Answer: (a)

8) The pole-zero plot shown in the figure is that of which one of the following?

a) Integrator b) PD controller c) PID controller d) Lag-lead compensator

Answer: (d)

9) which of the following are the characteristics of a phase-lead controller?

1) When used properly it can increase the damping of the system.

2) It improves rise time.

3) It improves settling time.

4) It affects the steady state error.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

a) 1,2 and 4 b) 1,3 and 4 c) 2,3 and 4 d) 1,2 and 3

Answer: (d)

10) (A): Use of lead compensation results in increased system bandwidth.

(R): The angular contribution of the compensator pole is more than that of the compensator zero.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is true and R is false.

d) A is false and R is true.

Answer: (c)

11) The pole-zero plot shown in the fig. is that of which one of the following?

a) Integrator b) PD controller c) PID controller d) Lag-lead compensator

Answer: (d)

12) which of the following compensations is adopted for improving transient response of a
negative unity feedback system?

a) Phase lead compensation b) phase lag compensation

c) gain compensation d) both phase lag and gain compensation.

Answer: (a)

13) With regard to the filtering property, the lead compensator and the lag compensator are,

a) low pass and high pass filters b) high pass and low pass filters

c) Both are high pass filters d) Both are low pass filters

Answer: (b)

14) which one of the following is a disadvantage of proportional controller?

a) It destabilizes the system. b) It produces offset

c) It makes response faster d) It has very simple implementation

Answer: (a)

15) How can be bandwidth of a control system be increased?

a) By the use of phase lead network

b) By the use of phase lag network

c) By the use of both phase-lead and phase-lag network

d) By the use of cascaded amplifiers in the system

Answer: (a)


1) A transfer function of a control system does no have pole-zero cancellation. Which one of the
following statements is true?

a) system is neither controllable nor observable.

b) system is completely controllable and observable.

c) system is observable and uncontrollable.

d) system is controllable but unobservable.

Answer: (b)

2) For a linear time invariant system, an optimal controller can be designed if

a) the system is controllable and observable.

b) the system is uncontrollable and observable.

c) the system is unstable but observable.

d) the system is stable and unobservable.

Answer: (a)

3) Consider the following statements w.r.t a system represented by its state-space model

ẋ=Ax+Bu and y=Cx

1) The static vector x of the system is unique.

2) The Eigen values of A are the poles of the system transfer function.

3) The minimum number of state variables required is equal to the number of

independent energy storage elements in the system.

Which of these statements are correct?

a) 1 and 2 b) 2 and 3 c) 1 and 3 d) 1,2 and 3.

Answer: (b)

4) Consider the following properties attributed to state model of a system

1) State space model is unique

2) State model can be derived from TF

3) State model can be derived for time variant systems

Which of the above statements are correct

a) 1,2 b) 2,3 c) 1,3 d) 1,2 & 3

Answer: (b)

5) The minimum no. of states necessary to describe the network shown in fig. Below, in a state
variable form is

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6

Answer: (b)

6) Consider a second order system whose state space representation is of the form ẋ = Ax + Bu.
If x1(t)=x2(t), then system is

a) controllable b) uncontrollable c) observable d) unstable

Answer: (b)

7) A linear second-order single-input continous-time system is described by following set of

differential equations


where x1(t) and x2(t) are the state variables and u(t) is the control variable. The system is

a) controllable and stable b) controller but unstable

c) uncontrollable and unstable d) uncontroller but stable.

Answer: (b)

8) Assertion(A): The state transition matrix represents the free response of the system.

Reason(R): The state transition matrix satisfies the homogeneous state equation.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is false.

d) A is false but R is true.

Answer: (a)

9) The state variable equations of a system are: ẋ1= -3x1-x2+u ; ẋ2=2x1 ; y=x1+u .The system is

a) controllable but not observable.

b) observable but not controllable.

c) neither controller nor observable.

d) controller and observable.

Answer: (d)

10) A linear time invariant system with input u(t) and output y(t) is described by the state-space
representation as given below.



and y(t)=x1(t)+3x2(t).

The TF of the system is

a) s+3/s^2-s-1 b) s+3/s^2+s+1

c)3s+1/s^2+s+1 d)3s+1/s^2-s-1
Answer: (d)

11) The state transition matrix for the system ẋ=Ax with initial state x(0) is

a) (sI-A)^-1 b) e^At x(0)

c) Laplace inverse of [(sI-A)^-1] d) Laplace inverse of [(sI-A)^-1 x(0)]

Answer: (c)

12) A system is described by the following state and output equations




when u(t) is the input and y(t) is the output. The system TF is

a) s+2/s^2+5s-6 b)s+3/s^2+5s+6

c) 2s+5/s^2+5s+6 d) 2s-5/s^2+5s-6

Answer: (c)

13) List-1

A. Relative stability

B. Eigen value

C. Difference equation

D. corner frequency


1. state model

2. G.M.

3. Bode plot

4. Sampled-data system


a) 1 2 3 4

b) 1 2 4 3

c) 2 1 3 4
d) 2 1 4 3

Answer: (d)

14) The eigen values of the matrix


a) 1,1 b) -1,-1 c) j,-j d) 1,-1

Answer: (d)

15) List-1 List-2

a) A 1) n*p

b) B 2) q*n

c) C 3) n*n

d) D 4) q*p


a b c d

a) 1 3 4 2

b) 1 3 2 4

c) 3 1 4 2

d) 3 1 2 4

Answer: (d)

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