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I would have to explore and provide viability after the information collecting was completed. I
identified the previous communications network for the first half of the project, and then I
created a new strategy as to how to build the new network for this organization. Due to recent
company developments, the Global IT solutions company wishes to establish a new Local Area
Network and upgrade the Virtual Local Area Network when necessary in all locations.
I've written a project proposal that explains the current state of this corporation's research and
what it takes to configure and manage network infrastructure and apps. In this study, I discussed
how workstations storage and system software are intertwined. I detailed and demonstrated how
to create and operate a communications network throughout this report.


Networks are indeed the driving factor behind growth of computer systems since they fully
utilize data, equipment, and applications regardless of where they will be. All IT personnel must
explain the main concepts of connectivity. Networking is a complex and ever-changing world.
To enable communication systems, sophisticated network security has made the world a global
via groupings of tiny nodes linked by internet lines. It enables access to electronic information at
any time and from any location through a range of applications, including audio and video
transmission and the World Wide Web, and has resulted in a stream of data becoming available.
A system is a group of computers connected via nodes in the network and sharing resources. The
systems use common communication systems through digital connections to interact with each
other. Telecommunications technological solutions centered on directly wired, optical, and
wireless radios that can be assembled in a variety of network architectures make up such
Network Signals

Networking Principles

The most significant technological innovation and communication in the last 20 years has been
the invention and expansion of computer networks.
Connectivity has brought our world closer together and irrevocably transformed the way we
communicate, from e-mailing a colleague to online bill payment to information off the web to

Data Communication

The transmission of data, or the act of communicating data, is referred to as data communication.
It is possible to employ a wired or wireless transmission medium.
 Sender-Device that delivers data
 Receiver-Device that receives data
 Transmission - Physical channel that a signal goes from sender to receiver
 Information to be communicated (message) (e.g. text, pictures, audio, video)
Data Flow

 Simplex: Single direction transmission. Take, for example, a keyboard.

 Half Duplex - Devices allow you to send and receive data in both directions, but only one
at a time. For example, a walkie-talkie
 Full Duplex - Devices that allow you to send and receive data simultaneously. Example
consider the telephone network.

Types of Connection

When both devices were connected to the same link at the same time. We have to learn two
different sorts of links.
1. Point to point connection: One connects two devices solely for transmitting data.
For example, this link between remote control and the television's control system.
2. Multi-point connection - A single link connects more than multiple technologies and
allows for time and space sharing.
Network Protocols

The way two or more users interact over a network is defined by network protocols, which are
formal standards and standards. They are made up of rules, procedures, and representations. The
end-to-end processes of efficient, safe, and regulated information or network connections are
overseen by communication protocol.
Types of network protocol
1. Transmission Control protocol:
TCP is a well-known networking standard for sending and receiving data over a network.
It separates any communication into a sequence of bits that are being sent from the
transmitter to the receiver, where they are reconstructed.

2. Internet Protocol(IP):
IP is intended to be used as an identifying technology. It's most commonly associated
with TCP. Packets with IP addresses are routed through multiple nodes in the network
until they reach their target destination. TCP/IP is the most widely used protocol for
networking. There are two versions in IP:
a. IPv4
The IPv4 version is widely used to exchange various types of data. Manual and
automatic IPv4 setups are available. The advantage of IPv4 is Multicast function
for more efficient routing
b. IPv6
The Internet Engineering Task Force designed an IPv6 version (IETF). IPv4 is
one of the basic features of this edition. The advantage of IPv6 is Alternatives to
consider for improved routing

3. User Diagram Protocol:

UDP (Uniform Datagram Protocol) is a loss-tolerant and reduced communication
protocol that was designed to replace Transmission Control Protocol.

4. Post office Protocol:

POP3 is a protocol for receiving incoming e-mail messages. Advantages of POP are:
 We can read our emails without having to connect to the internet.
 The communications are all saved on a hard disk.

5. Simple Mail Transport Protocol

SMTP is a protocol for sending and distributing outbound email. Advantages of SMTP
 It's a straightforward protocol 
 It is easy to implement.

6. File Transfer Protocol:

FTP enables users to move files from one computer to another. Program files, multimedia
files, text documents, and documents are examples of file types. Advantages of FTP are:
 Transferring large files is simple -Security can be maintained
 File transfers can be scheduled

7. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol:

HTTP is a protocol that allows two or more systems to exchange hypertext. HTML tags
are used to build links. Text and graphics can both be used to create these links. HTTP is
a client-server protocol that allows a client system to communicate to a server machine
and submit a request. The server accepts the clients ’ demands and gives accurate

8. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS):

HTTPS is a standard protocol for protecting conversation between multiple systems, one
of which uses a website and the other of which retrieves data from the web server. HTTP
is a hypertext transfer protocol that transfers data between a client browser (request) and
a web server (answer) in a hypertext format. HTTPS is similar to HTTP, except that the
data is transferred in an encrypted format. As a result, https prevents hackers from
interpreting or altering data while packets are being transferred.
9. Telnet
Telnet is a set of rules used to link two computers via the Internet. The technique of
gaining access is referred to as "remote login." The local computer is the system that
seeks a connection, whereas the distant computer is the system that establishes the
connection. Advantages of Telnet are:
 It is adaptable
 It can be used on any platform.
 It has unrestricted access.

10. Gopher:
Gopher is a collection of rules for searching, retrieving, and displaying documents from
distant sites. Gopher also uses the client/server approach.

Networking Devices
A computer network is a collection of networking devices linked together to share information.
The goal of network equipment as a group is to "securely exchange data as soon as possible."
This is a goal that can be achieved by any networking device. Let's take a closer look at some
efficient transmission.
A hub is an interface that provides computer systems in a workgroup's LAN network.
Each port on a HUB typically does have an LED indicator light that displays the
recognition accuracy, conflicts, as well as other statistics. There is a four-port HUB
accessible. Anything across ports is shared. A data rate was obtained by one channel from
the machine with which it was attached. It will copy the data signal from the HUB three
times and send one copy to each port. The receiver port does not require a copy of the
data signal because it already possesses the original.
 Switch
Switch makes shifting choices in hardware using software electronic components. ASICs
are specialized processors that, unlike the generic processors present in our computers,
are intended to do only a few various tasks. Cisco switch ASICs have a single goal: to
change packets as quickly as possible. The frame rate of a catalyst 2960 switch, for
example, is 2.7 million frames per second. Greater switches, such as the Catalyst 6500,
have higher FPS rates, with a rate of 400 million FPS.

 Router
A router is a level three system that sends data packets from one conceptual network
segment to the next. The router based on their destination address forwards packets. As a
result, the router maintains track of the paths packets can take as they travel across the
network. These records are kept in a routing table, which is a database table. A routing
table can be created in two ways: statically and dynamically.
Network System Types

There are numerous types of networks. They provide a wide range of services. When two or
more computers are joined together, it is referred to as a network. These types of network
systems, as well as their advantages, should be identified.
 Peer to peer: A peer-to-peer network is a collection of computers that operate together. A
network of computers that allows users to share particular files and folders with everyone
or only certain people. Advantages of Peer to peer network are:
o Peer-to-Peer networks are inexpensive.
o They are simple to set up
o They run on a variety of operating systems.
o They are more reliable

 Client Server: Complex systems are client-server networks. Information and apps are
stored on a centralized computer or server. Operations and data are provided through a
number of computers. File services, online services, email providers, domain name
lookup assistance, internet-sharing assistance, and so on are examples of these services.
Advantages of Client Server is:
o Network manager seems to have a significant amount of IT knowledge
o Better security
o Fewer effort to update the system
Network Topologies

A network topology diagram depicts how lines of communication connect distinct nodes in a
network infrastructure (sender and receiver).
1. Bus Topology
A bus topology is a network topology in which all computers and network devices are
connected by a single wire. Linear Bus topology is defined as having exactly two
Advantages of Bus Topology
 It is inexpensive.
 When compared to other network topologies, the amount of cable required is the
 It's only used in tiny networks.
 It is simple to comprehend.
 Joining two cables together is simple.
 If the cables fail, the entire network will fail.
 When network traffic is high or there are more nodes, the network's performance suffers.
 The cable's length is limited.
 It is more time consuming than the ring topology.
2. Ring Topology
It's known as ring topology because one computer is connected to another, with the final
one being connected to the first. Each device has exactly two neighbors.

Advantages of Ring Topology

 Because only nodes with tokens can transmit data, the transmitting network is unaffected
by excessive traffic or the addition of extra nodes.
 Easy to set up and expand

 Ring topology makes troubleshooting tough.
 Adding or removing computers causes network activities to be disrupted.
 A single computer failure disrupts the entire network.
3. Star Topology
All of the PCs in this topology are connected to a single hub via a cable. This hub serves
as the core node, with all other nodes connecting to it.

Advantages of Star Topology are:

 Hub can be readily updated and has a fast performance with few nodes and minimal
network traffic.
 Troubleshooting is simple.
 Simple to set up and change.
 Only the node that has failed is affected; the remainder of the nodes can continue to
function normally.

 Exorbitant installation costs, as well as high operating costs.
 Because all nodes rely on the hub, if it fails, the entire network comes to a halt.
 The capacity of the hub determines its performance

4. Tree Topology
It has a root node, which is connected to all other nodes, producing a hierarchy.
Hierarchical topology is another name for it. The hierarchy should have at least three
Advantages of Tre Topology
 Bus and star topologies can be extended.
 Node expansion is possible and simple.
 Simple to administer and maintain.
 Detecting errors is simple.
 Heavily cabled.
 Expensive.
 Adding more nodes makes maintenance more challenging.
 If the central hub fails, the entire network will fail.
 Costly.

Communication Requirements

Transferring data from one computer to another necessitates the use of several sorts of links
through which the data can be delivered. The communication channel is the name given to this
link. This communication channel necessitates transmission media, of which there are two
1. Physical Media
The cables that are real or have a material reality and are constrained by physical location
are referred to as physical media. Twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, and fiber optical
cable are common physical transmission media. Each has its unique set of qualities, such
as transmission speed, noise effect, physical look, and cost.

2. Coaxial Cable
Coaxial cable is a two-conductor wire with one conductor forming an electromagnetic
shield around the other. The two conductors are separated by insulation. It's a constant-
impedance transmission cable. Both baseband and broadband applications use this form
of transmission. Coaxial cables have no effect on external electric or magnetic fields
because they do not generate them.

Bandwidth Requirements

Bandwidth refers to the amount of data that may be transmitted from one location to another in a
given amount of time. The data transfer rate is defined as the greatest amount of accessible
bandwidth, which is crucial to network performance. It is not a network speed indicator. Its
connections might be symmetrical (data download or upload in the same direction) or
asymmetrical (data download or upload in opposite directions). How does bandwidth work? It
allows you to send and receive more data at once. Bandwidth is similar to a water pipe in that it
operates on the same principles. The larger the transmission capacity, the more data flows via it
each second.
Importance of Bandwidth
 They are limited by physics and technology
 They are not free
 They are rapidly growing
 They are crucial to network performance

Networking Devices

Network devices interconnect computers or other electronic equipment so that resources and
services like printers and fax machines can be shared. The most common type of network
equipment used by wider populace is that which is being used to build a Local Area Network
(LAN) (LAN). A LAN necessitates the use of a hub, switch, and router.
1. Repeater
The physical layer is where the repeater works. Its purpose is to renew the signal across
the same channel before it becomes too low or garbled, allowing the information to be
carried for longer distances on the same network. The fact that repeaters do not enhance
the signal is vital to remember.
2. Bridge
At the data link layer, a bridge is used. A bridge is a repeater with the added capability of
filtering material by reading the source and destination MAC addresses. It can also be
used to join two LANs that utilize the same protocol. It is a two-port device because it
has only one input and output port.

3. Modem
In our daily lives, a modem is a more interesting network equipment. So, as you may
have noticed, your house receives an internet connection via a wire (there are various
sorts of wiring). This wire is utilized to transmit our internet data to the rest of the world.
Our computer, on the other hand, generates binary data, or digital data, in the form of 1s
and 0s.
A system is a computer system, a device, or a program that is entirely responsible for the
management of network resources. Servers are sometimes regarded to as committed because
they have few responsibilities other than serving. Web servers, file servers, Application Servers,
network servers, and database servers are among the several types of servers. In theory,
computers are considered servers when they share resources with client machines.
Types of server

 Web Server: A server is a computer that is used to save and serve online pages. Each web
server is given an IP address and a domain name. This technique demonstrates the
client/server paradigm. How to work with a web application, as well as the system
software and server-side programming
 Proxy Server: The purpose of a proxy server is to improve network performance. Its
cache is useful for debugging and can serve all users.
 Database Server: Database software works on multiple computers and is specialized to
database storage and retrieval.
 Application Server: Install, operate, and host programs and associated servers for end
users on an application server.

Network Software
The term "network software" refers to a wide range of software that is used to design and
implement modern networks. Various types of network software assist in the design, calibration,
and operation of networks. The size and breadth of a network are important considerations when
utilizing network software. For setup and installation, companies or other parties might select
specialized network software tools.
Types of network Software
 Client software - This piece of computer hardware or software interacts with the user.
 Sever Software - Sever software is designed to protect the hardware infrastructure of the
saver. These types of servers software can be identified. Web server software, application
server software, database server software, cloud computing server software, and file
server software are all examples of server software.
 Software firewall - The first line of defense in a network is a firewall. It will keep your
computer safe from intruders. Many software firewalls monitor the computer for safe
files and dangerous programs. Following are the types of firewalls available:
o Application gateway
o Packet filter
o Circuit level
o Proxy server

Work Station
A workstation is a machine which only one person uses at a time. It has one or more elevated
screens and more memory than a typical personal computer. The workstation has a lot of
possibilities because of the extra random-access memory and storage space. It has more
peripheral connectors and quicker graphic cards. Windows servers have a user interface that is
very similar to that of Windows clients.


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Types of Network Topology in Computer Networks | Studytonight. (2020). Topology.

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