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Gumaramg, Patricia Yeal. U.

Case Scenario:
Mrs. J. is a 25-y/o gravida 2, para 1, who was admitted at full term at 5:00 p.m. She stated that
she had been having contractions at 8 to 10 minute intervals since 4 p.m. They lasted 25 seconds.
She also stated that she had been having "a lot of false labor" and this makes her still able to feed
and able to maintain a conversation and is getting excited. But now she hoped that this was "the
real thing". Her membranes were intact. Mrs. J.'s temperature, pulse and respirations were
normal and her blood pressure was 115/70. The fetal heart tones were 140 and regular. The nurse
examined Mrs. J. and found that the baby's head was at +1 station, and the cervix was 4 cm.
dilated and 70 percent effaced.
As the labor progresses, there will be some discomforts Mrs. J will experience. By
accomplishing the table below, you will be able to anticipate these discomforts then may be able
to apply measures to alleviate or assist Mrs. J to have a safe delivery.

Nursing Nursing
Stages of Labor Other Name Problem/Discomfort Problem/Discomfort
Interventions Interventions

- Lack of - Assess the fetal

1st Stage
knowledge heart
- Monitor the
vital signs
- Instruct and
orient the
patient in this

Latent Phase - Early Phase /

Active Phase

Transition Phase

2nd Stage - Expulsive - Fatigue - Stay with the

stage patient as
much as
possible and
asses the vital
- Encourage the
patient to take
deep slow
breaths to relax
her in between
3rd Stage - Placental - Acute pain from - Monitor the
stage the labor and the Vital signs
delivery process - Informed the
mother to
make her
decide on the
pain control
option she
prefers to use.
4th Stage - Recovery - Risk of impaired - Assess the
and Fetal Gas patient on their
bonding / Exchange fetal situation.
postpartum - Position the
patient on an
elevated bed
and a pillow or
wedge under
one hip to
cause the
patient to tilt to
one side for
positioning of

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