Gahisan - GST (Research Work)

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Hannah Mae C.

GSTS (TTh 8:30-10:00 AM)
BSA- 2- ABM- A

Research on the major contribution of the following Filipino scientists. Alternatively, you
may identify 10 Filipino scientists and their contribution that are not part of the list.
1. Anacleto del Rosario
Anacleto del Rosario y Rosales was a leading Filipino chemist during the Spanish
Era. He is regarded as the “Father of Philippine Science and Laboratory”. He invented the
formula for producing a pure kind of alcohol from “tuba” in a nipa palm. Del Rosario
extracted caster oil from the Philippine native plant palma Christi (castor bean), which
translates as the “palm of Christ”.
2. Fracisco Quisumbing
Francisco Quisumbing is a Filipino chemist who is famous for the invention of
the Quink trademark ink used in Parker Pens. Quink stands for Quisumbing Ink. It dries
quickly on paper, but remains liquid inside the pen. Quink cleans the pen as it writes.
3. Gregorio Zara
Gregorio Zara was a Filipino engineer, physicist, and scientist best known for
inventing the first two-way electronic video communicator in 1955. It is a device that
makes it possible for two persons to see each other on television while talking on the
telephone as early as 1954. He is known as the “Father of Videoconferencing”. Zara’s
other inventions ranged from an alcohol-powered airplane engine to a solar-powered
water heater and stove.

4. Julian Banzon
Julian Arca Banzon was a Filipino scientist, scholar, professor, and biophysical
chemist and a National Scientist of the Philippines. He is credited for his research in
alternative fuel that is the production of ethyl ester fuels from sugarcane and coconuts.
He also devised a method of extracting residual coconut oil through chemical means.
5. Manuel Guerrero
Manuel S. Guerrero was a Filipino doctor who studied “beriberi” in infants in the
Philippines. Thiamine deficiency is a medical condition of low levels of thiamine also
known as Vitamin B1. He is known as the “Father on the Study of Beriberi on the Infants
of the Philippines”. Guerrero is also one of those who established the Liga Nacional
Filipina for the protection of infants and La Gota De Leche.
6. Ignacio Mercado
Ignacio Mercado is a Filipino botanist who catalogued over 200 plants found in
the country known at that time. His “Flora de Filipinas”, a book on botanical illustrations
in coloured lithographs is his major contribution to Philippine history, art, and sciences. It
was created by 17 artists of which 12 are Filipinos.
7. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera
Trinidad Hermenegildo José María Juan Francisco Pardo de Tavera y Gorricho
was a Filipino physician, historian and politician of Spanish and Portuguese descent. He
was known for his writings about different aspects of Philippine culture. He tracked down
rare collections of books and maps about the Philippines, its culture, tradition and history.
He also submitted medical articles to various journals, one of them maybe an article he
wrote about Pott's disease in 1881 and was published at El Siglo Médico in Madrid.
8. Ramon Barba
Ramon Cabanos Barba is a Filipino inventor, horticulturist, and a National
Scientist of the Philippines. He is best known for inventing a way to induce more flowers
in mango trees using ethrel and potassium nitrate. His findings enabled farmers to induce
flowering in mango trees regardless of the season which then changed the face of the
mango industry of the Philippines.
9. Agapito Flores
Agapito Flores was a Filipino inventor who is thought to be the inventor of the
fluorescent lamp. It has been reported that Flores received a French patent for a
fluorescent bulb and that the General Electric Company bought Flores' patent rights and
manufactured and sold his fluorescent bulb. Flores co- patented this experimental
fluorescent lamp with Friedrich Meyer and Hans Spanner.
10. Juan Salcedo Jr.
Dr. Juan Salcedo Jr. was a former Secretary of the Department of Health in the
Philippines known for developing the enriched rice. It is a variety of rice that is fortified
with Vitamin B1 which helps prevent beriberi. His discovery helped in reducing the cases
of beriberi in the Philippines and as well as in other countries.

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