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1. BPESS stands for the Bureau of Physical Education and School Sports
2. Another term for equilibrium is balance
3. The tools used in performing sit and reach include any flat surface, that has a wall on one side,
a meterstick or a flat wooden stick with a tape measure fastened to it.
4. 50- Metre Sprint measures speed.
5. Sportsmanship falls under the Social Development Objectives of Physical Fitness.

1. Why is it fundamental for a person to achieve his/her fullest potential? Can P.E. really
help people achieve them?
Achieving one’s fullest potential is fundamental because knowing your abilities
and interests will help in critical and/or day to day situations. Achieving one’s fullest
potential means he is able to use his skills to its maximum capabilities. This will be
beneficial in instances such as in emergencies, physical challenges, everyday lifestyle,
livelihood, and in having good health. One helpful factor in achieving one’s fullest
potential is engaging in Physical Education (PE). PE helps by assisting a person in
becoming physically fit and healthy. Being physically fit and healthy will enhance one’s
physical capabilities as it involves knowledge and skills that help condition the human
body into doing more things. This means that PE is actually pushing someone to raise his
limits in order to make room for more activities.
2. In all the 4 objectives in Physical Education, which do you think can have a lifelong
In my opinion, the Social Development Objective of Physical Education will have
a lifelong influence in a person. This is because performing activities alone is easy
whereas developing interpersonal skills is not. Social relationships formed when doing
activities with others, like friends and classmates, help develop one’s ability and comfort
in performing in teams, practicing sportsmanship and developing leadership. This skills
will not only help in physically strenuous activities but also in situations that involve
one’s mental and emotional health. The attitude learned in Physical Education will be
carried by a person throughout his life. We have seen people who have great
sportsmanship and teamwork capabilities developed from sports become people who
have great morals and values, and immense compassion towards others.
3. From all the Components of Physical Fitness (except the Body Composition), which do
you think is the component you seem lacking? You seem to excel?
Among the Components of Physical Fitness, I lack speed and cardio- respiratory
endurance. I am not a fast runner as I am not fond of running ever since my childhood days.
Although I did play lots of outdoor games, I never really joined in those that involved lots of
running. This is because I easily run out of breath. I do not have any cardio or respiratory
illnesses that may affect my breathing, but running always seems to catch me out of breath. I
suspect that it may be caused by my lack of interest and engagement in activities that involve
cardio-respiratory endurance. However, I do fairly excel in coordination as I can do multiple
things at a time or multitasking. I am able to move two or more parts of my body at the same
time depending on how difficult a specific goal is.
4. Give factors that you can give to validate that you are physically fit and physically
educated. If not, explain why.
I, for myself, can say that I am not a physically fit person. I seldom only do exercises
and I do not watch what and how much I eat. I am not obese nor underweight however I do
know that I have more fat than muscle. This is because aside from being lazy, I lack the time
and interest to commit to becoming physically fit because I am mostly focused on my
studies. However, I can say that I am physically educated in the sense that I understand how
PE activities can potentially help in the attainment of a healthy lifestyle. In simple terms, I
have the knowledge, but I lack the will to apply it.
5. Why should we concern ourselves about our Physical Health, Mental Awareness, Social
Skills and Emotional Stability?
It is important to concern ourselves with our physical health as our body is our most
valuable possession. It is the vessel of our lives and the instrument of our living self. It is the
tool we use in performing activities and in living our lives. Our mental awareness also
contributes to our well- being. This is because our mental health is also important in being
healthy. A healthy physique will not suffice if the mind is in bad conditions. In that sense,
our emotional health should also be given focus as it keeps our emotions intact and under
control. An unstable emotional health will not only affect our mental health, but also our
physical health eventually. Our social skills will also be helpful to our overall health. We
need to create healthy relationships with others as being alone will have adverse effects on
our emotional health which will then affect our mental health and eventually cause physical

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