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Name of Patient: Patient P.N.

                                            Age/Sex: 19 / Female__________  Room/Bed no.: Room 123 Bed no. 3

Chief Complaint: Hallucinations___________________  Attending Physician: Dr. Perez
Diagnosis: Guillain Barre Syndrome

Date Cues Nee Nursing Diagnosis Goal of Care Nursing Interventions IMPLIMEN

S:  E Impaired urinary elimination r/t  Within 8 hours of 1. Assess progressive degree 1
O L neuromuscular impairment as nursing care, the of paralysis and effect on
C O: I evidenced by urinary retention patient will be able urinary elimination.
T M and paralysis. to establish routine R: To establish data on the
O I urinary elimination effect of motor dysfunction
B  Urinary N Rationale: patterns. that travels upward from
E retention A Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) extremities.
R  Paralysis T is a dangerous health condition 2
 Muscle I that develops when the body's 2. Monitor the intake and output
2 weakness O defense (immune) system attacks of the patient every 4 to 8
 Oligoria N a section of the peripheral hours and assess for the
0  Urine nervous system by accident. The color(appearance) of urine if
ouput of 24 P peripheral nervous system allows its cloudy and check for foul
2 A the brain and spinal cord to smelling urine.
T communicate with various parts
1 of the body. If the PNS fails or is
T R: Monitoring the I&o helps
E damaged, nerve inflammation to determine if there is any
R occurs, resulting in numbness, changes in the I&O ratio of
N muscle weakness, or the inability the patient. Checking the
to move a part or all of one side appearance and the smell of
of the body (paralysis), which urine helps to identify
includes the loss of bladder presence of infection or 3
control. further type of elimination
(Martin, P., 2019) problem.

Martin, P., (2019). 6th 3. Palpate the bladder every 2

Guillain-Barre Syndrome hours. 4
Nursing Care Plans. R: To determine presence of
Retrieved on September 29, urinary retention as paralysis
2021 from progresses.
in-barre-syndrome-nursing- 5
care-plans/ 4. Monitor BUN, creatinine,
white blood cell (WBC)
R: These reflect renal
function and identify

5. Catheterize patient for 6

residual urine, as indicated.
Insert an indwelling urinary
R: To maintain elimination
and this helps to relieve
bladder distention and urinary
retention of the patient.
6. Assist client in urinary
elimination rehabilitation
program; perform Crede’s
maneuver in a gentle manner
if indicated.
R: Promotes urine elimination
and return to a normal pattern 8
as soon as possible.

7. Instruct the patient to increase

Fluid intake up to 1,500-2,000
ml daily.
R: Sufficient hydration 9
promotes urinary output and
aids in preventing infection. 

8. Encourage Client to limit

intake of coffee and alcohol.
R: Coffee and Alcohol are
chemicals known to be
bladder irritants.
9. Instruct patient to avoid
constipation or fecal
impaction by eating well
balanced diet with plenty of
fiber (fruits, vegetables and
whole grains).
R: Impacted stool may place
pressure on the bladder
outlet, causing urinary

10. Instruct the patient to report Mitchie E.

any reduction or absence of Agcopra St. N
urinary elimination.
R: Avoids complication
of neuromuscular impairment
of disease and effect on
urinary bladder function.

Doenges, M., Moorhouse, M.,
& Murr, A., (2016). Nurse’s
Pocket Guide.14th Edition.
F.A. Davis Company

Martin, P., (2019). 6th

Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Nursing Care Plans.
Retrieved on September 29,
2021 from

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