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Reet vaferencra Gniversity of Delhi No. Estab.tI(i)/330/COVID-19/M/2020 01/Sep/2021 OFFICE ORDER As Delhi Government has allowed colleges to reopen from 1st September and keeping the benefits of students in mind, it has been decided to reopen all colleges of University of Delhi from 20 September fo lind and Ilird year students. Note that Commerce and Arts students have to further wait for some days and their reopening will be announced soon. Following CoVid guidelines have to be followed by every college and students in the campus :- 1. Students and staff with atleast one dose of CoVid vaccine taken will be allowed in campus. 2. Thermal screening will be done before entering the college premises. 3. Mask and use of sanitizer will be mandatory for all. 4. CoVid centres with atleast 100 bed facllity will be prepared by every college with ‘oxygen concentrators and other facilities. 5. Hostel rooms will not be shared and only half the accomodation of students will be allowed in. 6. Activities like grouping, hand shaking and hugging will be totally prohibitted and strict action will be taken by the college breaking coVid norms. 7. Colleges will issue further notice for the guidelines. wo REGISTRAR Copy to: 1. The Dean of Colleges, University of Delhi 2. The Director, South Delhi Campus, University of Delhi 3. All Deans of Faculties / Heads of the Departments / Director of the Centre / Principals of the Colleges, University of Delhi 4. The PS, VC Office for information of Hon’ble.Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi 5. All Joint Registrar / Deputy Registrar / Assistant Registrar, University of Delhi 6. The Joint Director, DUCC with a request to upload it on the website of the University 7. Office Order File, Recett faxaftenera, feet-110007 University of Delhi, Dethi-110007 FCN /Tel, : 27667853; Ba /Fax : 27666350; TAREE /Wobsite :; E1/E-mall :

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