Draft Minutes SSC 210726

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Draft minutes:

Sutton Civic Society

Minutes of the General Meeting

Wednesday 28 July 2021 7.50pm – 8.40pm via Teams

Present: P Robinson (Chair), A Robinson (Treasurer), L Peek (Vice Chair), C Gent, K Peek

Apologies: E John (Secretary), G Obeney, Councillor S Penneck

1. Welcome and introductions

The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologised for the late start for
technical reasons.

2. Approval of minutes of previous meetings on 27 January 2021 and 26 May 2021

and matters arising
Minutes were reviewed and approved. Matters arising:
a. Helena House: There is a new proposal for a six storey block which has not yey
gone to the council for planning permission or approval.
b. The grapes new development is under construction.
c. Lidl adaption moving apace with an entrance on the High Street. (Opening 12
August 2021)
d. Building has commenced on Prince Regent site.
e. Sound Lounge opened and fully functioning.
f. Winning Post – no news.
g. Sutton Green Fair for 2021 was cancelled. It is hoped that a fair will be possible
in 2022.
h. Sports Direct has moved into Times Square form St Nicholas Centre.
i. Ibis does not appear to be open yet in Sutton Court Road.
j. Rosehill School – The Council are suggesting there is no longer need for an extra
secondary school. There was discussion about alternative sports uses for the

3. Invited Speakers: Councillors

No councillors were present.

4. 2022 Jubilee Celebrations

There will be an extra bank holiday for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. There was
discussion about where a beacon could be lit.

5. Planning Update and recent proposals for the town centre.

Beech Tree Place Redevelopment 

There was public consultation on this in April 2021:
Please give any feedback to: estateregeneration@sutton.gov.uk

A further Public Exhibition is planned for mid Summer 2021. A planning application
for the regeneration of Beech Tree Place is due to be submitted in Summer 2021.

St Nicholas House
There were 18 storeys originally planned. Ten is in the Indicative plan. The old
building is boarded up. It may be that the new building does not have an overhang as
at present and subsequent storeys will be stepped back.

Oakhill Road
The consultation is open until 12 September on the proposed Junction
improvements. Views were mixed and diverse, from those who avoid the junction
completely to those who could not see a problem.

6. Budget and Finances

7. AOB
1. Some communications as chair are still going to Clive Orton. Nothing going to new
chai who will discuss with Ed John, secretary.
2. Sutton Common station services reduced to one an hour because of staff shortages.
3. There are proposed tube strikes in August.
4. Sutton United has been promoted to the Football League for the first time. We
should send a letter of congratulations from the Civic Society.

8. Further General Meeting Dates for 2021: 29 September 2021, 24 November 2021

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