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Unit 1 : Homes and habits

Balcony : fridge:
Bathroom : phòng tắm taps:
Bedroom: phòng ngủ bath:
Corridor bell:
Dining room : phòng ăn blankets:
Garage : ga ra để xe chest of drawers:
Garden: cupboards:
Hall: cushions:
Kitchen: bếp dishwasher:
Lavatory: microware:
living room: mirrow:
stairs: pillow:
armchair: sink:
cooker: towels:
washing machine:

Be punished : bị phạt
Sports facilities: sân vận động
None of: không ai
Sit / take an exam : làm bài thi
Let’s talk about your study.
- What’s your major?
Information Communication Technology,
- Why did you choose that subject?
live up to my parents’ expectation, follow my parent’s footstep,
- What do you find most interesting about your course?
friends? tips? new technology development? broaden my knowledge

Let’s talk about changes in your life.

- Are you open to change? Why?
welcome, ready to change
- Are there any changes in your city/ your town?
buildings, roads, schools, shops, entertainment centers: cinema/ shopping mall,
- What do you plan to change next year?

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