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Vygotsky's sociocultural theory views human development as a socially mediated

process in which children acquire their cultural values, beliefs, and problem-solving
strategies through collaborative dialogues with more knowledgeable members of society.
This theory comprises concepts such as culture-specific tools, private speech, and the Zone
of Proximal Development. Suppose you are the teacher of grade 8, how would you apply
this theory in your class? Support your answer with ten relevant examples.    
(20 Marks)

Vygotsky’s cognitive development theory argues that cognitive abilities are socially guided and
constructed . As such ,culture serves as a mediator for the formation and development of specific
abilities, such as learning , memory, attention and problem solving . A contemporary educational
application of Vygotsky’s theory is “reciprocal teaching ,” used to improve students ability to learn from
text. In this method, teachers and students collaborate in learning and practicing four key skills :
summarizing, questioning, clarifying and predicting.

Vygotsky’s theory was an attempt to explain consciousness as the and product of socialization. For
example :

In the learning of language , our first utterances with peers or adults are for the purpose of
communication but once mastered the become internalized and allow inner speech.

Since children learn much through interaction, curricula should be designed to emphasize interaction
between learners and learning tasks. With appropriate adult help, children can often perform tasks that
they are incapable of completing on their own .

There are the following steps which I can apply in my class as a teacher.

1. Vygotsky’s theory of scaffolding can be one of the most beneficial concepts a teacher an put into
place with in their classroom. It realise on the way in which students develop cognitively , and it
provides a healthy and structured environment for learning.
2. Email our students to remind them that we are still there for them.
3. Have students think aloud.
4. In Vygotsky’s cultural – historical theory play is an important part of early childhood. Vygotsky
believed that they promotes cognitive , social and emotional development and children. In
Vygotsky’s play ,role playing and the imaginary situation are planned a head and there are rules
for participating in play.
5. Do not ignore the elephant in the room. If possible then talk about COVID-19 and fear. This is an
opportunity for you to remind your students to consider the sources of their news and to
beware of the large amount of misinformation .
6. Most important, ask each of the student how can we help them. The Persian poet Rumi says
“our beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing , there is a field . I’ll meet you there .”
Likewise, in times of uncertainty and unknowing, we can create a space where our students
voice and insights can illuminate the path we are carving out for them and us.
7. Do not offer too much help .
8. Vygotsky’s theory is based on the idea that learning can lead development , and development
can lead learning and this process takes place through a dynamic interrelationship.
9. Know each student’s ZPD . In order to use ZPD and scaffolding techniques successfully, it’s
critical to know your student’s current level of knowledge.
10. Encourage group work.

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