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Adverbs of Frequency Xmas Traditions

In your team, choose one of the sentences below and guess the missing adverb of frequency. You can ask
for a hint before you guess, but if you guess wrong you cannot try again. You get five points if you guess
correctly without a hint, two points if you guess correctly after a hint, or one point if you can guess
another team’s sentence correctly after they have failed.

In Britain, Xmas pudding is ___________________________ served hot

Japanese shopping centres ________________________ take their Xmas decorations down on Xmas

British people ____________________________ cook turkey for Xmas

Australians ________________________________ eat outside on Xmas Day.

British children _________________________________ put out a glass of sherry and mince pie on
Xmas Eve.

British people ________________________ put a coin in the Xmas pudding

British people _______________ go to church on Christmas day

British people _________________________ listen to the Queen’s speech on Xmas Day

British people _________________________________ use the expression “Santa” or “Santa Claus”

British people _____________________________ put presents in stockings.

British kids ______________________________ go carolling (standing outside people’s houses singing

Xmas songs).

British people _______________________ invite friends round for Xmas dinner.

It _____________________ snows in London on Xmas Day.

Written by Alex Case for © 2007

British people __________________________ eat out on Xmas day

British people _____________________ decorate the outside of their houses with Xmas decorations such
as fake snow on the roof and life sized figures of Santa.

British people _____________________ have fireworks on Xmas Day

There is ___________________________ fog in London on Xmas Day.

British people ___________________________ leave their Xmas decorations up until 12 January

British Xmas trees _______________________ have a Santa Claus on the top.

Trains _________________________________ run on Xmas Day in the UK.

It ___________________ snows on Xmas Day in South Africa, New Zealand, Australia.

British people _____________________ have a fresh cream Xmas cake.

Written by Alex Case for © 2007

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