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Activity 1

Chemical Equation

Ion formulae, ion compound and chemical equation

A. Ion Formulae
Name of ion Ion Formulae
Magnesium ion
Zinc ion
Copper (II) ion
Aluminium ion
Calsium ion
Plumbum(II) ion
Ferum(II) ion
Ammonium ion
Hydrogen ion
Sulphate ion
Nitrate ion
Chloride ion
Carbonat ion
Hydroxide ion

B. Compound ion formulae (salts)

Name of compound Compound Formula
Zinc chloride
Zinc nitrat
Zinc sulphate
Copper(II) sulphate
Copper(II) nitrate
Copper(II) chloride
Plumbum(II) nitrate
Plumbum(II) sulphate
Plumbum(II) chloride
Calsium chloride
Calsium nitrate
Calsium sulphate
Sodium hydroxide
Sodium nitrate
Sodium sulphate
Kalium hydroxide
Kalium chloride
Ammonium nitrate
Ammonium sulphate
Magnesium chloride
Magnesium nitrate
Magnesium sulphate
C. Chemical Equations

Acids Reaction

1) Write chemical equations for the following reactions

a) Hydrochloric acids + copper(II) oxide

b) Nitric acids + plumbum(II) oxide

c) Sulphuric acids + zinc oxide

d) Nitric acids + copper(II) oxide

2) Write chemical equations for the following reactions
a) Hydrochloric acids + copper(II) carbonate

b) Sulphuric acids + plumbum(II) carbonate

c) Sulphuric acids + zinc carbonate

d) Nitric acids + copper(II) carbonate


3) Write chemical equations for the following reactions

a) Hydrochloric acids + zinc

b) Sulphuric acids + magnesium

c) Nitric acids + plumbum


4) Write chemical equations for the following reactions

a) Calcium hyroxide + nitric acids

b) Sodium hyroxide + hydrochloric acids

c) Ammonium hydroxide + sulphuric acids

Reactions Group 1 and Group 17

1) Write chemical equations for reactions of lithium and sodium with chlorine gas

Li …………………………………………..

Na ………………………………………….
2) Write chemical equations for reactions of lithium and sodium with oxygen gas


K ……………………………………………..

3) Complete the following equations

Na2O + H2O ---

K2O + H2O ----

4) Complete the following chemical equations

Li + H2O --- …………… + …………

Na + H2O --- …………… + …………

K + H2O ---- …………… + …………

Carbon Compounds

5) Write a balance chemical equations for the following substances

a) ethane

b) buthane

c) ethene :

d) propene :

e) pentene :

6) For the following addition reactions,write a chemical equations, the condition and
the observation.
f) Propene dan bromine water
Chemical equations

g) Ethene and steam (Add H and OH)

Chemical equation

h) Propene and Hydrogen

Chemical equation

i) Ethene dan Acidified Potassium manganate (VII) solution. (Add 2 OH)
Chemical equation


j) Ethene and hydrogen chloride
Chemical equation

7) Tuliskan persamaan bagi setiap tindak balas berikut dan namakan hasil-hasil
tindak balasnya.
a) Pembakaran propanol dalam oksigen.

b) Campuran propanol dan larutan kalium

manganat (VII) berasid dipanaskan.

c) Wap propanol dialirkan melalui serpihan porselin atau alumina (aluminium

oksida) yang panas.

8) Tuliskan persamaan bagi tindak balas antara asid etanoik dengan setiap bahan
berikut dan namakan hasil-hasil tindak balasnya.
a) Serbuk zink.

b) Kalsium karbonat.

c) Larutan kalium hidroksida.

9) Namakan setiap bahan tindak balas berikut . Lengkapkan persamaan kimia dan
namakan hasilnya.

a) CH3COOH + C2H5OH --->

b) C2H5COOH + CH3OH --->

c) HCOOH + C2H5OH --->

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