SPA V.A Art7 q1wk-2 Principles Arts Joeferino Guinumtad Bgo v3

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Special Program in the Arts

Principles of Arts
Learner’s Module in Visual Arts 7
Quarter 1 ● Module 2


Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region

NAME:________________________ GRADE AND SECTION:________________

TEACHER: ____________________ SCORE: _____________________________

Cordillera Administrative Region
Military Cut-off, Baguio City

Published by:
DepEd Schools Division of Baguio City
Curriculum Implementation Division


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This material has been developed for the implementation of K-12 Curriculum
through the DepEd Schools Division of Baguio City - Curriculum Implementation
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This module is a project of the DepEd Schools Division of Baguio City through
the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) which is in response to the
implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum.

This Learning Material is a property of the Department of Education, Schools

Division of Baguio City. It aims to improve students’ performance specifically in SPA
Visual Arts 7.

Date of Development August 24, 2020

Resource Location DepEd Schools Division of Baguio City
Learning Area SPA Visual Arts
Grade Level 7
Learning Resource Type Module
Language English
Quarter/Week Q1/W2
Learning Competency Code Spa_VA-PH7-Ia-2
Understand the way principles of arts
Learning Competency
work together to create an artwork
Creates artworks using Philippine pre-
Performance Standard historic subjects in the context of the
present Visual arts


The developer wishes to express his gratitude to those who help in the development
of this learning material. The fulfillment of this learning material would not be possible without
these people who gave their support, helping hand and cooperation:
The developer extends her fullest gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Lolita A. Manzano
for their constant support and insightful comments and suggestions in the development of the
learning material.
To all in one way or the other helped me to finish this learning material. Thank you and
may God be with you all.

Development Team
Developer/s: Joeferino M. Guinumtad
Layout Artist: Joeferino M. Guinumtad
Cover art Artist: Jocel D. Naniong
School Learning Resources Management Committee
Whitney A. Dawayen School Head / Principal
Joeferino M. Guinumtad Subject / Learning Area Specialist
Geraldine D. Sumipit School LR Coordinator

Quality Assurance Team

Dr. Lolita A. Manzano EPS – MAPEH
Dr. Lourdes B. Lomas-e PSDS – District 6

Learning Resource Management Section Staff

Loida C. Mangangey EPS – LRMDS
Victor A. Fernandez Education Program Specialist II - LRMDS
Christopher David G. Oliva Project Development Officer II – LRMDS
Priscilla A. Dis-iw Librarian II
Lily B. Mabalot Librarian I



Chief Education Supervisor – CID

Christopher C. Benigno, PhD

Asst. Schools Division Superintendent


Schools Division Superintendent


Copyright Notice ………………………………………………….……...….…. i
Preface …………………………………………………………………...…….… ii
Acknowledgement……………………………………………………. …….…... iii
Table of Contents……………………………………………………….……. … iv
Title Page…………………………………………………………………………. 1
What I Need to Know.…………………………………………………………. 2
Learning Objectives
What I Know ………………………………………………………….…………. 3
Lesson Proper……………………………………………………………………. 4
What’s In ………………………………………………………………………. 4
Activity 1……………………………………….……………….…………. 4
What’s New……………….……………………………………...…………… 5
Activity 1…………………………………………………………………… 5
What is It ……………………………………………………………………… 6
Activity 1…………………………………………………………………… 6
Activity 2…………………………………………………………………… 7
What’s More …………………………………………………………………... 8
Activity 1…………………………………………………………………… 8
Assessment ……………………………………………………………… 8
Activity 2 9
Assessment ………………………………….…………...……………… 10
Activity 3.……………………………………………………………….… 11
Assessment.………………………………………………...…………… 12
What I Have Learned…………………………………………………………… 13
What I Can Do ….……………………………………………………….……… 14
Post-Assessment …………………...…………………………………………… 16
Additional Activities……………………………………………….……………… 17
Answer Key………………………………………………………………………. 18
Reference Sheet…………………………………………………...…….…….… 19

Principles of Arts
Learner’s Module
Special Program in the Arts
Visual Arts 7
Quarter 1 ● Module 2


What I Need to Know

In this learning material, you will be able to learn the priniciples of arts/designs
in an art work. Read and understand the lessons well. Lessons and activities were
prepared for you to do. Answer all the questions in the given activities and do not leave
any question unanswered or any activity undone.
Good luck and enjoy the lesson.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
a. recognize various principles of arts used in an arts work like drawing
and painting;
b. realize how principles of arts work together to come up with an artwork;
c. create art work using the principles of arts in the local context.

Good day! Before you will undergo several
What I activities in this module, you should be able
to answer the following question below.
Know This is to assess what you know about the
principles of arts. Good luck!

Test I. Multiple Choice. Identify what is being described. Choose the correct
answer and write a check mark (/) in the column of choices.

1. It is used to organize the elements in a work of art.
A. Principles of Art B. Elements of Arts C. Both A and B
2. It is the repetition of an object or symbol all over the work of art.
A. Rhythm B. Pattern C. Harmony
3. It is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture, and
A. Balance B. Movement C. Proportion
4. The path that takes the viewer's eye through the work of art, often to
focal areas. It can be directed along lines, edges, shape, and color
within the artwork.
A. Emphasis B. Variety C. Movement
5. It is used to several elements of design to hold the viewer's attention
and to increase visual interest in the work of art.
A. Emphasis B. Variety C. Movement
6. It is the part of the design that catches the viewer's attention.
A.Rhythm B. Proportion C. Emphasis
7. It is created when one or more elements of design are used repeatedly
to create a feeling of organized movement.
A. Repetition B. Rhythm C. Pattern
8. It is the feeling of unity created with all parts (sizes, amounts, or
number) that is related well to with each others.
A. Symetrical B. Proportion C. Contrast
9. It is the feeling of harmony between all parts of the work of art, which
creates a sense of completeness.
A. Repetition B. Asymmetrical C. Unity
10. It works with pattern to make the work of art seem active.
A. Pattern B. Repetition C. Focal Point
11. It is called the center of interest.
A. Focal person B. Focal point C. Focal art
12. It is the arrangement of opposite elements such as light vs. dark, rough
vs. smooth textures, large vs. small shapes in a piece of so as to create
visual interest, exitement and drama.
A. Contrast B. Rhythm C. Pattern
13. It makes the image look stable and quiet on both sides.
A. Symmetrical B. Radial symmetry C. Asymmetrical
14. It is the parts of a design that is positioned around a central point.
A. Symmetrical B. Radial symmetry C. Asymmetrical
15. It makes the desing visually of equal weight but aren’t exactly the same.
A. Symmetrical B. Radial symmetry C. Asymmetrical

In this context, you will be able to
What’s In recognize the meaning of the principles of
arts and how it was used in an artwork.
Read and discover the importance of the
principles of arts. Good luck!

What does principles of arts mean?

The principles of art (or the principles of design) are essentially a set of criteria which
are used to explain how the visual elements are arranged in a work of art. These principles
are possibly the closest thing we have to a set of objective criteria for analyzing and judging
art. Read the description of the Spolarium painting of Juan Luna and do the activity provided.
The Spoliarium painting features a glimpse of Roman history centered on the bloody
carnage brought by gladiatorial matches. Spoliarium is a Latin word referring to the
basement of the Roman Colosseum where the fallen and dying gladiators are dumped and
devoid of their worldly possessions.
At the center of Luna’s painting are fallen gladiators being dragged by Roman
soldiers. On the left, spectators ardently await their chance to strip off the combatants of
their metal helmets and other armory. In contrast with the charged emotions featured on the
left, the right side meanwhile presents a somber mood. An old man carries a torch perhaps
searching for his son while a woman weeps the death of her loved one.
The Spoliarium is the most valuable oil-on-canvas painting by Juan Luna, a Filipino
educated at the Academia de Dibujo y Pintura (Philippines) and at the Academia de San
Fernando in Madrid,
Spain. With a size of 4.22
meters x 7.675 meters, it
is the largest painting in
the Philippines. A
historical painting, it was
made by Luna in 1884 as
an entry to the prestigious
Exposicion de Bellas
Artes (Madrid Art
Exposition, May 1884)
and eventually won for
him the First Gold Medal.

Activity: Identify the principles of arts used in the Spoliarium painting. Write five (5)
principles of arts that you think are used in the painting. Write your answer
in the box below the picture.
Great Job!
Answer Proceed to the next page

1. 4.
2. 5.

What’s New
This time you will be able to recognize and
discover the principles of arts used in an artwork.
Hope you will internalize and appreciate the
importance of the principles of arts. After reading,
work on the activities.

Activity 1: Reading

Principle of Arts Example

Pattern is a very important design concept which refers to the
visual arrangement of elements with a repetitive form or
intelligible sequence.

Balance is concerned with the visual distribution or weight of

the elements in a work of art.

Emphasis is a way of using elements to stress a certain area

in an artwork. Emphasis is really just another way to describe
a focal point in your artwork.

Contrast is simply defined as difference. Difference between

art elements like color, value, size, texture, and so on can
intensify the elements used.

Harmony refers to how well all the visual elements work

together in a work of art. Elements which are in harmony
should have some kind of logical progression or relationship.

Unity refers to some kind of connection between all the visual

elements in a work of art. Like harmony, this is a bit of a
vague term which is difficult to objectively use to analyze art.

Variety refers to the use of differing qualities or instances of

the visual elements. Variety can be used to break up
monotonous or repetitive areas.

Movement refers to the path the viewer's eye takes through

the work of art, often to focal areas. It can be directed along
lines, edges, shape, and color within the artwork.

Scale refers to the size of an object compared to the rest of

the surroundings.

Proportion refers to the feeling of unity created with all parts

(sizes, amounts, or number) relate well with each other.

Continue to the next page!

What is It
In this context, you will learn more about the
principles of arts in relation to balance and contrast.
This will enrich your knowledge about the lesson.

Activity 1: Read the forms of contrast as part of the principles of arts and recognize what is
being discussed.

A. Texture contrast: A contrast between

smooth and textured. Many of Vincent van
Gogh's paintings are great examples of
texture contrast in action.

B. Color contrast: A contrast between light

and dark, saturated and dull or
complementary colors (hue contrast). For
example, in the painting, the highly saturated
red contrasts against the relatively dull colors
in the rest of the painting.
C. Detail contrast: A contrast between areas
of detail and blander areas, like in the
painting below.

D. Shape contrast: A contrast between different

shapes (rectangles and circles). For example, in
the painting there are the curving shapes created
by the winding paths, water and trees contrast
against the rectangular shapes of the buildings

Continue to
the next page!
E. Interval contrast: A contrast between long and short intervals. In the
painting, notice the variation in the lengths of the intervals between the trees.

Activity 2: Read the types of balance as part of the principles of arts and recognize what is
being discussed.

Symmetrical balance occurs when

equal weights are on equal sides of a
composition, balanced around a
fulcrum or axis in the center.

Asymmetrical balance results from

unequal visual weight on each side
of the composition. One side of the
composition might contain a
dominant element, which could be
balanced by a couple or more lesser
focal points on the other side.

Radial balance occurs when

elements radiate from a common
center. Maintaining a focal point
(fulcrum) is easy because it’s always
the center.

Mosaic balance (or crystallographic

balance) results from balanced
chaos. Think Jackson Pollack
paintings. The composition lacks
distinct focal points, and the
elements share a uniform emphasis.
The lack of hierarchy leads to visual
noise at first glance. Somehow,
though, it all works together.

Thank you for your patience in reading and

understanding the lesson. Now you are ready for
the enrichment activities. Turn to the next page.

In this context, your knowledge and
What’s More skills will be tested. Follow directions
well. Good luck.

Activity 1: Identification. What principle of arts does each image represent.

Choose your answer from the box and write the word of your choice
in the space provided.Strictly no scanning back at the
previous pages.

Pattern Balance Contrast Harmony Unity

Variety Movement Scale Proportion Emphasis

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10
Self Assessment: Define the principle of arts/design and explain why this principle is
important in art making. State your answer in two to three sentences.

Congratulations! You did a great job.

In your next activity, you will be doing a series of simple
design exercises for you to understand further the principles of
arts/design and how each can be developed within a structured
composition. You will be doing dot design and line design. Good
Activity 2: Dot Designs (define a dot as the beginning of a line, regardless of its
The folowing are the directions in your activity:
a. Use only two colors per design (Example: black and white, blue and red, etc.)
b. Dots must be round and colored solid.
c. Dots within each design should vary in size (change can be sudden or gradual
but is important for providing contrast, thereby avoiding “chicken tracking”).
d. Dots may “follow the leader,” touch, overlap, stack on top of each other, run
off the edge of the paper, etc.
e. You may search from the google or any available books as reference for your
dot design activity.
f. See the sample of dot design in the next page and use the space provided for
your dot design activity.
g. Read the rubrics for your guidance in grading your output.
Highly Under-
Advance Developing Beginning
Standard Advance developing

10 pts. 9 pts. 8 pts. 7 pts. 6 pts.

Quality Dot design Dot designs Dot design Dot design Dot design
shows shows very shows shows shows poor
(Signifies how outstanding satisfactory satisfactory unsatisfactory appearance
good you are) appearance appearance appearance appearance

Applied Highly Applied Applied some Applied few

knowledge Applied knowledge knowledge knowledge
(Signifies a and skills to knowledge and skills and skills and skills
peak level of the fullest and skills efficiently efficiently
extend efficiently

Neatness Neatness of Neatness of Neatness of Neatness of Neatness of

the dot the dot design the dot the dot design the dot
(The quality design is is very design is is fair designs
or condition outstanding satisfactory satisfactory needs
of being improve-
neat) ment

Turn to the next page. Good Luck!

Examples of
dot design

Do your work here

Self assessment: Explain your dot design in two to three sentences.


Congratulations!, You did a great job.

Proceed to the next page for another activity.

Activity 3: Line Designs (A line is a mark made on surfacethat joins
different points. Lines can vary in length, width, direction and shape.)

The folowing are the directions in your activity:

a. Use only two or three colors per design.
b. Lines should begin thin, grow in thickness and return to a thin line
again…or run off the paper (so they remain lines instead of becoming
c. Lines should vary in length (short, medium, long) and may expand/contract in
any form or direction.
d. lines may be straight, curved, zigzag, twist; cross over, build on top of or
weave under and through each other, etc.
e. You may search from the google or any available books as reference for your
dot design activity.
f. See the sample of dot design in the next page and use the space provided for
your line design activity.
g. Read the rubrics for your guidance in grading your output.

Highly Under-
Advance Developing Beginning
Standard Advance developing

10 pts. 9 pts. 8 pts. 7 pts. 6 pts.

Line designs Line designs Line designs Line designs Line designs
shows shows very shows shows shows poor
(Signifies how outstanding satisfactory satisfactory unsatisfactory appearance
good you are) appearance appearance appearance appearance

Applied Highly Applied Applied some Applied few

knowledge Applied knowledge knowledge knowledge
(Signifies a and skills to knowledge and skills and skills and skills
peak level of the fullest and skills efficiently efficiently
extend efficiently

Neatness Neatness of Neatness of Neatness of Neatness of Neatness of

the line the line the line the line the line
(The quality design is design is very design is design is fair designs
or condition outstanding satisfactory satisfactory needs
of being improve-
neat) ment

Turn to the next page. Good Luck!

Examples of
Line designs

Paste you work here

Self assessment: Explain your line design in two to three sentences.


Congratulations!, You did a great job.

Proceed to the next page for another activity.

What I Have Learned

Direction: Fill out the needed informations. Make sure that you will answer all the
items provided. Avoid erasures.

1. I have learned that the principle of art/design is…..


2. I have discovered that the components of the principles of arts/desings are:


3. I value the principles arts/designs because…


4. The activities in this modulle is/are:


Proceed at the next page

for another activity.

What I
Can Do Your final application is to combine dots
and lines. Dots and/or lines can be drawn or
interact with each other and still remain dots
and lines. See the example below.

Examples of
dot and line

Activity: The folowing directions for your dot and line design activity are:
1. Like in the previous activities, limit your design to three colors to ensure that the
designs do not become more about color than about design.
2. Do your dot and line design first in a separate bond paper.
3. Be creative in your design.
4. Do not copy any art works in the internet or books.
5. Paste your final output in the space provided in the next page.
6. Read the rubrics for your guidance in grading your output.

Turn to the next page.

Do your best!
Highly Under-
Advance Developing Beginning
Standard Advance developing

10 pts. 9 pts. 8 pts. 7 pts. 6 pts.

Quality The The The The The

Petroglyphs Petroglyphs Petroglyphs Petroglyphs Petroglyphs
(Signifies shows shows very shows shows shows poor
how good outstanding satisfactory satisfactory unsatisfactory appearance
you are) appearance appearance appearance appearance

Efficiency Applied Highly Applied Applied some Applied few

knowledge Applied knowledge knowledge knowledge
(Signifies a and skills to knowledge and skills and skills and skills
peak level of the fullest and skills efficiently efficiently
performance) extend efficiently

Neatness Neatness of Neatness of Neatness of Neatness of Neatness of

the the the the the
(The quality Petroglyphs Petroglyphs Petroglyphs Petroglyphs is Petroglyphs
or condition is is very is fair needs
of being outstanding satisfactory satisfactory improvemen
neat) t

Paste you work here

You did a great job.



Direction: Read and analyze the questions well. Choose the correct answer and
write a check mark (/) in the column of choices.
1. It is the feeling of unity created with all parts (sizes, amounts, or
number) that is related well to with each others.
A. Symetrical B. Proportion C. Contrast
2. It is the feeling of harmony between all parts of the work of art, which
creates a sense of completeness.
A. Repetition B. Asymmetrical C. Unity
3. It works with pattern to make the work of art seem active.
A. Pattern B. Repetition C. Focal Point
4. It is called the he center of interest.
A. Focal person B. Focal point C. Focal art
5. It is the arrangement of opposite elements such as light vs. dark, rough
vs. smooth textures, large vs. small shapes in a piece of so as to create
visual interest, exitement and drama.
A. Contrast B. Rhythm C. Pattern
6. It makes the image look stable and quiet on both sides.
A. Symmetrical B. Radial symmetry C. Asymmetrical
7. It is the parts of a design that is positioned around a central point.
A. Symmetrical B. Radial symmetry C. Asymmetrical
8. It makes the desing visually of equal weight but aren’t exactly the same.
A. Symmetrical B. Radial symmetry C. Asymmetrical
9. It is used to organize the elements in a work of art.
A. Principles of Art B. Elements of Arts C. Both A and B
10. It is the repetition of an object or symbol all over the work of art.
A. Rhythm B. Pattern C. Harmony
11. It is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture, and
A. Balance B. Movement C. Proportion
12. The path that takes the viewer's eye through the work of art, often to
focal areas. It can be directed along lines, edges, shape, and color
within the artwork.
A. Emphasis B. Variety C. Movement
13. It is used to several elements of design to hold the viewer's attention
and to increase visual interest in the work of art.
A. Emphasis B. Variety C. Movement
14. It is the part of the design that catches the viewer's attention.
A.Rhythm B. Proportion C. Emphasis
15. It is created when one or more elements of design are used repeatedly
to create a feeling of organized movement.
A. Repetition B. Rhythm C. Pattern

You did a great job.


Additional Activities

Oh my Shape : Fill out all the boxes with a variety of shapes and connect the
shapes using a line. Use pencil in your activity.

Question: Identify the principles of art/designs from your output. Write your
answer in the space provided.
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________
4. ___________________________
5. ___________________________
6. ___________________________
7. ___________________________
8. ___________________________
9. ___________________________ Congratulations!
You finished all the
10. ___________________________ activities provided in
this module.

Activity 3 See rubrics
Activity 2: See rubrics
Whats more
1. Variety
2. Balance
3. Emphasis
4. Scale
5. Unity
1. B
6. Harmony
2. C
7. Movement
3. B
4. B 8. Pattern
5. A 9. Proportion
6. A 10. Contrast
7. B Whats more activity 1
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. C
15. B
What’s In Activity
Post Assessment
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B
1. Pattern 6. C
2. Balance 7. B
3. Emphasis 8. B
4. Contrast 9. C
5. Harmony 10. B
6. Unity 11. B
7. Variety 12. A
8. Movement 13. A
9. Scale 14. B
10. Proportion 15. C
Additional Activity (possible answers) Pre-assessment (What I know)
Answer Key

Charisse Aquino-Tugade. Spoliarium by Juan Luna. Accessed August 23, 2020.

Dan Scott. What are the principles of art (or the principles of design)? Accessed
August 23, 2020.

Matt Fussell. Contrast in Art - The Value Factor. Accessed August 23, 2020.

Ruth Hand. Creative principles and elements of art. Accessed August 23, 2020.

Steven Bradley. Design Principles: Compositional, Symmetrical And Asymmetrical

Balance. Acessed August 23, 2020. htps://

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education-Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Baguio City
No. 82 Military Cut-off Road, Baguio City
Telefax: 442-7819
Email Address:
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