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Generation Connect Platform

Requirements Documentation

Version Date

1.0 9th May 2021

Introduction 2

Overall Site Architecture 3

Assessment Function 4
Individual Assessment calculations 4
Across Assessments 4

Account Management 6
‘Expert’ and ‘Member’ user flows 6
Admin user flows 6

Chat Function 8

Content Management System 9

1. Introduction
This document includes the functional specifications for General Connect health platform.

2. Overall Site Architecture

The platform aims to provide healthcare content for registered users. Through a series of assessments,
users will be able to obtain certain advice on their health status. This platform will also allow
communications between health experts and general users educating users on health related

The platform will first be built on the Wordpress platform with a selected theme. Customisation and
integration of plugins will be added on to achieve full functions of the platform.

There are a total of 3 user roles in this platform. They are:

1. System Administrator
1. Have full access to content management system
2. Manage and verify ‘Expert’ users
3. Manage ‘Member’ users
4. Manage assessment results of all users
2. ‘Expert’ user
a. Register and Login to platform
b. Access assessments
c. Track past assessments results
d. Access and comment on articles content
e. Create and edit user profile
f. Chat with other users

3. ‘Member’ user
a. Register and Login to platform
b. Access assessments
c. Track past assessments results
d. Access and comment on articles content
e. Create and edit user profile
f. Chat with other users

3. Assessment Function
Both ‘Expert’ and ‘Member’ users will be able to access this function. Admin will be able to review
and export all user’s score data in csv / excel format. All calculations logic will be provided by
Generation Connect.

There will be a total of 9 assessments available on this platform: 

 Assessments questions will be created using in form format.
 Additional logics will be hard coded into each assessment to generate a score for each user.
 Assessment response and scores of each user will be saved to the database
 Users will be able to review and track their past scores for assessment
 Across assessments, there will be a logic to calculate an average assessment score.
 Scores will determine the type of articles that will be suggested to users upon completion of
 Assessments that are completed by users will have a ‘Completion’ status when users browse
the assessment listing page in future sessions

A.Individual Assessment calculations

An example of calculation logic is as follows:

Risk Score = 0.081 × Age(years) + 0.0117 × Waist circumference (cm) + 0.0115 × Body height (cm)
+ 0.1292 × Daily alcohol (yes=1, no=0) + 0.094 × Physically active (yes=1, no=0) − 0.0773 ×
Vegetable (per 100g/day) − 0.0166 × Dairy (per 80g/day) + 0.08 × Processed meat (per 50g/day) +
0.02 × Sugar and confectionary (per 50g/day)
Risk_10_years = 1 - 0.9943^exp(Risk_Score - 6.89)

Values that are selected by users will be plugged into the formula and eventually generate a ‘score’
for individual assessments.
B. Across Assessments
Scores from individual assessments will be added/multiplied to derive a final average score:

Total Physical Activity MET-minutes/week = [(P2 * P3 * 8) + (P5 *P7 * 4) + (P1 * P9 * 4) + (P14 *

P15* 4)]

4. Account Management

A.‘Expert’ and ‘Member’ user flows

All users have to register for an account in order to access content from the platform. During
registration, users can choose to apply for either an ‘Expert’ account or a ‘Member’ account.

1. Registration flow
1. Fill up personal information (Expert account form fields will differ from Member
account form fields
2. Submit for account creation
3. *For Expert account* Admin will verify the account as an expert before Expert user
will gain an ‘Expert’ status to their account

2. Login flow
a. Fill in user credentials
b. Login

3. Forget Password flow

a. Send request for password reset
b. Password reset link will be sent to user via email
c. Fill in new password
d. Upon confirmation, user will use new password to login to their account

4. Profile Creation flow

a. Fill in information fields that will be displayed as profile information

B. Admin user flows

Admin will be able to manage all ‘Expert’ and ‘Member’ accounts within the platform.

1. Account management
1. Review all accounts and their respective information
2. Add a new user
3. Delete a user
4. Suspend a user
5. Verify a user’s ‘Expert’ status
6. Edit user’s information (Both account information and profile information)
7. Export all accounts into a csv / excel format

5. Chat Function
The concept of chat will work similar to how facebook messenger works:
 Users are able to chat with each other
 Admin will be able to review chat logs between all users on dashboard
 Provision chat to integrate with payment functionalities in the future (Reference telegram chat
payment function)

6. Content Management System

We will be using wordpress themes and templates for the general layout of the platform. 

The required pages on the user facing side will be as follow:

 Homepage
 Login / Sign up / Forgot Password
 Articles / assessments listing
 Article page
 Past expert answers (Similar to a FAQ layout page)
 Chat
 About us / Terms & Conditions / Privacy Policy
 Contact us
 Assessment
 Profile page (Personal information, past scores, chat history)

Admin will require a dashboard and CRUD rights to edit content of the above mentioned pages except
for assessments question forms.

Admin should be able to manage the following:

 Create / edit / delete tags and allocate them to articles
 Blog post editing functionalities to draft / publish / edit and delete articles and page contents
 Rearrange sections of pages on dashboard
 Review users comments for articles  and have the rights to edit / delete a user comment
 Review and edit user profile information
 Access account management functions on dashboard
 Access chat logs on dashboard

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