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к пис. № 1015/04-8 от 28.07.2014г.

The Poseidon Project: An Introduction

The use of Cognitive Computing for real-world societal challenges

Robert-Jan Sipsa,b,c Wing-Yan Manb, Bram Haversb Gert-Jan Keizerc

a b c
VU University Center for Advanced Studies Dutch Courage Foundation
Department of Computer Science IBM Netherlands Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Amsterdam, The Netherlands Amsterdam, The Netherlands {wingyanman,

Abstract— This paper presents an introduction to the Poseidon based diets, global food production needs to increase
Project. An open collaborative research project aiming to reduce substantially, and
the Water Footprint in (crop) agriculture, by opening up access (2) Global soil and water resources are limited, vulnerable
to low-cost in situ sensing and cognitive computing to farmers
and coupled with the very processes that govern
globally. Currently the Poseidon Project, is in the inception
phase. We give an overview of the motivation, the underlying climate change.
scientific principles, and a future outlook on the project.
Currently, many regions in the world are already seeing the
Index Terms—Water Footprint, Open Computing, Cognitive effects of the continuously increasing demand. A prominent
Computing, Machine Learning example is Central Asia, as observed by Sorg et al. [6]

I. INTRODUCTION “Water shortages in summer will place the entire region’s

Climate Change is widely agreed to be already a reality [1]. agricultural system under pressure, thus fuelling tensions
The extreme weather in recent years [2][3], provides visible that have existed since the collapse of the Soviet Union in
proof of the changes in our global climate and the need to the early 1990s. The high water demand for irrigation has
mitigate the consequences. Countries in the developed world, already transformed downstream sections of powerful
such as the Netherlands and the UK are preparing themselves rivers such as the Syr Darya, Amu Darya and Ili into small
for increased risk of flooding from ocean and rivers [4], by rivulets, thus exacerbating the drying-out of the Aral Sea
rapidly increasing the available budgets for Flood Control. and Lake Balkash.”
In the developing world however, most severe impact is
expected in food security and access to clean drinking water Research and policy have traditionally observed shortages
[1]. In many countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, in water as national or regional problems. Hoekstra and
where agriculture is the major source of income –e.g. 60-70% Mekonnen [7] observe that governments have traditionally
of the population in Africa relies on agriculture for their matched national water demand to national water supply,
income- the impact of Climate Change is expected to be studied at local, national or river-basin level, thereby ignoring
potentially disastrous [5], strengthened by the fact that the low the global dimension of water demand patterns.
access to technology in the developing world makes the However, given the active global trade in water-intensive
agricultural systems less resistant to the effects of Climate commodities, such as cotton or bovine meat, they propose to
Change [1]. measure the Water Footprint of a nation, rather than its
Even more stress is expected on global agriculture, through national water use. Figure 1 depicts the Virtual Water balance
rising population and increasing welfare in many parts of the of nations, showing in red the countries which are high
world, changing both the amount of food necessary, as well as importers of fresh water and in green the countries which
the types of food demanded. In a recent review paper, Lal [5] export fresh water.
concludes: By using this definition, Chapagain et al. [8] conclude that
EU25 consumers are 20% responsible for the decline of the
(1) To accommodate the increasing world population, Aral Sea in Central Asia, the most famous example of the
combined with the growing preference for animal effects of water extraction for irrigation.
All in all, mitigation of the global water shortage should III. OPEN COMPUTING
aim at 2 core elements: Significant progress has been made in ubiquitous
computing. The rise of Open Source hardware, such as the
Raspberry Pi and Arduino, dramatically reduced the cost of
hardware deployment in, most prominently research and
For instance, Fisher and Gould [16] report the use of Open
Source hardware in the context of Precision Agriculture
Research. In a comparison with commercial-grade hardware,
they conclude that Open Source hardware can be a reasonable-
quality, low-cost alternative for commercial solutions, which
often create a large cost boundary for in field research projects;
Figure 1. Virtual water balance per country and direction of gross virtual water flows
related to trade in agricultural and industrial products over the period 1996–2005. Only
the reported Open Source soil moisture probe promises great
the biggest gross flows (>15 Gm3∕y) are shown. [6] cost-reduction for Precision Irrigation; the reported hardware
solution costs around $100,-, where commercial, closed,
(1) Increasing the resistance of third-world agriculture devices cost at least the tenfold.
towards the effects of climate change and However, they conclude that significant effort has to be
(2) Increasing awareness about the global dimension of spent in the calibration of sensors and that the use of these open
water shortage. solutions requires significant technical knowledge from the
users; moreover, the quality of low-cost sensors may lag
In this paper, we describe the Poseidon Project, aimed at behind compared to commercial devices.
using recent technological advances to tackle the first of these.
Cognitive computing promises to have a disruptive effect
Precision irrigation is defined as “site-specific irrigation on computer science [9]. At its core are problems that humans
management that relies on variable application of water”. It is find simple to solve, and machines find difficult. Applications
emerging as a potential solution to increase the productivity include question answering, medical diagnosis, natural
and reduce the environmental impact of irrigated agriculture language processing, etc. Recent projects, such as IBM’s
[5]. Studies have demonstrated that using precision irrigation, highly publicized Watson question answering computer, have
water-use by crop-agriculture can be reduced by up to 20% in highlighted that new approaches and massive computing can
Australia [12], helping tremendously in lowering agricultural combine to make significant progress on these problems.
footprint. Example domains include like Astronomy [9], Medicine [10]
The situation is even more striking in the arid regions of and Flood Control [4].
Central Asia, where excessive, non-beneficial water use as These machine learning based approaches bring a radical
deep percolation and an inadequate use of the available soil change: rather than spending significant effort on programming
water and groundwater contribution is commonly practiced. a solution, effort is spent devising evaluation metrics and
Simulations [14] have demonstrated that water usage could be gathering annotated data – ground truth data – for training and
easily reduced by 25%, through implementation of mild deficit evaluating a system.
irrigation. It may be expected that more advanced models and Similar approaches have been shown successful on (low-
realtime, in situ monitoring could bring even more reduction in cost) sensors, as demonstrated in the work done by Mititelu et
water usage [15]. al.[19] and Overeem et al.[18] These former of these studies
However, despite the promise of lowering water usage and demonstrates that, using Machine Learning, we may detect
the obvious need for water-usage reduction in many parts of normal and abnormal behavior in a levee, without making
the world, precision irrigation has not found global uptake as of assumptions of the underlying geophysical structure, thereby
today. For instance, Roth et al. observe that in the Australian reducing the reliance on mathematical modelling. The latter is
Cotton Industry, one of the most advanced agricultural an example of Social Sensing, systems in which users are
industries in terms of irrigation-scheduling tools only ~40% of encouraged to share data and/or Social Media sources are used
production is aided by Soil-Moisture probes [13]. to learn about the physical world. In the work by Overeem et
Vellidis et al. [15] observe 3 core reasons for a low uptake of al., the embedded sensors in Smart Phones can be correlated
precision agriculture, current systems are either (1) too expensive, (2)
with the ambient temperature and, as such, enable highly
too unreliable or (3) too complicated for uptake in a farm
environment. granular climate measurements in an urban environment; a
We believe that recent developments in Computer Science can highly relevant topic in Urban Water Management, where
bring solutions to all of these blockades, enabling a leap-frog in current systems are to coarse in time and space to effectively
adaption of precision agriculture. In the remainder of this paper, we model the microclimate within a city.
will discuss how Cognitive Computing and Open Source hardware are Social Sensing is gaining uptake and application, yet
expected to contribute. various authors have noted that correct analysis of Big and
human-generated data is often very difficult and error-prone.
Grimberg et al. [20] demonstrate this, by analyzing Twitter CrowdTruth Annotation Vectors), for details on CrowdTruth,
and Foursquare data generated around Hurricane Sandy (2012). we refer to [17] and [22]. In short, using this paradigm, we
They observer that interesting patterns can be derived, like the consider the measurements of groups of low-cost sensors as
the stop and start of nightlife before and after the storm and the opinions on the actual value, rather than individual
large increase in grocery shopping before Sandy. However, measurements.
using these same data, they also demonstrate that one could In contrast to, e.g. the work by Mititelu et al. [19] where
easily draw wrong conclusions, for example that Manhattan unsupervised machine learning (Kohonen SOM) is used to
(the area with most active Twitter users) was the pinnacle of detect outliers, a common practice in anomaly detection; this
the storm. approach would allow for a evaluation of individual sensors
Boyd et al. [21] issue an even wider claim against the idea through the CrowdTruth metrics, as reported in [22], [23] and
that Big Data would solve issues of bias and descriptiveness, [24]. The crowdsourcing concepts of worker and micro-task
often assumed in applications of Big Data. They suggest that are transferred in our approach to sensor and temporal unit, e.g.
the analysis of Human Generated Big Data would require a soil-moisture sensor – worker - completes one measurement
interaction between Social Sciences and Computer Science, to –microtask- per hour. Similarly, the CrowdTruth-metrics,
better deal with the underlying social phenomena found in identified to detect, e.g. spam, can be transferred to sensory
human generated data. data. Worker Quality becomes Sensor Quality (e.g. identifying
Recent work by Aroyo and Welty, CrowdTruth [17], aims failing sensors). For a full overview of metrics, we refer to
to tackle these issues, by harnessing the span of opinion (or [22]. Within the metrics layer, these CrowdTruth metrics are
disagreement on the semantics of text and images, by means of applied to the vector representations of our sensory data.
Crowd-Sourcing. It is based on two main observations; (1) On top of these metrics (which result in a normalized
often, the interpretation of data is a matter of semantic numerical value) and the reported measurement vectors,
interpretation, multiple opinions may hold and may correct, classifiers are trained, to identify 3 classes: (1) need for
e.g. on the meaning of text and terminology and (2) humans irrigation, (2) no need, (3) over-irrigated. In the future the input
and computers can work together successfully, on tasks which dimensions for these classifiers are expected to be extended
are difficult for computers, but easy for humans and vice-versa. with, e.g. weather reports (one may choose not to irrigate, or to
An example of the former is the understanding of language, irrigate extra) based on weather data.
which is difficult for computers and easy for humans. The Finally, within the presentation layer, results are reported
latter can be exemplified by, e.g., large calculations; easy for to the farmers by means of a mobile push message (through
machines and difficult for humans. Currently,the Crowd- app, or sms).
Watson system applies CrowdTruth to generate training data
for IBMs Watson System and is focused on annotation of Text,
Images and Video [22].
The Poseidon Project aims to combine Open Source
hardware, CrowdTruth and Machine Learning to increase the
reliability of low-cost sensor measurements in the context of
precision agriculture At the heart of Poseidon is an Open
Source cognitive computing platform, based on IBM Bluemix1.
Figure 2 depicts the core components of the platform,
which we will discuss in more detail below.
Within the in situ sensing layer. are the physical Open Figure 2. High level architecture for the Poseidon Platform.
Source measurement devices deployed in an agricultural field.
These devices consist of Open Source computing platforms
(like arduino and raspberry pi) and sensors, which may span a VI. DISCUSSION
wide variety of configurations and quality. The Open Devices Within this paper we have presented a framework for
will connect to the data collection layer, using the open MQTT2 precision irrigation based on low-cost sensors. This framework,
protocol. exploits advances in Cognitive Computing and Open Source
Within the data collection layer, data from the remote hardware, to tackle the current inhibitors for large-scale
devices are collected and abstracted (to compensate for adoption of precision irrigation.
differences in measurement unit, granularity, etc.). Moreover, In the coming decades, rising population and consumption
the data of sensors on close geographical and temporal distance are expected to place additional stress on the available natural
are collected in Measurement vectors (analogous to the resources of the world. The main premise behind the Poseidon
Project is that we can no longer afford to perceive these
1 challenges within geographical boundaries (i.e. as a regional
2 problem), or within the boundaries of a scientific discipline
(i.e., hydrology problem). Solutions may be found by applying
advances of some fields on the issues of another field. One production sites in New Zwaland. In 19th World Soil Congress.
example thereof is to apply CrowdTruth and the related metrics pp. 1-6.
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