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Answer the following questions:

1. Which games did Patrick play?
A. Patrick was playing games like hockey and basket ball.
2. What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?
A. Patrick thought that his cat was playing with a doll, but he was
mistaken. The doll was really a little man called an elf.
3. Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?
A. The little man was in danger of being killed by the cat . He appealed
to Patrick to save his life. In return he promised to grant Patrick one wish.
4. What was Patrick's wish?
A. Patrick wished that the little elf should do all his homework till the end
of the session.
5. In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick's
A. The little man needed Patrick's help in English, Math and history.
6. How did Patrick help elf?
A. Patrick had to consult a dictionary, guide the elf in doing sums in
arithmetic and read out portions from history books.
7. How did the elf's demands affect Patrick?
A. The elf's demands made Patrick stay up nights, work harder and
grow tired.
8. Who do you think did Patrick's homework- the little man, or Patrick
himself? Give reasons for your answer.
A. Truly speaking, it was not the elf but Patrick himself who had done
all the homework. Everyday, the elf kept Patrick busy, working harder
than ever. Patrick stayed up all nights to study and help the little elf to
do the homework. Finally on the last day of school, the elf slipped out
of the back door. The homework was completed and submitted.
Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the words or phrases from
the box.
(Out of luck, mystery, true to his words, chores, semester, between you
and me, look up)
1)Some people find household chores a bore, but I like to help at home.
2)Who stole the diamond is still a mystery.
3)This semester we are going to have a class exhibition.
4)True to his word, the Elf began to help Patrick.
5)Can you look up this word in the dictionary?
6) I started early to be on time, but I was out of luck. There was a traffic
7)She says she’s got a lot of books, but between you and me I think most
of them are borrowed.

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