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Cabugao, Ilocos Sur

Name: ________________________________________ Grade and Section: _____________ Score:



Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer by writing it before each number.
1. Which of the following statements is true?
a) Changes in one component of one sphere cannot cause impacts that affect components of other
b) Changes in one component of one sphere can cause impacts that do not affect components of other
c) Changes in one component of one sphere can cause impacts that affect components of other spheres.
d) Changes in one component of one sphere cannot cause impacts and do not affect components of
other spheres.
2. Plants and animals exchange carbon with the atmosphere in the form of ______________.
a) oxygen gas c) nitrogen gas
b) carbon dioxide gas d) hydrogen gas
3. Which of the following is an example of atmosphere – lithosphere interaction?
a) Sun’s energy evaporates water from the ocean.
b) Active volcanoes emit gases into the atmosphere.
c) Oceans contain a diversity of live, from whales to algae, and everything in between.
d) Channels within a stream generally bend back and forth as the water flows downhill.
4. What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?
a) Oxygen b) Carbon c) Hydrogen d) Nitrogen
5. Which of the following is not correctly paired?
a) Atmosphere : clouds c) Hydrosphere : wetlands
b) Biosphere : diverse microorganisms d) Lithosphere: mountains
6. This is the best approach that is still used today for classifying rocks.
a) Genetic Scheme c) Moh’s Scale of Hardness
b) Rocks’ Classification Chart d) Types of Rocks Charts
7. Which of the following is not a mineral?
a) Pearl b) Gold c) Diamond d) Quartz
8. Which of the following is the least property of a mineral in terms of its reliability?
a) Specific gravity c) Hardness
b) Streak d) Color
9. Pyrite is also known as ________.
a) Sulfide c) Fool’s gold
b) Native mineral d) FeS2
10. Which of the following is an example of native mineral?
a) Diamond b) Hematite c) Quartz d) Calcite
11. The most common rocks on Earth are called ____________.
a) igneous rocks c) metamorphic rocks
b) sedimentary rocks d) detrital sedimentary rocks
12. It occurs when minerals such as quartz, calcite, and hematite are deposited spaces between sediments.
a) Sedimentation c) Liquefaction
b) Compaction d) Cementation
13. Which of the following is an example of gravel?
a) Shale b) Breccia c) Sandstones d) Siltstone
14. Melting due to addition of volatile compounds is known as ___________.
a) decompression c) conduction
b) flux melting d) heat – transfer melting
15. It forms when the rock units are pulled part and lengthened.
a) Strike – slip fault c) Reverse fault
b) Thrust fault d) Normal fault
16. It is a result of horizontal compression and shortens the rock units in a horizontal direction.
a) Normal fault c) Thrust fault
b) Reverse fault d) Strike – slip fault
17. It is a curve in the shape of a rock layer.
a) Fault b) Fold c) Limb d) Hinge
18. The sides of the fold that have least curvature.
a) Limbs c) Axial plane
b) Hinges d) Basin
19. The oldest layer lies at the bottom and the youngest at the top is a principle of ____________.
a) baked contacts c) horizontality
b) inclusion d) superposition
20. Layers of rocks are called __________.
a) sediments c) strata
b) intrusive rocks d) extrusive rocks
21. Why are stratified rocks arranged in layers?
a) Because sediments of a particular period of time are deposited and hardened.
b) Because pressure and temperature enable sediments to regroup int layers.
c) Because sediments of the same color are deposited at the same time.
d) All of the above.
22. It is the process in which sediments are piled up in layers resulting to sedimentary rock formation.
a) Superposition c) Stratification
b) Weathering d) Erosion
23. Which of the following best describes weathering?
a) Transport of rock particles
b) Breaking down rocks into smaller pieces
c) Setting down of sediments at the bottom portion of the ocean
d) The hardening of sediments together with clay, fossils, and other minerals.
24. Which of the following is the correct sequence of rock stratification?
a) Weathering – erosion – deposition – compaction
b) Erosion – weathering – compaction – deposition
c) Deposition – weathering – compaction – erosion
d) Weathering – deposition – compaction – erosion
25. Which of the following statements is true?
a) The topmost layer is the hardest c) The topmost layer is the youngest
b) The bottom layer is the softest d) The bottom layer is the youngest
26. What factor/s causes weathering?
a) Water c) Animals
b) Heat from the sun d) All of the above
27. Which of the these laws states that sediments are deposited horizontally creating horizontal strata?
a) Law of Superposition c) Law of Sedimentation
b) Law of Horizontality d) Law of Stratification
28. Which of these determines a stratified rock?
a) Color c) Size
b) Temperature d) Layers
29. What factor contributes mostly to the compaction of sediments?
a) Air c) Pressure
b) Temperature d) None of the above
30. What activity can cause an igneous intrusion to stratified rocks?
a) Volcanic activity c) Deposition
b) Human activity d) Weathering
31. Which of these in determined by absolute dating?
a) Numerical age of rock c) Relative age of rock
b) Kind of fossil d) Composition of rock
For numbers 32 – 34, refer to the figure below:

32. Which layer of rock is the oldest?

a) Layer 1 b) Layer 2 c) Layer 3 d) Layer 4
33. Which rock is the youngest?
a) Layer 1 c) Layer 4
b) Layer 3 d) Igneous intrusion
34. What classification of rock is shown in the illustration?
a) Foliated rock b) Stratified rock
c) Unstratified rock d) Metamorphic rock
35. Which of the following statements is false about cross – cutting relationship?
a) A fault is always younger than the rock it breaks
b) Rocks above an igneous intrusion is always younger
c) Igneous extrusion is younger than the rocks it intruded
d) An igneous intrusion is younger than the rocks it intruded
36. What radioactive isotope will you examine if you are asked to determine the age of fossilized tooth?
a) Carbon -14 c) Uranium -238
b) Potassium – 40 d) Uranium – 235
37. Why does a parent radioactive isotopes decay into a daughter isotope?
a) Because it is unstable
b) Because it is stable
c) Because it is used for relative dating
d) Because it is used for absolute dating
38. At present, a rock is found to contain 50% of argon – 40, after decaying for almost 1, 251 billion years.
What radioactive isotope is made up of the remaining 50% of argon – 40?
a) Carbon -14 c) Lead – 206
b) Potassium – 14 d) Uranium – 325
39. A rock inclusion is found in every layer of a rock strata. Which of the following statements is true?
a) The top layer is the oldest.
b) The rock inclusion is the oldest.
c) The bottom layer is the oldest.
d) The rock inclusion is older than the top layer but younger than the bottom.
40. What era is sometimes called the “age of fish” or “ancient life”?
a) Precambrian c) Cenozoic
b) Paleozoic d) Mesozoic
41. Which series of time interval shows the order from the shortest to the longest?
a) Era, period, epoch c) Period, epoch, era
b) Epoch, period, era d) Eon, era, period, and epoch
42. Which type of dating method used the five principles to discern the nature sequence of geological
events, and ages of rocks?
a) Relative dating c) Geologic time
b) Absolute dating d) Precambrian time
43. Which type of method used the actual age of rocks in measuring the ratio of a radioactive isotope to
their decay products?
a) Geologic time scale c) Absolute dating
b) Relative dating d) Paleozoic era
44. What is the age of the Earth?
a) 5.10 billions c) 14.6 billion years
b) 4.6 billion years d) 6.4 billion years
45. What era did the flowering plants first appear?
a) Precambrian c) Mesozoic
b) Cenozoic d) Paleozoic

Essay: Answer the question shortly but vastly.

From the four series of time intervals in the geologic time scale, which contributed to clearly understand
the history of the earth? (5 points)


Why do we need to take seriously the warnings and precautionary issued by Philippine Institute of
Volcanology and Seismology (PHILVOCS)? ( 5 points)


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