G-Pe-1 September 8, 2021 (9/10/2021) 2 Lecture Material

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G-PE-1 September 8, 2021 (9/10/2021) 2ND LECTURE MATERIAL

Skill-Related Component of Fitness Resistance Exercise

• require the muscles to contract against an external
SPEED load.
The ability to perform actions or cover distance quickly.
2 Types of Muscle Contraction
POWER Isometric contraction - happens when the muscles’ length
To ability to combine both speed and force in movements and stays the same.
actions. Isotonic contraction - the muscles change length and so there
is movement.
The ability to quickly change direction without losing speed The resistance exercises improve the following:
or power.
Muscular and bone strength - strength is defined as the
BALANCE quality or state of being strong, in particular.
The ability to stabilize the body both in movement and when
maintaining stillness. There are three kinds of strengths: static, explosive, and
The ability to use your senses in combination with your a. Static Strength - is used to exert force on an immovable
actions when in movement. object and considered as an isometric activity because muscles
stay the same length while having limited movement.
The ability to respond quickly to what you feel, see or hear.

Activities for Stronger Body

b. Explosive Strength - is when force is exerted in one short
About 35-42 percent of your body weight is made up of
but fast movement. It is used during Javelin Throw or in
muscle tissue and muscle is either cardiac, smooth or skeletal.
High Jump sports events.
• Cardiac muscles are the muscles that control your
• Smooth muscles control involuntary functions like
constricting your blood vessels.
Skeletal muscles are the muscles that you target in the
gym that help your body move. c. Dynamic Strength - is a force applied repeatedly
over a long time. It is linked to endurance. It is used
13 Major Muscle Groups when doing press-ups or cycling.

Stretching Exercise
- increases the elasticity of muscles and tendons
surrounding the joint in order to improve flexibility;
- is important in improving range of motion around the
- helps an individual to perform daily tasks with efficiency.


Antagonistic Muscles Computer & Desk Stretches
• are pairs of muscles that work against each other. Approximately 4 Minutes
The relaxed muscle is the antagonist while the Sitting at a computer for long periods often causes neck and
agonist/synergists are the muscles that hold the shoulder stiffness and occasionally lower back pain. Do these
stationary bone still; stretches every hour or
• it is the reason why the shoulder stops moving. so throughout the day,
This muscle function can be observed through or whenever you feel
certain activities. stiff. Photocopy this
and keep it in a
Antagonistic Muscles drawer. Also, be sure
to get up and walk
around the office
whenever you think of
it. You'll feel better!

G-PE-1 September 8, 2021 (9/10/2021) 2ND LECTURE MATERIAL
Heart-Rate Monitoring
Why is it important to monitor your heart rate?
• Heart rate provides feedback about how hard you
are working so that you can adjust the intensity to
get the desired results.
• Resting heart rate can be an indicator of health and
• Heart rate tells us if there is anything wrong
• Irregular heart rate (too fast or too slow) may
indicate a cardiac problem.
• Helps to verify improvement in aerobic fitness lets
you exercise safely

How do you check your heart rate?

You can check your heart rate by either:
Carotid pulse (on neck) - Using your index finger and your
middle finger find your carotid pulse by gently pushing
under the angle of your jaw.
Radial pulse (on wrist) - Using your index finger and your
middle finger find your radial pulse by gently pushing on
your wrist, just under your thumb.
Heart-rate monitor - A heart-rate monitor is a simple devise
that looks like a wrist watch, or is incorporated into your
wrist watch, that can sense your heart rate.

What are Heart-Rate Zones and How Can You Find Yours?

• Your heart-rate zones are calculated ranges of

heart rate that provide benefits specific to that
• Calculating your heart-rate zone requires you to
know your maximum heart rate (MHR). The
maximum heart rate is the fastest your heart can
• Your target heart rate (THR) zone for aerobic
exercise (moderate to vigorous intensity) is
generally between 60% and 85% of your maximum
heart rate depending on your level of fitness.
• It tells you how hard to work during your exercise
session to get the most benefits

You can calculate your own target heart rate using the
following formula:

1. Determine your maximum heart rate:

208 – (age in years x 0.7) = maximum heart rate (MHR)

2. Then calculate your target heart-rate zone lower limit:

MHR x 0.7 = Lower Limit

3. Next calculate your target heart-rate zone upper limit:

MHR x 0.85 = Upper Limit

4. Your target heart rate zone (THR) is therefore:

Lower limit to Upper limit beats per minute

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