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Di Ajukan Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Guru Pengajar: Siti Fatimah,S.Pd

Disusun Oleh :
Ummu kulsum



Alhamdulillah segala puji bagi alloh yang telah memberikan rahmat

serta nikmatnya sehingga kita dapat menyelesaikan tugas makalah ini dengan
baik, sholawat serta salam semoga tetap tercurah limpahkan kepada junjungan
kita nabi muhammad SAW. yang telah membawa kita dari alam yang sangat
petang menuju ke alam yang sangat terang yakni ajaran agama islam

Makalah ini kami buat untuk memenuhi tugas mata pelajaran Bahasa
Inggris semoga dengan adanya makalah ini bisa bermanfaat bagi pembaca
terutama bagi penulis


KATA PENGANTAR......................................................................................ii
DAFTAR ISI....................................................................................................ii
1. Simple Present Tense............................................................................1
2. Present Continuous Tense....................................................................1
3. Present Perfect Tense............................................................................2
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense.......................................................3
5. Past Simple Tense.................................................................................3
6. Past Continuous Tense..........................................................................3
7. Past Perfect Tense.................................................................................4
8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense.............................................................5
9. Future Simple Tense.............................................................................5
10. Future Continuous Tense......................................................................6
11. Future Perfect Tense.............................................................................6
12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense..........................................................6
13. Past Future Simple Tense.....................................................................7
14. Past Future Continuous Tense..............................................................7
15. Past Future Perfect Tense.....................................................................7
16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense..................................................8
A. Kesimpulan...........................................................................................9
B. Saran.....................................................................................................10
DAFTAR PUSTAKA.......................................................................................13


1. Simple Present Tense

    although present mean now (sekarang) but matter of in don't be interpreted that
the action done at the moment. this tenses is used to express something that have
the character of remain to, real truth or habit. Because often concerning occurence
of past time, now and will come. This Tense at least having selected time
description. English sentences generally must have subject (S) and  Predicate (P).
Because that, all tenses formulatived like that.

Formulas of Present Tense:

(positive)    : S + V1 / S + V1 + O
(Negative)    : S + do (es) not + V1
(Interrogative)    : Do (es) + S + V1 ?
If in the sentence have not another verb, so we use verb to be.
Affirmative (+): S + Be (am, is, are)
Affirmative (-)    : S + Be (am, is, are) + not
Affirmative (?): Be (am, is, are) + S

(Positive)    :
1. I drink milk.
2. A postman delivers letters.

(Negative)    :
    I do not drink milk.
    A Postman do not delivers letters.

(Interrogative)    :
    Do You drink milk?
    Does Postman delivers letters?

(Affirmative)    :
(+)    : I am busy.
(-)    : I am not busy
(?)    : Are you busy?

2. Present Continuous Tense

    This Tense is used to express something really action is doing in this time.
sentences in this tense a more regular weared than present tense.
Formulas of Present Continuous Tense:
(positive)    : S + Be (am, is are) + V ing (present participle)
(Negative)    : S + Be (am, is are) + not + V ing
(Interrogative)    : Be (am, is, are) + S + V?


(Positive)    :
    I am sitting on a chair.
    It is raining now
(Negative)    :
    I am not sitting on a chair.
    It is not (isn’t) raining now
(Interrogative)    :
    Is it raining now?
    Are you sitting on a chair?

Interrogative word “When” (kapan) don’t be used in Present Contionuous Tense if

except is meant express to action which immediately and surely (immediatc
future). Example:
    When are you coming back?
There are some selected verb which may not be used in Present Continuous Tense
though actions is really done nowadays and is instead weared sentence in Present
Tense. the verbs for example are see, hear, smell, forget, remember, know,
understand, like want, hate, care, etcetera. Examples:
    “I know the lesson now”    Not    “I am knowing the lesson”
    “Do you understand now?”    Not    “Are you understanding now?”

3. Present Perfect Tense

    This is Tense which was generally assumed most was difficult to
comprehended. To overcome this matter is we have to recognize marking of
Tense this. Present Perfect Tense Of dot weigh against at "It have or have its" an
action "is not at time doing" action. or equally Present Perfect Tense don't make
account of when the happening of an action but the haveness of action done.
Therefore this Tense have never followed by time description. Examples:
False        : I have read this book yesterday.
True        : I have read this book already (Present Perfect Tense)
Or        : I read this book yesterday (Simple Past Tense)
    Ad for possibly cause this Tense is confused with Past Tense.
Formulas of Present Perfect Tense:
(positive)    : S + have (has) + V3 (past participle)
(Negative)    : S + have (has) + not + V3
(Interrogative)    : Have (has) + S + V3?

(Positive)    :
    She has never seen a tiger.
    They have been to Japan many times
(Negative)    :
    She has not seen that film yet.
    They have not been to Japan.

(Interrogative)    :
    Has she met you before?
    Have they been to Japan?

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

    If an action started past time but still is doing till now hence us use sentence in
the form of Present Perfect Continuous Tense. This Tense is weared if Verb is
including Static Nature (bersifat tetap).
    Such as: Stand, Sleep, Lie, Study ,etc. that verbs usually used in Present Perfect
Tense. Comparing:
    I have read this book (Saya sudah membaca buku ini). which intended to you
may borrow him or interrogate me concerning the book content because I have
read its.
    I have been reading this book for a month. with the meaning I have read this
book during one unfinished months but and still I will continue.
Formula of Present Perfect Continuous Tense:
S + have (has)  been + V ing

5. Simple Past Tense

    is used to express an old world action that happened. Way past tense form
depend on type of second Verb. first way added d or of ed at second verb (regular
verb). Second way in generally change the vowel sounds (irregular verb).

Formula of Simple Past Tense:

(Positive)    : S + V2 (preterite)
(Negative)    : S + did
not (didn’t) + V1
(Interrogative)    : Did + S + V1 ?

(Positive)    :
    I walked to school yesterday
    The girl ate much ice cream this morning

(Negative)    :
    I didn’t walk to school yesterday
    The girl didn’t eat much ice cream this morning

(Interrogative)    :
    Did you walk to school this morning?
    Did she eat much ice cream this morning

6. Past Continuous Tense

    This Tenses is used to express an action which is happened in past time. and at
the same time happened other action. This Tense emphasize is the happening of
the action not its have.
Formulas of Past Continuos Tense:
(Positive)    : S + was/were + V ing (present participle)
(Negative)    : S + was/were + not + V ing
(Interrogative)    : was/where + S + V ing?

(Positive)    :
    The sun was shining brightly
    The children were playing football

(Negative)    :
    The sun wasn’t shining brightly
    The children weren’t playing football

(Interrogative)    :
    Was the sun shining brightly?
    Where the children playing football?

7. Past Perfect Tense

    It is the same with Past Continuos Tense nor selfsupporting as simple sentence
but have to provide with Past Tense sentence. this used to express an action which
have been done in past time.

Formulas of Past Perfect Tense:

(Positive)    : S + had + V3
(Negative)    : S + had + not + V3
(Interrogative)    : Had + S + V3?

(Positive)    :
    I had seen the film
    They had met her

(Negative)    :
    I hadn’t seen the film
    They hadn’t met her

(Interrogative)    :
    Had you seen the film?
    Had they met her?

8. Past Perfect Continuos Tense

    Present participle of Past this Perfect like action which still take place past time
when an other occurence cut.

Formulas of Past Perfect Continuos Tense:

(Positive)    : S + had been + V ing
(Negative)    : S + had not + been + V  ing
(Interrogative)    : Had + S + been + V ing?

(Positive)    :
    She had been sleeping
    They had been meeting

(Negative)    :
    She hadn’t been sleeping
    They hadn’t been meeting

(Interrogative)    :
    Had She had been sleeping?
    Had They been meeting?

9. Simple Future Tense

    This Tense is used to express an action to happen in the future.

Formulas of  Simple Future Tense:

(Positive)    : S + shall/will + V1
(Negative)    : S + shall/will + not + V1
(Interrogative)    : Shall/will + S + V1

(Positive)    :
    I shall see you tonight
    He will speaks English well soon

(Negative)    :
    I will not  see you toninght
    He will not speaks English well soon

(Interrogative)    :
    Will you see her tonight?
    Will  he speaks English well soon?

A lot have a notion that Future Tense can be expressed by "be going to". This not
entirely correctness, because "going to" usually not express future the purification
but containing certainty or intention the speaker. Examples:
    He is going to do his homework
    I am going to marry you
Comparing with:
    He will do his homework as soon as his mother asks him
    I will marry you if I have enough money

Future by "going to" seldom accompany another Clause (anak kalimat). because if
that way, no longger show someone desire. While Future with shall/will often
respective another clauses.

10. Future Continuous Tense

    This Tense is used to express estimated to action underway at the time of
selected is future or there is happened other action.

Formulas of  Future Continuous Tense:

(Positive)    : S + shall/will be + V ing
(Negative)    : S + shall/will + not + be + V ing
(Interrogative)    : Shall/will + S + Be + V ing?

(Positive)    :
    I will be sleeping at 12 o’clock tonight
I will finish be today’s assignment
(Negative)    :
    I will not  be sleeping toninght
I will not be today’sassignment
(Interrogative)    :
    Will you be sleeping tonight?
Will you be today’s assignment?

11. Furure Perfect Tense

    This Tense is used to express an estimated action have been done at the selected
time in future or if there are any other action.

Formulas of  Future Perfect Tense:

(Positive)    : S + shall/will have + V3
(Negative)    : S + shall/will + not + have + V3
(Interrogative)    : Shall/will + S + have + V3?

(Positive)    :
    You will have spoken English well.
(Negative)    :
    You will not have spoken English well.
(Interrogative)    :
    Will  You have spoken English well?

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

    This Tense is weared to express an estimated action will come in selected future
period or if there are any happened other action. This Tense seldom wear.

Formulas of  Future Perfect Tense:

(Positive)    : S + shall/will have been + V ing
(Negative)    : S + shall/will + not + have been + V  ing

(Interrogative)    : Shall/will + S + have been + V ing?

(Positive)    :
    He will have been teaching for 30 years next January.
(Negative)    :
    He will not have teaching for 30 years next January.
(Interrogative)    :
    Will  He have been teaching for 30 years next January?

13. Past Future Tense

    This Tense generally only used in Conditional (Kalimat Pengandaian) or
Reported Speech (Kalimat tidak langsung).

Formulas of  Past Future Tense:

(Positive)    : S + should/would + V1
(Negative)    : S + should/would not + V1
(Interrogative)    : Should/would + S + V1?

(Positive)    :
    If I were you, I should marry her. (Conditional)
    He said that He would go abroad this week (Reported Speech)
(Negative)    :
    I should not marry her.
(Interrogative)    :
    Would you marry her?

14. Past Future Continuous Tense

    This Tense is weared very rare and if there are any, only met in Reported

Formulas of  Past Future Continuous Tense:

(Positive)    : S + should/would be + V ing
(Negative)    : S + should/would not be + V ing
(Interrogative)    : Should/would + S + be + V ing?

(Positive)    :
    They told us that they would be having dinner.
They will be report something to me
(Negative)    :
    They would not be having dinner.
They will not be report something to me
(Interrogative)    :
    Would they be having dinner?

Will they be report something to me?

15. Past Future Perfect Tense

    This Tense intrinsically only weared in Conditional (kalimat Pengandaian) as
main clause for expressing unreal past (lampau tak nyata).
Formulas of  Past Future Perfect Tense:
(Positive)    : S + should/would have + V3
(Negative)    : S + should/would + have + not +V3
(Interrogative)    : Should/would + S + have + V3?

(Positive)    :
    You would have met a lot of friends if you attended the party last night.
(Negative)    :
    You would have not met a lot of friends.
(Interrogative)    :
    Would you have met a lot friends?

16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

    This Tense is used very rare even in Reported Speech even if.

Formulas of  Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense:

(Positive)    : S + should/would have been + V ing
(Negative)    : S + should/would + have not + been +V ing
(Interrogative)    : Should/would + S + have been + V ing?

(Positive)    :
    Her baby would have been sleeping for hours when she arrived home.
Her son would have stay here for a few days
(Negative)    :
    Her baby would have not been sleeping for hour when she arrived home.
Her son would have not stay here for a few days
(Interrogative)    :
    Would Her baby have been sleeping for hour when she arrived home.
Would Her son have stay here for a few days


A. Kesimpulan

Rumus Umum Tense adalah sebagai berikut:

No Tenses Rumus:
1.Simple Present Tense S + V1.
2. Present Continuous Tense S + to be (is, am, are) + V-ing.
3. Present Perfect Tense S + have/has + V3.
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense S + have/has + been + V-ing.
5. Past Simple Tense S + V2.
6. Past Continuous Tense S + was/were + V-ing.
7. Past Perfect Tense S + had + V3.
8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense S + had + been + V-ing.
9. Future Simple Tense S + will + V1.
10. Future Continuous Tense S + will + be + V-ing.
11. Future Perfect Tense S + will + have + V3.
12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense S + will + have + been + V-ing.
13. Past Future Simple Tense S + would + V1.
14. Past Future Continuous Tense S + would + be + V-ing.
15. Past Future Perfect Tense S + would + have + V3.
16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense S + would + have + been + V-ing.

B. Saran
Materi makalah ketatabahasaan tentang bahasa inggris ini masih perlu
dilengkapi, didalamnya masih banyak terdapat kekurangan disebabkan
keterbatasan yang dimiliki oleh penyusun. Kepada guru mata pelajaran yang
bersangkutan serta semua pihak yang membaca makalah ini, agar memberi
masukan sehingga makalah ini dapat lebih bermanfaat serta mudah di


www.https//.makalah 16 tenses bahasa


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