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Name : Dewi Saputri

NIM : 2213121036

Class : English Education D 21

20 jobs

1. Scriptwriter : a person who writes scripts, as for movies, radio, or television.

2. UX writer : UX writing (user experience writing) is the practice of crafting the customer-facing text or
copy that appears within the design of digital products.

3. Stuntman : A stuntman is a man whose job is to do dangerous things, either for publicity, or in

a movie instead of an actor so that the actor does not risk being injured.

4. Cartographer : a cartographer is a person who creates maps, whether they’re of the world, the local
bus routes, or buried pirate treasure. It comes to us from the Latin word charta-, which means “tablet or
leaf of paper,” and the Greek word graphein, meaning to write or draw.

5. Golf Balls diver : A golf ball diver is someone who dives deep into the water features in golf courses to
find the misdirected and sunken golf balls. They retrieve them for cleaning, and the balls are then
recycled for reselling purposes.

6. Actuary : An actuary uses math and statistics to estimate the financial impact of uncertainty and help
clients minimize risk.

7. Archaeologist : A specialist in archaeology, the scientific study of prehistoric peoples and their
cultures by analysis of their artifacts, inscriptions, monuments, etc.

8. UX design : User experience (UX) design is the process design teams use to create products that
provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. This involves the design of the entire process of
acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability and function.

9. Ship planners : develop and implement plans for loading and unloading ships, without them
becoming unstable.

10. Tax accounting : Tax accounting is the subsector of accounting that deals with the preparations of
tax returns and tax payments. 

11. Risk management : Risk Management job description guide. The role of a Risk Manager is to
communicate risk policies and processes for an organisation. They provide hands-on development of risk
models involving market, credit and operational risk, assure controls are operating effectively, and
provide research and analytical support.
12. Physiotherapy : physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by
injury, illness or disability.

13. An IT security : Professional is someone responsible for protecting the networks, infrastructure and
systems for a business or organisation

14. Oceanographers : employ mathematical, engineering and scientific theories to investigate the

relationships between fresh water, seawater, the biosphere, atmosphere and polar ice caps. Most
oceanographers are employed on fixed-term research contracts that are funded by grants.

15. Software engineering : is a detailed study of engineering to the design, development and
maintenance of software.

16. Machine Learning Specialist : is a professional specialized in developing Machine learning, a branch
of computer science that focuses on developing algorithms which can “learn” from or adapt to the data
and make predictions.

17. The digital marketer : is responsible for a large portion of the business's online presence. Whether
they are focused on social media or website development is up to the business. 

18. A Business Developeror : Business Development Analyst, is responsible for helping organizations
obtain better brand recognition and financial growth. Their duties include coordinating with company
executives, sales and marketing professionals, reviewing current market trends and proposing new
business ideas to improve revenue.

19. Psychiatrists : evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients with mental, emotional, and behavioral
disorders. They conduct thorough psychiatric evaluations, develop treatment plans, prescribe
medication, and evaluate treatment results.

20. Interpreter : a person who provides an oral translation between speakers who speak different

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