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Foundation Training Setup Guide


This Foundation Training Setup Guide is designed to assist you in

setting up the Blue Prism Training Environment, ready to begin the
Foundation Training.

1. Pre-Requisites 4. Case File

Blue Prism Learning Edition (pg 2) Orders.csv (pg 5)
Blue Prism Trial or Standard Editions (pg 2)
5. Training Environment Setup
2. Foundation Training Supporting Materials Foundation Training Release Import (pg 6-8)
Self Setup zip (pg 3) Load Work Queue Data (pg 9-11)
Enable your local Digital Worker (pg 12-13)
3. Training Application
CentrixDataSolutions.exe (pg 4)

© 2020 Blue Prism Limited. Any unauthorized use, such as distributing, copying or modifying is not permitted. “Blue Prism”, the “Blue Prism” logo and Prism device are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blue Prism Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Foundation Training Setup Guide
1. Pre-Requisites: Blue Prism Learning Edition

The following pre-requisites apply if you intend to use the Blue Prism Learning Edition to complete your training:

• Blue Prism Learning Edition successfully installed, which includes the automatic creation of a new Blue Prism database,
and manual creation of a password for the admin account.
• You have received a Blue Prism license key and activated this online.
• You have access to the Blue Prism Learning Management System (LMS) via your Blue Prism Portal login.

1. Pre-Requisites: Blue Prism Trial or Standard Editions

The following pre-requisites apply if you intend to use the Blue Prism Trial or Standard editions to complete your training:

• Blue Prism (version 6.2 or above) installed locally.

• You have a valid Blue Prism license key which you are permitted to use.
• You have access to the Blue Prism Learning Management System (LMS) via your Blue Prism Portal login.
• A new Blue Prism database has been created which must not be a shared database. This can be a local SQL Express
database or a standard SQL Server database.
• You have a Blue Prism login for your new Blue Prism training database. The login must be assigned full privileges. You may
use the default admin login id for your training.

© 2020 Blue Prism Limited. Any unauthorized use, such as distributing, copying or modifying is not permitted. “Blue Prism”, the “Blue Prism” logo and Prism device are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blue Prism Limited. All Rights Reserved. 2
Foundation Training Setup Guide
2. Foundation Training Supporting Materials: Self Setup zip

Supporting material for Foundation Training should be downloaded from Section 1 – Introduction of this course - Foundation
Training – Self

© 2020 Blue Prism Limited. Any unauthorized use, such as distributing, copying or modifying is not permitted. “Blue Prism”, the “Blue Prism” logo and Prism device are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blue Prism Limited. All Rights Reserved. 3
Foundation Training Setup Guide
3. Training Application: CentrixDataSolutions.exe

Blue Prism Foundation Training uses a single Windows desktop training application (Centrix Data Solutions). The application
is available in the Foundation Training – Self

• Extract the contents of the Foundation Training – Self compressed file.
• Copy the CentrixDataSolutions.exe file to C:\BluePrism\Training\Applications\Windows\ If this folder does not already
exist, then please create it.

On first run of the CentrixDataSolutions.exe, your company virus software may scan the application before allowing you to

At this stage, there is no requirement to login to the training application – login details will be provided to you in a later

© 2020 Blue Prism Limited. Any unauthorized use, such as distributing, copying or modifying is not permitted. “Blue Prism”, the “Blue Prism” logo and Prism device are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blue Prism Limited. All Rights Reserved. 4
Foundation Training Setup Guide
4. Case File: Orders.csv

The case file used throughout the Foundation Training is available in the Foundation Training – Self

• Extract the contents of the Foundation Training – Self compressed file.
• Copy the Orders.csv file to C:\BluePrism\Training\Applications\Windows\ if this folder does not already exist, then please
create it.

5. Training Environment Setup

A number of steps need to be completed to configure your local Blue Prism Training Environment before you can start
Foundation Training. The following sections provide details of these configuration steps and should be completed in the
order they are presented.

© 2020 Blue Prism Limited. Any unauthorized use, such as distributing, copying or modifying is not permitted. “Blue Prism”, the “Blue Prism” logo and Prism device are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blue Prism Limited. All Rights Reserved. 5
Foundation Training Setup Guide
5 Training Environment Setup: Foundation Training Release Import

The Foundation Training course relies on a series of pre-existing Processes, Business Objects and Work Queues. These items
need to be imported into your Blue Prism Training Environment. Perform the steps below to import these items;

• Open your Blue Prism Training Environment:

If you are using the Blue Prism Learning Edition to complete your training, then login using the User Name admin along
with the password you created during the installation process. If you are using any other edition use the default login details,

User Name: admin

Password: admin

© 2020 Blue Prism Limited. Any unauthorized use, such as distributing, copying or modifying is not permitted. “Blue Prism”, the “Blue Prism” logo and Prism device are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blue Prism Limited. All Rights Reserved. 6
Foundation Training Setup Guide
5 Training Environment Setup: Foundation Training Release Import

• Depending on the version of Blue Prism you have installed, either select File > Import or File > Import Release/Skill.

• Click Browse and the select Foundation Training Setup.bprelease file, which is available in the Foundation Training – Self

© 2020 Blue Prism Limited. Any unauthorized use, such as distributing, copying or modifying is not permitted. “Blue Prism”, the “Blue Prism” logo and Prism device are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blue Prism Limited. All Rights Reserved. 7
Foundation Training Setup Guide
5 Training Environment Setup: Foundation Training Release Import

• Click Next.

• Click Finish.

© 2020 Blue Prism Limited. Any unauthorized use, such as distributing, copying or modifying is not permitted. “Blue Prism”, the “Blue Prism” logo and Prism device are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blue Prism Limited. All Rights Reserved. 8
Foundation Training Setup Guide
5 Training Environment Setup: Load Work Queue Data

In preparation for Section 9 of Foundation Training, the Work Queue created as part of the Release import in Section 5.1
requires training data to be loaded to the Work Queue. Perform the steps below to load this data:

• Click on Studio or the Studio icon.

© 2020 Blue Prism Limited. Any unauthorized use, such as distributing, copying or modifying is not permitted. “Blue Prism”, the “Blue Prism” logo and Prism device are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blue Prism Limited. All Rights Reserved. 9
Foundation Training Setup Guide
5 Training Environment Setup: Load Work Queue Data

• Double‑click on the Load Queue Process.

© 2020 Blue Prism Limited. Any unauthorized use, such as distributing, copying or modifying is not permitted. “Blue Prism”, the “Blue Prism” logo and Prism device are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blue Prism Limited. All Rights Reserved. 10
Foundation Training Setup Guide
5 Training Environment Setup: Load Work Queue Data

• Run the Process by clicking the Play button on the toolbar.

• You can now close the Process.

© 2020 Blue Prism Limited. Any unauthorized use, such as distributing, copying or modifying is not permitted. “Blue Prism”, the “Blue Prism” logo and Prism device are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blue Prism Limited. All Rights Reserved. 11
Foundation Training Setup Guide
5 Training Environment Setup: Enable your local Digital Worker

Certain activities within Foundation Training will require you to run your processes on a local Digital Worker.

To enable your local Digital Worker:

• Click on the System or the System icon.

© 2020 Blue Prism Limited. Any unauthorized use, such as distributing, copying or modifying is not permitted. “Blue Prism”, the “Blue Prism” logo and Prism device are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blue Prism Limited. All Rights Reserved. 12
Foundation Training Setup Guide
5 Training Environment Setup: Enable your local Digital Worker

• Select Settings from the System group.

• Locate the Local Device Settings area and ensure the Start a personal Runtime Resource on this machine when users sign in
to Blue Prism is checked.

You are now ready to begin Foundation Training.

© 2020 Blue Prism Limited. Any unauthorized use, such as distributing, copying or modifying is not permitted. “Blue Prism”, the “Blue Prism” logo and Prism device are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blue Prism Limited. All Rights Reserved. 13
Foundation Training Setup Guide

The training materials and other documentation (“Training Materials”) provided by Blue Prism as part of the training course are Blue Prism’s Intellectual Property and
Confidential Information. They are to be used only in conjunction with the Blue Prism Software which is licensed to your company, and the Training Materials are subject
to the terms of that license. In addition, Blue Prism hereby grants to you a personal, revocable, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the Training Materials in a
non-production and non-commercial capacity solely for the purpose of training. You can modify or adapt the Training Materials for your internal use to the extent required
to comply with your operational methods, provided that you shall (a) ensure that each copy shall include all copyright and proprietary notices included in the Training
Materials; (b) keep a written record of the location and use of each such copy; and (c) provide a copy of such record to Blue Prism on request and allow Blue Prism to verify
the same from time to time on request.

For the avoidance of doubt, except as permitted by the license or these terms, you cannot (a) copy, translate, reverse engineer, reverse assemble, modify, adapt, create
derivative works of, decompile, merge, separate, disassemble, determine the source code of or otherwise reduce to binary code or any other human-perceivable form, the
whole or any part of the Training Materials; (b) sublease, lease, assign, sell, sub-license, rent, export, re-export, encumber, permit concurrent use of or otherwise transfer or
grant other rights in the whole or any part of the Training Materials; or (c) provide or otherwise make available the Training Materials in whole or in part in any form to any
person, without prior written consent from Blue Prism.

© Blue Prism Limited, 2001 - 2020

All trademarks are hereby acknowledged and are used to the benefit of their respective owners.
Blue Prism is not responsible for the content of external websites referenced by this document.

Blue Prism Limited, 2 Cinnamon Park, Birchwood, WA2 0XP, United Kingdom
Registered in England: Reg. No. 4260035. Tel: +44 870 879 3000. Web:

© 2020 Blue Prism Limited. Any unauthorized use, such as distributing, copying or modifying is not permitted. “Blue Prism”, the “Blue Prism” logo and Prism device are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blue Prism Limited. All Rights Reserved. 14
Practical Guide for Producing Screen
Recordings for Training Setup Guide
Video Resources

Thank you!
Please use the resources in the zip file to
complete your setup:



Foundation Training Setup.bprelease

© 2020 Blue Prism Limited. Any unauthorized use, such as distributing, copying or modifying is not permitted. “Blue Prism”, the “Blue Prism” logo and Prism device are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blue Prism Limited. All Rights Reserved. 15

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