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Student’s File

Part 4 (Chapters 16-20)

1. Active Vocabulary

While reading the chapter, make sure you know the following words and word

Chapter 16

 quaint
 (a) clean-cut (man)=clean and tidy
 to tap (the phones)
 to be sworn to secrecy
 to be/look bewildered
 to be subject to smth./doing smth.
 utter (fear)
 to torment smb.

Chapter 17

 awesome
 (a) scenic (route)
 zillion
 by choice=on purpose
 to fidget
 a pier=пирс
 bait=наживка
 to bite (of fish)
 an accomplice
 a roll (wad) of cash
 an assassin

Chapter 18

 to rejuvenate
 vengeance
 a wimp (informal)=smb. who is not strong, brave or confident
 to ambush smb.

Chapter 19

 malpractice
 a warehouse
 produce vs. goods/a commodity/a merchandize
 dilapidated
 a moderator=a chairperson
 to take the podium
 to maintain one’s composure
 to be oblivious of smb.
 (to be) intact
 to indict/an indictment
 (a) mob (activity)/a mob (often derog.)=a large noisy crowd, especially one which is
violent/the Mob=a criminal organization=the Mafia
 tax fraud
 to launder money
 to be committed/to commit (oneself) to smth.
 calloused

Chapter 20

 gorgeous=stunning
 an arrest warrant=ордер на арест
 morbid (fear)
 to sneak smth. (across the border)
 conspiracy
 to flabbergast/flabbergasted
 an urban nomad=a wino
 (to talk with smb.) in private vs. in person
 ignorant
 to menace/menacing
 a mediator
 a subpoena=повестка в суд
 (to be) bold
 to be entitled (to the benefit of the doubt)

2. Topical Vocabulary

While reading the chapter, make sure you know the following words and word
combinations. Make use of them to cover the relevant topic.

Cars and Traffic

Chapter 17

 a clear/deserted road
 light traffic
 to drive (south)

 a (front) seat
 a rearview mirror
 a shoulder (of a road)
 a highway
 to run through (of a road)
 a two-lane (road)
 to fork (of a road)
 a bypass
 a meter
 a wiper
 a license plate
 a parking lot (AmE) (BrE=a car park)
Chapter 19

 a trunk (of a car) (AmE) (BrE=a boot)

 a rush-hour (traffic)
 to pull (of a car)
 to honk
 an intersection

Chapter 20

 to drive a forklift
 a short-term parking
 a taillight
 an interstate


Chapter 18

 a faded denim skirt

 kinky high-heels
 tight washed jeans

Traveling by Air

Chapter 19

 to taxi (of a plane)

 a takeoff/to take off
 to fasten a seat belt
 a cabin
 a descent
 a tarmac
 a gate
 a terminal
 customs
 a hangar
 to refuel
 to land
 a baggage compartment

Chapter 20

 a concourse
 a luggage pickup
 a lounge

3. Idioms and Expressions

Match the following idioms with their definitions and provide their Russian
Chapter 16

to be within earshot to be looking for smb. or smth.

to detail play by play (AmE) is used to say when you don’t believe smth.
because it doesn’t match other information you
to be after smth./smb. the place where the attackers hide
“Things don’t add up.” near enough to hear what smb. is saying
for the time being to give a report on what is happening in a
sports game, given at the same time the game
is being played
in ambush for a limited period of time

Chapter 17

a private eye to keep looking at smth., especially to avoid

making a mistake
to keep an eye on smth. to be loyal to particular ideas or beliefs and
refusing to change
diehard a private detective

Chapter 18

to hang on (every word) to make smb. work very hard until they are so
tired that they cannot work any more
to run smb. into the ground not to have any chance or possibility of
to have a prayer to leave no track or smell of an animal or a
to bring smb. up to date on smth. to pay close attention to what a person is
to leave (no) trail to harm or damage smb. or smth., especially in
a gradual way
to take one’s toll (about age) to stop employing a worker, especially for a
period in which there is little work
to lay smb. off to supply with the latest information

Chapter 19

to unwind to be in a place or situation (usually

unpleasant) not because you choose it, but
because of other things that have happened
to run smb. off (AmE) to stop an activity or organization from
continuing to happen or exist
to steal smb.’s thunder to succeed in (a difficult attempt)
to call the shots to force smb. to leave a place
to wind up with smth./doing smth. to gain for oneself the success or recognition
that should have gone to smb. else, by doing
oneself what they had intended to do
to bust smb. to be in a position to give orders, decide what
will happen
to want out the best man of a group of men doing the same
a prince of a guy to cause to leave one activity and follow
another usually less important
to sidetrack (usually passive) to pretend to not know or not understand
to run errands to prove that smb. has done smth. wrong or
to play dumb to wish to leave a place, a situation or
relationship and no longer be involved in it
to nail smb. to do a small job that involves going to collect
or deliver smth.
to pull smth. off to relax and stop being anxious

Chapter 20

to bear-hug smb./a bear-hug to be very determined to get what you want,

especially in business or politics
to be dead serious a) any of the eight smallest and least valuable
playing pieces in the game of chess;
b) an unimportant person who is used by smb.
who is more powerful to achieve an aim
in the dead of the night to embrace tightly
a sitting duck (syn.=a sitting target) to continue to give smb. all the latest news
about smth.
to spring a surprise on smb. to move quickly into or behind smth. especially
to avoid being seen
to set a trap smb. who spends a lot of money carelessly or
risks a lot of money on games, races, etc.
to roll out the red carpet a clever trick that is used to catch smb. or to
make them do or say smth. that they did not
intend to
to duck into/duck lower smb. who is easy to attack or cheat
to pick on smb. to do smth. surprising
a pawn not to care at all about smb. or smth.
to be up to smth./doing smth. (“We in the middle of the night
don’t know what they are up to.”)
not to give a damn (about to make a serious mistake, or to spoil smth.,
smb./smth.) (“I don’t give a especially a situation
a high roller to be doing smth. wrong or secret
to keep smb. posted to be very serious
to play hardball to keep treating smb. badly or unfairly,
especially by criticizing them
to screw up to make special preparations for an important

4. Bring out the economic meaning:

1. “On the next page is a summary of the net profits after expenses.” (Chapter

2. “Then, based on production, they divide the pie.” (Chapter 18)

3. “They launder money like crazy.” (Chapter 19)

5. Grammar Revision

Translate and comment on (identify) the underlined Grammar Patterns:

1. “Lamar leaned as if he had extraordinary news to share.”

2. “Now, they might wait a year or two.”
3. “She drilled a hole in him with her fierce eyes, as if she had caught him in
her purse.”
4. “McDeere is not to leave the city on firm business unless at least two of us go
with him.”
5. “It’s a four-day seminar that we require of all new associates.”
6. “No one seemed to notice him.”
7. “It is time you made a decision.”
8. “I just wish they would leave me alone.”
9. “It’s imperative that you not speak to them…”
10. “…I distinctly heard you say, “Pack the Greenmark file.”
11. “The native counted quickly, sweat dripping onto the boxes.”
12. “It could’ve been Durham or Topeka… But they chose Memphis.”
13. “He married a Morolto in 1930.”
14. “Just keep cool. Keep smiling.”
15. “We will live in morbid fear of being discovered.”
16. “I suggest we move farther from the sliding door.”
17. “The boulevard ceased being a street.”
18. “Tarrance said it without moving his lips.”
19. “I don’t enjoy traveling alone.”
20. “But what do they want?”
“They won’t say.”
21. “No one expects a lawyer to talk about the clients.”
22. “Why not go after one of the partners?”
23. “...and Mitch would stop on the shoulder. He would find a cluster of
trees…and watch the traffic.”
24. “He drove on wishing he had not come.”
25. “In an hour she is supposed to meet a man.”
26. “…everything I said was subject to being heard and recorded.”

6. Exercises

a) On the list of Active Vocabulary find the words synonymous with the

unusual and attractive

to be confused
to move restlessly
to be unaware (of smth.)
unkind; heartless
extremely attractive or beautiful
surprised and shocked
a middleman
b) Translate the following sentences into English making use of the above
Active Vocabulary, Idioms and Grammar Patterns:

1. “Возможно, на Эдди напали из укрытия какие-то бандиты”, –

предположила Тамми.
2. Войлс предложил, чтобы Митч сам взял на себя обязательство
сотрудничать с ФБР. Он объяснил, что с помощью Митча или без,
ФБР сумеет предъявить фирме обвинения в отмывании денег и
налоговых преступлениях и добиться прекращения ее деятельности.
3. “Митч, Директор считает, что тебе давно пора решить, на чьей ты
стороне”, - сказал Тэрренс.
4. Агенты службы безопасности фирмы видели, как Митч вошел в
магазин добровольно, не сопротивляясь.
5. В магазине Тэррренс продолжал говорить о том, что его шеф
ожидает, что Митч примет положительное решение и их
сотрудничество не прекратится.
6. Митча охватил безумный страх, что с ним могут обойтись таким же
образом, как с Ходжем и Козински.
7. Водитель такси то и дело начинал говорить об оставшихся дома
родственниках и вкусной еде, которая ждала его там. Каждый раз в
ответ на это Митч просил его помолчать, обещая оплатить его
8. Гуляя по пляжу, Митч завидовал отдыхающим и жалел, что он был
9. Предполагалось, что за 1000 долларов наличными Эдди Ломакс
сделает несколько фотографий, которые помогут его клиенту
выиграть дело о разводе.
10. “Если твоя красавица-жена увидит эти фотографии, она ни за что
не простит тебя”, – пригрозил ДеВашер Митчу.
11. “Необходимо, чтобы ты прекратил контакты с ФБР. Иначе, мы
вышлем фотографии твоей жене. В конце концов, ты потеряешь ее”,
- заявил ДеВашер.
12. Докладывая партнерам о своей встрече с Тэррренсом, Митч делал вид,
что не понимает, что лекции партнеров о придирках ФБР – это ложь.
На самом деле про себя он думал: “Когда же вы прекратите мучать
14. Когда Локк усомнился в том, что Митч говорит правду, тот не смог
сохранить самообладание и закричал: ”Почему бы вам не заставить
меня присягнуть вам?”
15. “Почему бы не использовать одного из партнеров, а не меня, мелкую
сошку, который имеет дело только с законными клиентами?”-
предложил Митч Войлсу.
16. Когда партнеры узнавали о нелегальной стороне деятельности фирмы,
они продолжали жить и работать, как будто ничего не случилось, так
как все они давали присягу о неразглашении информации.

7. Questions for Discussion

Chapter 16

1. Why did Mitch decide to relieve his soul and tell Abby about the secret side of
his life? How does it characterize them as a couple?
2. Why was it hard for Mitch and Abby to figure out whom to believe?
Chapter 17

1. What does Florida, a popular holiday-makers’ destination, look like in

2. Why was Mitch inclined to describe the neighborhood he had been looking
for as a “slum on wheels”?
3. Mitch found his Mom. What was going on in his heart? Why didn’t he
approach her?

Chapter 18

1. What special event took place at the Bendini firm on 28 December of every
2. What motives made Tammy contact Mitch? Do you think Mitch trusted
her? Why did Mitch suggest that they should be in touch?

Chapter 19

1. How different was the Bendini firm from an average Wall Street law firm,
according to Avery?
2. What is your idea of the secretive night visit of Avery’s to the company jet?
3. Mitch’s meeting with Mr. Voyles: the location, the safety measures, the topics
raised. Was Mitch’s humorous way of greeting Tarrance appropriate? Mr.
Voyles’ vision of the firm’s legal and illegal activities. Did he manage to
convince Mitch that the firm was “the Mafia”, “the Mob” and “illegal as
hell”? Quote the text. Did the things add up for Mitch after his talk with Mr.
Voyles? What mission was assigned to Mitch under the FBI’s game plan
against the Bendini firm? What methods of persuasion did Mr. Voyles use?
Did he threaten Mitch, appeal to his morals or offer money to him?
Mr. Voyles’ list of dos and don’ts Mitch had to stick to in order to survive?
The FBI’s reasons for picking Mitch from among all the Bendini lawyers
were similar to those of the Bendini partners. (Mr. Voyles: “No ties, no
roots… You don’t need the firm. You can leave it.” The partners: He’s
driven… he is hungry… he had been raised in poverty and neglected… he
won’t quit until he’s at the top.”) Whose man was Mitch: the Mob’s or the
FBI’s? Which side do you expect Mitch to take?

Chapter 20

1. Mitch has developed conspiracy skills. How effective are they? Why did
Mitch decide to relieve his soul and speak to Abby openly? How did Abby
respond to the news?
2. Abby couldn’t help thinking about the future. What scenarios did Mitch
consider? Was it the time for joking? Did the couple know whom to believe?
What plan of action did they agree on?
3. Tarrance meets Mitch without his being aware of this intention. Why does
Tarrance insist on Mitch’s reporting the meeting to the partners?
4. Mitch’s reports to the partners. What role did he assume? Did he conceal
anything? Why?
5. DeVasher – the least credulous of all the partners. Why was he sure Mitch
was lying? How was his meeting with Mitch arranged? Can you guess if the
compromising pictures will outweigh the reasons provided by Mr. Voyles and
make Mitch collaborate with the Mafia?
8. Follow-up written assignments

Write a Summary of Part 4. Make use of linking words, the Active Vocabulary,
Idioms and Grammar Patterns of Part 4. Write from 200-250 words. Use the
Summary of Chapter 1 as a model.

9. Commentary

Chapter 16

1. Singles bar=a bar used especially as a meeting place, especially for young,
single people.

2. Watering hole (humorous)=a place where people go regularly to drink


3. Playhouse=a theatre

4. Restroom (AmE)=a toilet (BrE)

5. to squeal on smb. (slang)=to give secret information about one’s criminal

friends to the police

Chapter 17

1. Florida=a state in the southeastern US. Florida is known for having warm
weather all year round and many older people go there to live when they
have stopped working. During the spring break many US college students go
to the seaside towns in Florida for a short holiday. Disney World is in
Florida as well.

2. Mobile=the third most populous city of Alabama situated on the southern

coast of the USA

3. Pensacola=the westernmost city of Florida and a sea port

4. Navarre, Fort Walton Beach, Destin, Sandestin and Panama City

Beach=towns on the southern coast of the USA

5. the Gulf=the Gulf of Mexico=an area of the Atlantic Ocean south of the
USA, east of Mexico, and west of Cuba

6. Labor Day=a public holiday in the US and Canada on the first Monday in
September. It was originally established to honor workers, but now most
people think of it as the last of summer and celebrate it with picnics and

7. Mobile home=trailer house (AmE)=a kind of large caravan in which people

live all the time. Mobile homes have very small wheels and are very rarely
moved from their usual place which is usually in a special area, called a
mobile home park.

8. Turtleneck=a garment with a polo neck (a round rolled collar)

Chapter 18

1. Saloon-type bar (BrE)=a comfortably furnished room in a pub where drinks

usually cost a little more that in the public bar

2. Bud longneck=a bottle of Budweiser

3. To be wasted=to be drunk

4. To snoop on smb. (derog.)=to search or concern oneself with other people’s

property or affairs without permission

Chapter 19

1. Congress=the supreme legislative body in the US, which consists of the

House of Representatives and the Senate. Its main function is to make laws; it
also has the power to change the Constitution of the US. Congress meets in
the Capitol in Washington, D.C.

2. the Redskins=a football team

3. The Hill (AmE)=Capitol Hill, the hill in Washington, D.C. where the Capitol
building (the place where the US Congress meets) stands

4. Goon=hood (slang)=a violent criminal hired to frighten or attack people

Chapter 20

1. Docket=книга записей (журнал) судебных дел к слушанию


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