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Members Attending: Chairman Otto M. Budig Jr., Vice-Chair Barbara Robinson, Secretary-
Treasurer Craig A. Marshall, Members Caprice H. Bragg, C. Joan Dearth, William Erdos, Adam
K. Brandt, Craig Weise and David Wilhelm.

Members Absent:

Ex-Officio Members Attending: Executive Director of the Ohio Arts Council, Julie S. Henahan;
Representative Tracy Maxwell Heard and Senator Bill Seitz.

Ex-Officio Members Absent:

Staff Attending: Kathleen M. Fox, Executive Director; Jillian Burner, Project Analyst; Lex
Leonard, Temporary Project Analyst; Darryl Menerey, Temporary Project Manager; Tony Deleted: Hiram Hubbard, Temporary Financial
Capaci, Project Manager; Jessica DeLong, Administrative Assistant; Jessica Fagan, Analyst;

Communications Manager; Myra LaCava, Fiscal Officer; Amy Rice, Project Manager; Heather
Ruder, Administrative Assistant; Dave Wartel, Assistant Director/COO; Keith Wiley,
Management Information Coordinator and Barbara Witt, Assistant Director for Project Services.

Staff Absent:

Guests Attending: Rachel Gerrick, Attorney General’s Office; John Jefferson, Peter Winzig,
Nancy Heaton, BayArts; Mark Yager, YDesignGroup Architecture Firm and Ndeda Letson,
University Circle, Inc.

Call to Order

Chairman Otto M. Budig, Jr. called to order the first quarter 2010 meeting of the Ohio Cultural
Facilities Commission (“OCFC” or “the Commission”) at 10:00 AM.

Chairman Budig, Jr. announced that he, Bill Erdos and Craig Marshall have been reappointed Deleted: ______________________________
by Governor Strickland to three-year terms. ______________________________________
Deleted: ¶
Approval of Minutes of Prior Commission Meetings

Chairman Budig called for a motion to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2009
Commission meeting. ____________________ moved for approval and
___________________ seconded the motion. Upon Chairman Budig’s call for a vote, the
November 17, 2009 Commission meeting minutes were _______________ with

Call for Public Comment

Chairman Budig welcomed meeting guests and invited requests for public comment. There

Election of Officers Formatted: Font: Bold, Underline

Chairman Budig called upon Commission Member Bill Erdos regarding the election of
Commission Officers. Member Erdos proposed the Commission re-elect the current officers,
Otto Budig, Chairman, Barbara Robinson, Vice-Chairwoman and Craig Marshall, Secretary-
Treasurer for the upcoming year.

Chairman Budig asked if there were any other nominations and hearing none asked if there was
a second, and ____________________ seconded the motion. Chairman Budig then called for
a vote, and the slate of officers was ____________________________________________.

Executive Director’s Report

Executive Director Fox welcomed the local project sponsors in attendance and thanked them
for their work in preparation for the meeting. She also recognized the Commission staff for Deleted: and
their diligent work for the meeting. Deleted: this

Director Fox announced that she had one delegated project to report. She refreshed the board
on the 2006 Capital Bill allowing the Commission to delegate its approval authority to the
Executive Director for projects with appropriations of $50,000 or less. She signed an
administrative action for the Century Village Maple Museum project on December 1, 2009 that
received a $20,000 appropriation to create the Ohio Maple Museum at Century Village a 65-
acre historical village operated by the Geauga County Historical Society.

She brought to the attention of the board that of the three projects approved at the
Commission’s special meeting in July, we have successfully executed two sets of legal
documents. The Commission’s policy is to complete all legal agreements within six months of
the Commission’s approval. To that end, of the twelve projects approved at the August
meeting, we have executed eleven sets of legal agreements. We have already executed seven
sets of legal agreements out of the thirteen projects approved at the November meeting.

Director Fox announced that a new $30 million bond issuance closed yesterday, and the funds
will be deposited into the Commission’s Building Fund to pay project invoices. Copies of the
Official Statement for the bond issuance were distributed to the Commission Members. The
Commission authorized the bond issue at its November 17, 2009 meeting.

In March 2010, the Commission will relocate its offices to the Chase Building at 100 East Broad
Street. The new office will represent 30 percent reduction in square footage, and
arrangements beneficial to the Commission have been negotiated with both our current and
new landlords. The new lease is expected to generate savings for the Commission of
approximately $80,000 in the current fiscal biennium and roughly $50,000 in each successive
fiscal biennium.

Director Fox then called upon Craig Marshall to provide an update on the Commission’s
recently completed audit for Fiscal Year 08-09. Deleted: and all the meetings in 2009.


Irene Lawrence Fuller House (Bay Village, Cuyahoga County) – R-10-01

Staff Presenter: Tony Capaci

Project Manager Tony Capaci provided background information and introduced John Jefferson,
Peter Winzig and Nancy Heaton representing the project. Commission members collaborated Deleted: The
in a discussion about the project including

Chairman Budig asked if there were any further comments, and hearing none, called for a
motion to approve Resolution R-10-01. ___________________________ moved to approve
Resolution R-10-01 and ________________ seconded the motion. Chairman Budig then called
for a vote. The resolution was

Cozad-Bates House (Cleveland, Cuyahoga County) – R-10-03

Staff Presenter: Amy Rice

Project Manager Amy Rice provided background information on the project and introduced
Ndeda Letson representing the project. The Commission participated in a general discussion
about the project, including

Chairman Budig asked if there were any further comments, and hearing none, called for a
motion to approve Resolution R-10-03. _____________________ moved to approve
Resolution R-10-03 and ______________ seconded the motion. Chairman Budig then called
for a vote, and the resolution was
and two abstentions, from Caprice Bragg and Adam Brandt who recused themselves from Deleted: .
participation in this matter.

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center (Cincinnati, Hamilton County) – R-10-04

Staff Presenter: Tony Capaci

Project Manager Tony Capaci provided background information on the project and introduced
Benjamin T. Reece representing the project. The Commission took part in a general discussion
about the project, including

Chairman Budig asked if there were any further comments, and hearing none, called for a
motion to approve Resolution R-10-04. _____________________ moved to approve
Resolution R-10-04 and ______________ seconded the motion. Chairman Budig then called

for a vote, and the resolution was

Executive Session Deleted: Secretary Treasurer’s Report¶

Formatted: Font: Bold, Underline
Chairman Budig made a motion to authorize an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing
_______________________ seconded the motion. Chairman Budig then called the roll of the
voting Commission Members still in attendance. Each of the following members voted in the
affirmative: __________________________________________________________________.
The executive session began at ________________________.

The executive session came to a close at ________________. Upon reconvening to the open
meeting, Chairman Budig reported that the Commission discussed
____________________________________________________________________________. Formatted: Font: Not Bold, No underline


The Chairman asked if there were any additional business items for the good of the order.
Hearing no responses, the Chairman called for a motion to adjourn.
__________________________made a motion to adjourn and __________________________
seconded the motion. Chairman Budig then called for a vote, and the motion was

The February 11, 2010 meeting of the Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission was adjourned at


The following resolutions, all of which were adopted at the February 11, 2010 meeting, are
attached as Exhibit A to these Minutes and are incorporated into and made a part of these

Resolution No. R-10-01

Resolution No. R-10-03
Resolution No. R-10-04

Note: Resolution No. R-10-02 was intentionally not utilized.

Administrative Actions Formatted: Font: Bold, Underline

Formatted: Indent: Left: 0"
The following administrative actions, which were signed by the Executive Director Fox prior to
the February 11, 2010 meeting, are attached as Exhibit B to these Minutes and are incorporated
into and made a part of these Minutes:
Formatted: Tab stops: 2.5", Left

Administrative Action No. A-09-05

Respectfully submitted,

Craig A. Marshall, Secretary-Treasurer

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