Bachmann wk11 CC

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Jenna Bachmann

Burnett & Merchant - Challenge of 21st Century Literacies

A few of the practices stood out to me.

1. Recognize and build on students’ repertoires of textual practices:

Having students build on everyday practices different devices, different modes, and

different forms of media. Why is it significant? Mixing and redesigning the everyday


2. Acknowledge the role of multimodality in meaning making:

There can be a variety of meanings, interpreted in different ways. Students can learn to

create a meaning that is significant to them.

3. Promote collaboration around and through texts in negotiating meaning:

Literacy can be collaborative, and should be collaborative. Students can work together to

recreate and redesign new meanings that are important to the group.

Tan & Guo - One Teacher's New Literacies Practices

Some of the challenges teachers face start with just bringing new literacies in the classroom.

Although most teachers are enthusiastic about new literacies, where do you find the time to fit it

in between all the standards and curriculum you are required to teach? Redesigning current

lessons can be daunting and time consuming. In an ideal world, each school would have a

literacy coach that not only help support student learning, but help create and implement new

literacies practices in the classroom. I think by having lessons that can be implemented in the

classroom would show teachers how easy these lessons are to implement as well as see how the

students react to more multimodal lessons.

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